A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We typically communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.
The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.
We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault uses even-numbered releases, while CDMS uses odd-numbered releases. The most recent Vault General Release is 24R2.0, so our maintenance releases for this version are 24R2.0.2, 24R2.0.4, and so on.
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2025
November 17, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.70 | Build Number: 10865
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Multichannel |
Users are unable to view Multichannel email previews.
DEV-795040 |
November 11, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.68 | Build Number: 10864
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Documents |
In rare cases, processing documents with identical names in quick succession may cause file collisions during OCR, PDF/A conversion, and bookmark editing.
DEV-789641 |
Release Number: 24R2.0.66 | Build Number: 10006-d7e3aca
This release only affects PDF renditions.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Documents |
In rare cases, processing documents with identical names in quick succession may cause file collisions during OCR or PDF/A conversion and bookmark editing.
DEV-791415 |
November 6, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.64 | Build Number: 10858
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Users may encounter discrepancies when running the Update Metrics job in cases where their Vault contains duplicate metrics.
DEV-773950 |
Clinical Operations |
Users may observe incorrect information about question dependencies in Trip Reports.
DEV-775351 |
Clinical Operations |
Users may experience issues with resending failed Distribution Tasks including failures, states not updating correctly, recalled Distribution Tasks being available for resend, and new Study Persons only receiving a single Site Passage on resend.
DEV-778767 |
Clinical Operations |
Weekly Notification jobs may have overly long transaction running times, which may lead to failures or performance issues.
DEV-784656 |
Clinical Operations |
The Create Binders job may not run as expected on studies with a large number of documents.
DEV-788441 |
Quality |
VeevaID Invitees who register outside of using the invite link from Quality may not be imported into the Quality Vault until a manual action is performed.
DEV-789318 |
Regulatory |
Users may receive false positives on ZA rule 6.3.7 for missing hyperlinks in Word documents within Validation Template sections.
DEV-787942 |
October 30, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.62 | Build Number: 10842
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Under certain circumstances, users may encounter a situation where they are unable to create agreements for a ruleset because it has an existing active agreement that points to a deleted Vault.
DEV-780180 |
Platform: Documents |
When searching in a Related Documents list, users may receive a server error.
DEV-772405 |
Platform: Documents |
In certain rare circumstances, Formatted Outputs generated by Vault may display data from objects other than the one for which the user requested the report.
DEV-776797 |
Quality |
For the Auto-Start Periodic Review workflow, unchecking the Create Draft maintains current version setting may not function as expected.
Upon further investigation, this item is behaving as expected. See 24R3 Known Issue DEV-764051 for an updated description.
DEV-778241 |
Vault Connections |
Users without RIM Submissions license are unable to activate the RIM-ClinOps Connection.
DEV-777734 |
Vault Connections |
When using the ClinOps-CRM connection, users may experience performance issues with inbound transfers when a large volume of records is deleted in CRM.
DEV-781332 |
Release Number: 24R2.0.5 (LIMS) | Build Number: 10830
This release only affects LIMS and was originally scheduled for October 29.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Users may receive a server error when attempting to run the Resample or Resample and Keep actions on Lab Samples that are being used both to generate aliquots and to be selected for testing.
VLIMS-3325 |
October 24, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.60 | Build Number: 10814
This release only affects PDF renditions and includes no customer-facing issues.
October 23, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.58 | Build Number: 10809
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Under certain circumstances, Site Connect Safety Distribution jobs may fail.
DEV-782037 |
Platform: Email & Notifications |
Vault may default null values in notification-related fields on the User Profile page to Every Occurrence.
DEV-765316 |
Quality |
The Update Document Change Control State action may fail if an evaluated document that is being made obsolete was previously made effective through another Document Change Control record.
DEV-773558 |
October 16, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.56 | Build Number: 10809
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
The Create Milestones from Templates job may report errors despite completing successfully.
DEV-760412 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, the system fails to resend failed Distribution Tasks to users.
DEV-778767 |
Developer Features: VQL |
Under certain circumstances, users may receive a server erronr when attempting to expand a related records section.
DEV-777023 |
Medical |
Date time fields may be formatted incorrectly in E2B reports.
