Release Date: April 12, 2024 & April 19, 2024

The following applications may have different release dates: QualityOne client applications, RegulatoryOne, Safety, and Veeva Claims.

The issues listed below may impact Vault functionality for some users. We are actively investigating all known issues and will be providing fixes and updated information in future Vault releases.

Last Updated: August 28, 2024

Brand & Medical Portal

Description Issue No.
Vault may display an incorrect error message when a user without Edit permission on a document attempts to add the document to a Portal widget.   DEV-705526

Clinical Operations

Description Issue No.
In some cases, archived documents fail to transfer to the Target Vault when running CTMS Transfer.   DEV-642713
In Vaults which have been set to a language other than English, the Translated Migration Status field displays an incorrect value of "L" rather than the expected value of "M".   DEV-645779
Users may encounter errors when entering special characters in the Site Connect Document Exchange and Site Home grids.   DEV-662953
When users attempt to copy an existing Metric. Metric Over Time, or Monitored Metric, Vault displays an unexpected error.   DEV-664820
In some cases, when users send a document to Site Vault, Vault fails to populate the SiteVault Document Type on related Distribution Tasks.   DEV-669226
When users update a Holdback Item from Yes to No, Vault fails to update the Adjustment Reason of the Payable Item accordingly.   DEV-669426
Entry Criteria, Entry Actions, and Event Actions for object lifecycles may cause updates made by CTMS Transfer to fail.   DEV-671371
Vault fails to validate input in number fields on Disclosure records, allowing users to enter numbers that are negative or otherwise outside of the field range.   DEV-680479
Vault fails to correctly save information in number fields in the Study Design section of Disclosure records.   DEV-680505
When EDL item creation fails because of an inactive classification, the notification details is unclear about the reason for failure   DEV-680850
In some cases, users are unable to open a Disclosure record once information has been entered in the References section of the record.   DEV-681738
In some cases, the radio buttons for Officials Roles in the Overall Study Official Data Table Grid are not responsive.   DEV-682964
If users change the Site Connect User setting for a Study Person from True to False, Vault incorrectly populates the Access End Date of the SHA record.   DEV-684761
If users attempt to run the Send Document Exchange Email job and there is one or more Distribution Task missing a Sponsor or CRO Document Version, the entire job fails.   DEV-685199
The error message for sending Safety Distribution GAP Pack erroneously contains the word "Optional".   DEV-690846
In some cases, users encounter a server error when attempting to complete and approve a Monitoring Event.   DEV-691311
If the "Connect to CTMS" setting is enabled in the CDMS Vault, but not in the CTMS Vault, Study Data is not successfully transferred from the CDMS Vault to the CTMS Vault.   DEV-691660
If users attempt to initiate Study Archival a second time (after first initiating the action and receiving no notification), Vault displays a server error.   DEV-692530
If the Severity picklist for the Issue object contains custom values, those values cannot be mapped to standard values for the purpose of CTMS Transfer.   DEV-695068
In some cases, Vault fails to correctly link EDL items to the relevant Override Milestone type and instead links only to the generic Milestone Type as specified in the Milestone Template.   DEV-702843
Vault fails to create and link new Milestone Events for Unblinded Monitoring Visits and Unblinded Site Close Out Visits even if users have correctly configured the relevant Milestone Types and Monitoring Event object types.   DEV-703497
Triggers are present that prevent inactive Study Countries from having non-inactive Study Sites.   DEV-704847
MyVeeva User | If a site starts supporting a participant's preferred language in the middle of a study, surveys continue to be displayed in the fallback language. As a workaround, the participant can change their language to another language, and then change it back to the language they want to use.   MYVC-22612


Description Issue No.
Vault partially highlights claim annotations if the claim text includes more than 40 words and is repeated in the document and if one instance of the claim text is a Suggested Link.   DEV-670651
Under certain circumstances, Vault fails to perform Auto-Linking and displays an error if the Language field value is invalid.   DEV-704378
Vault may display incorrect link colors for Claims, Text, Data, and Image assets in the Modular Content document panel.   DEV-706999
Vault may display an incorrect error message if a user performs the Suggest Links action multiple times.   DEV-707945
In Vaults with Add Annotations from Vault Links enabled, Vault may fail to up-version and render Supporting Annotated Labeling and Annotated Reference documents in Compliance Packages.   DEV-708079
Users cannot create a new claim if they attempt to select a Language without a value on the record.   DEV-711041
Vault may fail to provide non-exact matches for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Claim text.   DEV-738919

