General Issues

  • In some situations, the push notification setting in the app may default to Off on all Vaults or show an error message when a user tries to update the push notification setting on a Vault. To remedy this, manually log out (tap the Sign Out button) and log back into the app.
  • If a user tries to access a recently refreshed sandbox Vault, they may see an error message when accessing that vault in the app. To remedy this, restart the app (quit and re-launch).
  • The user may see an error message or continuous loading screen on the Library page if there is a security override of Hidden set for that user on any of the following fields: format__v, crosslink__v.

iOS Issues

  • If a user attempts to log into the mobile app and has access to a 21R2.0 Vault, they may get stuck on the initial app loading screen. Once that Vault has been updated to 21R3.0, they will not experience this issue.
  • Document metadata fields that are of type Lookup Field will show an ID instead of a text value, such as the Lifecycle Stage field.
  • Document metadata fields that are of type Object will show an ID instead of a text value if the user does not have access to that object record.
  • The domain name listed for a Vault in the Vault Selector may be incorrect if the Vault name contains parentheses.
  • If the user doesn’t have permissions to view the version creator, no version creator name will be listed in the document’s Version History page.
  • If a user selects both users and groups when adding a Sharing Settings role, they may see an incorrect error message that the action was unsuccessful, even though the action did complete successfully. This does not happen if the user only selects users, or only selects groups to add to a Sharing Settings role.
  • On some smaller phones, the filter icon button in the Sharing Settings page and Vault Selector page may be difficult to tap on.

Android Issues

  • If document subtypes have been added to the configuration after a document was already created and classified in a Vault, the user may not be able to view that document’s metadata fields in the app.
  • If a user tries to log into the app while their Vaults are down for maintenance (or any other error occurs during the login process), the app displays an Invalid Username or Password error message even if the credentials are correct.
  • If a user tries to add someone to a Sharing Settings role that already has a role on the document, the app may display an incorrect error message that the action was unsuccessful, even though the action did complete successfully.
  • Occasionally a user may not be able to see any of their Vaults listed in the Vault Selector side menu. This happens rarely, and sometimes can be fixed by restarting the app (quit and re-launch).