DEV-777968 |
Platform: Admin |
In cases involving sandboxes that contain files with certain special characters in their names, users may be unable to create a snapshot.
DEV-777024 |
Platform: Checklists |
In some cases, users may receive an error when translating a checklist.
DEV-774569 |
Platform: Documents |
In rare cases, while updating documents, some EDL Items which contain only manually matched documents and no matching fields may be matched to irrelevant documents.
DEV-776728 |
Platform: Email & Notifications |
The Vault email processor fails to correctly process emails for users with commas in their display names.
DEV-756960 |
Quality |
When exporting VPKs including custom layouts, the layouts may be unexpectedly changed, which causes errors when attempting to import them.
DEV-759732 |
Quality |
In some cases, Training Assignments fail to move to the Completed state after the user's eSignature is recorded.
DEV-775887 |
Regulatory |
Under certain circumstances, users may receive a false positive on US Rule 1323.
DEV-777052 |
Vault Connections |
While attempting to create crosslink documents using the Quality - RIM connection users may observe that some fields that should be populated are not.
DEV-778108 |
October 10, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.54 | Build Number: 10006-d7e3aca
This release only affects PDF renditions.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Documents |
In some cases, PDF renditions may incorrectly fail PDF-A validation and thus fail to download.
DEV-770488 |
October 9, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.52 | Build Number: 10761
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Testing a Trained Model in a sandbox Vault may fail if the model contains a document type which does not exist in the sandbox Vault.
DEV-728773 |
Clinical Operations |
When a user attempts to enable Site Connect with an email address that is already assigned to a different User and Person, they receive an unhelpful error message.
DEV-760410 |
Clinical Operations |
VeevaID site users added via self-service may have their access to Site Home removed unintentionally when a Clinical user creates a Study Person for them.
DEV-770809 |
Medical |
In some cases, when a user sends a case response email, the Message field of the Case Response Email record remains blank.
DEV-768078 |
Medical |
Under some circumstances, the Pull Medical Inquiries job succeeds even though some Case Request records are not created.
DEV-768327 |
Platform: Documents |
Under certain circumstances, users may receive a server error when attempting to view a document's Sharing Settings panel.
DEV-769936 |
Platform: Objects |
When a document is updated to a new version, object records with corresponding document reference fields may not capture the version reference change in the audit trail.
DEV-736169 |
Regulatory |
When the Sequence ID is automatically set for multiple submissions within the same batch, the Sequence IDs may be assigned to the incorrect Submission records.
DEV-716212 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, users may receive incorrect results on ZA 3.1 rules.
DEV-768136 |
Regulatory |
Users may receive incorrect ZA 3.4.6 or ZA 4.4.3 validation errors while using the default ZA template.
DEV-770453 |
Regulatory |
Users do not receive a helpful error message when they reach the join record limit.
DEV-770685 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, date filters do not work as expected in Match Document mode in the Content Plan Viewer.
DEV-771085 |
Regulatory |
In Vaults with more than 500 product family-related join records that are related to Active Dossier records, some of them do not appear in the Active Dossier grid.
DEV-774158 |
Site Vault |
The Help link in the Site Vault Profile menu does not direct users to the right place.
DEV-775463 |
October 8, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.4 (LIMS) | Build Number: 10725
This release only affects Vault LIMS.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Users may receive an error when initiating an initial Timepoint for a Lab Study.
VLIMS-2803 |
October 2, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.50 | Build Number: 10723
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Under certain circumstances, new users may not gain access to all the studies to which they were assigned or gain access to studies with email addresses that are no longer associated with those studies.
DEV-767341 |
Clinical Operations |
Users without read permissions on related Milestone objects may receive a server error when running the Apply Milestone Template action.
DEV-768304 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where there is an inactive Person record associated with an active Study Person, users will receive an error when attempting to send Safety Distribution Emails to the person in question.
DEV-772258 |
Medical |
Under certain circumstances, users may encounter reparenting errors on Medical Inquiries.
DEV-764600 |
Medical |
Date time fields may be formatted incorrectly in E2B reports.
