A “maintenance release” is a release that contains fixes for issues that are affecting customers in production environments. We typically communicate 24 hours prior to the release that we will be applying a maintenance release and that there will be a short service disruption. This list only covers fixes to General Release versions.

The list of fixed issues is not finalized until just before the release occurs. When we identify issues to fix in a maintenance release, we attempt to get them into the earliest release possible. Sometimes, we target a specific release but are not able to deliver a fix early enough for full testing. In situations like this, we postpone the fix for a later release and strike out the description in this list.

We number maintenance releases by appending the number of the maintenance release to the General Release number. Vault uses even-numbered releases, while CDMS uses odd-numbered releases. The most recent Vault General Release is 20R3.0, so our maintenance releases for this version are 20R3.0.2, 20R3.0.4, and so on.

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2024

April 14, 2021

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
When users generate an eCTD Compliance binder from a PDF/A document that contains link annotations, Vault is unable to generate PDF/A compliant renditions for either the clean or annotated material. DEV-389451

March 31, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.50 | Build Number: 11552

Category Description Issue No.
Documents When downloading very large files from Vault, there is a long delay before the download begins. DEV-389411
Objects Under certain circumstances, when users encounter an “SDK_ERROR:OPERATION_FAILED” error when querying a high volume object record, the error message suggests their changes will be reverted but the changes are committed instead. DEV-387515

March 24, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.48 | Build Number: 11529

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Some users without the Manage Archive permission are able to add a document to an archived study. DEV-387286
Multichannel Under certain circumstances, users without the Edit Fields permission cannot create a new version of a document. DEV-381058
Objects When deploying a migration package, deleting a field used in a default value expression via MDL and then viewing the Object Types tab results in a server error. DEV-386256

March 17, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.46 | Build Number: 11502

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations The Update Metrics and Update Monitored Metrics jobs may not be able to recover data upon encountering an error. DEV-380806
Documents In cases where integrations update binders using the “Overwrite existing bindings if a newer version is available” option, Vault records the update even if nothing has changed. DEV-385380

March 10, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.44 | Build Number: 11467

Category Description Issue No.
Commercial Standard Metrics fields are updated on the audit trail but are not updated and show as blank in the Standard Metrics section of the document. DEV-383962
Documents Users experience an error when viewing related documents sections with over 1000 documents. DEV-382461
Quality Users experience a “cannot change HTTP accept header” error when playing certain SCORM courses in Vault Training. DEV-383581

March 3, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.42 | Build Number: 11457

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations In some scenarios, users receive a “server having problems” error when trying to send a document through Veeva Site Connect. DEV-383011
Quality In Vault Training, E-learning videos do not play on iOS (iPad, iPhone). DEV-381236
Regulatory Failure to remove object reference field values used in metadata mapping causing newly imported submissions to add content into the wrong section, creating duplicate sections within the Submissions Archive Viewer. DEV-382860

March 1, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.40 | Build Number: 7

This release only affects Vault Station Manager iOS.

Description Issue No.
When Vault is undergoing maintenance, the Station User account can become locked out if there are many devices tied to that specific user. DEV-380217
In some cases, Station Manager internal debug log files can grow very large and cause iPad storage issues. DEV-381202

March 4, 2021

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
In some cases, .EMF images embedded in Microsoft Word™ documents do not display after rendering. DEV-354579
.MSG and .EML files fail to render if the subject field is empty. DEV-354585
Attachments from .EML files are missing as Vault document attachments. DEV-369459
In some cases, Vault does not display images in renditions when images are embedded in Microsoft Word™ documents. DEV-376415
In some cases, Merge PDF fails to merge documents. DEV-380131

February 25, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.38 | Build Number: 28

This release only affects TMF Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations In some cases, TMF Transfer does not transfer placeholder documents. DEV-382001
Clinical Operations In some cases, sending an Agreement to a target Vault results in multiple server errors. DEV-382002
Clinical Operations In some cases, CDX Issues are created when Vault attempts to transfer placeholder documents in the Deleted state. DEV-382311

