A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We typically communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.
The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.
We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault uses even-numbered releases, while CDMS uses odd-numbered releases. The most recent Vault General Release is 21R2.0, so our maintenance releases for this version are 21R2.0.2, 21R2.0.4, and so on.
Last Updated: Mar 18, 2024
November 18, 2021
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, Vault duplicates values of merge fields repeaters in tables.
DEV-442903 |
Release Number: 21R2.0.48 | Build Number: 11115
This release only affects pods VLT-7 and VLT-27 and was rescheduled from 11/17. The build number was originally 11111.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In cases with more than 200 Sites, Safety Distributions fail to create more than 200 distribution task records.
DEV-449596 |
Clinical Operations |
In cases with more than 200 Studies, the Safety Distribution Site Selector fails to show all available Sites.
DEV-450100 |
November 12, 2021
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, links are broken in Merged & Published RLCP documents once the document is sent through Adobe Sign.
DEV-423815 |
The “major version_number_v” and “minor_version_number_v” tokens do not render correctly with concatenated static text on Excel Merge Fields documents.
DEV-433107 |
In some cases, Vault fails to include new data when remerging documents with nested tables.
DEV-433905 |
In rare cases, Vault fails to render Merge Fields Excel documents with references.
DEV-441177 |
Release Number: 21R2.0.46 | Build Number: 11102
This release was rescheduled from November 10, 2021.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
When an Admin attempts to delete a message group message, Vault displays an error message.
DEV-440974 |
Clinical Operations |
Vault may not show all related events after a user performs the Apply Milestone Template action.
DEV-446748 |
Clinical Operations |
When using a Study Selector filter, Vault fails to show all content within a Study Site binder.
DEV-447891 |
Clinical Operations |
The TMF Quality Check dialog takes longer than expected to load.
DEV-447893 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Safety Distributions sent via email fail to update the Distribution state correctly.
DEV-449131 |
Documents |
Documents checked out by external users with the most restrictive Sharepoint/OneDrive configuration cannot be checked back in.
DEV-447544 |
Performance & UI |
The scheduled time for the Scheduled Data Export job cannot be changed after Daylight Savings Time ends.
DEV-447815 |
November 3, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.44 | Build Number: 11072
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Vault displays an incorrect error message when a user executes the Distribute to Sites action from a Safety Distribution record and the related Study record does not have any Study Products.
DEV-444305 |
Clinical Operations |
TMF Bot fails to auto-classify documents uploaded from Veeva Snap.
DEV-445633 |
Documents |
In some cases, the Match EDL items to Documents job does not remove previously matched documents.
DEV-444129 |
Documents |
In some cases, the Delete Orphaned Files job incorrectly deletes an entire document.
DEV-445490 |
Regulatory |
Vault does not include the Application Folder within the zip file for AS2 transmissions to Health Canada.
DEV-443132 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, when submissions include working documents, Vault incorrectly creates hyperlinks to the working documents.
DEV-444179 |
October 29, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.42 | Build Number: 11060
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
The workflow Timeline View displays workflows for unrelated documents if the document ID of one is a substring of another.
DEV-445423 |
QualityOne |
In some cases, when a user attempts to perform a bulk object record update, Vault may display a batch error.
DEV-442078 |
October 27, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.40 | Build Number: 11048
The build number for this release was previously 11045.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
When a user updates a Subject record that contains several date fields with the same value, the Enrollment Status Log data may be incorrect.
DEV-439490 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, automated Training jobs may fail if a document's state is such that it can be pulled multiple times into the Training job.
DEV-443457 |
Clinical Operations |
After running an automated Training job, if a user deletes a document before it can be extracted, the job fails.
DEV-443460 |
Documents |
In the Document Viewer or a rendition, some information may be missing from Draft or Obsolete documents with merge fields.
DEV-442039 |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
In some cases, users may not be able to cancel a workflow that has many pending task reminder notifications.
DEV-438404 |
Performance & UI |
When opening a record in Vault, certain users may experience buttons taking longer than expected to appear.
DEV-438145 |
Performance & UI |
In some cases, with Action UI enabled, Vault fails to show the right arrow icon on picklist modifiers.
DEV-441806 |
Regulatory |
When a user exports a Submission that is configured to hide Correspondence documents in the Submissions Archive Viewer, the export includes Correspondence documents.