Developer Features: API

Description Issue No.
In some cases, the List Items at a Path endpoint returns an "invalid cursor" error when a large multi-file load is in progress.   DEV-640912
Using the API to initiate a workflow configured with a default formula date control on the start step may result in a malformed URL error.   DEV-672930
The Job Status page may inaccurately show a completed incremental job before the Direct Data API makes the corresponding incremental file available for download.   DEV-678495
Updating fields on a document using the API may result in an error but not in the UI.   DEV-685192
The Vault REST API Multi-File Load endpoints have poor performance.   DEV-688602

Developer Features: MDL

Description Issue No.
Components may have duplicate inbound names.   DEV-675234

Developer Features: SDK

Description Issue No.
If you modify a pre-existing trigger which was already deployed to your Vault by setting the trigger's annotation to point to an invalid object, the trigger will return SUCCESS even though no updates were made.   DEV-657675
When running a multi-record transaction to execute a user action through ObjectLifecycleStateUserActionService#executeUserAction(), Vault only applies the run-as user ID to the first record in the transaction, and applies the System user ID to all subsequent records.   DEV-674174

Developer Features: VQL

Description Issue No.
The new VQL TOLABEL function throws an error lifecycle state(state__v) if atomic security is applied on the lifecycle state.   DEV-675297


Description Issue No.
MyVeeva Users | During a UAT cycle, when a study builder removes a survey from an event, the removed surveys may still be displayed when the initial event is triggered, even on new participants. As a workaround, when sponsor/CRO staff perform UAT testing, they should ensure that any sites are created for the same region as the sandbox envirnoment.   MYVC-16387
Site Staff, MyVeeva Users | When a site staff member using Study Connect quickly disables and reenables ePRO for a participant which has recently had group changes, multiple instances of the same survey may be available to the participant. If a site staff member experiences this issue, they should wait a few minutes between disabling and enabling ePRO for a participant.   MYVC-18462
Sponsor/CRO Staff | When a study name includes special characters and a windows user downloads a collection using Studio, the .ZIP file may not contain any files. As a workaround, use a different program, such as 7-Zip, to open the file.   MYVC-21195
Sponsor/CRO Staff | When a sponsor staff user runs the UAT data exports from Studio, the reports are empty. As a workaround, the sponsor staff user can download the UAT data exports using Study Home in the sandbox/UAT environment.   MYVC-22024
Site Staff, Sponsor/CRO Staff | When a MyVeeva user completes and submits a survey using the iOS or Android app while offline and then adds different responses in the web app, when their initial device connects to the internet, only the partially answered values will be saved and not the initial responses they submitted while offline. As a workaround, the user should cmplete the survey in one app and submit it. For example, don't start a survey in the iOS app and then finish it in the web app.   MYVC-22386
MyVeeva User | If a site starts supporting a participant's preferred language in the middle of a study, surveys continue to be displayed in the fallback language. As a workaround, the participant can change their language to another language, and then change it back to the language they want to use.   MYVC-22612


Description Issue No.
After Vault automatically creates Medical Inquiries from emails, Vault may incorrectly perform Product matching.   DEV-684081
In some cases, Vaults using Medical Inquiry CRM Data Sharing may fail to push mapped fields to CRM.   DEV-706959


Description Issue No.
Vault may fail to create a new draft version for an Approved Email Template if the document includes an empty asset ZIP file.   DEV-707113

Platform: Admin

Description Issue No.
Importing a VPK may fail if the VPK contains an Appsecurityrule.   DEV-675475
In rare cases, Vault displays the Vault Users tab inside of the Layout Profiles tab.   DEV-693171
When retreiving audit trail entries, the message "Some results may be hidden by Field Level Security" may appear in cases where none of the entries are hidden by Field Level Security.   DEV-699781
After adding an object reference field to a custom object that references the same object, Vault incorrectly adds the reference field to any newly created page layouts by default.   DEV-709023

Platform: Checklists

Description Issue No.
Users receive a Server Error when adding a question from the Library to Visual Checklist Designer (and vice versa) if the user has no FLS permissions for the Library object.   DEV-691591