DEV-771481 |
Platform: Objects |
Related sections that include picklist fields in criteria VQL may not display accurate data in the output PDF.
DEV-751070 |
Platform: Objects |
During bulk EDL Item creation, if at least one EDL Item record has matching fields and one other EDL Item record does not, the new EDL Item record(s) without matching fields may incorrectly receive up to 1000 of the latest documents in the Vault as auto-matched documents.
DEV-764136 |
Quality |
Under certain circumstances, change actions can be inadvertently moved to another change control, which may lead to incomplete changes.
DEV-767840 |
Quality |
In some cases, Classroom Training Assignments completed via Quiz or eSignature after the corresponding class may not have their Completion Date set.
DEV-769769 |
Regulatory |
ZA validation for rule 2.2.4 does not support Word documents, which may cause unexpected validation results.
DEV-767531 |
Regulatory |
Users may receive a false negative on SG rule 2.2.1 and ZA 2.2.1 for file names with uppercase characters.
DEV-770665 |
Regulatory |
If a user without the correct permissions attempts to run an on-demand publishing job, it becomes stuck running.
DEV-770877 |
Regulatory |
Text based column filtering does not work properly when displaying Active Dossier Items.
DEV-770957 |
Regulatory |
When applying date-time filters in Content Plan Viewer match document mode, the system may select the incorrect date.
DEV-771436 |
September 26, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.3 (LIMS) | Build Number: 15146
This release only affects Vault LIMS.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
When using a Quality-LIMS Document Connection, Product, Country, and Picklist field defaults may fail, which prevents the document from being transferred.
VLIMS-2738 |
September 25, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.48 | Build Number: 10699
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Payments users without the correct permissions may receive an error when attempting to use the Create Fees from Template action.
DEV-760981 |
Clinical Operations |
When a user without the correct permissions attempts to run Metadata Extraction, the Trained Model record may become stuck in the In Training status.
DEV-768062 |
Platform: Documents |
In some cases, users are able to to inadvertently create Link Targets with empty or invalid fields via REST API.
DEV-760982 |
Platform: Documents |
Under certain circumstances, users may receive a server error when attempting to use Send as Link.
DEV-766617 |
Quality |
When using a Quality-LIMS Document Connection, Product, Country, and Picklist field defaults may fail, which prevents the document from being transferred.
DEV-770550 |
Regulatory |
The Dispatch Global Content Plan may only generate the Bulgarian language Content Plan Items rather than all Content Plan Items into EU Submission Content Plans when dispatching from non-root sections.
DEV-767782 |
September 20, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.46 | Build Number: 10662
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Users are unable to populate Connected Study Types on Studies with more than 500 active sites.
DEV-770076 |
Platform: Objects |
Users will encounter an error when attempting to run a Scheduled Data Export for objects that have 60 or more outbound reference fields.
DEV-768228 |
September 18, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.38 | Build Number: 10657
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Vault incorrectly displays "No Documents Found" in the Study Sites panel when no Study Sites are available.
DEV-752846 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, clicking document links within Study Announcement notifications may cause a user to be logged out of their active session.
DEV-752860 |
Clinical Operations |
Users may be inable to view App Stats for Safety Distribution Documents.
DEV-760777 |
Clinical Operations |
Users may receive a server error after resending a Study Invitation to a Study Person.
DEV-763378 |
Clinical Operations |
Under certain circumstances, the Deployment job may become stuck in the Running state, preventing users from deploying trained models.
DEV-764232 |
Platform: Admin |
In cases where a user does not have permission to edit a object record, the system may incorrectly log it as a license exception which does not allow the user to edit.
DEV-764172 |
Platform: Objects |
Users may experience a server error when attempting to view layout sections that reference the Batch object.
DEV-765282 |
QualityOne |
Users may see a red server error banner (but no functional issues) after using the browser's back arrow to navigate between the HACCP Flow Diagram and other pages.
DEV-756861 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, users are incorrectly able to advance in the global to local flow of the Create Related Records wizard without populating the Submission Type field.
DEV-743448 |
Regulatory |
Rule CA I11 may fail to report errors for some legacy dossier types.
DEV-760266 |
Regulatory |
Under certain circumstances, users may receive a false positive on ZA Rule 4.5.3.
