A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We typically communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.
The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.
We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault uses even-numbered releases, while CDMS uses odd-numbered releases. The most recent Vault General Release is 21R3.0, so our maintenance releases for this version are 21R3.0.2, 21R3.0.4, and so on.
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2022
April 3, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.68 | Build Number: 11016
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Quality |
A Training Requirement, used in prerequisites configuration, with more than 250 characters in its name may cause a 'Server having problems' banner when a user attempts to view the My Learning tab.
DEV-479041 |
March 30, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.66 | Build Number: 11012
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
When a user adds Response Follow Up items or Issues to Trip Report Question section rows via the lookup dialog or adds an item to one dropdown and removes an item from another, duplicate records may appear.
DEV-467636 |
March 23, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.64 | Build Number: 10989
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Performance & UI |
In some cases, especially with a slow internet connection, the login message window may close before the user dismisses it.
DEV-470458 |
Site Vault |
When using Setup Assistant to create a new user who is an Investigator and has the External system role, Vault shows the incorrect error message.
DEV-476273 |
March 16, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.62 | Build Number: 10944
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Regulatory |
Activity records for Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar do not appear on the affiliate homepage.
DEV-467666 |
March 9, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.60 | Build Number: 10954
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where the Last Distribution Date field is empty, Safety Distribution and Safety Distribution Support record Lifecycle State and Initial/Latest Distribution Dates do not update correctly.
DEV-471666 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where a Distribution Task Recipient state changes directly from Sending to Opened, the parent Distribution Task state does not update correctly.
DEV-472228 |
Documents |
When trying to check in a .docx, .pptx, or .xlsx document that is checked out to Google Drive, users may receive a Google Drive error.
DEV-467483 |
Quality |
In cases where there are documents related by a custom relationship, DCC Mandatory Reviewers may pull incorrect mandatory participants.
DEV-469881 |
Regulatory |
When publishing a Report Level Content Plan, a new document is published rather than upversioning the existing published document when the matched document is changed.
DEV-465608 |
Regulatory |
In cases where there is an imported submissions archive with a cross-application reference leaf, the reference leaf is not published.
DEV-468731 |
March 2, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.58 | Build Number: 10941
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where over 500 distribution tasks are stuck in the Sending state, the Fail Stuck Distribution Tasks job fails to update them to Failed.
DEV-469541 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, inbound documents integration with a RIM Vault will fail and users will be unable to receive inbound documents in the RIM Vault.
DEV-470263 |
Documents |
Users are unable to submit secured FDA 2253 forms.
DEV-458048 |
Documents |
When users use Download Notes to CSV for a document with anchor names that have been updated, the CSV uses the old anchor names instead of the new ones.
DEV-467943 |
Documents |
If a user attempts to use Collaborative Authoring on a document while it is still rendering, the Collaborative Authoring toolbar disappears and they are unable to open the document.
DEV-468350 |
Documents |
In rare cases, users may be able to download unprotected PDFs of viewable renditions that were manually uploaded before 20.3.5 and should be secured.
DEV-469285 |
Performance & UI |
In rare cases, users may experience performance issues when Vault attempts to create word index files for annotating especially large documents.
DEV-468839 |
Regulatory |
When a matched document is matched twice to different content plans, but the source for published output differs, Vault publishes the document as a reference leaf.
DEV-446180 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, users are unable to receive ACKs from Health Canada.
DEV-448885 |
Regulatory |
When viewing both New and Replace documents in the viewer, if a user navigates into a document and then selects "Back to viewer," the Replace documents disappear from the viewer.
DEV-467643 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, when the submission country contains health authority data for which the health authority code is not set, users may not be able to update submission administrative information.
DEV-468980 |
February 28, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.56 | Build Number: 11
This release only affects TMF Transfer.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, TMF transfers fail and show a server error.
DEV-469587 |
February 25, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.54 | Build Number: 10918
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Documents |
In some cases, when creating Controlled Document Templates, slow processing time may result in users working on stale document data.
