A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We typically communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault uses even-numbered releases, while CDMS uses odd-numbered releases. The most recent Vault General Release is 24R1.0, so our maintenance releases for this version are 24R1.0.2, 24R1.0.4, and so on.

Last Updated: Aug 19, 2024

July 25, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.8 (LIMS) | Build Number: TBD

This release only affects LIMS.

Category Description Issue No.
LIMS Users are unable to create a new version of a record in cases where the record's Owner is an inactive user.   VLIMS-1996

July 18, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.56 | Build Number: 11599

Category Description Issue No.
Platform: Objects In cases where a Vault contains an EDL Item with a trailing backslash, the EDL job will fail.   DEV-728087
Quality In some cases, Training Requirements fail to populate with a Study from Curriculum as expected.   DEV-733987
Quality Under certain circumstances when using the Assign to Learner Action on a Curriculum, the action may fail to create the Individual Learner Role and leave the IAR records stuck in the Requested state.   DEV-740717
Regulatory Users without the correct permissions to delete documents may may experience errors or performance issues after performing an action that activates the Delete Orphaned job.   DEV-735546
Regulatory Users are unable to configure prompted formula fields in the Impact Assessment Report dialog.   DEV-738648

July 15, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.54 | Build Number: 11593

Category Description Issue No.
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow In some cases, workflows may behave unexpectedly.   DEV-741640

July 10, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.52 | Build Number: 11583

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations In some cases, users are unable to import milestones via Vault Loader.   DEV-735714
Platform: Admin Admins are unable to create domain users with non-default languages unless they have read permissions for that language.   DEV-723415
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow It is not possible to enable the Enable Lifecycle for Study, Study Country and Site feature.   DEV-737609
Platform: Localization Under certain circumstances, non-Vault Owners are unable to view translations for control labels and control content in the Help Controls and Help Section.   DEV-736572
Platform: Objects Users may be unable to see the URL in web sections with Edit View URL configured when the record is in edit mode.   DEV-734826
Platform: Objects Users may receive a network error when attempting to edit or copy a record in a Related Object section.   DEV-735113
Regulatory Users are unable to import submissions that contain a single quote in the material-id attribute of the regional XML.   DEV-734735

July 3, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.50 | Build Number: 11563

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Users may experience unexpected Archive Study job failures under some circumstances.   DEV-728303
Medical Under some circumstances, the Medical UI Configuration page stops responding when a user attempts to enable Auto-Suggest FAQs.   DEV-731406
Platform: Objects In cases where a user does not have permission to view a controlling field's parent field, they may see the hierarchy labels in the form of null > child instead of the prefix being omitted as expected.   DEV-730839
Platform: Objects Under certain circumstances, users may be unable to update fields or experience other unexpected behavior on pages with multiple layout rules.   DEV-731367
Platform: Search & Filter Under certain circumstances, users may experience performance issues when using the text locator tool to process long Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language claims with special characters.   DEV-730842
Platform: VeevaID Users are unable to create VeevaID acounts with apostrophes in the email address.   DEV-732776
Quality When scrolling in the Assessment Risk section of the Assessment VOF page, the page may refresh unexpectedly.   DEV-722112
Quality When running Capture Risk History, the Risk Score may not be copied correctly from Assessment Risk to Assessment Risk History.   DEV-723466
Quality Quality teams with certain configurations are unable to use VPKs to migrate configurations from a sandbox to production.   DEV-725648
Quality Admins are unable to access the Entry Action tab of any Document Lifecycle on QualityDocs without the Quality External User Templates admin permission.   DEV-727404
Quality Users without the Family Validation feature enabled may be unable to execute the Create Validation Entity Version action.   DEV-727960

June 27, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.48 | Build Number: 11513

This release only affects PDF Renditions.

