A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We typically communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault uses even-numbered releases, while CDMS uses odd-numbered releases. The most recent Vault General Release is 20R2.0, so our maintenance releases for this version are 20R2.0.2, 20R2.0.4, and so on.

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2024

November 25, 2020

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
In some cases, the internal structure of renditions include an extra line preceding the end of file marker in the file trailer. DEV-352405

November 18, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.48 | Build Number: 1237

Category Description Issue No.
Documents When a user brings forward annotations that include tags to a new version of a document, for example, from version 1.1 to 1.2, and then brings those annotations forward again to another new version of the document, for example, 1.3, Vault fails to bring forward annotation tags to version 1.3 and any subsequent versions. DEV-362358
QualityOne In some cases, Vault fails to complete the Update Training Assignments job. DEV-361990

November 11, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.46 | Build Number: 1214

Category Description Issue No.
Documents Users cannot create Claim Link annotations when there are both active and inactive references that point to the same document / anchor. DEV-361002

November 4, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.44 | Build Number: 1204

Category Description Issue No.
Admin In some scenarios, the Performance Statistics objects shows 0 for “Attachment Count” when there are more than 0 attachments. DEV-350822
Clinical Operations In some cases, Milestone values may not be stored if a document with EDL items is versioned up while Vault is populating Milestones. DEV-354138
Quality Vault allows users to create Containment records prior to the 20R3.0 release. DEV-356751
Quality When eLearning is enabled, users cannot create a draft version of a binder. DEV-356176
Regulatory The Vault MedDRA Loader fails to load MedDRA Version 23.1. DEV-353446

Containment Object Record Limitation

Creation of records for the Quality standard object Containment (containment__v) has been disabled until the 20R3.0 release. The Containment object supports future Vault functionality.

October 28, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.42 | Build Number: 1184

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Performing the “Provide Original” action multiple times on the same Expected Document results in an error. DEV-354652
Lifecycle & Workflow While in timeline view, expanding the details of a workflow results in an error. DEV-354621
Reporting In some cases, Workflow with Document reports fail to load. DEV-355011

October 21, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.40 | Build Number: 1168

Category Description Issue No.
Documents While the daily EDL Items automatching job is running, manually matched documents do not stay matched and are removed after the job completes. DEV-351614
Performance & UI The record selection pop-up dialog may close unexpectedly if activated from an object reference field in a related object section. DEV-352808
Clinical Operations In some cases, Milestone values may not be stored if a document with EDL items is versioned up while Vault is populating Milestones. DEV-346935
Clinical Operations Under certain conditions, selecting Inactivate from a document's Actions menu will result in a “Product not valid for specified study” error. DEV-355218
Regulatory When a Canadian submission regional XML is published with the “m1-2-5-compliance-and-site-information” section, the XML is invalid because “Information” is capitalized in the XSD. DEV-352992

October 15, 2020

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
In some cases, large TIFF files fail to render. DEV-346175
Some Microsoft Word™ documents with Merged Fields fail in RIM Vaults if a user previously merged the document in Vault before the Merge Fields token character length was increased. DEV-353226
In some cases, renditions of Microsoft Excel™ worklists are truncated. DEV-351409
After downloading a modified source file and copying merged tokens into a new document, the new document fails to render. DEV-349698
After rendering, documents with non-embedded fonts are incorrectly labeled as not having non-embedded fonts. DEV-346483
In some cases, published permalinks display incorrectly. DEV-343318
In some cases, Microsoft Word™ documents with captions fail to render. DEV-341175
Merge fields on modified source documents are not updated correctly after rendering. DEV-332500
Microsoft Word™ documents with SEQ fields fail to render. DEV-319258

October 14, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.36 | Build Number: 1156

Category Description Issue No.
Regulatory Vault does not render imported define.xml files automatically. DEV-344396
Regulatory Users see an error when they attempt to import a submission that is part of a grouped submission into RIM Submissions Archive. DEV-349941
Regulatory Vault does not report CA Rule F05 for documents under the m1/ folder. DEV-351157
Reporting In some cases, users are unable to export reports to Excel templates. DEV-353188

October 7, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.34 | Build Number: 1141