DEV-438006 |
October 20, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.38 | Build Number: 11018
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
In certain scenarios, changing the label of a standard Number field (such as copy_depth__v) changes the maximum length of that standard field to 1,000.
DEV-441759 |
Clinical Operations |
Vault displays an unhelpful error when an admin can not create a Study Person due to configuration issues.
DEV-436781 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, auto-classified documents are missing renditions.
DEV-438686 |
Clinical Operations |
When the Autocomplete Milestones job updates metrics on a milestone, Vault logs that update on behalf of the user whose actions first scheduled the job to run.
DEV-439492 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, CTMS Vaults create duplicate Event Definitions after receiving multiple versions from CDMS.
DEV-440251 |
Quality |
In some cases, Vault gives users Training Assignements based on Superseded documents.
DEV-441411 |
Regulatory |
If Submissions were imported prior to 21R1, Vault fails to update the Active Dossier.
DEV-440536 |
October 13, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.36 | Build Number: 10992
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Vault prevents the reuse of documents across Studies for users without Manage Archive permissions at the time of document creation.
DEV-432588 |
Documents |
With Action UI enabled, Vault does not save tags on link annotations.
DEV-438244 |
Quality |
When a user attempts to change a document state to Issued, Vault displays a Server Having Problems error.
DEV-425809 |
October 8, 2021
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, Vault fails to render Microsoft Powerpoint™ documents with the “Speaker Notes” layout setting.
DEV-391379 |
Vault improperly renders barcode tokens for rich text fields inside tables, and does not display an error message on the Rendition Status page.
DEV-422749 |
In some cases, Vault fails to render and resolve tokens on Merge Fields documents using the “Document Number” token.
DEV-432719 |
In some cases, Vault fails to render videos.
DEV-435707; DEV-437096 |
Rendition Service EKS upgrade.
DEV-435901 |
Microsoft Office™ security patch.
DEV-435982 |
October 6, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.34 | Build Number: 10974
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly creates duplicate User Role Setup records.
DEV-433919 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Vault does not enable the Next button when attempting to drag-and-drop upload a document to a Binder.
DEV-431635 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Vault prevents the reuse of documents across Studies for users without Manage Archive permissions at the time of document creation.
This issue was removed from this release.
DEV-432588 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, adding large volumes of data to CDMS will cause the CMDS & Clinical Operations Vault Connection to fail.
DEV-438662 |
Documents |
Internal utility for eSignature page regeneration.
DEV-436492 |
Documents |
Vault incorrectly allows the Max Length attribute on Standard fields to be edited.
DEV-437587 |
Objects |
In some cases, Vault allows users to trigger actions from certain views while other state changes are in progress.
DEV-432245 |
Performance & UI |
In some cases, checklist creation via an entry action may fail.
DEV-435048 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, updating Product details fails to also update the related Packaging records when creating bulk Registrations.
DEV-436747 |
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, Vault takes longer than expected to render audio and video files.
DEV-436376 |
September 30, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.32 | Build Number: 14
This release only affects TMF Transfer and has been rescheduled from September 29, 2021.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Site Vault |
In some cases, after a Study assignment is reactivated, distribution tasks from SiteVault to a Clinical Operations Vault fail.
DEV-426842 |
September 29, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.30 | Build Number: 10940
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
In some scenarios, Admins cannot create new cross domain users.
DEV-434727 |
Developer Features: API |
5 GB files uploaded via API cannot be found in the Library or via VQL.
DEV-436941 |
Documents |
In some cases, Shared Inbox documents are shared with the wrong users after being reclassified.
DEV-432897 |
Documents |
In some cases, clicking a link annotation pointing to an anchor takes the user to the wrong place in the document.
DEV-434446 |
Documents |
In some scenarios when using the Share Inbox Documents feature, changing the owner role also adds the Inbox Editor Role.
DEV-434893 |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
Users cannot remove a document from a workflow via the Envelope viewer if it is the only document on the second page or later.
DEV-429768 |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
In some cases, jobs that change the state of object records may take a long time to complete.
DEV-433030 |
Performance & UI |
With Action UI enabled, read-only Field Dependencies are incorrectly displayed as though they can be edited.
DEV-433621 |
Performance & UI |
Vault displays the incorrect styling in the Workflow History printable view.
DEV-434836 |
Performance & UI |
In some cases when using Single Sign On, Vault incorrectly displays Avg Time Login as 0.
DEV-435609 |
Quality |
Cancel Open Training Assignments is not available as a user action.