DEV-469000 |
Release Number: 21R3.0.52 | Build Number: 213.0.1, 213.0.2
This release only affects Vault Station Manager and Veeva Snap.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Quality: Station Manager |
In some cases, the Station Manager app crashes on iPads without the latest app version.
DEV-467172 |
February 23, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.50 | Build Number: 10893
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Users are not able to create more than 500 EDL Items at once when creating a milestone using milestone template automation.
DEV-468846 |
Clinical Operations |
When a user attempts to run the Create Milestone from Template job and there are more than 200 expected document types for the milestone, Vault fails to create milestone items for the expected document types after the first 200.
DEV-468847 |
Clinical Operations |
Model training that takes longer than 30 minutes times out and fails.
DEV-469113 |
Documents |
When performing DAC restamps for documents belonging to different lifecycle states, Vault fails to update the document sharing settings.
DEV-467772 |
Quality |
Learners are able to bypass the maximum number of attempts for a quiz by taking the quiz in a new tab.
DEV-466497 |
February 16, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.48 | Build Number: 10883
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Vaults that were cloned after 21R3 are missing Global Subject Metric Enablement records.
DEV-464402 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases of high traffic, the Send Safety Distributions job may leave some Distribution Task Recipient records in Sending rather than updating them to Sent.
DEV-464569 |
Clinical Operations |
Training a model for TMF Bot fails if the training set includes documents that begin with null characters.
DEV-467222 |
Documents |
In some cases, filenames containing special characters fail to upload to the File Staging Server.
DEV-464969 |
Documents |
When a user uploads a document to the Document Inbox via inbound email, Vault may fail to correctly assign inbox roles.
DEV-466504 |
Quality |
In some cases, QMS process records become stuck in a starting state and cannot exit without configuration changes.
DEV-459387 |
Regulatory |
When creating a GCC Submission, the Agency value fails to populate for countries with multiple Health Authorities.
DEV-456452 |
Regulatory |
When attempting to select verification groups in a Registration Verification Workflow, Vault fails to load the participant list.
DEV-464709 |
Regulatory |
In some cases after customers enable Empty Section Indicator, Vault may fail to correctly show them all empty sections.
DEV-466630 |
Reporting |
When running a VQL query on legacy workflows, Vault may incorrectly attempt to join non-required data, which causes an error.
DEV-465541 |
February 9, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.46 | Build Number: 12367
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
If a user attempts to update the status of a Site Fee record and the Payee Override field is blank, Vault fails to save the update and gives a server error.
DEV-460962 |
Clinical Operations |
Updates to the Metrics Over Time planned__v field fail to roll up to the Study.
DEV-465953 |
Quality |
Vault fails to cancel training assignments with superseded documents, leaving learners with training assignments they are unable to complete.
DEV-465516 |
Quality |
If the UTA Job fails unexpectedly, Vault may leave some Additional Training Assignments in the Created state rather than Assigned, leaving learners unable to complete them.
DEV-465517 |
Quality |
If the UTA Job fails unexpectedly, subsequent runs of the UTA Job fail to assign Training Assignments stuck in the Created state.
DEV-465664 |
Regulatory |
If a Product or Product Variant is not associated with a Registration, the Manage Registered Details wizard fails to create Registered Product Characteristic or Registered Product Classification records.
DEV-457470 |
Regulatory |
Vault fails to create a Product Family Clinical Study join via eTMF-RIM connection if the "Automatic creation of Product Family join records" feature is enabled.
DEV-462038 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, when a user attempts to change the type of a RLCP record that references a Content Plan, Vault displays a server error and fails to complete the action.
DEV-466349 |
Security |
In some cases, Vault fails to correctly secure PDFs and users are able to download unprotected viewable renditions of files for which protection was requested.
DEV-462545 |
February 2, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.44 | Build Number: 10833
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where a Study only has two (2) types of Enrollment Metrics Over Time, Vault displays an error when attempting to load the Study from the Study Management Homepage.
DEV-464128 |
Documents |
If a document contains invalid Linked Document relationships, running the Make a Copy action on that document results in the new copy containing the same errors.