February 24, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.36 | Build Number: 11424

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations In some cases, users get a server error when creating Safety Distributions from a document. DEV-379165
Clinical Operations In some cases, scheduling multiple Change Milestones to Complete jobs may result in performance issues and delays in job execution. DEV-379165
Clinical Operations Vault does not create Study Sites via Vault Loader if they reference an organization with an invalid USN. DEV-379828
Clinical Operations In some cases, the Update Metrics job fails when a study's Metric Calculation value is Date Based and Subjects have a Screen Failed Date without a Screen Date or a Withdrawn Date without an Enrolled Date. DEV-380826
Clinical Operations The Create Metrics Over Time job fails if there are more than 500 planned rollups for metrics over time. DEV-381427
Documents In some cases, fields do not populate with default values during document classification if DAC is configured on the document. DEV-374453
Documents Viewable renditions for CrossLink documents fail to generate when the source document is over 1GB. DEV-377288
Lifecycle & Workflow In some cases, a network issue occurs when Admins modify existing User Actions that have a long list of conditions. DEV-380835
Regulatory In some cases, publishing jobs take longer than expected to complete. DEV-379033

February 18, 2021

Authentication Updates

Description Issue No.
In some scenarios, delegate users receive a server error when accessing the My Vaults page. DEV-380820

February 10, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.32 | Build Number: 11366

Category Description Issue No.
Admin Formatted output reports fail to generate when the template includes a document relationship that references an object. DEV-373447
Clinical Operations When EDLs are configured with custom lifecycles, sending the records to sites via Veeva Site Connect results in an unexpected error. DEV-377159
Lifecycle & Workflow In some cases, accepting a task results in an internal error. DEV-379519
Quality Users are unable to open Facilitated Training Request records if they contain formula icon fields. DEV-374990
Quality In certain Substitute Training configurations, a substitute training assignment which should be canceled may not be correctly canceled by the nightly Update Training Assignments job. DEV-379668

February 5, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.30 | Build Number: 23

This release only affects TMF Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations After accepting and approving a study Agreement, distribution task and document IDs are not logged correctly. DEV-379364

February 4, 2021

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
XML files fail to render when the file path contains unicode characters. DEV-357523

February 3, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.28 | Build Number: 11317

Category Description Issue No.
Developer Features: SDK When using the Query Service with High Volume Objects, processing threads are released to the thread pool when execution is complete. DEV-376788
Performance & UI In some cases, Vault does not track the Avg Time Login performance statistic. DEV-371091
Regulatory In some cases, the removal of manually matched documents fail and result in an error while the daily automatching job is running. DEV-358364

This release only affects TMF Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations In some cases, Distributions Tasks remain in the Sending state. DEV-377794

January 28, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.26 | Build Number: 21

This release only affects TMF Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Limited release Vaults using TMF Transfer may encounter issues when creating Issues re-rendering video documents after uploading. DEV-376882
Clinical Operations Vault does not populate the source_tmf_document_number__v field on documents transferred to target Vaults. DEV-374725

January 27, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.24 | Build Number: 11287

Category Description Issue No.
Admin In some cases, Vault does not correctly display Filter Tab status on the tab configuration page. DEV-367325
Lifecycle & Workflow Vault may display a server error when trying to delete a custom object with Atomic Security configured for a field in the object's lifecycle. DEV-376007
Regulatory Within a grouped submission, users may not be able to export documents in related submissions from the primary submission. DEV-365310
Documents In certain circumstances, more than one version of a document may be returned by Vault search as the latest version. DEV-374550

January 21, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.22 | Build Number: 17

This release only affects TMF Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations Vault creates duplicate documents when transferring multi-site documents from Site Vault Enterprise Vaults to Clinical Vaults. DEV-371561

January 20, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.20 | Build Number: 11239