This has been removed from the maintenance release.
DEV-434022 |
Quality |
If a locked Quiz is not set to Auto-Unlock, the Update Training Assignments job fails to complete.
DEV-435301 |
Regulatory |
Vault fails to complete workflow verification after a user clears the date fields on the Edit and Verify dialog.
DEV-434464 |
Regulatory |
Under some circumstances, ZA rules Rule9.BP5, Rule9.BP6, and Rule9.BP7 are incorrectly reported.
DEV-434841 |
Regulatory |
In cases where eCTD util files have a classification other than Submissions Archive, Vault sometimes fails to publish.
DEV-436370 |
September 22, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.28 | Build Number: 10903
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Documents |
In some cases, the Match EDL items to Documents job does not remove previously matched documents.
DEV-382141 |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
In some cases, users can lose access to documents after associated lifecycles are deactivated.
DEV-435092 |
Performance & UI |
With Action UI enabled, lifecycle state names are not translated into Japanese.
DEV-434381 |
Quality |
Vault incorrectly reports that the Document Periodic Review job failed to run instead of reporting it failed with errors.
DEV-435166 |
QualityOne |
When users fail a quiz, the result banner color is purple.
DEV-428759 |
Regulatory |
In some cases in Vaults using the RIM to PromoMats connection feature, after continuous publishing starts, a file may not be published when the Source for Published Document field value is Source Document.
DEV-413144 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, validation of Publishing tasks fails to complete.
DEV-433410 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault displays “server having problems” when viewing the Historical Lifecycle on a Submission.
DEV-434228 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault fails to bulk create related Registration records for Active Substances or Inactive Ingredients.
DEV-434655 |
September 17, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.26 | Build Number: 10881
This release only affects SiteVault pods (VLT-1082, VLT-1110 and VLT-2097).
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Site Vault |
In some cases, users may lose access to Study records when their Site-level permissions change.
DEV-435337 |
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault fails to render password-protected Microsoft Excel™ files.
DEV-413403 |
In some cases when using track changes and merged fields, unexpected field code changes are shown in the source document.
DEV-416383 |
In some cases, Vault fails to render documents with merge fields due to missing linked documents.
DEV-427743 |
Vault fails to render Merge Field tokens embedded in shapes within tables.
DEV-427752 |
In some cases, unreadable text is displayed within PDF rendition form fields when advance overlays are applied.
This fix was removed from this maintenance release.
DEV-428305 |
In some cases, Vault fails to perform the Generate Approval Document action.
DEV-429082 |
In some cases, PDF rendition bookmarks navigate to the wrong place in the document when the dynamic linking feature is enabled in the Vault.
DEV-430349 |
When viewing a document with advanced overlays in a PDF viewer, Vault incorrectly changes the PDF Producer properties field.
DEV-431607 |
September 15, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.24 | Build Number: 10860
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Vault displays “Server having problems” when trying to access the TMF Viewer without first selecting a model.
DEV-394652 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, after removing permissions for users to a Study Site, Study, or Site, those users cannot access the TMF Viewer at all.
DEV-421182 |
Developer Features: API |
In some cases, API users cannot complete workflows requiring an ESignature.
DEV-427671 |
Developer Features: API |
In some cases where there are more than 200 tasks, Vault fails to display all tasks for API users.
DEV-431401 |
Documents |
In some cases, annotations from prior renditions will reappear after a new rendition is uploaded.
DEV-427023 |
Documents |
In some cases, Vault displays the “Server having problems” error when external users join a collaborative authoring session.
DEV-432316 |
Documents |
In some cases, annotations disappear until the webpage is refreshed.
DEV-433524 |
Regulatory |
In some cases in Vaults using the RIM to Promomats connection feature, initial publishing may incorrectly trigger continuous publishing.
DEV-413138 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, the Regulatory Vault incorrectly contacts the connected PromoMats Vault, causing unnecessary publishing.
DEV-426809 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault sets the Source for Published Document to a viewable rendition, not the source document.
DEV-428919 |
September 10, 2021
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault fails to render documents with barcode tokens.
DEV-423936 |
Vault incorrectly interprets tokens in a table and fails to create rows for each record.
DEV-431643 |
September 8, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.22 | Build Number: 10832
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
In some cases, Vault sends duplicate job notifications.
DEV-429377 |
Authentication |
When an Admin clicks the Reset Password link in the “User has a locked account” notification, Vault does not reset the password.