DEV-463741 |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
Vault displays a server error when a user attempts to update a date field that controls the Due Date of an object workflow task that is unaccepted or unassigned.
DEV-464131 |
Regulatory |
When submitting to the EU EMA Gateway, Submission Publishing fails to add Submission and Application IDs to the delivery XML file, preventing any Dynamic Access Control rules from applying and preventing successful transmission.
DEV-438591 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Submissions with very large numbers of links may fail to publish.
DEV-455155 |
Regulatory |
Vault fails to show Registered Product Characteristic and Registered Packaging Characteristic records to be created on the Registration summary page.
DEV-455500 |
Regulatory |
Vault fails to update the Most Recent Submitted indicator on Product Data Submission records after reaching the XEVMPD Submitted lifecycle state.
DEV-457529 |
Regulatory |
In some cases where Vault Renditions jobs are taking longer than expected to complete, links do not appear on published documents.
DEV-458083 |
Site Vault |
When more than 20 rows exist on a Bulk Source upload, Vault populates the Descriptions entered on a subsequent row in an earlier row, overwriting the existing Description..
DEV-460092 |
January 26, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.42 | Version: 21.30.3
This release only affects Vault File Manager for Windows.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault File Manager |
Single-Sign-On to Vault File Manager fails when using Azure for authentication after updating Azure AD configuration.
DEV-456535 |
Release Number: 21R3.0.40 | Build Number: 10811
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, the document list will not populate in TMF Viewer.
DEV-452073 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, the Clinical Network FTP Clear job fails to complete with an unhelpful error message.
DEV-453452 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly displays an insufficient license error when attempting to archive sites when there are available licenses.
DEV-457487 |
Documents |
In cases where a document only contains resolved annotations, the Download Notes action fails.
DEV-453905 |
Quality |
In cases with a canceled Training Requirement Impact Assessment (TRIA), updating a document does not update associated Training Requirements accordingly.
DEV-460827 |
Quality |
In some cases, learners viewing a training task page that includes an e-learning course see an Upload Viewable Rendition button instead of a Launch Content button for the course.
DEV-462195 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, documents in section 5.3.6 of an eCTD Submission have blank Product fields after on-demand publishing.
DEV-442052 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, content plan creation generates records that do not match the application's Region and Lead Market.
DEV-461365 |
January 19, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.38 | Build Number: 9
This release only affects TMF Transfer.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, changing document lifecycle configuration causes TMF Transfer to display errors when attempting to transfer in-scope documents.
DEV-457539 |
Release Number: 21R3.0.36 | Build Number: 10783
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
Vault displays an exception error when attempting to enable Binder Export for the first time in Vault Admin.
DEV-457952 |
Admin |
Certain circumstances may prevent a scheduled job from completing.
DEV-459463 |
Clinical Operations |
TMF Bot incorrectly includes documents with no pages when training models using the Training Window Start Date method.
DEV-449188 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases with large numbers of resulting binders (300 +), Vault fails to create binders from Study documents.
DEV-451613 |
Clinical Operations |
Vault incorrectly attributes the Copy Field to Related Object action to "System on behalf of" instead of "System" in Subject Visit audit trails.
DEV-454434 |
Commercial |
The Portal Tasks widget fails to show tasks from Multi-Document Workflows.
DEV-458085 |
Documents |
In some cases, users may receive a server error when attempting to create a new draft of a document with Approved/Auto Links to permalink references within the same document.
DEV-448057 |
Regulatory |
Vault Report-Level Content Plan Publishing jobs can become stuck when the Report-Level Content Plan is not referenced on the Report-Level Content Plan object.
DEV-454494 |
Regulatory |
In cases where Submission Archives contain both links and Content Plan items linked to the same document, Vault displays an error when attempting to import the Submission Archive.
DEV-458356 |
Search & Filter |
In some cases, search results in certain dialogs are larger than 250 characters.