Platform: Documents

Description Issue No.
When an Admin inactivates the standard Library tab, the Where Used view shows a "Page Not Found" error.   DEV-650117
Vault renders back-to-back tables in XML documents on separate pages with a maximum length of 200 inches per page.   DEV-653224
When a document is rendered with Optical Character Recognition (OCD) enabled, metadata becomes missing on the viewable rendition.   DEV-662107
Password protected PDFs with images fail the rendition process when Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is enabled.   DEV-664543
In some cases, users may encounter an error when attempting to update crosslink documents.   DEV-668779
The date fields on the Rendition Status page shift by one day if the is in the range filter is used.   DEV-671096
Users can merge document fields with rich text tokens, which causes the field to display incorrectly in the document.   DEV-679513
In some cases, uploading a password protected PDF as a manual rendition results in a blank viewable rendition and a missing Re-render Document button under the Actions menu.   DEV-684904
When using the select tool, the context menu may appear in the wrong location if the user attempts to select more than the word limit.   DEV-695049
In some cases, when a screen's resolution is lower than 800px or when the browser zoom is set below 100%, the OK button on the Edit Columns to Display window becomes missing. This error occurs when editing columns on a report.   DEV-702129
In some cases, RIM Validation fails to validate PDF documents and encounters an "out of memory" error.   DEV-702579
Users are unable to copy text by holding down the C key and selecting the desired text in the attachment viewer.   DEV-702714
In some cases, the Table of Contents fail to generate and encounter an error when a Microsoft Word document is rendered.   DEV-703602
Users may encounter an "Out of memory" error when rendering Microsoft Word documents with over 15,000 pages.   DEV-703833

Platform: Email & Notifications

Description Issue No.
Content is truncated to 1500 characters in emails and notifications created from templates that contain plain text or long text.   DEV-701192
In some cases, Vault fails to assign Training Reminder notification templates to the Tasks category after migration.   DEV-705928

Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow

Description Issue No.
Users may encounter a server error when auto-starting a document workflow from a state change.   DEV-645940
When users change the lifecycle state from Planned to Completed on a Qualification to Complete record that has blank custom fields, Vault displays a server error.   DEV-661597
When using the Advanced Start Workflow options, if some documents do not meet user action conditions for the selected workflow, the error message that appears is unhelpful.   DEV-699270
When using Advanced Start Workflow, when the workflow has multiple conditional rules and the first rule fails, users are unable to proceed past the Edit Workflow Details page.   DEV-705617
When using Advanced Start Workflow, if a user selects a workflow with a start step field prompt but does not have Edit permission on the fields, Vault displays a server error.   DEV-708402

Platform: Localization

Description Issue No.
The warning banner message for exceeding binder limits may display in English even in Vaults with non-English translations.   DEV-703680

Platform: Objects

Description Issue No.
Users may encounter an error when attempting to save a new object record with an inactive field that's configured as Display as Required.   DEV-650200
When a user deletes an object record referenced by another object record, the audit trail may show the action on performed by the user instead of the system on behalf of the user.   DEV-673716
Vault attempts to create a join object even if the related object does not appear in the selection dialog, resulting in an error.   DEV-678686
Vault may not allow you to create layouts for inactive objects.   DEV-680482
Users may encounter an error when attempting to edit an inbound document related to a duplicate object record in the process of being merged.   DEV-684698
The corporate currency abbreviation field value may differ between the record list view and the detail view.   DEV-693521
When manually changing the state of a record, if that state change triggers a Cancel Workflow Entry Action which reverts the record back to the previous state, Vault records the audit entry for the reverted state change as initiated by 'System on behalf of {username}' instead of 'System'.   DEV-695300
Users may experience a server error when saving changes to page layouts for object types with system-managed record names.   DEV-699394
Users may encounter a server error when attempting to delete a custom layout for an object type with a required field.   DEV-701436
When viewing an object record detail page in edit mode, clicking Cancel with unsaved changes and then zooming in or out on the page causes Vault to darken the screen with each zoom and display multiple "Cancel/Continue" dialogs, each of which users must dismiss to exit the screen.   DEV-704557
Users may encounter an error when creating the first custom layout for an object type with standard or system layouts.   DEV-704720
Users experience a server error when viewing an object record with a layout rule that evaluates as invalid.   DEV-706111
If a user selects multiple picklist values for the controlling field of a dynamic reference constraint, the controlled field shows incorrect values, and Vault displays an error when the user attempts to save.   DEV-706870
If a user clears values from a multi-value picklist field that is the controlling field of a dynamic reference constraint, the controlled field is not grayed out and shows "No matches found."   DEV-707790