Category Description Issue No.
Documents In some cases, searching for an archived document by document number results in no item found. DEV-343483
Performance & UI In certain cases, sandbox refreshes may cause impact to Vault performance or subsequent sandbox requests. DEV-351768
Regulatory Exporting a submission via the API or in the UI sometimes fails. DEV-348218
Regulatory Vault sometimes fails to convert permalinks to relative path links during publishing. DEV-350122

September 30, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.32 | Build Number: 1123

Category Description Issue No.
Authentication When utilizing the “Having trouble logging in?” link on the login page, the email message sent does not include the username. DEV-349726
Clinical Operations If the Risk Score of a Study Risk is blank, Vault does not update or calculate Risk scores. DEV-350042
Clinical Operations Under certain conditions, the Plan Study workflow does not create Milestones from the Template Milestone Master Set. DEV-340404
Commercial In some Vaults, users see an error when attempting to change the state of a document. DEV-307537
Developer Features: SDK In some scenarios, the Business Admin List View page will not load if the Vault is connected to the Vault Java SDK debugger. DEV-345940
Documents In some cases, page-level annotations are not brought forward. DEV-348617
Documents In some scenarios, the File Size of a viewable rendition appears as 0.0 KB. DEV-349890
Quality Training Assignments that reference e-learning files fail to import correctly. DEV-349690
Regulatory In some cases, Vault fails to create some Regulatory Objective records when users run the Create Related Records wizard. DEV-346163

September 24, 2020

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
Inline text attachments are missing as Vault attachments from .MSG files. DEV-325528
In some cases, Excel files fail to render. DEV-344133
In some cases, Microsoft Word™ documents with footnotes or endnotes fail to render. DEV-324242
In some cases, HTML files fail to render. DEV-322387

September 23, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.30 | Build Number: 1073

Category Description Issue No.
Admin Using the Deployment Migration Tool for configuration migration may fail due to improperly addressed dependencies. DEV-343015
Developer Features: API Document reference constraint validation may fail for some documents which have different doc fields than the first one in the batch when creating document through bulk create doc API. DEV-347888
Lifecycle & Workflow Deployment is blocked when the VPK contains certain components with incorrect component relationships. DEV-344645
Performance & UI Special characters do not properly display in the email subject line for tracked emails. DEV-327429
Performance & UI Creating a new Checklist Design may result in a “Server having problems” error message. DEV-343067
Performance & UI Picklist values may not display correctly near the bottom of the screen. DEV-343462
Regulatory Under certain conditions, duplicate records may be created when the user clicks the finish button multiple times in the Create Related Records wizard. DEV-326130
Regulatory Vault responses may become slow under heavy loads. DEV-328177
Regulatory Clicking the submission join filter link displays “Page not found” error when the join name field includes a hyphen. DEV-344621
Regulatory The Create Related Records “Next” button does not work in IE11. DEV-345615
Regulatory Users are not be able to see the Submission Administrative Information when the content plan associated to the published submission is locked. DEV-346444
Site Vault Sending a document for PI signature to Site Connect from Site Vault may result in an error. DEV-343089

September 16, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.28 | Build Number: 1039

Category Description Issue No.
Developer Features: SDK SDK jobs with VQL input do not process more than 1000 records. DEV-343477
Lifecycle & Workflow In some cases, the Add Participants user action is not available in a document's Actions menu. DEV-337283
Localization The Japanese error message for a multi-document workflow when a document cannot be updated does not include the document number or state name. DEV-342624
Performance & UI Under certain conditions, it is possible to save a job definition without setting all required fields. DEV-345330
Regulatory In some cases, importing a submission results in a server error after a successful import. DEV-341121
Regulatory Correspondence folders remain in Submissions Archive binders after disabling the Show Correspondence in Viewer feature. DEV-346811
Regulatory Under certain conditions, the Manage Registered Details wizard does not display all of the required columns. DEV-340564
Site Vault In some cases, users are unable to update the Site field on a Study record. DEV-347289

September 10, 2020

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
In some cases, Export Annotations results in an error. DEV-343467

September 9, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.26 | Build Number: 980