DEV-762882 |
Release Number: 24R2.0.40 | Build Number: 5
This release only affects TMF Transfer.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
During TMF Transfer, users may experience errors while uploading the audit trail.
DEV-762733 |
Release Number: 24R2.0.44 | Build Number: 10006-d7e3aca
This release only affects PDF renditions.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Documents |
In cases when there are different fonts in a document that refer to the same font files, a downloaded viewable rendition may be missing some characters.
DEV-764012 |
September 17, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.42 | Build Number: 242.0.42
This release only affects Vault Mobile for iOS.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Vault Mobile: iOS |
Document word search may randomly open and close the keyboard on devices that have been updated to iOS 18.
DEV-766699 |
Platform: Vault Mobile: iOS |
Users who have updated their devices to iOS 18 may receive an error when attempting to complete a task.
DEV-767112 |
September 13, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.36 | Build Number: 242.0.36
This release only affects Vault Mobile for iOS.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Vault Mobile: iOS |
Under certain circumstances, users with custom OAuth profiles may be unable to log into the app.
DEV-755075 |
Platform: Vault Mobile: iOS |
Users may experience crashes when switching document versions while viewing annotations.
DEV-757281 |
Platform: Vault Mobile: iOS |
Users may experience intermittent crashes when opening the app.
DEV-757451 |
Platform: Vault Mobile: iOS |
Vault mobile may crash while the user is viewing sharing settings for documents with a large number of individual sharing assignments.
DEV-761312 |
September 12, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.34 | Build Number: 10618
This release only affects PDF renditions and includes no customer-facing issues.
September 11, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.32 | Build Number: 10612
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
VeevaID users with a timezone not currently in Clinical Operations may receive errors when attempting to perform certain actions.
DEV-752839 |
Clinical Operations |
Users without permissions for the Study Announcement object receive an error when attempting to access the Study Announcements page.
DEV-752840 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, newly created VeevaID users may not be correctly linked to their associated Person records.
DEV-755390 |
Clinical Operations |
When clinical documents are created via Site Home using a SiteVault document, the document date may be incorrect.
DEV-759014 |
Commercial |
Vault may fail to prevent duplicate record creation if the Claim text is a document link annotation on a harvested document.
DEV-752872 |
Platform: Admin |
The Vault Loader mapping field table fails to load when performing an Update or Upsert with a mapping file loaded.
DEV-750506 |
Platform: Admin |
When a user attempts to refresh a sandbox via API, the system may instead create duplicates of an already active Vault.
DEV-758343 |
Platform: Admin |
Users with extremely large Vaults may receive an error when attempting to generate a Config Report for their sandbox snapshots.
DEV-760767 |
Platform: Documents |
When a user makes a copy of a document, the system may incorrectly copy multivalue picklist fields that have been configured not to be copied.
DEV-759531 |
Platform: Performance & UI |
In some cases, users may not see all of the expected breadcrumbs in the Users and Groups tab.
DEV-761088 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Event joins may be unexpectedly copied when a user creates an Activity.
DEV-752269 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Submissions Archive's Delete Orphaned job fails to delete as many documents as it should.
DEV-757142 |
Site Vault |
In some cases, approving a document for use does not set the versions correctly as it should.
DEV-760356 |
September 4, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.30 | Build Number: 10575
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Whenever the EDC to CTMS integration runs, a user exception may be logged.
DEV-744653 |
Clinical Operations |
Users searching for terms including a backslash in the USN search dialog may receive an error.
DEV-748697 |
Clinical Operations |
Users with blank email addresses may cause Distribution Tasks to become stuck in Pending status.
DEV-756858 |
Clinical Operations |
Users with different email addresses in Clinical and SiteVault may be unable to use SiteConnect.
DEV-758771 |
Clinical Operations |
When marking Distribution Tasks as read using the Select All function, users may inadvertently mark all Distribution Tasks for the site as read rather than only theirs.
DEV-760668 |
Clinical Operations |
Under certain circumstances, the Send Site Package job may fail if there is a document in the job with a doctype that is not mapped to a Vault Clinical Document.