DEV-451924 |
January 13, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.32 | Build Number: 10744
This release only affects PDF Renditions, was originally scheduled for January 7, and has no customer-facing changes.
January 12, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.34 | Build Number: 10757
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where the Steady State Count is not set, Vault displays "Server having issues" when a user attempts to update the Requiredness field.
DEV-455396 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where multiple Recalculate jobs are run concurrently, Vault creates duplicate Enrollment Status logs.
DEV-457618 |
Documents |
In some cases, when annotations brought forward get placed on a different page than in their original document, Vault displays the incorrect page number for the annotation.
DEV-458226 |
Documents |
In cases where annotations exist with invalid formatting, Vault fails to successfully Export Annotations.
DEV-459636 |
Objects |
In cases where objects have document reference fields and lifecycle stages, Vault may prevent the creation of new records.
DEV-459052 |
Performance & UI |
Custom document tabs may not show counts of documents of each type.
DEV-449208 |
Regulatory |
In some cases when related records are created by another process, Vault creates a duplicate record.
DEV-428331 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault displays "Server having problems" when a user attempts to view an Application.
DEV-456678 |
Site Vault |
In some cases an error is displayed when attempting to create users at the Site level.
DEV-455322 |
January 5, 2022
Release Number: 21R3.0.30 | Build Number: 10717
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Vault fails to send email Safety Distributions after adding a supporting document to the distribution.
DEV-455959 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where Monitored Subject or Monitored Subject Visit records do not have values for Subject or Subject Visit field, respectively, Vault displays an error when attempting the Seed Monitored Enrollment or Proactively Seed Monitoring Enrollment actions.
DEV-458412 |
Documents |
In some cases, when users attempt to update their color preferences, Vault does not save their reply color for annotations correctly.
DEV-454778 |
Documents |
In some cases, Vault fails to create renditions for US V3 regional XML files.
DEV-455260 |
Objects |
In some cases, after deselecting relationships from the Define Relationships dialog of the Create Releated Records Wizard, Vault fails to list desired relationships after reselecting them.
DEV-449985 |
Performance & UI |
Custom document tabs may not show counts of documents of each type.
DEV-449208 |
Performance & UI |
Record Detail View pages may take longer than expected to load.
DEV-455358 |
Quality |
If "Display Key Quality Team Roles for Filtering, Reporting" is configured, users cannot adjust Quality Team assignments for themselves if they do not have edit permissions on user fields introduced with that feature.
DEV-457238 |
Regulatory |
When an EU Submission Type is "Variation" or "Extension", Submission Mode appears as blank on the Update Administrative Information page.
DEV-438227 |
Regulatory |
When multiple submissions are being published simultaneously, Vault intermittently fails to publish XML files.
DEV-457706 |
December 21, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.28 | Build Number: 7
This release only affects TMF Transfer.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Site Connect incorrectly sends External IDs from the Clinical Operations Vault when creating or updating Products in SiteVault.
DEV-457184 |
December 20, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.26 | Build Number: 10689
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, when Vault upversions a document as part of the Create Confirmation Letter workflow, the Language field on previous versions is also blanked.
DEV-450701 |
Clinical Operations |
When executed from a Document Check record, Site Connects sends a document instead of a document request to SiteVault.
DEV-450994 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases where duplicate Subjects exist, the Vault CDMS to Clinical Operations connector fails to link Payable Item records to the original subject after cleaning the duplicate records.
DEV-456519 |
Documents |
In cases with merge fields using VQL tokens referring to multiple object levels, Vault fails to merge correctly.
DEV-454490 |
Objects |
In some rare cases, Vault fails to save Lookup Field content after saving.
DEV-435967 |
Objects |
Vault fails to process all email coming from Microsoft 360 containing only HTML body content.
DEV-452976 |
Performance & UI |
Vault fails to show the document count on custom tabs using the Base Document type.
DEV-449208 |
Performance & UI |
View icons are not properly aligned in Internet Explorer 11.
DEV-451643 |
Performance & UI |
Under certain conditions, the Document Template dropdown can take over a minute to load.