Category Description Issue No.
Admin In IE11™, navigating away from the Review and Select Steps and Deployment Confirmation pages when importing a VPK package results in an incorrect message from webpage. DEV-340298
Clinical Operations In some scenarios, reclassifying a document reused across studies from a Person Profile or Organization Profile type to a Study Product type results in an error. DEV-335820
Clinical Operations In some cases, users with only Read permission on EDLs and EDL Items are able to drag and drop files into Expected Documents. DEV-338335
Clinical Operations Study Person records cannot be created when the Enable CDX checkbox is set. DEV-346168
Commercial Standard Metrics values are calculated based on minor versions rather than the lowest minor version within a major version of a document. DEV-334513
Documents In some cases, the workflow start dialog doesn't show all required dependent fields. DEV-340536
Documents In some cases, renditions exported via Vault Loader to an FTP server are corrupted and cannot be opened. DEV-341724
Documents Clicking Save to upload a document to a binder does not add it to the binder if there are picklist fields on the document that are required but disabled. DEV-341864
Documents Under certain conditions, checking in a collaboration document after editing it in Office Online™, the file's size is displayed as 0 KB and does not render. DEV-345299
Performance & UI In some cases, changing the language on your User Profile page results in a server error. DEV-344381
Quality The Power Delete Training Assignment action does not delete Training Assignments that are used by Facilitated Training. DEV-345531
Search & Filter Searching for ID patterns returns more results than expected. DEV-341685

September 2, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.22 | Build Number: 911

Category Description Issue No.
Documents In some cases, after successfully adding a large size asset rendition to a document, the user may see a ‘File not found” error when attempting to download the rendition. DEV-341702
Documents Post migration, some EDL records may be missing field values. DEV-340605
Documents If a Vault configurations includes custom filters on the Linked Documents relationship type, users may experience errors when performing the Import Document Links action. DEV-336172
Objects In some cases, a user's title may reflect the title of a different user in the Vault. DEV-339045
Objects Users with Delete permission on an object but lacking the Delete permission on object attachments may be unable to delete object records that have no attachments. DEV-336236
Admin When creating configuration migration packages, Vault does not filter out inactive fields in column selections for datasets. DEV-338391
Search & Filter In searches with many results, there may be a long delay when clicking the ‘5000+' link to display the total result count. DEV-341578
Regulatory After publishing, Vault sets the Published Output Location to the file extension. DEV-338336
Regulatory When the submission XML contains two or more hyperlinks that have the same file name but different sequences, Vault converts all hyperlinks to the one that first appears. DEV-323861
Regulatory Vault may take longer than expected to perform the Update Registration Fields or Update Current Registered Details actions on large numbers of records. DEV-336240
Regulatory Users who only have View permission on the Content Plan and Content Plan Item objects can see the Actions menu and select actions for matched documents in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer. DEV-329243
Regulatory When continuous publishing is enabled, if a user unmatches a document, Vault creates a placeholder document but doesn't populate the Application and Submission document fields. DEV-333841
Quality Vault may incorrectly allow multiple Person records with a value of ‘Eligible' for Training Eligibility to be associated with a single User. DEV-344061
Commercial Vault may display inconsistent behavior when executing publish or withdraw actions after saving, modifying or upversioning a document for Digital Publishing. DEV-342323
Clinical Operations If object types are configured for the Study object and a user attempts to change the Study type, Vault displays an error if the Arm-Based Metrics? field is not populated. DEV-342370

Release Number: 20R2.0.24 | Build Number: 12

This release only affects Veeva Simple Transfer

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Placeholders and other documents without content may prevent other documents of the same type from transferring. DEV-339594

August 26, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.20 | Build Number: 850

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations The EDL Requiredness picklist contains a value, Pending Decision, which an Admin cannot deactivate. DEV-341512
Clinical Operations If a Study contains a Subject with a custom Subject Status, users encounter an error when executing the Recalculate Enrollment Metrics action. DEV-337353
Documents Vault does not display values for ${global_version_id__sys} and ${global_id__sys} tokens on signature pages or overlays. DEV-338326
Lifecycle & Workflow Admins experience an error when trying to change the name of an object lifecycle state if the state has a Change related object lifecycle state entry action. DEV-342380
Localization When a document is checked out for editing in collaborative authoring, and a user who views Vault in a language other than English views the document, the “Document is being edited” banner in the doc viewer is blank. DEV-334705
Objects In some scenarios, a user may receive an error when attempting to delete an object record despite having required permissions. (Postponed to a later release.) DEV-336236
Performance & UI When a user reassigns a workflow task in a Vault with a high number of pending users, all users in that domain experience slow performance. DEV-342433
Quality Users attempting to deploy a Configuration Migration Package including Quality Teams components but excluding the lifecycle for those teams' objects experience an error when deploying the Configuration Migration Package. DEV-340351
Quality Vault may display a server error if an action, such as rejecting a workflow task, triggers both the CC: Set Change Control to Ready for Approval document state entry action and the CC: Update Change Controlled Documents object state entry action at the same time. DEV-335759
Regulatory In some cases, when users generate an XEVMPD Product Report, Vault doesn't populate the Local Number field for the attachment Product Report Items when the XEVMPD attachment operation is Insert. DEV-341325
Regulatory When a user first publishes a submission, documents with the Ready for Publishing field set to “No” are still published. DEV-339485
Reporting In some cases, the report viewer displays incorrect document classification labels. DEV-342605
Search & Filter Vault returns unexpected results for document searches that include search modifiers on text fields. DEV-341227
Search & Filter Vault returns unexpected results for saved views that contain filters using quotation marks on the Document Number field. DEV-341105
Vault File Manager Firefox users are unable to check documents out to Vault File Manager. DEV-341011