This fix was removed from this maintenance release.
DEV-420482 |
Clinical Operations |
Vault occasionally displays the incorrect Delivery Status of survey Invitations.
DEV-411307 |
Clinical Operations |
Vault fails to show an error when attempting to export more than 10,000 records to CSV or Excel from TMF Viewer.
DEV-422564 |
Clinical Operations |
When more than 1000 clinical document types exist, Vault fails to show all clinical document types to some users.
DEV-428065 |
Clinical Operations |
Field defaults are not applied when using Reclassify on auto-classified documents in the Document Inbox.
DEV-428504 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, the CDMS to CTMS Vault Connection creates duplicate Subject records.
DEV-431630 |
Clinical Operations |
Auto-classified documents with related Milestones cannot be completed in the Document Inbox.
DEV-431669 |
Documents |
Vault shows a dark yellow annotation card for light yellow annotations.
DEV-431714 |
Objects |
After permission to a custom object tab has been removed for a user, the user may still be able to create new object records using the Create button’s Recents functionality.
DEV-430003 |
Objects |
Editing a Rich Text field to enable field-level encryption for PHI/PII results in a server error.
DEV-430007 |
Performance & UI |
When a user sorts more than 25 tasks and switches between Grid view and Detail view, the tasks may not be sorted correctly on the second page.
DEV-428378 |
Performance & UI |
Headers improperly overlap when printing document information pages.
DEV-429400 |
Performance & UI |
Vault fails to translate Action UI workflow state change labels into Japanese.
DEV-429735 |
Quality |
In some cases, Vault shows an unhelpful error message when failing to save a Risk Event record.
DEV-426696 |
Quality |
Vault incorrectly shows a purple banner on failed quizzes instead of a red banner.
DEV-427878 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly shows continuous publishing jobs as pending in the publishing progress indicator.
DEV-422825, DEV-428364 |
Search & Filter |
In some cases, list traversal does not reflect the number of search results after both modifiers and filters are applied, and list traversal does not appear at all for advanced search and searches with modifiers but not filters.
DEV-421514 |
Security |
Following a clone of a source Vault with the View User Profile permission enabled, the target Vault fails to include this permission.
DEV-424772 |
Security |
In some cases, Dynamic Access Control rules are not applied to document templates uploaded via Vault Loader.
DEV-425385 |
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
Korean language characters are not displayed in rich text fields on exported Formatted Outputs.
DEV-410634 |
In some cases, Vault may unnecessarily regenerate advanced eSignature templates.
DEV-427110 |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly renders Follow Up letters and fails to populate fields.
DEV-427856 |
September 1, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.20 | Build Number: 10784
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Vault shows Vault Owners incorrect counts in the Completeness Unapproved Documents, Timeliness and Quality Issues widgets on the TMF Homepage.
DEV-408346 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Vault fails to create Subject records for Sites with 500 or more Milestones.
DEV-424624 |
Documents |
Under certain conditions, performing actions on a document cause server errors.
DEV-425351 |
Documents |
Vault allows users to create Linked Document relationships when the “Enable Create & Import Document Links” setting is disabled.
DEV-425812 |
Documents |
Vault fails to show the complete color picker in Notes view.
DEV-425888 |
Documents |
Vault offers six colors for annotations instead of the expected twelve.
DEV-426323 |
Documents |
Vault fails to show the correct matching font color for all annotation colors.
DEV-430742 |
Objects |
When “Available in All Lifecycle States” is enabled on an SDK record action, and a user’s permissions change to allow or disallow the action while the user is viewing an object record page, Vault does not update the Actions menu to add or remove the action from the dropdown each time the user clicks on it.
DEV-426455 |
Quality |
Vault fails to add users to Quality Team Managed Roles via the Update Sharing Settings workflow action.
DEV-426813 |
QualityOne |
After deleting a Team, Vault displays “Server Having Problems” when attempting to view or modify object workflows lifecycles with the entry criteria “Verify Team Validity For All Roles.”
DEV-429246 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, after renaming a Country record, Vault fails to create the related Application Country record.
DEV-423862 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly shows the status of a completed with errors Submission Import job as still running.
DEV-428079 |
Regulatory |
The Submission Archive viewer displays a “Server Having Problems” error when attempting to view an application with correspondence with no filters available.