Category Description Issue No.
Platform: Documents In some cases, unexpected and invisible link annotations are created in viewable renditions for PDF documents.   DEV-729213

June 26, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.46 | Build Number: 11539

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations When running Generate CTN on certain CTN records, users may experience a network error.   DEV-729151
Clinical Operations When using the Generate CTN action, generated documents may be classified incorrectly.   DEV-729156
Clinical Operations When linking Milestones and EDL Items, the Milestone may not be correctly applied to the matched documents.   DEV-730902
Commercial Link text in the Modular Content panel may appear black instead of blue.   DEV-707590
Medical When creating a Case Response, users may encounter a server error if the Email Address field of the Response Contact object record is blank.   DEV-731548
Multichannel In some cases, a content withdrawal job may finish after a publishing job scheduled after it, leading to the incorrect deletion of the latest content version.   DEV-723846
Platform: Documents Under certain circumstances, users may be unable to send a document link to Vault users with an existing role in the document's sharing settings via a group assignment. When this occurs, they may receive an unhelpful error message.   DEV-726986
Platform: Documents Cross-document navigation through embedded link tooltips may lead users to the incorrect location.   DEV-727405
Platform: Documents Users may encounter an inconsistent annotation sort order between Vault and PDF with Annotations.   DEV-728974
Platform: Objects Users may receive a server error when attempting to create a record with a system-managed name that references an object reference field ID if the field is empty.   DEV-727967
Regulatory Users may experience server errors when attempting to leave the Application Source field blank if the join is referenced by two or more other joins.   DEV-729080
Regulatory If a user creates a Submission with a Sequence ID, publishes, wipes the Sequence ID, and creates another Submission with the same Sequence ID, they may encounter duplicate CDNs.   DEV-729134

June 25, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.7 (LIMS) | Build Number: 11509

This release only affects LIMS.

Category Description Issue No.
LIMS When a test is manually added to a Spec Execution record and associated to a Test Definition, the steady state version of the Test Definition's method document does not populate as it should on the Lab Test.   VLIMS-1370

June 19, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.44 | Build Number: 11504

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations When using Study Selector instead of the Study filter, record exports may be blank.   DEV-711207
Clinical Operations Under some circumstances, EDLs may not be created properly when running a Create from Template job.   DEV-713563
Clinical Operations In some cases, Clinical users with 23R3.0 Snapshots will receive errors when attempting to upgrade them.   DEV-725979
Platform: Documents Crosslink renditions may fail to update if the user updates a manual rendition of the source document.   DEV-719880
Platform: Documents Users without view permissions on the latest version of a document are unable to add that document to a binder.   DEV-727643
Platform: Email & Notifications Users may receive emails late or not at all when a large volume of emails is sent from their Vault.   DEV-712905
Quality Under certain circumstances, users may receive a server error when attempting to remove a course from an unsubscribed Vault.   DEV-718779
Quality When using the Assign to Learner Action on a Curriculum, the action may fail to create the Individual Learner Role and leave the IAR records stuck in the Requested state.   DEV-719682
Regulatory Users may receive incorrect results for ZA 14.BP3 and related filename validation rules.   DEV-713302
Regulatory In some cases, updating the Published Output Location of a Content Plan Item may cause unexpected link text to appear on the published document.   DEV-723161
Regulatory Users may see a false positive on H20 validation in cases where they have Study Tagging File Content Plan Items with an action set to 'append.'   DEV-723939

June 12, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.42 | Build Number: 11473

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Users may receive connection errors when attempting to perform transfers after disconnecting a study.   DEV-719606
Clinical Operations In some cases, when training a metadata model, Metadata Extraction may time out and fail.   DEV-723252
Medical In some cases, Vaults using Medical Inquiry CRM Data Sharing may fail to push mapped fields to CRM.   DEV-721996
Platform: Admin In some cases, the audit trail fails to show all related record logs.   DEV-719817
Platform: Email & Notifications In rare cases where an Outbound Email Status field does not exist on a Person record, users may receive an internal error when confirming an Outbound Email Address.   DEV-712903
Platform: Objects If an object has a lifecycle attached and has at least one standard layout, users may be unable to delete lifecycle states, even if they are not associated with the standard layout.   DEV-718262
Quality Learners may not be able to access their completed classroom training in Learning History.   DEV-723079
Quality If a user does not have read access to the Image field on the Person object, they will be unable to view the Manager home page.   DEV-723570
Quality In cases where a QualityDocs workflow is moved to the Canceled state but is inactive, the expected state change actions do not occur.   DEV-723802
Regulatory Custom Submissions Archive XML renditions may have an unexpected mime type, which can lead to inconsistent behavior.   DEV-709110