DEV-453014 |
Performance & UI |
"Show more" links in Rich Text fields display incorrectly on the left side of the field, not the right side as expected.
DEV-454940 |
Quality |
When changing the state of a document in a Document Change Control record, Vault displays "Server having problems" if a deleted document was previously linked to the record.
DEV-455993 |
Quality |
When removing a document from a Document Change Control record, Vault displays "Server having problems" if deleted versions of that document also reference the record.
DEV-456898 |
Regulatory |
In cases when updating or creating applications using Common (GCC) or Common (EU) as the lead market, Vault incorrectly reports that all records were not created.
DEV-451982 |
Regulatory |
When "Set Bookmarks & Hyperlinks to Page & Coordinates" is enabled, permalinks in published Submission Content Plans are incorrectly converted to use coordinates.
DEV-453153 |
Regulatory |
Vault fails to show the "Create separate Registrations for any selected Complex Products and their selected component" checkbox in the Create Bulk Registrations wizard.
DEV-455460 |
Vault Mobile: Android |
Vault Mobile for Android fails to show inactive users in document Sharing Settings.
DEV-455598 |
Vault Mobile: iOS |
Vault Mobile for iOS fails to show inactive users in document Sharing Settings.
DEV-455598 |
December 17, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.24
This release only affects TMF Bot and has no customer-facing changes.
Release Number: 21R3.0.22 | Mobile Release: 213.2.1
This release only affects Vault Mobile and contains fixes for enterprise login with Microsoft Azure.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault Mobile: iOS |
Admins are unable to configure Vault Mobile enterprise login using Microsoft Azure on iOS.
DEV-453543 |
Vault Mobile: Android |
Admins are unable to configure Vault Mobile enterprise login using Microsoft Azure on Android.
DEV-453496 |
December 16, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.20 | Build Number: 10615 (PDF), 10607 (VTS)
This release includes PDF and VTS Rendition fixes.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Documents |
In some cases, Vault fails to render videos.
DEV-435579 |
Documents |
If the PDF file for an XFA EU form contains a dialog, the form fails to render.
DEV-440696 |
Documents |
In some cases where Excel spreadsheets include empty cells, Vault fails to merge fields on those spreadsheets.
DEV-450668 |
December 15, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.18 | Build Number: 10651
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Vault continues to display the TMF Reference Model 3.0 modal in the TMF Viewer after disabling the modal.
DEV-450749 |
Clinical Operations |
When viewed on a hovercard, Site Activation progress renders on multiple lines rather than one.
DEV-450769 |
Clinical Operations |
Using the Make a Copy action to create Study Person records results in those records causing issues with URS Sync.
DEV-451498 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases where very large numbers of documents are available for TMF Bot training, Vault fails to complete Trained Model auto-training.
DEV-454072 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases where duplicate Subject records exist in a CTMS Vault, connected CDMS Vaults do not show all Subject Visits.
DEV-454292 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, when filtering on Study Site States, the Distribute to Sites action may include Study Sites that are not in the desired state.
DEV-454541 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases with very large numbers of Subject Visit records, Vault displays "Server having problems" when running the Proactively Seed Monitored Enrollment action.
DEV-455263 |
Developer Features: SDK |
Under certain conditions, Spark messages may get "stuck" in both outbound queues in a Vault to Vault connection.
DEV-453883 |
Documents |
When users have the Edit Relationship permission on an older version of a document but not the latest, they cannot delete version-specific relationships on the older version of the document.
DEV-451728 |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
The Check Related Document Access system action fails in multi-document workflows.
DEV-454772 |
Objects |
In the Advanced Search dialog for an object record, filtering on a formula field results in a "Server having problems" error.
DEV-451436 |
Objects |
The Match EDL Items to Documents job fails when two document fields have similar names
DEV-454017 |
Performance & UI |
In some cases, saving a record with required fields removes the asterisks on those required fields.
DEV-438234 |
Performance & UI |
In some cases, Vault fails to update the Last Login field for user accounts in a timely manner.