DEV-429117 |
Reporting |
Exported reports do not include full long-text field contents even when the “Include full text for long fields” option is enabled.
DEV-426843 |
Reporting |
In some cases, Vault displays an “Empty Cache” error when running a flash report even if the report has been updated or run recently.
DEV-428326 |
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly populates merge field values on CTMS documents.
DEV-427553 |
In some cases, e-signature pages regenerate unexpectedly.
DEV-429513 |
August 25, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.18 | Build Number: 11
This release only affects TMF Transfer.
There are no customer-facing fixes in this release.
Release Number: 21R2.0.16
This release only affects TMF Bot.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
Vault fails to auto-classify documents with file names containing commas.
DEV-428807 |
Release Number: 21R2.0.14 | Build Number: 10753
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Clinical Operations |
When a SiteVault user accepts an Agreement from a Clinical Vault and there are no studies to show in the Agreement wizard, Vault displays a "Loading" message with a continuously spinning loading animation.
DEV-407039 |
Clinical Operations |
When uploading via Vault Loader, Vault fails to create Site Package Documents.
DEV-421074 |
Clinical Operations |
In some cases, Vault deletes necessary User Role Setup records.
DEV-426182 |
Clinical Operations |
After auto-classifying a document, Vault fails to properly apply auto-numbering.
DEV-427775 |
Documents |
On a non-video document with many annotations that are close together, when a user selects an annotation and then resizes the document viewer, the selected annotation's infocard moves away from its placemark.
DEV-423465 |
Documents |
Users can see and execute annotation actions from the document mini-browser.
DEV-425883 |
Documents |
The Notes and Placements filter sections might not update dynamically when annotations are resolved, reopened, or placed.
DEV-426079 |
Documents |
in some cases, Vault displays a "Server having problems" error when a user attempts to upload a document with dynamic reference constraints on any fields.
DEV-426678 |
Objects |
When a user edits the Name field of an Index on a high volume object and clicks Continue on the confirmation dialog, Vault reverts to the original name value and does not allow the user to save changes.
DEV-426368 |
Objects |
Vault fails to show the "Show In Tab" button on related object sections when the Lifecycle State filter uses a "contains" operator.
DEV-427718 |
Performance & UI |
With Action UI enabled, Vault shows the incorrect icon for Remove Suggested Links.
DEV-421829 |
QualityOne |
Vault fails to delete an object or remove an object lifecycle from an object when the related Team has been deleted.
DEV-426253 |
Quality |
Vault fails to complete the Cancel Open Training Assignments job when there are more than 500 records to process.
DEV-426540 |
Quality |
Under certain conditions, when a Substitute Training Rule has the condition that the Person's Status should be Active, the corresponding Substitute Training Requirement is not assigned to active Learners.
DEV-426907 |
Quality & QualityOne |
In Vaults using Action UI and Multi-Document Change Control, searching for a document, then removing it from the Documents to be Released section of a Document Change Control record may result in unexpected characters in the removal audit trail entry.
DEV-427965 |
Search & Filter |
In some cases, if a user first filters documents by all document types and then selects Correspondence Letter, Vault does not return any results.
DEV-425273 |
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, e-signature pages regenerate unexpectedly.
This fix was removed from this maintenance release.
DEV-429513 |
August 18, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.12 | Build Number: 10704
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
For sandbox vaults with linked file staging servers, users are unable to refresh the sandbox even after deleting all other vaults sharing the same linked file staging server.
DEV-426512 |
Admin |
After an Admin updates the Label value of a Page object and clicks Save, Vault displays a “Server having problems” error.
DEV-426881 |
Clinical Operations |
After deactivating a Person record, Vault leaves the Grant Access to Related Records field on all related Study Person records set to Yes.
DEV-420554 |
Clinical Operations |
If the Content (blinding__v) document field has a default value, uploading a document using the global Create button does not provide the Content field with a default value.
DEV-425180 |
Clinical Operations |
When reclassifying a document to a Document Type containing a Content field, Vault fails to set the correct default values in the Content field.
DEV-426559 |
Clinical Operations |
TMF Bot cannot train models using Document Types with names longer than 128 characters.
DEV-426823 |
Documents |
With Infinite Document Scrolling enabled, when a user creates an annotation in Overlay mode, the annotation’s infocard may appear far away from the placemark.
DEV-425349 |
Documents |
The “PDF with Annotations” download option is available after a document’s viewable rendition has been deleted.