June 5, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.40 | Build Number: 11407

Category Description Issue No.
Multichannel In some cases, auto-generating or changing the state of Email Fragments may remove values from some fields.   DEV-709210
Platform: Documents Users of the Send as Link document action are able to add other Vault Users or Groups to a Viewer role in a document despite their inability to Edit Sharing Settings in the latest version of the document.   DEV-712145
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow Under certain circumstances, users are unable to update some workflow states.   DEV-719171
Platform: Objects In some cases, users are unable to delete Content Plan records.   DEV-723431
Platform: Objects In some cases, layout rules that check whether an object reference field is blank may not function properly.   DEV-724283
Platform: Search & Filter Admins should be able to see all Saved Views in a Vault if they have the Read View admin permission, but in some situations, they are unable to do so when using the https://(vaultDNS)/api/23.3/configuration/Savedview API endpoint.   DEV-711721
Platform: Search & Filter Exports of Excel documents from Vault do not correctly recognize date fields.   DEV-721431
Quality In Validation Management, in Vaults with both Family Validation and Template Requirement functionality configured, performing the Import Template Requirement Set action may fail and result in a job log error.   DEV-697598
QualityOne When Process Step Groups on the HACCP Flow Diagram display within the borders of larger and more recently created Process Step Groups, users cannot select the inner Process Step Groups.   DEV-670158
QualityOne When users run the Analyze COA action on an Inspection record and later update the Attribute Verdict field value on an associated Inspection Sample Test Result record, the Analysis Source field value on the Inspection Sample Test Result does not update from "Automatic" to "Manual."   DEV-707982
Regulatory In some cases, the application and submission fields on published Archive document types may not be consistently populated when using Continuous Publishing.   DEV-712965
Regulatory CPI records may be missing from the initial dispatch if their document set does not match the Activity's document set.   DEV-718901

May 29, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.38 | Build Number: 11303

This release only affects TMF Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Platform: Documents Tokens introduced in 23R3 or later fail to merge if they are copy/pasted from one document to another.   DEV-710494
Platform: Documents FSR may fail on secured files if the document structure is deep enough.   DEV-710675

Release Number: 24R1.0.36 | Build Number: 11339

Category Description Issue No.
Commercial When using a Connection Field Rule with a default value in a RIM - PromoMats Connection, the transfer may fail.   DEV-716954
Medical When using a Connection Field Rule with a default value in a PromoMats - Medical Connection, the transfer may fail.   DEV-718241
Multichannel When upversioning CLM auto-publishing presentations, users may observe that the file is missing slides.   DEV-715993
Platform: Admin After adding an object reference field to a custom object that references the same object, Vault incorrectly adds the reference field to any newly created page layouts by default.   DEV-721329
Platform: Documents Users are unable to add up to 1000 documents to a binder at one time using bulk actions in the UI.   DEV-718679
Platform: Documents Tokens introduced in 23R3 or later fail to merge if they are copy/pasted from one document to another.   DEV-721233
Platform: Localization Under some circumstances, users may only be able to see the English version of the error message on step 3 of advanced start workflows.   DEV-708711
Platform: Objects When a document's deletion is blocked by a specific version or latest steady state version document reference field's value in a record, that record does not show up in the CSV file of blocking references in the document deletion dialog.   DEV-710390
Platform: Objects Object reference lookup fields fail to display a value on the record details page if the field has _dv or _fm in its name.   DEV-714001
Platform: Objects Users may receive a server error when attempting to create a record with a system-managed name that references an object reference field ID if the field is empty.   DEV-720737
Platform: Search & Filter Users who have Document Tabs with Document Type tab filters see a blank search pane when attempting to use the Document Type left navigation filter.   DEV-718715
Quality Rich text fields may be truncated when transferred from RIM to Quality.   DEV-714029
Regulatory Users may receive a false positive on Rule 11.6 if the application folder name contains 4 consecutive digits.   DEV-702727
Regulatory After merging sections in a Report Level Content Plan (RLCP), any subsequent section-level merges do not update the title of the published document if the title is updated on the RLCP.   DEV-704086
Regulatory Users may receive a false positive on CA Rule F07 if module 1 is not the first module in the content plan.   DEV-707508
Regulatory Users may receive false positives on submissions for Rule C03.   DEV-714645
Regulatory Users may receive inconsistent results on Rule 1255 due to updated file format specifications.   DEV-720884
Regulatory When trying to Submit to Gateway, users without the correct permissions may receive an error message stating that the number published files in the submission does not match the expected count.   DEV-720997