DEV-760724 |
Commercial |
Users who olnly have Edit permissions for the Portal object are unable to make changes to the Portal through the UI.
DEV-759482 |
Platform: Admin |
Inactive users may appear in license exception reports.
DEV-759609 |
Platform: Admin |
Users may receive inaccurate reports when checking for app and app family license exceptions.
DEV-760015 |
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow |
Under certain circumstances, users who do not have permissions for all lifecycle states of a record may be unable to view it.
DEV-755052 |
Platform: Search & Filter |
Users may encounter inconsistencies when searching for documents that have been updated in quick succession.
DEV-741115 |
Quality |
When the Class Schedule Lifecycle’s Atomic Security is configured to hide fields in the In Planning state, users receive a Page Not Found error when attempting to access a class.
DEV-752714 |
Regulatory |
Users may receive a false positive on US Rule 1734.
DEV-748180 |
Regulatory |
In cases where a link source and target document pair appear in different submissions and the link source is also a link target, the link may lead to the target in the wrong submission.
DEV-750764 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, documents that were not intended to be published may be incorrectly published through the merge process.
DEV-752270 |
Regulatory |
EAEU Submission Content Plans created after the 24R2.0 release are not accessible in the Content Plan Viewer.
DEV-760235 |
August 29, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.28 | Build Number: 10005-18119d6
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Documents |
In some cases, users may receive an error when generating a document.
DEV-755312 |
August 27, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.2 (LIMS) | Build Number: 10465
This release only affects LIMS.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Users may receive an error when attempting to override a populated calculated result.
VLIMS-2320 |
Users may not see the correct icons on the Study overview page if they use the Result Spec Execution field.
VLIMS-2361 |
Release Number: 24R2.0.26 | Build Number: 10549
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Users are unable to download Study Announcement documents.
DEV-752843 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, when a failed Safety Distribution Task is successfully resent, the action's status is not set to Pending.
DEV-752845 |
Clinical Operations |
The Trip Report Grid Comment field height does not properly expand when text is entered and the Comment column width is decreased.
DEV-753036 |
Clinical Operations |
Users may see errors when processing inbound visits for a connected CDMS study.
DEV-755535 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, newly trained models may revert to the Draft state.
DEV-755852 |
Clinical Operations |
In Site Connect, the Upload Additional Documents dialog may be missing the "Type" column header.
DEV-756384 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where a user has a blank Query field in their custom Field Rule and there is at least one document with an assigned country, no documents will be transferred via the ClinOps - RIM connection.
DEV-757889 |
Quality |
Vault Mobile users whose credentials are configured with SSO/2FA are unable to complete assignments using the eSignature workflow on the mobile Learner Task Page.
DEV-748814 |
Quality |
Users may encounter an infinite loading screen when attempting to access the Documents to be Made Effective/Obsolete with Workflows section of a DCC object.
DEV-756641 |
Regulatory |
Users may receive a false negative on EU: 16.4.
DEV-748407 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, users may receive false negatives on CA Rule C05.
DEV-752267 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, users may receive a false negative on EU 3.0.1 rule 11.10.
DEV-754109 |
Vault Connections |
When a connected Vault is deleted, Admins are unable to reset the connection.
DEV-751670 |
Vault Connections |
For documents with multiple versions processed within the same batch, if there is a document error that causes the job to stop processing, then the subsequent higher versions are not created as Crosslinks in Clinical Vault.
DEV-752969 |
August 21, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.22 | Build Number: 4
This release only affects TMF Transfer.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where a document has already been transferred to a target Vault, the source Vault only updates the metadata of the Steady State version of the document on subsequent transfers.
DEV-748691 |
Release Number: 24R2.0.20 | Build Number: 10515
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Site Connect Site User access is not removed when the Study Site record becomes inactive or archived.
DEV-752841 |
Clinical Operations |
When a new Study Person is created with a Language set and Site Connect User set to True, the new Study Person may not receive their invitation.
DEV-752842 |
Clinical Operations |
In certain cases in Site Connect, the Distribute to Sites action may create a distribution task for a site without a supporting document.
DEV-752844 |
Clinical Operations |
Some admins may see a checkbox without a label in their Admin settings.