Platform: Performance & UI

Description Issue No.
On the Create Layout Profile page, the Label field does not have an asterisk (*) to indicate it is required.   DEV-647470
The Delete button is missing from the Details page of custom layout profiles.   DEV-668279
The Vault UI may incorrectly show all available values when a user attempts to select a value to configure a user action on an object lifecycle.   DEV-670678
When a page layout description contains an unsupported character such as an emoji, Vault displays a server error instead of a helpful error message.   DEV-676289
When there is a layout rule on the Help Control field in a page layout Details section, the field is missing the "Fx" icon.   DEV-683143
In some cases, tooltips block users from selecting checkboxes and radio buttons.   DEV-689551
When users create an anchor annotation in the Select Permalink window, the window attempts to close itself.   DEV-691048
Vault does not properly align long text fields in two-column sections when the browser is maximized.   DEV-700814
The Find in Document search field disappears when the width of the document viewer toolbar is set to 1,000 pixels or less.   DEV-705622

Platform: Reporting

Description Issue No.
Dynamic Distribution Flash Reports may send emails to manually added Users even if no data meets the criteria.   DEV-608961
Table charts fail to show data for the first column after a grouped column field in a report. This error occurs when the dashboard's underlying report contains grouped columns with aggregate functions.   DEV-683223
In some cases, users may run into an error when configuring and editing table charts in a dashboard.   DEV-684357
Table charts fail to display results if a Number or Gauge chart is included in the dashboard and a prompt exists on the underlying report.   DEV-685637
Under certain conditions, the Generate Document from Report action fails.   DEV-694460
When attempting to drop a report referenced by dashboards through MDL, the resulting error message fails to list the referenced dashboards.   DEV-698353
After refreshing the Reports or Dashboards Sharing Settings page, the Sharing Settings breadcrumb does not display on the page as expected.   DEV-700514

Platform: Search & Filter

Description Issue No.
The Show in Tab filter may behave unexpectedly when using a related object section based on a simple join relationship.   DEV-653853
Under certain circumstances, the search bar fails to refresh when navigating to the Business Admin Main Objects page, which may result in the incorrect search bar being displayed.   DEV-661492
In cases where no searchable tabs are active, the Business Admin search bar watermark may persist, even after navigating away from a Business Admin object list.   DEV-661938
Under certain circumstances, users without permission to view documents may still be able to see them via sorting and filtering.   DEV-663490
Task Name appears in the incorrect position in the Edit Columns dialog.   DEV-668526
Users may receive a server error when performing a Global Search including the ß character.   DEV-677496
Vault does not return search results for synonyms if no results are found for the exact search term.   DEV-680149
In some cases, sorting documents by name may show them in the incorrect order.   DEV-687556
Atomic updates to object records do not update the index_timestamp field.   DEV-689999
Search may fail to match on synonyms when the entered term has no exact matches.   DEV-692078
Users may receive a Server having problems error when entering an invalid search in a tab with facets.   DEV-693259
When a VQL query search includes multiple search terms and has a single quote within a search term, no results will be returned.   DEV-700148

Platform: Vault Mobile

Description Issue No.
The user may see an error message on the Library page if there is a security override of Hidden set for that user on any of the following fields: format__v, crosslink__v, filename__v.   DEV-580283
In some cases, Vault names may be displayed incorrectly in Vault Mobile.   DEV-706259

Platform: Vault Mobile: Android

Description Issue No.
Default field values may not be populated as expected when completing a task on Vault Mobile.   DEV-672787

Platform: VeevaID

Description Issue No.
Users may encounter an unexpected error when resetting their password with an invalid first name.   DEV-641965