May 22, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.34 | Build Number: 3

This release only affects TMF Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Users receive an error when attempting to transfer files larger than 2 GB via TMF Transfer.   DEV-716592

Release Number: 24R1.0.30 | Build Number: 11259

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Distribution Task Field Migration jobs may fail in Site Connect Vaults.   DEV-709916
Developer Features: API Any API Usage logs containing double quotes are incorrectly formatted and users are unable to download the LOGFILE format.   DEV-712750
LIMS The Generate Document From Report action does not function on LIMS Vaults.   DEV-707080
Platform: Documents Audio and video documents without renditions that are requested for bulk re-render through the bulk re-render API or Vault Loader Renditions Update action may appear to have successfully been queued for rendering, but there will be no rendition request for them.   DEV-708645
Platform: Documents The Manual Claim Links button does not appear when there are no existing matching claims.   DEV-717699
Platform: Expressions Users may see unexpected results when evaluating expression functions with datetime input arguments.   DEV-715917
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow In certain rare cases, users may receive a server error when attempting to open the Timeline View for a document workflow.   DEV-710157
Platform: Objects Users may receive a network error when attempting to view or create records if the URL exceeds a certain length.   DEV-713959
Platform: Search & Filter Under certain circumstances, users may receive server errors when adding filters to a Library search.   DEV-714649
QualityOne If a user clicks the Review section from an Audit Checklist record, they may receive a blank page even though all the answers on the checklist are completed.   DEV-701240
Regulatory Non-eCTD26 and Non-eCTD08 submissions may receive inconsistent validation results on published .docx files.   DEV-706930
Regulatory Under certain circumstances, the lifecycle state of a Registered Device Identifier record may be changed for an unintended Registration.   DEV-709940
Regulatory Publishing may fail when validating a broken embedded link during incoming link publishing.   DEV-713316
Regulatory In some cases, documents may fail to transfer from PromoMats to RIM.   DEV-717386
Regulatory Some information may not be visible in View Submission Administrative Information for US 3.3.   DEV-717441

May 21, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.6 (LIMS) | Build Number: 11240

This release only affects LIMS.

Category Description Issue No.
LIMS In some cases, tests with sample level aggregate criteria may have Criteria Evaluation records that become associated to the wrong samples.   VLIMS-1016
LIMS Under certain circumstances, attempts to revalidate Results with aggregate variables may fail.   VLIMS-289
LIMS When a user executes the Generate Document from Report user action after they input any report values and, if applicable to the report, click Continue, Vault LIMS does not generate a document.   VLIMS-719

May 20, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.32 | Build Number: 241.0.32

This release only affects Vault Mobile for iOS.

Category Description Issue No.
Platform: Vault Mobile: iOS Users may be unable to complete Read & Understood tasks on Vault Mobile for iOS.   DEV-718926

May 16, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.28 | Build Number: 11094

This release only affects PDF Renditions.

