Maintenance releases fix issues that affect customers in production environments. We typically document the release at least twenty-four hours before the deployment. This list documents only fixes to general releases, and the list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the deployment.

The issues below are now fixed. See the ePRO section on the Known Issues page for page for additional issues that staff and MyVeeva users may encounter.

Last Updated: Aug 19, 2024

July 22, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.12

This release includes updates that are not visible to users.

July 19, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.11

This release includes updates that are not visible to users.

July 12, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.10

Category Description Issue No.
ePRO - Data Changes Site Staff | Numbers are displayed as expected on reports. Previously, some numbers included an E and addition for the number, for example, 41 was displayed as 4E+1.   MYVC-24702
ePRO Site Staff | When a participant is added from a connected SiteVault study and the preferred language selected in SiteVault is not available for the ePRO study, site staff are prompted to select another language.   MYVC-24514
ePRO Site Staff | If a site staff member enters an event date that triggers no surveys because all schedules are in the past, the user can update the date. Previously, the updated date was not saved and the survey list did not load.   MYVC-24486

June 28, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.9

Category Description Issue No.
General UI MyVeeva Users | The To Do list is updated as expected on iOS devices when the user opens an eConsent notification from the notification bell icon.   MYVC-21049
General UI MyVeeva Users | When the user selects View Steps on the Account > Settings page on an Android device, the Privacy Policy opens in their preferred language. Previously, the English version always opened.*   MYVC-22179
General UI MyVeeva Users | Survey images load as expected on Android devices.*   MYVC-23740
ePRO - Patient Surveys Site Staff | Survey titles are updated as expected when a site staff member changes the participant's preferred language.   MYVC-23053
ePRO - Site Experience Site Staff | Site staff can now see surveys for participants who are in multiple studies as expected. Previously, an error message was displayed and no surveys could be viewed when the user selected an event.   MYVC-23167
ePRO Vault Sponsor/CRO Staff | Sponsor and CRO Staff can select Bulgarian (Bulgaria), Danish (Denmark), and Greek (Greece) as supported patient languages.   MYVC-23087

* The Android issues were released on July 2 because of a Google Play update processing issue.

June 14, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.8

Category Description Issue No.
ePRO Vault Sponsor/CRO Staff | UAT can be conducted with sites in different regions than the sponsor ePRO Vault as expected. Previously, UAT could not be conducted with sites in different regions.   MYVC-23481
ePRO Site Staff | You can now add any participants from SiteVault to ePRO as expected. Previously, only participants with a status of Candidate could be added successfully.   MYVC-24026

May 24, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.7

Category Description Issue No.
ePRO - Collections Sponsor/CRO Staff | Notifications are displayed as expected in the ePRO collection documents for right-to-left languages.   MYVC-23456
ePRO - MyVeeva Users MyVeeva Users | Participant survey notifications are sent as expected after the site activates a new study version. Previously, notifications triggered immediately after activation may not have been sent.   MYVC-23319
ePRO - MyVeeva Users MyVeeva Users | Email notifications display words in the expected order for right-to-left languages.   MYVC-23423

May 22, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.6

Category Description Issue No.
ePRO - MyVeeva Users MyVeeva Users | Push notifications are sent as expected in the iOS app. Previously, some were not sent.   MYVC-23017

May 17, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.5

Category Description Issue No.
ePRO - Vault Sponsor/CRO Users | When a collection is updated and UAT started again, updates are released as expected. Previously, updates were not released.   MYVC-23354
ePRO - Studio Sponsor/CRO Users | Japanese language audits are logged as expected. Previously, when a new event was added, unnecessary Japanese language audit items were logged.   MYVC-23068

May 3, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.3

Category Description Issue No.
ePRO - MyVeeva Users MyVeeva Users, Site Users | In the Web app, the Submit button is always disabled after a user submits the survey. Previously, the Submit button sometimes remained enabled.   MYVC-22681
ePRO - Patient Surveys MyVeeva Users, Site Users | In the iOS app, if the user selects an optional answer for a text entry question, their response can be submitted successfully. Previously, if the user selected an optional answer choice and submitted the survey, the optional answer would sometimes become deselected.   MYVC-22462
ePRO - Patient Surveys Site Users | When viewing a completed survey, any placeholders in text or number entry questions are displayed with the placeholder formatting. Previously, the placeholder text was displayed with incorrect formatting.   MYVC-22459
eConsent - PDF Generation Site Users, MyVeeva Users | If no time zone is configured for a site when a consent form is sent, the signed time is displayed in the expected format in the default UTC timezone. Previously, the raw UTC datetime value was displayed.   MYVC-22082
ePRO - SiteVault Integration Sponsor/CRO Users | During a UAT cycle, when a user removes a schedule from a survey and starts UAT again, the schedule is no longer triggered. Previously, surveys were sometimes triggered by a schedule that was removed.   MYVC-16387

April 26, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.2

Category Description Issue No.
ePRO - Site Site Staff | A site user can now see all of a participant's surveys that are associated with an event when they view the event. Previously, that information was sometimes not loaded, causing a page load error to display.   MYVC-22895
ePRO - Site Site Staff | For studies in Veeva ePRO, surveys are scheduled for availability based on the respondent's time zone. Previously, availability was based on UTC time.   MYVC-22723

April 22, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.1

Category Description Issue No.
ePRO - Reporting Sponsor/CRO Staff, Site Staff | When a MyVeeva user submits a survey offline, the survey submission time is recorded as expected when the app reconnects to the Internet. Previously, the time when the survey was successfully submitted to the server was recorded as the submission time.   MYVC-22623