DEV-425509 |
Documents |
User mentions do not appear in Notes view.
DEV-425887 |
Multichannel |
In cases where the CRM Media field is blank on a Multichannel slide, the Create Draft action fails.
DEV-424801 |
Performance & UI |
When a user sorts more than 25 tasks and switches between Grid view and Detail view, the tasks may not be sorted correctly on the second page.
DEV-412980 |
Performance & UI |
When an Admin clicks a link in the section navigation panel of a User details page, the corresponding section expands but the link does not display the record count, and the link above it in the panel is highlighted.
DEV-423394 |
Performance & UI |
After creating an item called “Placeholder” in Configuration > Document Types or Document Fields, Vault incorrectly renders the Configuration page.
DEV-426457 |
QualityOne |
In some cases, a server error message appears when updating and/or deleting a field value mapping.
DEV-425251 |
August 13, 2021
Published August 19, 2021.
Rendition Updates
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, documents may fail to render when they contain a large number of Merge Fields errors.
DEV-421974 |
Vault fails to render merge fields documents using repeaters in table rows.
DEV-413797 |
In some cases, Merge Field tokens merge with an additional, incorrect blank value.
DEV-402251 |
Vault fails to generate bookmarks based on captions when the “Caption Bookmarks” rendition option is enabled.
DEV-383902 |
In some cases, Vault fails to generate formatted outputs.
DEV-377359 |
In some cases, Vault does not properly display images in rendered Microsoft Word™ documents in the document viewer.
DEV-315296 |
In some cases, tokens in documents with merge fields in tables fail to merge.
DEV-422845 |
In some cases, customers experienced intermittent slowness or failures to download renditions with overlays.
DEV-350821 |
August 11, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.10 | Build Number: 10653
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
After an Admin updates the Label value of a Page object and clicks Save, Vault displays a “Server having problems” error.
This fix was removed from this maintenance release.
DEV-424309 |
Authentication |
Vault-to-Vault connections fail if a second Vault connection user is created.
DEV-420164 |
Authentication |
After a user logs in as another user using delegate access and then clicks the “Return to your account” link in the banner, Vault navigates to the My Vaults page but the banner does not disappear.
DEV-425001 |
Clinical Operations |
Users are unable to sort columns in the TMF Viewer by clicking the column headers.
DEV-423421 |
Commercial |
Generating an Approval Document for a Content Module fails when the Country field is set as required on the Base Document.
DEV-422386 |
Documents |
In some cases, Merge Field tokens merge with an additional, incorrect blank value.
DEV-402251 |
Documents |
With Action UI enabled, highlighting text in an unsaved sticky note annotation with the cursor causes the text to disappear.
DEV-420951 |
Documents |
In Overlay mode with a filter for resolved annotations, if a user creates a note and switches to Sidebar mode, the new unresolved note displays on the page.
DEV-421331 |
Documents |
If a user opens the Filter menu from the DocInfo page and then views annotations in Notes or Thumbnail view, the annotation view shifts to the right.
DEV-421332 |
Documents |
After exiting fullscreen mode, adjusting the size of the browser does not correctly resize the document and moves annotations to the bottom of the document.
DEV-422557 |
Documents |
In some cases, with Action UI enabled, the document viewer toolbar is missing after disabling Annotate mode.
DEV-423196 |
Documents |
After relabelling the Inbox lifecycle and document type, users cannot upload documents via Veeva Snap.
DEV-424743 |
Performance & UI |
In Tabular View, the Actions menu drop-down is missing a box-shadow and is difficult to distinguish from the background.
DEV-421912 |
Performance & UI |
Vault incorrectly displays “Start Multi-Document Workflow” on dialogs that should read “Start Document Workflow.”
DEV-425355 |
Quality |
On Internet Explorer™️ 11, after clicking the Actions menu on a Document Change Request in the grid view for a Document Change Control record, the menu items do not appear until the user hovers over the area where they should appear.
DEV-416981 |
Quality |
In certain cases when using Quality Teams, Vault displays “Server having problems” when attempting to remove a user from a workflow role.
DEV-423884 |
Quality |
Under certain circumstances, using the Manage Team button to remove a user from a Quality Team role may not remove the users or cancel workflows as expected.
DEV-425348 |
QualityOne |
Under certain conditions, when a Substitute Training Rule has the condition that the Person’s Status should be Active, the corresponding Substitute Training Requirement is not assigned to active Learners.