Category Description Issue No.
Platform: Documents In some cases, fields in formatted outputs that are longer than a page in length may intermittently render off the bottom of the page.   DEV-711170
Platform: Documents In some cases, viewable renditions may display as blank pages instead of the actual content.   DEV-718016
Platform: Documents Users may be unable to apply e-signatures, merge, protect, convert to PDF/A, validate, and process documents with objects streams that have some additional characters or comments.   DEV-718206

Release Number: 24R1.0.26 | Build Number: 11191

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Users may receive a server error when attempting to select certain USNs when configuring organization records.   DEV-711335
Multichannel Users receive a server error when attempting to reclassify documents from a type with use_China_CDN to another type without use_China_CDN.   DEV-713043
Platform: Admin Users may encounter blank username values in the document audit trail for external event entries such as Viewed Sent Document.   DEV-702621
Platform: Admin Scheduled Data Export runs on the latest version of the Vault API. This means that in some cases, when a new version of the API is released, the behavior of Scheduled Data Export may change. In the 24R1 release (API v24.1), we changed the behavior of some audit trail endpoints which caused an undesired behavior for integrations using Scheduled Data Export. With this fix, Veeva can now choose to exclude this particular audit trail change from all API versions for specific customers.   DEV-716829
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow When using Advanced Start Workflow, if a user selects a workflow with a start step field prompt but does not have Edit permission on the fields, Vault displays a server error.   DEV-710163
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow Users are unable to start advanced start workflows from any custom tab that contains only a single object type.   DEV-712170
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow Under some circumstances, users may be able to see Read and Understand workflows, but not start them.   DEV-713111
Platform: Objects Under some circumstances, users may receive inconsistent error messaging when a record fails to save.   DEV-712225
Platform: Objects In workflow task dialogs, text and number fields with format masks are not displayed as expected.   DEV-714801
Platform: Objects Users experience a server error when viewing an object record with a layout rule that evaluates as invalid.   DEV-714878
Platform: Objects Formula fields with hyperlinks and permalinks do not be populate as expected on the record creation page.   DEV-714903
Platform: Objects Currency fields that have a 0 value show up as blank instead.   DEV-715576
Platform: Objects Users who have requested an increase in the max number of layout sections may still be unable to create more than 30 sections.   DEV-716963
Platform: Reporting Users may experience performance issues when running a Workflow with Object Report where there are no Workflow entries associated with the object records.   DEV-714139
Platform: Reporting Users may experience performance issues when running a workflow report that includes a filter on Workflow Name.   DEV-715065
Platform: Search & Filter In some cases, Text Locator may incorrectly identify matches during Auto-Linking and Suggest Linking.   DEV-710710
Quality In some cases, Admins are able to submit classes without completing attendance.   DEV-715619
Regulatory Users may see empty correspondence folders in the Submissions Archive Viewer and when exporting submissions even when correspondence folders should not be visible.   DEV-702672
Regulatory When users match documents with the same Document ID but different versions to Content Plan Items with the same SOPD, they are incorrectly published as the same document and updated to have the same POL when they should be published separately.   DEV-709094
Regulatory In some cases, a submission's Transmission Status may become stuck in Transmission In Queue despite the submission being successfully transmitted.   DEV-713135

May 13, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.22 | Build Number: 11131

This release only affects PDF Renditions.

Category Description Issue No.
Platform: Documents In some cases, viewable renditions may display as blank pages instead of the actual content.   DEV-713054
Platform: Documents Filled and signed eStar XFA forms may render with missing pages.   DEV-714563

May 13, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.24 | Build Number: 11125

Category Description Issue No.
Multichannel Users may experience performance issues when performing a Submit to Gateway action.   DEV-714467

May 8, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.20 | Build Number: 11086