DEV-754820 |
Clinical Operations |
Users are unable to mark safety distributions as complete for safety distributions that were distributed prior to 24R2.
DEV-756120 |
Clinical Operations |
During bulk updates with Vault Loader, Site Connect users may rarely be assigned incorrect permissions.
DEV-758701 |
Platform: Documents |
In rare cases, when a user attempts to generate a PDF rendition, it may be incomplete, corrupt, or fail entirely.
DEV-755201 |
Platform: Objects |
Users are unable to remove custom controlled fields from standard layout rules.
DEV-756999 |
Quality |
In some cases, users with existing Class Records receive an error when attempting to complete quizzes.
DEV-755536 |
Regulatory |
For submissions without ATC type classification records, users may encounter DP.7.BR.1 validation errors.
DEV-753403 |
Regulatory |
Vault may fail to up-version documents matched to multiple Content Plan Items after continuous publishing.
DEV-753767 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, users may encounter rejected submissions due to invalid checksums caused by outdated Regional and Index XML.
DEV-754114 |
Regulatory |
Users may receive an error when attempting to publish a submission where the Submission Contains Files field is blank.
DEV-754989 |
August 20, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.24 | Build Number: 10513
This release includes no customer-facing fixes.
August 16, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.18 | Build Number: 10485
This release was originally scheduled for August 15.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Vault File Manager |
RIM users without Vault Loader permissions are unable to import submission files using VFM.
DEV-755552 |
August 15, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.16 | Build Number: 10477
This release only affects PDF renditions.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Documents |
In rare cases, when a user attempts to generate a PDF rendition, it may be incomplete, corrupt, or fail entirely.
DEV-742276 |
August 14, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.14 | Build Number: 10471
This release was originally scheduled for August 13.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, resent Safety Distribution emails may not include the full set of documents that were included in the original email.
DEV-742148 |
Clinical Operations |
If no default configuration is present, eConsent documents transferred from SiteVault to Clinical will be blinded by default.
DEV-748699 |
Platform: Admin |
In some Sandbox Vaults for product families that utilize user-based licensing (Quality, Quality One, RIM, Commercial, Vault Medical, Vault CRM, Vault Safety, RegulatoryOne), admins may get the message “Unable to save user as one or more license limits are reached" when creating users in some rare licensing scenarios. This can happen only when creating cross-domain or VeevaID users (Admin > Users & Groups > Vault Users > Create Cross-Domain Users & Register VeevaID user), when creating/updating users using the user legacy REST APIs or when using Vault Loader on the legacy user object. The Vault Object user interface (Admin > Users & Groups > Vault Users > Create / Edit), REST APIs, and Vault Loader on the user object (user__sys) are not affected.
DEV-753606 |
Platform: Admin |
In some cases, admins may receive a server error when attempting to manage Vault users.
DEV-754956 |
Quality |
Users may encounter an error when attempting to delete a Risk Matrix.
DEV-751380 |
August 12, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.12 | Build Number: 10465
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Platform: Performance & UI |
Under certain circumstances, when a user performs an action that starts a single instance state job, they may experience server errors or performance issues.
DEV-754986 |
August 11, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.10 | Build Number: 10464
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Developer Features: SDK |
In 24R2, we replaced HttpRequest#setContentType(HttpRequestContentType contentType) with HttpRequest#setContentType(HttpRequestContentEnumType). With this fix, existing code using the older format HttpRequestContentType will continue to work.
DEV-754917 |
Release Number: 24R2.0.6 | Build Number: 10463
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Multichannel |
In some cases, a Vault will encounter an error when syncing with CRM causing it to expire CLM presentations.
DEV-754850 |
August 8, 2024
Release Number: 24R2.0.4 | Build Number: 10456
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, users can create but are unable to update Monitoring Visit Participant records.
DEV-738971 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, users may see a blank dialogue for Send Documents/Requests to Site actions even though there are matching documents.
DEV-743397 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, users may be unable to enable SiteConnect on Vaults where it is not already enabled.
DEV-743695 |
Clinical Operations |
Batch registrations of Site Connect users may fail if any of the users are associated with an inactive site.