August 24, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.18 | Build Number: 9

This release only affects Veeva Simple Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Veeva Simple Transfer fails to transfer documents with accents and other non-English characters. DEV-341457

August 20, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.16 | Build Number: 804

This release includes different fixes depending on your POD.

For US and Europe PODs, this release includes the following fixes:

Category Description Issue No.
Objects In some configurations, users who should see an “Add” button to add related records are unable to see the Add button. These users could still relate records by manually creating a join record. DEV-342941
Performance & UI Under certain conditions, the Create button is visible in the related object section when it should be hidden. (This fix was reverted because it caused the issue now addressed in DEV-342941) DEV-339991

For APAC PODs, this release includes the following fixes:

Category Description Issue No.
Developer Features: API Creating documents with the /objects/documents/batch endpoint cause an UNEXPECTED_ERROR if the document to create includes a field controlled by document reference constraints, and that controlling field does not appear on the document type. DEV-340048
Developer Features: API Creating documents with the /objects/documents/batch endpoint may cause an INVALID_DATA error even in some instances where the data is valid. DEV-341257
Developer Features: SDK Under certain conditions, the Vault Java SDK Debugger may not connect to Vault. DEV-337428
Lifecycle & Workflow In some cases, object workflow notifications are not sent. DEV-338895
Objects Vault object audit trail deletion event does not capture current field values at the time of the deletion. DEV-338777
Performance & UI Vault experiences slow performance after updating document lifecycle state security settings for lifecycle states with an extremely large number of documents. DEV-338531
Regulatory In some cases, selecting a product value on the RIM Event wizard initiates a non-performant query that could slow system performance. DEV-341351
Reporting In some cases, users are unable to sort reports by column headers. DEV-339223
Site Vault The Site field is not defaulted when a document moves from the Steady State to Draft state. DEV-328752

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
Some.gif files do not render as expected. DEV-340452
Large TIFF files fail to render. DEV-334515
In some cases, advanced overlays fail to apply. DEV-331345
Under certain conditions, video files cannot be played in the viewable rendition. DEV-328431
Under certain conditions, video files in viewable renditions display an error. DEV-327643
In some cases, MSG files fail to render. DEV-327463
Files are missing from source documents when Dynamic Linking (RIM) is enabled. DEV-325611
In some cases, image renditions are longer than the source files. DEV-315749
In some cases, documents with WdOnlyFormField protection fail to render. DEV-301708
When a permalink is on the last page of a document and targets a named destination within the same document, it does not get published. DEV-286954

August 19, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.14 | Build Number: 789

This release affects US and Europe PODs only.

Category Description Issue No.
Developer Features: API Creating documents with the /objects/documents/batch endpoint cause an UNEXPECTED_ERROR if the document to create includes a field controlled by document reference contraints, and that controlling field does not appear on the document type. DEV-340048
Developer Features: API Creating documents with the /objects/documents/batch endpoint may cause an INVALID_DATA error even in some instances where the data is valid. DEV-341257
Developer Features: SDK Under certain conditions, the Vault Java SDK Debugger may not connect to Vault. DEV-337428
Lifecycle & Workflow In some cases, object workflow notifications are not sent. DEV-338895
Objects Vault object audit trail deletion event does not capture current field values at the time of the deletion. DEV-338777
Performance & UI Under certain conditions, the Create button is visible in the related object section when it should be hidden. DEV-339991
Performance & UI Vault experiences slow performance after updating document lifecycle state security settings for lifecycle states with an extremely large number of documents. DEV-338531
Regulatory In some cases, selecting a product value on the RIM Event wizard initiates a non-performant query that could slow system performance. DEV-341351
Reporting In some cases, users are unable to sort reports by column headers. DEV-339223
Site Vault The Site field is not defaulted when a document moves from the Steady State to Draft state. DEV-328752