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Users may experience performance issues and inconsistent Milestone Autocomplete behavior when running on a particularly large number of Milestones.   DEV-700771
Commercial In Vaults with Add Annotations from Vault Links enabled, Vault may fail to up-version and render Supporting Annotated Labeling and Annotated Reference documents in Compliance Packages.   DEV-708079
Platform: Admin Under certain circumstances, updating a sandbox snapshot may fail without restoring the original snapshot from the Marked for Deletion state.   DEV-712864
Platform: Documents Users may experience performance issues with Formatted Output jobs.   DEV-706389
Platform: Documents When a user clicks an attachment link from a document that was opened in a mini-browser, the home page opens instead of the desired attachment.   DEV-711593
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow Entry actions that set fields using Document Status may set the incorrect status.   DEV-711366
Platform: Objects Users are unable to log into Vaults that contain tabs referencing deleted objectIDs.   DEV-707483
Platform: Objects Users may encounter an error when creating the first custom layout for an object type with standard or system layouts.   DEV-708407
Platform: Objects If a user clears values from a multi-value picklist field that is the controlling field of a dynamic reference constraint, the controlled field is not grayed out and shows No matches found.   DEV-714058
Platform: Performance & UI Users may face a blank page with a console error if they click on the Page jump link in Create mode.   DEV-709960
Platform: Search & Filter Users who previously had their facet filters removed may experience server errors on the Home tasks page.   DEV-709827
Regulatory In some cases, Vault displays a blank Edit & Verify screen when users edit field values while verifying Registered Details.   DEV-709387
Regulatory Users with a large number of Content Plan Items in a Content Plan may experience publishing failures or long publishing times.   DEV-709856
Regulatory Users may receive false positives on EU rule 15.BP3.   DEV-710090
Regulatory If any RLCP EDL Items are found when performing incoming link publishing, publishing may fail.   DEV-710609

May 1, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.18 | Build Number: 11008

Category Description Issue No.
Commercial Users may see a blank screen when they create multiple object types on a Content Module and switch between modules after clicking into one of the asset cards.   DEV-712375
Medical When the Notepad field in the Medical Inquiry UI is a Long Text field, it may not appear correctly.   DEV-711782
Platform: Documents Bookmark settings may not be retrieved correctly when the default rendition profile is used.   DEV-712186
Platform: Objects If a user selects multiple picklist values for the controlling field of a dynamic reference constraint, the controlled field shows incorrect values, and Vault displays an error when the user attempts to save.   DEV-708050
Platform: Search & Filter Under certain circumstances, users may experience performance issues when using the text locator tool to process long Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language claims.   DEV-710655
Platform: Search & Filter Global and Any of words searchs in conjunction with All of words do not function correctly on object tabs, returning only results of global/Any of words.   DEV-711213
Quality Users are unable to add additional documents to a Document Change Control record if there are already 100 document versions.   DEV-710527
Regulatory Publishing jobs may fail on Vaults configured to populate the submission instead of primary_submission field on content plans.   DEV-708177
Regulatory Users may receive an error when generating a content plan for a particulary large content plan.   DEV-709298

Release Number: 24R1.0.5 (LIMS) | Build Number: 13252

This release only affects LIMS.

Category Description Issue No.
LIMS In some cases, Lab Test Definition Result Variables are not created correctly.   VLIMS-922

April 25, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.16 | Build Number: 10941

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Under certain circumstances, non-Admin users with custom sharing rules set cannot generate Clinical Trial Notifications.   DEV-709802
Platform: Documents Vault may fail to load specific fonts during text extraction, causing placemarks on some annotations to not display.   DEV-711217

Release Number: 24R1.0.14 | Build Number: 10943

This release contains no customer-facing fixes.

April 24, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.8 | Build Number: 10904

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations The Test from Production feature does not function properly for users with documents that have predicted study sites in currently inactive study countries.   DEV-706294
Clinical Operations Users may be unable to approve documents with multiple versions.   DEV-709644
Multichannel Vault may fail to create a new draft version for an Approved Email Template if the document includes an empty asset ZIP file.   DEV-707113
Platform: Expressions Users will receive a server error when creating records if there is an expression in an enabled layout rule that directly references certain picklist values.   DEV-690492
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow Bulk document changes via the UI incorrectly limit users to only changing 100 documents at a time.   DEV-709842
Regulatory Users may receive an error when attempting to import China eSubmissions into the Submissions Archive.   DEV-709063
Regulatory The Create Related Records wizard fails to create the expected object records when the user does not have Create permission for an inactive field on that object.   DEV-709221

April 23, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.10 | Build Number: 10920

This release contains no customer-facing fixes.