Category Description Issue No.
Admin In some cases, Vault Loader fails to extract object records when the Include Non-Editable Fields checkbox is selected. DEV-372413
Admin When using Vault Compare, including the Report component type causes the comparison to fail. DEV-371887
Clinical Operations Vault does not prevent the Send Agreement Invitation entry action from creating Agreements for Sites with no organization or whose organizations have missing or invalid USN values. DEV-367526
Clinical Operations When a Study Person or Study Organization moves into the Active state, Vault does not correctly filter documents for which it creates distribution tasks. DEV-374776
Developer Features: API When using the API's Vault Loader – Extract Data Files endpoint to extract documents, if id is not included in the fields list, setting the extract_options body parameter to include_source__v or include_renditions__v results in an error. DEV-372415
Developer Features: API When using the API's Vault Loader – Extract Data Files endpoint to extract documents, if no documents meet the criteria set in the vql_criteria__v parameter, setting the extract_options body parameter to include_source__v or include_renditions__v results in an error. DEV-372414
Lifecycle & Workflow In some legacy workflows, when a user executes the Update Workflow Dates action on a workflow task with multiple participants, the workflow task participants continue to receive notifications that the task due date has been updated. DEV-373480
Quality Admins can assign the Learner license type to users in Vaults where Vault Training is not enabled. DEV-368735
Quality Vault does not correctly display some icons in Training Assignment records. DEV-374148
Regulatory Users cannot add a Unit of Presentation into a denominator when working with XEVMPD data DEV-367242

January 13, 2021

Release Number: 20R3.0.18 | Build Number: 11185

Category Description Issue No.
Admin Under certain conditions, some audit data retrieved through the API may be missing due to improperly handling null values. DEV-367335
Admin The Vault Comparison tool fails if one Vault has Vault Payments and the other Vault does not. DEV-371083
Clinical Operations Users cannot use the “Create Fees from Template” action without adding “Create” permission on the “Additional Fees” object type. DEV-368858
Commercial When generating an eCTD Compliance Package, Vault does not include the promotional document number and version on Form 2253 or the Supplementary Form. DEV-367291
Developer Features: API Users using Goofys cannot delete files from their FTP server if the filepath contains special characters. DEV-368473
Documents In some cases, users receive a server error when trying to upversion a document. DEV-371192
Lifecycle & Workflow In some cases, users receive a server error when attempting to “Add Participant” on an active object workflow DEV-371769
Performance & UI Cross-domain users created or modified between Dec 11 – Dec 23 2020 may have incorrect user display name. With this fix, all users display the correct name. DEV-371275
Performance & UI In some cases, Vault errors when attempting to display a user group with a very large number of members (3,000+ members). DEV-362855
Performance & UI Custom object notifications sometimes have missing values for tokens for some users. DEV-365458
Quality In Vault Training, the entry action for Training Assignment records sometimes does not copy all fields. DEV-371201
Regulatory Permalinks to Submissions Archive content are not resolved if the published version is deleted. DEV-370910
Regulatory In some cases, Sequence IDs with hyphens causes continuous publishing to fail. DEV-367255
Reporting In some cases, reports with formula fields timeout and do not display. DEV-373215
Security *.veevavault.com SSL Certificate updated. DEV-362045

December 22, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.16 | Build Number: 11098