DEV-447149 |
Performance & UI |
Clicking "Show more" on a Rich Text Field causes text to overlap and be unreadable.
DEV-454042 |
Quality |
In some cases after Assignment details are deleted, the Update Training Assignment job completes with errors when no errors are present.
DEV-454629 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault fails to import submission batches with over 5000 submissions.
DEV-445193 |
Regulatory |
In cases where the same document is matched multiple times within a Content Plan for a large submission, Vault incorrectly publishes reference leafs, resulting in Vault using an incorrect checksum.
DEV-448259 |
Regulatory |
On the first import of a new Submission record with a content plan, Vault initiates the reimport process instead of the import process.
DEV-450431 |
Regulatory |
In cases with duplicate validation criteria present, Vault fails to publish and provides the user no error message.
DEV-453155 |
Regulatory |
In some cases when using record triggers, Vault fails to complete xEVMPD Submission transmission.
DEV-454058 |
Site Vault |
The Patient tab is not visible in legacy SiteVault Enterprise.
DEV-454231 |
December 13, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.14
This release only affects Vault Station Manager for Android and Veeva Snap. The release number for both applications is 213.0.1.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Quality: Station Manager |
After searching for and navigating to a document, the system keyboard may not be dismissed correctly, and attempting to use the keyboard may cause Station Manager to crash.
DEV-454098 |
Veeva Snap |
Customers using Azure app authorization may not be able to add Veeva Snap to their Azure configurations.
DEV-448375 |
Note: Customers using Azure for Veeva Snap may need to update their Azure configuration after this release. See details.
December 12, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.16
There are no customer-facing fixes in this release.
December 9, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.12 | Build Number: 10613
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Authentication |
Production Vaults do not recognize that enhanced password policies are enabled.
DEV-454519 |
Clinical Operations |
Vault fails to create Distribution Task Recipients when there are more than 500 failed Distribution Tasks.
DEV-451468 |
Clinical Operations |
Generating a CTN record without a valid Health Authority Code results in a "Server having problems" error.
DEV-452588 |
Clinical Operations |
The Trip Report Review Comment modal renders incorrectly.
DEV-452658 |
Clinical Operations |
When a user in a sandbox Vault attempts to archive a Study, Vault will fail to archive the Study if there is an insufficient number of Archived Site Licenses.
DEV-453599 |
Commercial |
In cases where an Admin creates a new Account alongside an Inquiry, Vault fails to include Inquiries created after the Recurring Account Pull job runs in the Recurring Inquiry Pull job.
DEV-452973 |
Developer Features: VQL |
In some cases where queries contain large subqueries and one or more inner joins with no additional filters, VQL performance is slower than expected.
DEV-454398 |
Documents |
When dragging and dropping a file in a binder, the Upload New Version dialog does not populate the file automatically.
DEV-451678 |
Documents |
In some cases, the Export Annotations action fails for certain documents.
DEV-452895 |
Documents |
Users of Internet Explorer 11 cannot create text annotations.
DEV-454040 |
Objects |
When a user with Read permission on the parent reference navigates to a record with a Related Objects section, and object reference fields are disabled, Vault displays a "Server having problems" error.
DEV-450774 |
Performance & UI |
In cases where the controlling field for a picklist is in a different section of a page layout, Vault still saves changes to that picklist after the user clicks cancel on the warning dialog.
DEV-451295 |
Performance & UI |
In some cases when page layout rules are triggered, Vault fails to save entered text.
DEV-454210 |
Quality |
In Vault Training, the Issue Training Assignments entry action may incorrectly update a Training Requirement's content set after a "Changes do not affect Training Req." verdict was given during the Training Requirement Impact Assessment workflow.
DEV-452960 |
Quality |
Vault may incorrectly display an inadequate permissions error when triggering a Change State of Related Record entry action on a Change Authorization record.
DEV-452974 |
Regulatory |
When attempting to view or modify the RMS Integration and Synchronization Job, Vault displays "Server having problems."