April 18, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.6 | Build Number: 10839

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations The EDL Auto Update feature may cause performance issues when updating large batches of EDLs.   DEV-700715
Clinical Operations In some cases, Vault fails to correctly link EDL items to the relevant Override Milestone type and instead links only to the generic Milestone Type as specified in the Milestone Template.   DEV-702843
Clinical Operations Vault fails to create and link new Milestone Events for Unblinded Monitoring Visits and Unblinded Site Close Out Visits even if users have correctly configured the relevant Milestone Types and Monitoring Event object types.   DEV-703497
Clinical Operations Join records are not created for Global CTN Data Change logs in cases where there are more than 500 CTN records.   DEV-704616
Clinical Operations Triggers are present that prevent inactive Study Countries from having non-inactive Study Sites.   DEV-704847
Commercial Under certain circumstances, Vault fails to perform Auto-Linking and displays an error if the Language field value is invalid.   DEV-704378
Platform: Admin Comparison reports may fail between Vaults where one has new settings that the other does not.   DEV-661907
Platform: Documents Enhanced Suggest Links is unable to place suggested links on text in documents with bullet and bullet-like characters such as asterisks immediately before the phrase being matched.   DEV-700730
Platform: Documents Under certain circumstance, documents may incorrectly appear as if they are checked out.   DEV-701301
Platform: Email & Notifications Content is truncated to 1500 characters in emails and notifications created from templates that contain plain text or long text.   DEV-701192
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow When using the Advanced Start Workflow options, if some documents do not meet user action conditions for the selected workflow, the error message that appears is unhelpful.   DEV-699270
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow When using Advanced Start Workflow, when the workflow has multiple conditional rules and the first rule fails, users are unable to proceed past the Edit Workflow Details page.   DEV-705617
Platform: Localization The warning banner message for exceeding binder limits may display in English even in Vaults with non-English translations.   DEV-703680
Platform: Objects Users may encounter a server error when attempting to delete a custom layout for an object type with a required field.   DEV-701436
Platform: Objects Direct Data Export jobs may fail on Vaults that have objects with Merge enabled.   DEV-706409
Platform: Performance & UI The Find in Document search field disappears when the width of the document viewer toolbar is set to 1,000 pixels or less.   DEV-705622
Platform: Reporting In some cases, when a screen's resolution is lower than 800px or when the browser zoom is set below 100%, the OK button on the Edit Columns to Display window becomes missing. This error occurs when editing columns on a report.   DEV-702129
Platform: Vault Mobile: Android When uploading a document to a placeholder in a task, the task does not properly refresh to show the document details.   DEV-700780
Platform: Vault Mobile: iOS The camera does not open when a user selects Scan on Vault Mobile for iOS.   DEV-701242
Platform: VeevaID Users who have deprecated timezones in VeevaID cannot be added to any Vaults.   DEV-703494
Regulatory Users are unable to create RIM documents from emails with long subject lines.   DEV-697728
Regulatory Under certain circumstances, SPL renditions may appear incorrect.   DEV-699609
Regulatory In some cases, Submissions Archive Viewer displays more than one section with the same Name under a Country section, which should display as one merged section.   DEV-699610
Regulatory Users may incorrectly receive a failure on Rules 1736 and 1735.   DEV-702106
Regulatory Under some circumstances, users are unable to create valid ZA envelopes from within Vault. They must leave Vault to create them and import them into Vault.   DEV-702124

April 17, 2024

Release Number: 24R1.0.4 | Build Number: 10778

Category Description Issue No.
Platform: Documents In some cases, RIM Validation fails to validate PDF documents and encounters an "out of memory" error.   DEV-702579
Platform: Documents Users may encounter an "Out of memory" error when rendering Microsoft Word documents with over 15,000 pages.   DEV-703833