Category Description Issue No.
Admin The Maximum Length field on Formula types of object fields are locked and can only be updated via MDL. DEV-369886
Admin In some cases, Vault Comparision reports fail if the source Vault has several workflow definitions with the same Modified Date and one is missing a public key. DEV-370134
Clinical Operations In some cases, the Last Modified Date on a document audit trail updates in spite of no changes to the Milestone field. DEV-361554
Clinical Operations In some cases, completion metrics on Milestones with Actual Finish Dates are updated unexpectedly. DEV-369039
Commercial In some cases, the Production CDN URL field remains populated when the document is Retired. DEV-346153
Commercial eCTD binder generation fails if there are required filters on the Linked Document relationship type. DEV-368734
Developer Features: API In some cases, two (2) double-quote characters (“”) are not treated as empty strings. DEV-369101
Developer Features: API Vault does not prevent the creation of object types on objects that do not have object types enabled. Users encounter server errors when attempting to open these objects in Vault. DEV-370702
Documents In some cases, the EDL Batch Job incorrectly unmatches matched documents. DEV-353420
Regulatory Vault sometimes handles child nodes incorrectly when creating content plans from templates. Attempting to create the nodes manually results in a server error. DEV-368776
Regulatory When replicating Content Plan sections, Vault does not propagate blank values on join records. DEV-368817
Regulatory In some cases, US 1969 documents fail with an “Error getting file name” error. DEV-368883
Regulatory The Manage Registered Details wizard does not allow the addition of new Registered Product records that contain a comparator product to an Investigational Product registration that has a different non-comparator product. DEV-369419

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
Merge fields fail for documents with tokens that directly reference the object. DEV-369802

December 21, 2020

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
Documents fail to render if the source document contains invalid merge field content. DEV-368345
In some cases, Vault incorrectly renders citations as bookmarks. DEV-370039

December 17, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.14 | Build Number: 16

This release only affects TMF Transfer.

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations In some cases, Vault does not create CDX Issues when Configuration Mapping records have invalid field mappings. DEV-365659
Clinical Operations TMF Transfer fails to map the filename field to the document title name field. DEV-369718
Clinical Operations In some cases, Distribution Tasks fail to move to the Sending state and documents cannot be transferred. DEV-370138

December 16, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.12 | Build Number: 11010

Category Description Issue No.
Admin In some cases, editing and then saving a scheduled job instance changes the scheduled Time from PM to AM. DEV-366436
Admin In some cases, clicking the Select All button on the Review and Select Steps page when deploying a configuration migration package may not correctly select all items. DEV-366561
Admin The wrong error message is returned when migrating an object package containing blank default values. DEV-367597
Clinical Operations Performing the “Create Protocol Deviation Log” user action on a Site results in a server error. DEV-365006
Clinical Operations In some cases, users see a Page Not Found message after sending a document package to a Study Site. DEV-366638
Clinical Operations The default value of the Active Agreement field on a Site record may be removed when you import a VPK file to update the Site object. DEV-367765
Commercial Content Filters based on a previously created Saved View from a different portal do not filter or display results correctly. DEV-369417
Developer Features: VQL For some complex VQL queries, the query times out and returns UNEXPECTED_ERROR. DEV-368621
Documents For documents created by bulk API import with unexpected date formatting, for example, 2020-12-4 instead of 2020-12-04, when a user edits another document field, Vault creates an audit trail entry showing an update to the date field where the old and new values are the same. DEV-364223
Documents Vault may display an error when attempting to bring forward annotations for documents with certain font configurations. DEV-364791
Documents Internet Explorer users experience incorrect cursor focus when adding text annotations to a document. DEV-369306
Performance & UI Prerelease entitlements are incorrectly included in the Available Configuration sandbox count. DEV-368771
Performance & UI In some cases, the My Vaults page fails to load. DEV-370083
Regulatory When updating registration fields in the Manage Registered Details wizard, users cannot update custom document reference fields. DEV-366119
Regulatory While generating Product Data Messages, Vault fails to load an XML attachment and message number if the Product Report Item's Language Code field is blank, causing the XEVMPD submission to fail. DEV-369059
Search & Filter Users are unable to create dashboards or configuration reports in Vaults where CJK Optimized Object Search is enabled. DEV-367328

December 13, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.10 | Build Number: 10964

Category Description Issue No.
Clinical Operations After certain configuration changes to an existing workflow in Vaults using Multi-Site Document Distribution, Vault displays an error when attempting to distribute documents to specific sites. DEV-356859
QualityOne In some cases, the Update Training Assignments job may fail without providing a useful error in the job log. DEV-365556
Regulatory Vault does not publish some Vault links when users match source documents to content plan items are initially publishing the submission. DEV-341238
Reporting When attempting to save a conditional field in a Matrix report, Vault may display an error if the conditional field is defined on an object that is connected to the primary reporting object by a join object. DEV-364300