Description Issue No.
In Validation Management, workflow tasks may not be updated after updating Validation Team assignments when the workflow is configured with the "Use Role as participant" option, and the workflow task has "Assign to all users in participant group" checked.   DEV-598508
In certain cases, deleting a Related Objects to Secure configuration from a Quality Team configuration on a custom object may fail to delete all associated components.   DEV-683470
After adding VQL criteria to the Mitigation Action field on the Assessment Risk Mitigation object, Vault may display an error when the Mitigation Action dialog is displayed in the Risk Builder.   DEV-686623
In Validation Management, in Vaults with both Family Validation and Template Requirement functionality configured, performing the Import Template Requirement Set action may fail and result in a job log error.   DEV-697598
The Auto Manage Persons job runs but does not create Person records in cloned Vaults until the job runs a second time.   DEV-700690
Vault may fail to display unsaved changes to the additional prompt of a saved Test Step after a user updates the prompt label, deletes the additional prompt, and restores it.   DEV-704487
Vaults with an existing association between Complete state type and Approved state on the FMEA Risk Assessment Lifecycle, FMEA Risk Event Lifecycle, or FMEA Mitigation Action Lifecycle may lose that association, requiring an Admin to re-associate the Complete state type to Approved in the lifecycle configuration.   DEV-706011
In Vault LIMS, copying or versioning a Spec Data record that references a cancelled record produces a server error.   VLIMS-113
When a user executes the Generate Document from Report user action after they input any report values and, if applicable to the report, click Continue, Vault LIMS does not generate a document.   VLIMS-719


Description Issue No.
When a user attempts to view an Auditor Profile record but is missing Read permissions for fields on the Role Qualification Status object, a server error message displays.   DEV-660220
When custom sharing rules are enabled on the Inspection object, in rare cases users receive an inaccurate error summary email after submitting multiple COA files via email intake for the same Inspection record.   DEV-663306
If a user refreshes the Information panel while viewing details for a selected HACCP Plan Process Step that no longer exists, a server error message displays.   DEV-664928
In some cases when a user encounters an error while attempting to edit a HACCP Flow Diagram and then immediately opens a different HACCP Flow Diagram in the same tab, Vault displays the error message from the previous diagram on the newly opened diagram.   DEV-676781
When a user with a preferred language other than English receives an error message upon attempting to enter Edit mode on a HACCP Flow Diagram, the error message is not translated into the user's preferred language.   DEV-677406
If users attempt to remove the value for the Step Connection Type field on the HACCP Plan Process Step Connection object while using the Information panel to edit a HACCP Flow Diagram, Vault displays both an inline and dialog error message.   DEV-677560
Vault does not translate the Welcome, Welcome Back, and Goodbye email messages sent when activating or deactivating a new or existing External Collaborator user account into the External Collaborator's preferred language.   DEV-677853
In rare cases and if the total number of records exceeds the display limit, the total number of records indicated in the CCP-Hazard Analysis section of a HACCP Flow Diagram’s Information panel is inaccurate.   DEV-678965
When users click and drag while holding down the Shift key to select multiple elements on a HACCP Flow Diagram immediately after creating or repositioning a HACCP Plan Process Step, the newly created or repositioned process step remains selected.   DEV-679050
In some cases, Vault displays an inaccurate error message when a user attempts to reposition a HACCP Plan Process Step Connection after losing Read permission for the Label (label__v) field on the HACCP Plan Process Step Connection object while editing a HACCP Flow Diagram.   DEV-680540
Optional HACCP Plan Process Steps do not display properly on the HACCP Flow Diagram in version 15 of the Safari® browser.   DEV-681588
In some cases, selecting Edit twice rapidly from a Material HACCP Plan Process Step’s Actions menu opens two (2) ingredient selection dialogs.   DEV-681679
When a user selects multiple HACCP Plan Process Step Connections on a HACCP Flow Diagram and then opens the Actions menu on one (1) of the selected connections, all connections remain selected.   DEV-681702
In some cases when users hover over a Material HACCP Plan Process Step on a HACCP Flow Diagram, the HACCP Plan Ingredients associated with the process step do not display.   DEV-681886
When a user selects multiple HACCP Plan Process Steps on a HACCP Flow Diagram in Edit mode and then hovers over a related HACCP Plan Process Step Connection, the Actions menu icon displays behind the connection.   DEV-682330
If a user’s preferred language is set to Spanish, French, or German, the text truncates on the Edit mode and View mode buttons of HACCP Flow Diagrams.   DEV-682813
The APQR Create New Draft record action may take up to 20 seconds to complete.   DEV-684664
When users click the Tab key to open the Actions menu on a selected HACCP Flow Diagram element, “No actions available” text displays instead of the expected menu items.   DEV-686149
In some cases, a loading spinner icon does not display under the HACCP Plan Process Step Group section when users refresh the Information panel while an element is selected on a HACCP Flow Diagram.   DEV-686477
In some cases when users launch or refresh a HACCP Flow Diagram, the diagram does not adjust to display within the canvas.   DEV-686525
In some cases, Reference Documents for audit checklist questions do not display on assigned audit checklists.   DEV-693854
Users see an error message when they click on the canvas of a HACCP Flow Diagram immediately after closing a Material HACCP Plan Process Step’s ingredient selection dialog.   DEV-695396
In some cases when users click on the Actions menu of a HACCP Plan Process Step Connection on the HACCP Flow Diagram, the HACCP Plan Process Step Connection is not selected.   DEV-706334
In some cases when analyzing a COA file, text extraction for characteristics is not consistently successful.   DEV-707981