August 13, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.6 | Build Number: 745

Category Description Issue No.
Search & Filter Saved views with multiple document numbers applied do not properly work. DEV-340115
Clinical Operations The Send Document Package action is disabled in Vaults with Site Connect enabled. DEV-334938
Clinical Operations To use one of the non-default Simple Transfer Rule Sets, users must first activate all of the Rule, Scope Variable, and Lifecycle State Mapping records. DEV-337019
Clinical Operations Milestone values fail to add to documents when they match to EDL Items where the “Expected Document Version #” is populated. DEV-334061
Developer Features: API Developer Features: API The error message when validating controlled fields for document creation does not contain the correct message if there are no records for controlling fields. DEV-339144
Developer Features: API Extraneous document query API requests occur during Vault loader extract, causing the daily API limit to be exhausted sooner than expected. DEV-336817
Developer Features: MDL Under certain conditions, the MDL for relationship types malfunctions and attributes may be inadvertantly overwritten. DEV-337486
Developer Features: SDK Under certain conditions, a user-defined class may fail due to an improperly hashed class name. DEV-339950
Documents When viewing a document that has been checked out using Collaborative Authoring, a blank overlay may appear. DEV-340220
Documents In Document Audit History, the “Checked in from Microsoft Office,” “Edit version saved from Microsoft Office,” and “Save to Vault” event filters are labeled incorrectly. DEV-339632
Documents Under certain conditions, bulk documents and rendition migration may fail rendition for protected PDFs. DEV-338481
Objects Users on Internet Explorer 11 are unable to apply bulk updates to multi-value picklist fields. DEV-336545
Performance & UI Using Internet Explorer 11 is slow and appears unresponsive when reordering columns. DEV-334808
Clinical Operations Under certain conditions, some users may see a server error when creating a Quality Issue. DEV-340205
Reporting Running a report filter that includes inactive document types, subtypes, or classifications results in a server error. DEV-340116

August 12, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.8 | Build Number: 8

This release only affects Veeva Clinical Network.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations If a document contains at least one newline character and “Enable CDX” is active, data transfer fails. DEV-338435
Clinical Operations Executing the Transfer In Scope Documents and Records user action results in an error if the user account is locked in the receiving Vault. DEV-337455

August 6, 2020

Release Number: 20R2.0.4 | Build Number: 684

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations For the EDC and CTMS Spark Connection, User Exception Message records can now be related to only 1,000 related User Exception Item records. In previous releases, User Exception Messages could have 1,500 related User Exception Items. DEV-338266
Clinical Operations In some configurations, completing an eSignature task for a Monitoring Event results in an error. DEV-335177
Clinical Operations The Product field is blank on copied documents if the field is read-only. DEV-334803
Clinical Operations Vault fails to create related Site Recruitment Information records for Monitoring Events. DEV-334035
Clinical Operations Vault does not populate Quality Issue fields on CrossLink documents. DEV-333371
Clinical Operations Users can delete formatted output templates that are currently being used for trip reports. DEV-328331
Commercial When using an iPad to manage CLM content, swiping does not work. DEV-338845
Documents Vault doesn't include Resolved annotations in filter counts, including the Resolved filter. DEV-339050
Lifecycle & Workflow Users can select manager groups when reassigning workflow tasks. DEV-336835
Lifecycle & Workflow An error occurs when users attempt to view tasks in the Tabular view. DEV-334876
Objects Users cannot drag and drop to match documents to EDL Item records in Related Object sections on the object record detail page. DEV-339025
Regulatory When creating a Submission record from the related object section on the Regulatory Objective object record detail page, and vice versa, users now see the Create button instead of the Add button. DEV-338971
Regulatory Submission imports fail for Study Tagging Files (STF). DEV-334929
Regulatory Vault fails to populate Submission Administrative Information on Submission Country records. DEV-334394

August 4, 2020

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
In some cases, source files are not updated after re-rendering. DEV-328797