December 10, 2020

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
EML source files containing character errors fail to render. DEV-353764
Documents with Japanese language metadata do not render in overlays as expected. DEV-365422

December 6, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.8 | Build Number: 10818

Category Description Issue No.
Objects In some cases, attempting to create a Deep Copy of a secured parent object record causes an unexpected error. DEV-364684

December 3, 2020

Release Number: 20R3.0.6 | Build Number: 10812 / 10813 (VV1-12, VV1-1069)

Category Description Issue No.
Admin In some cases, deleting custom Document Types also deletes document relationships on standard Document Types with similar names. DEV-365973
Clinical Operations In some cases, creating a new Product record results in a server error. DEV-362302
Clinical Operations In some cases, executing the Generate CTN user action results in an unexpected error. DEV-364245
Clinical Operations In some cases when users select a Study in the Study Selector in the Library before creating a document, Vault populates the document’s Study field with the Study value. DEV-364276
Clinical Operations Users who do not have Trip Report Answer create permissions no longer have the ability to edit Responses and Comments on Trip Report Questions. DEV-364885
Clinical Operations In some cases, copied documents do not retain the Product value. DEV-365474
Clinical Operations Users cannot enter Trip Report responses for empty Answer Sets with no available Answer records on multiple-choice questions. DEV-366444
Developer Features: API In API v20.3, upserting object records using the query parameter idParam=exteralId causes the entire request to fail if there is an invalid field in the upsert request, rather than ignoring the invalid field and continuing the request with any valid fields. DEV-357688
Documents When users Download Notes to export annotations, the Subtype field in the CSV file is blank for sticky note annotations. DEV-365511
Lifecycle & Workflow In Vaults with the “Atomic Security for Documents: Active Workflow Actions” feature enabled, Workflow Initiators do not have automatic access to actions for active workflows, such as Cancel Workflow or Reassign Task. Workflow Initiators need to have the correct security profile to access these actions, including the Update Due Date action introduced in 20R3 for multi-document workflows. DEV-364187
Lifecycle & Workflow Vault fails to resolve Task Notification Due Date tokens in email notifications. DEV-365864
Multichannel When users select Create Presentation, Vault does not copy fields from Multichannel Presentations to Multichannel Slides. DEV-343533
Quality Vault cannot launch e-learning content in Internet Explorer 11 browsers. DEV-365048
QualityOne QualityOne Admins are unexpectedly able to see Incident Management objects. DEV-362794
QualityOne Some QualityOne Vaults are not able to enable QualityOne Mobile for iPadOS. DEV-364760
QualityOne QualityOne users are unable to access select fields on the Purchase Order object. DEV-364824
Regulatory When updating registration fields in the Manage Registered Details wizard, users cannot update custom document reference fields. DEV-358348
Regulatory In RIM Submissions or RIM Submissions Archive Vaults that had the RIM Registrations application added later, the Registration Data Verification workflow is missing. DEV-361275
Regulatory When users run the Create Related Records wizard, Vault sometimes names newly-created Regulatory Objective records incorrectly. DEV-361508
Regulatory After submitting XEVMPD data to the EMA, Vault does not receive acknowledgement responses. DEV-362199
Regulatory Create from Document jobs in RIM Vaults do not complete as expected. DEV-362362
Security In some cases, Vault may display a server error when saving changes to object permissions in Permission Sets. DEV-364161
Site Vault In some cases, Agreement tasks are labeled “Agreement” rather than “Study Agreement.” DEV-357740
Site Vault Vault sometimes sends Safety Distributions to inactive users. DEV-364932

November 25, 2020

Rendition Updates

Description Issue No.
In some cases, the internal structure of renditions include an extra line preceding the end of file marker in the file trailer. DEV-352405