Description Issue No.
After successfully merging content plans on demand, Vault does not update the Dossier Status from Merge in Progress to Publishing Inactive.   DEV-635566
In some cases, resolved automated links do not navigate to the latest document version.   DEV-638252
In some cases, an Active Dossier Item Detail is created when a Content Plan Item is inactive.   DEV-675425
When creating and managing Event details in bulk, Vault does not create an Event relationship record if the user does not have Edit permission for a field with a default value.   DEV-679522
When editing the last cell visible on the Content Plan Viewer, the user is not able to the entire inline editing box.    DEV-680867
When users view a Global Content Plan from an Activity and apply a filter to any Matched Document column, Vault overrides default Activity filters for impacted markets and displays Content Plan Item Document Sets for all markets.   DEV-681878
When creating and managing Event details in bulk, picklist values which should be hidden via override are displayed for inline editing.   DEV-682549
When creating and managing Event details in bulk, Vault displays date fields in the user’s timezone instead of the Vault’s timezone.   DEV-684799
When using deselect all, an error message is displayed that contains the document version that a user does not have access to view.   DEV-688887
When users include non-numeric characters while filtering on a column for a number field, the Content Plan Viewer displays a server error.   DEV-689281
In some cases, Submission XML is generated in the incorrect order, causing imports to fail   DEV-690115
When using the Dispatch Global Content Plan dialog box, the tooltip hides the radio button and the user must perform a second click to select the radio button.   DEV-692720
When empty spaces are added to dropdown filters on the Active Dossier Viewer, users receive a server error.   DEV-693318
When submitting to CBER with a Study Start Date defined in a simplified TS.XPT file which is not required, Vault may incorrectly flag validation rule 1736.   DEV-693379
In some cases, Vault displays record IDs instead of record names when users manage Event details in bulk and make updates in Advanced mode.   DEV-695458
In some cases, the sub sections under country section in the Submissions Archive Viewer are not merged.   DEV-696759
In some cases, Submissions Archive Viewer displays more than one section with the same Name under a Country section, which should display as one merged section.   DEV-699610
Vault does not generate a comparison or notify users of comparison failure if a target Submission Content Plan is undergoing certain updates (state changes) at the time of Global Content Plan dispatch.   DEV-702348
When a source document has multiple translations within a Submission, Active Dossier records do not properly create for each translation.   DEV-703792
After merging sections in a Report Level Content Plan (RLCP), any subsequent section-level merges do not update the title of the published document if the title is updated on the RLCP.   DEV-704086
In some cases, Rule VRSP0024 is broken if section merge is set to yes.   DEV-704123
In some cases, Vault calculates the Active Dossier Status of non-eCTD Active Dossier Item Detail records referencing the same Regulatory Objective but different Applications and Submissions.   DEV-705108
In some cases, Rule RSP0021, VRSP0023 is broken if section merge is set to yes.   DEV-705866
In some cases, Vault creates duplicate Application relationship records when dispatching a Global Content Plan with Copy Relationships and Enable Application Relationships enabled.  Internal issue published in error. DEV-706002
The Create Related Records wizard fails to create the expected object records when the user does not have Create permission for an inactive field on that object.   DEV-706322
In some cases, “Pending Superseded” Active Dossier Item Detail record statuses are updated to null (blank) during Active Dossier Status calculation.   DEV-706928
In some cases, Vault displays an incorrect Date field value under the Regulatory Objective and Submission steps of the Split Activities wizard.   DEV-709327
In some cases, Vault displays a blank Edit & Verify screen when users edit field values while verifying Registered Details.   DEV-709387


The RegulatoryOne release, including all Platform known issues, is targeted for tentative availability on April 30, 2024.