DEV-451289 |
Site Vault |
After consent forms are created or updated in MyVeeva, Vault fails to move form responses to current or superseded states.
DEV-453535 |
December 6, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.10 | Build Number: 10565
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Site Vault |
In legacy Enterprise SiteVaults, Vault does not perform Site defaulting.
DEV-454019 |
December 5, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.8 | Build Number: 10564
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
In Vaults where lifecycle stages have previously been disabled, Vault fails to create new lifecycle stages.
DEV-452561 |
December 2, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.6 | Build Number: 10558
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Authentication |
When an Admin runs the Import IdP Metadata action in a SAML SSO profile, Vault populates extraneous data (SP Entity ID and Identity Provider Login URL).
DEV-175732 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Vault fails to show all events while running the Apply Milestone Template user action.
DEV-448063 |
Clinical Operations |
Vault fails to provide an exception message after the Inbound Worker job fails due to Protocol Deviations/Procedures mapping issues.
DEV-448201 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases with more than 200 Sites, Safety Distributions fail to create more than 200 Distribution Task records.
DEV-449595 |
Developer Features: SDK |
When an Admin reassigns the United Kingdom to a non-European Union region, Submissions cannot use Node Extensions.
DEV-441182 |
Documents |
Search results in the Bookmarks panel display vertically when the bookmark title does not fit the width of the panel.
DEV-450450 |
Objects |
In some cases, Vault may display a "Server having problems" error when running the Create Related Records user action.
DEV-446945 |
Objects |
When reordering a picklist or saving any record with no changes, Vault updates the Last Modified Date but fails to update the audit trail.
DEV-449542 |
Performance & UI |
The scheduled time for the Scheduled Data Export job cannot be changed after Daylight Savings Time ends.
DEV-448368 |
Performance & UI |
In some cases where users have configured a custom label for the Attachments field, Vault incorrectly displays "Attachments" instead of the custom label.
DEV-450686 |
Quality |
When using Quality Team linked fields, Vault fails to run the Copy FMEA Risk Assessment, Create Audit record, and Create Related Records actions.
DEV-446772 |
Quality |
In cases where the Learner is not associated with a Vault User record, Vault may display a server error when a user attempts to manually update the due date of that Learner's Training Assignments.
DEV-448992 |
Quality |
In some cases, a Facilitated Training job may fail to change a Facilitated Training Request record to the Completed state if the record contains a validation rule that references today('user').
DEV-450545 |
Quality |
In some cases, records fail to change to their destination state when associated with inactive Quality Team roles with a minimum user required value greater than 0.
DEV-451329 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Submissions are transmitted to the gateway more than once.
DEV-389576 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault fails to create the Util folder during continuous publishing.
DEV-407211 |
Regulatory |
When "Allow user to select multiple values" is enabled for the language_for_submission__v field, the notification sent after IDMP element generation may report errors in IDMP Attachment elements.
DEV-446178 |
Regulatory |
When the related sequence ID is missing, Vault displays a "Server having problems" error when attempting to run the Update Administrative Information action.
DEV-447190 |
Regulatory |
In some instances when there are many Content Plan Items, some records have an incorrect lineage value, causing them to not display in the Hierarchy Viewer.
DEV-448442 |
Regulatory |
When a ZIP file contains an unreferenced file and an eCTD submission folder at the root but no application folder, Vault imports the submission as non-eCTD.
DEV-450185 |
Search & Filter |
In some cases, Vault fails to show the correct results after adding child fields to tab filters.
DEV-446634 |
Site Vault |
In some cases when a user completes an eConsent workflow, Signature Form Responses fail to move to the correct state.
DEV-445175 |
Site Vault |
In some cases, new users cannot log in after account creation.
DEV-447338, DEV-447406 |
Site Vault |
If a user cancels eConsent is during processing, Vault fails to notify MyVeeva.
DEV-447461 |
November 22, 2021
Release Number: 21R3.0.4 | Build Number: 10510
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Performance & UI |
In some cases, Vault erroneously sends notification emails.
DEV-451185 |