DEV-422154 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault will create a placeholder in a binder when attempting to create a reference leaf.
DEV-411826 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, Vault fails to allow the user to select items when viewing a correspondence document.
DEV-424479 |
Regulatory |
When a Correspondence document only has an Application value, expanding the Dossier Review panel results in an unexpected error.
DEV-425729 |
August 5, 2021
Release Number: 21R2.0.6 | Build Number: 10617
The build number for this release was previously 10621.
Category |
Description |
Issue No. |
Admin |
In Vaults where Enable User Mentions in annotations is disabled, users experience a server error when loading the Notifications page.
DEV-423046 |
Clinical Operations |
Vault fails to create related User Role Setup records when creating Study Persons in bulk via API or Vault Loader, even with create_urs__v = TRUE.
DEV-418713 |
Clinical Operations |
Document Reconciliation includes documents mapped to the Expedited Safety Report artifact.
DEV-418836 |
Clinical Operations |
When no Countries are found to match the country exclusion filter for a Safety Distribution, Vault performs no filtering and selects all available Sites.
DEV-420272 |
Clinical Operations |
When performing the Complete action in the Document Inbox on a document that the TMF Bot has auto-classified, Vault requires the user to select a Document Type.
DEV-421272 |
Clinical Operations |
If a user attempts to inactivate a Person record that is linked to a Study Personnel record with “Grant Access to Related Records” set to “Yes”, Vault displays a “Server having problems” error.
DEV-421459 |
Documents |
User mentions that contain spaces are not correctly inserted into annotation comments.
DEV-420869 |
Documents |
Resolved note annotations do not appear in a document’s Notes view, and when a user resolves an annotation in Notes view, the annotation disappears.
DEV-421305 |
Documents |
If Push to Staging is not enabled for Vault Digital Publishing, the Information Panel does not display the Staging CDN URL, and the CDN Staging actions do not appear in the Actions menu.
DEV-421394 |
Documents |
In some cases, after a user downloads a PDF with annotations, the Download with Annotations dialog does not appear before the PDF begins downloading.
DEV-421466 |
Documents |
Vault incorrectly displays the Approved Link icon on Auto Link annotations.
DEV-421515 |
Documents |
Users are unable to delete annotation replies in Notes view.
DEV-421517 |
Documents |
In some cases, documents may fail to render when they contain a large number of Merge Fields errors.
DEV-421974 |
Documents |
After a user clicks the Complete button from the Actions menu of an unclassified document, the Classify Document dialog does not appear.
DEV-422476 |
Documents |
Suggested Links in Pending status are visible in the Notes view of Annotate mode.
DEV-422789 |
Documents |
The “PDF with Annotations” download option appears for video documents after a user creates video annotations.
DEV-423785 |
Lifecycle & Workflow |
Vault displays a “Server having problems” error when a user attempts to view the Workflow Timeline when the workflow definition contains a deleted reference to an Update Related Record field.
DEV-421442 |
Performance & UI |
Vault fails to prompt for confirmation when changing a record’s state.
Removed this issue as it doesn’t correct a defect; functionality is an enhancement.
DEV-418549 |
Quality |
The “Show More” link does not appear on the Learner Homepage for Training Assignment descriptions that are more than three (3) lines long.
DEV-420089 |
Quality |
When only processing External Training Requirement types, Vault fails to complete the Update Training Assignment job.
DEV-423879 |
Regulatory |
The Publishing Status indicator may not reflect the current status of on-demand validation and publishing tasks.
DEV-395368 |
Regulatory |
Document Reconciliation is not activated automatically when Site Connected is added.
DEV-415253 |
Regulatory |
Vault fails to include the scheduled job ID when downloading the Publishing Progress status.
DEV-418287 |
Regulatory |
Submission join validation prevents the Create Related Records action from creating records when not all prerequisites are registered.
DEV-419576 |
Regulatory |
Correspondence documents do not appear in the Submissions Archive Viewer if they were imported while Vault was in Document Migration Mode.
DEV-419912 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, the names of certain inactive custom fields appear in the Manage Registered Details wizard.
DEV-420159 |
Regulatory |
In some cases, using the Create Related Record wizard on a Impact Assessment Report results in inconsistent record names.
DEV-422069 |
Regulatory |
Correspondence documents do not appear in the Submissions Archive Viewer when the Submission record’s Dossier Status has no value.
DEV-423944 |