Description Issue No.
The "Auto create document from template" action fails if the Create Document from Template Failed notification is inactive.   OLS-26886
The Import Questionnaire action fails if the Import Questionnaire Job Success notification is inactive.   OLS-27005
The Create Quantitative Assessments action fails if the Create Quant Assess Job Success notification is inactive.   OLS-27006
Vault displays a server error when a user runs the Generate Requirements action on a Registration Item with a Generate Requirements Job Status value of In Progress and they do not have Read permission on the Requirement object.   OLS-28679
In some cases, users see a server error when trying to view Matching Registrations in the Search Registration dialog if they do not have Read permission on the Registration object.   OLS-29118


The Safety release, including all Platform known issues, is targeted for tentative availability on April 18, 2024 & April 26, 2024.

Description Issue No.
When a double-blinded Study Case has multiple products with dose information populated, upon unblinding, blind-protected values are only populated for the Primary Case Product.   SAF-51202
In some cases, users with the Case Processing security profile encounter a server error when creating an Inbox Item.   SAF-51937
For PMDA Cases, users receive an error when creating a Follow-up Case where multiple localized Case Assessments are linked to a single global Case Assessment.   SAF-52027
For a Study with Arms, when a Product is added to the Inbox Item and the Inbox Item is promoted to a Case, the resulting Case has one blinded Product Indication record rather than one blinded and one unblinded record.   SAF-52686
Some UI labels related to the Safety-EDC Connection do not appear in English.   SAF-53973
When Inbox Items with unblinded Study Products are promoted to Cases, the Case-level Product field is set to the primary Study Product.   SAF-53993
Users who have been assigned the Lock Manager permission set receive an error when editing the Locked By field.   SAF-54400
Study Product Substances from an Inbox Item are not copied over upon promotion to Case.   SAF-54906
For PMDA Cases, when a new Product Registration is added to a Case Product that is already associated with a Product Registration, an extra Localized Case Assessment Result record is generated.   SAF-56144
The MedDRA browser shows no results when searching for a non-LLT term ending with a right parenthesis.  Further investigation revealed that this issue does not affect General Release Vaults. SAF-56427
When a Study Case is unblinded, the Blinded field is still set to Yes.   SAF-56804
Users with the Case Processing security profile are able to edit Cases in the Approved state and they receive an incorrect error message when trying to edit Cases in the Closed state.   SAF-56890
The Narrative Preview field is not immediately populated on Follow-up Cases created from imported Cases.   SAF-56982
In some cases, a Case Product's lifecycle state is changed to Active upon Follow-up Case creation.   SAF-57186
Case Product Registrations added to a Case are not copied over to subsequent Follow-up Cases.   SAF-57328
Localized Follow-up Cases have duplicated Case Product Substance records if the initial Case and Follow-up Case have a record for the same Substance.   SAF-57784
When the Base Language is set to Japanese, some values in the Message Catalog for the Sender Based Inbound Validations group are not translated.   SAF-58258
Users who run the Import Articles from File action are not set as the owners of the resulting Literature Article records.   SAF-52531
When generating a PSMF PDF, the included logbook is renamed.   SAF-53115
In a PSMF PDF's table of contents, links to documents within the PDF do not work if the document names include special characters.   SAF-57274

Vault Connections

Description Issue No.
While using the RIM to PromoMats Vault connection, Vault may fail to transfer Labeling type documents.   DEV-703871

Veeva Claims

The Veeva Claims release, including all Platform known issues, is targeted for tentative availability on April 30, 2024.

Description Issue No.
When a user receives a notification about a comment they've been tagged on, clicking on the link in the notification may not take them directly to that comment if an Admin has configured comments on an object layout with multiple pages.   OLS-24432
In some cases after a user runs the Clone Project icon and searches for specific records in the dialog, the icons to select or unselect all records on all pages does not update as expected.   OLS-27482