DEV-743773 |
Clinical Operations |
When a user selects Download in the PAL Document Viewer, the Last Downloaded Date field for all Distribution Tasks related to that document even if that document or those Distribution Tasks are related to other Study Sites.
DEV-745086 |
Clinical Operations |
Users may receive a server error when attempting to make changes to a custom object record.
DEV-752897 |
Commercial |
The Preview page may become stuck on recommendations generation when the Read permission is removed from the CM ruleset object.
DEV-745091 |
Medical |
In some cases, users may receive an error when attempting to use the Revoke Response Link action.
DEV-743683 |
Multichannel |
Users are able to add additional values to picklists when they should not be able to do so and are unable to make the Document field active.
DEV-747772 |
Platform: Admin |
In rare cases, CDMS Vaults may experience server errors on clone.
DEV-742252 |
Platform: Admin |
In rare cases, Vault clone packages may fail when being imported to a new environment.
DEV-743933 |
Platform: Admin |
In some situations, Safety and VaultCRM Vaults may see Object Control Permissions for applications that are not enabled.
DEV-744582 |
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow |
Users are unable to complete the eSignature workflow in cases where another user started it and upversioned separately.
DEV-735541 |
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow |
In some cases, completed Read & Understood tasks remain Incomplete in training reports.
DEV-742000 |
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow |
In some cases, upgrade tasks to asynchronously update Document Lifecycles may fail.
DEV-743394 |
Platform: Objects |
When clicking on the link of a Document Change Request object in the Associated Change Request section, the link always takes the user to Business Admin instead of a page on the front end.
DEV-741984 |
Platform: Objects |
Web sections configured with an edit mode URL are not shown during creation.
DEV-742711 |
Platform: Objects |
Users may receive an error when attempting to use the Print Record action on a record that has Criteria VQL or custom VOF functions in its related objects or documents section.
DEV-747438 |
Platform: Objects |
Under certain circumstances, users may receive an error when attempting to use the Print Record action.
DEV-750041 |
Platform: Objects |
Users that run the Change Object Type API endpoint below a certain version may see a discrepancy in the object type value between the list view and detail view for those records.
DEV-750429 |
Platform: Performance & UI |
The upload buttons on the document creation page are not navigable via the Tab key.
DEV-739248 |
Platform: Search & Filter |
In some cases, users are unable to filter by related child objects in the individual record audit trail.
DEV-748744 |
Quality |
QMS inbound jobs fail in cases where there are 500 or more activity records.
DEV-558624 |
Quality |
Users are able to see buttons that they don't have permissions for on the Training Requirements page.
DEV-742604 |
Quality |
Users may see an Unexpected Error while saving a test step without permission for the Test Step Additional Prompts object.
DEV-743104 |
Quality |
Learners are unable to complete eSignature workflow tasks on Classroom Training Assignments if the class has already been completed.
DEV-743855 |
Quality |
Users who do not have the Create permission on the Complaint object will not be able to create join object records from Adverse Event Report custom app sections.
DEV-744969 |
Quality |
Users may encounter an error when Vault attempts to generate a document from a formatted output via entry action for an Audit record.
DEV-745656 |
Quality |
In some cases, Training Requirements fail to populate with a Study from Curriculum as expected.
DEV-751407 |
Quality |
Under certain circumstances, when using the Assign to Learner Action on a Curriculum, the action may fail to create the Individual Learner Role and leave the IAR records stuck in the Requested state.
DEV-751479 |
Regulatory |
Users may receive a false positive or stale validation on US rules 1323, 1322, and RIM102.
DEV-736919 |
Regulatory |
The RIM Submissions Archive does not currently support South Africa eCTD 3.1.
DEV-742722 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, ZA v3.1 validation may result in internal errors or fail to execute properly.
DEV-749814 |
Site Vault |
Some document lifecycles have the Send to Sponsor CRO action on them when they should not.
DEV-748388 |
Vault Connections |
In cases where users have configured Document Number to include a country or product, CrossLink documents created by PromoMats - Medical Connection will not include the product or country in their Document Numbers, unlike manually created documents.
DEV-747910 |