Description |
Issue No. |
When exporting documents with Vault Loader or the API, commas in picklist field values are sometimes duplicated.
DEV-419577 |
When deploying an inbound migration package containing object reference type document fields without reference constraints, Vault does not properly overwrite existing reference constraints.
DEV-424182 |
In certain scenarios, downloading document audit histories results in an empty file.
DEV-425563 |
For sandbox vaults with linked file staging servers, users are unable to refresh the sandbox even after deleting all other vaults sharing the same linked file staging server.
DEV-426512 |
In some scenarios, admins cannot create new cross domain users.
DEV-427362 |
In certain scenarios, Admins cannot refresh sandbox vaults.
DEV-427713 |
In some scenarios, Avg Time Login is not recorded on the Performance Statistics object.
DEV-430220 |
In some scenarios, advanced search does not work in sandbox vaults.
DEV-431758 |
Input values for Vault loader which contain double commas (,,) cause errors.
DEV-432410 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Updating the Actual Finish Date field does not immediately update the related milestone at the Country level.
DEV-330347 |
In some cases, Vault schedules another Milestone Autocomplete job when the job is already scheduled.
DEV-379433 |
In some cases, Vault displays "Server having problems" when trying to access the TMF Viewer without first selecting a model.
DEV-394652 |
When a SiteVault user accepts an Agreement from a Clinical Vault and there are no studies to show in the Agreement wizard, Vault displays a "Loading" message with a continuously spinning loading animation.
DEV-407039 |
Vault shows Vault Owners incorrect counts in the Completeness Unapproved Documents, Timeliness, and Quality Issues widgets on the TMF Homepage.
DEV-408346 |
Vault occasionally displays the incorrect Delivery Status of survey Invitations.
DEV-411307 |
When uploading via Vault Loader, Vault fails to create Site Package Documents.
DEV-421074 |
In some cases, after removing permissions for users to a Study Site, Study, or Site, those users cannot access the TMF Viewer at all.
DEV-421182 |
After changing the mapping of a Product associated with an Agreement, the Agreement Wizard displays an error and fails to complete.
DEV-421395 |
Vault displays an unhelpful error message when attempting to train a new Trained Model while training is occurring.
DEV-426521 |
Vault incorrectly allows Admins to modify Advanced Model Parameters on Trained Models in non-Draft states.
DEV-426599 |
TMF Bot cannot train models using Document Types with names longer than 128 characters.
DEV-426823 |
After auto-classifying a document, Vault fails to properly apply auto-numbering.
DEV-427775 |
When more than 1000 clinical document types exist, Vault fails to show all clinical document types to some users.
DEV-428065 |
Field defaults are not applied when using Reclassify on auto-classified documents in the Document Inbox.
DEV-428504 |
Vault fails to auto-classify documents with file names containing commas.
DEV-428807 |
Users cannot drag and drop files onto an Expected Document List item.
DEV-430798 |
Auto-classified documents with related Milestones cannot be completed in the Document Inbox.
DEV-431669 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Serif fonts are incorrectly merged from .RTF documents in Microsoft Word™.
DEV-400908 |
Korean language characters are not displayed in rich text fields on exported Formatted Outputs.
DEV-410634 |
Vault fails to render password-protected Microsoft Excel™ files.
DEV-413403 |
In some cases when using track changes and merged fields, unexpected field code changes are shown in the source document.
DEV-416383 |
Vault fails to render .EML files with attachments.
DEV-420431 |
In Detail and Compact view, if a document's name has over 100 characters, Vault does not display a warning, and the name overlaps the lifecycle stage badge.
DEV-421464 |
In some cases, link annotations on published documents do not appear or function as expected.
DEV-422786 |
On a non-video document with many annotations that are close together, when a user selects an annotation and then resizes the document viewer, the selected annotation's infocard moves away from its placemark.
DEV-423465 |
Vault fails to render documents with barcode tokens.
DEV-423936 |
In rare cases, a placemark will remain for an unsaved annotation in Overlay mode even after canceling it.
DEV-423982 |
In rare cases, users may be unable to execute version binding on binders that contain sufficiently large documents or other binders.
DEV-424723 |
In cases where users have never used the document viewer filter, Vault will apply the note view filter automatically and hide suggested links.
DEV-425000 |
Vault allows users to create Linked Document relationships when the "Enable Create & Import Document Links" setting is disabled.
DEV-425812 |
Users can see and execute annotation actions from the document mini-browser.
DEV-425883 |
User mentions do not appear in Notes view.
DEV-425887 |
In some cases, a duplicate placemark will appear for unsaved annotations in Overlay mode after the user scrolls to a different page of the document.
DEV-426577 |
When a user attempts to hide an annotation in Notes view, Vault fails to hide it.
DEV-426674 |
In some cases, Vault displays a "Server having problems" error when a user attempts to upload a document with dynamic reference constraints on any fields.
DEV-426678 |
In some cases, users are unable to create line annotations.
DEV-426757 |
In some cases, annotations from prior renditions will reappear after a new rendition is uploaded.
DEV-427023 |
In some cases, Vault may unnecessarily regenerate advanced eSignature templates.
DEV-427110 |
In some cases, Vault fails to merge fields on documents with tokens referencing other Vault documents.
DEV-427149 |
In some cases, pending annotations will temporarily disappear when a user resizes their browser window or scrolls to another page of the document.
DEV-427225 |
In some cases, if a user resizes their browser window or scrolls to another page of the document after selecting a shape for an annotation placeholder, the placeholder will display as a different shape than selected.
DEV-427297 |
In some cases, Vault fails to render documents with merge fields due to missing linked documents.
DEV-427743 |
Vault fails to render Merge Field tokens embedded in shapes within tables.
DEV-427752 |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly renders Follow Up letters and fails to populate fields.
DEV-427856 |
In some cases, Vault fails to perform the Generate Approval Document action.
DEV-429082 |
Vault updates the Signee Title token whenever users view the Signature Page.
DEV-429088 |
In some cases, e-signature pages regenerate unexpectedly.
DEV-429513 |
In some scenarios when using the Share Inbox Documents feature, changing the owner role also adds the Inbox Editor Role.
DEV-429559 |
In some cases, PDF rendition bookmarks navigate to the wrong place in the document when the dynamic linking feature is enabled in the Vault.
DEV-430349 |
Vault incorrectly interprets tokens in a table and fails to create rows for each record.
DEV-431643 |
In some rare cases, when a user highlights text, all annotations temporarily disappear until they refresh the page.
DEV-432425 |
In certain scenarios, users may not be able to view documents when the document's lifecycle becomes inactive.
DEV-432791 |
In some rare cases, Vault is unable to recognize older PPT files.
DEV-433110 |
If a user cancels editing an annotation, then makes style changes to another, the changes will also appear to be applied to the first annotation.
DEV-433258 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, checklist creation via an entry action may fail.
DEV-422870 |
Vault incorrectly displays "Start Multi-Document Workflow" on dialogs that should read "Start Document Workflow."
DEV-425355 |
Vault fails to show the complete color picker in Notes view.
DEV-425888 |
After creating an item called "Placeholder" in Configuration > Document Types or Document Fields, Vault incorrectly renders the Configuration page.
DEV-426457 |
If a user opens an "Edit Annotation" menu too close to the bottom of the screen, they may be unable to scroll to see the bottom of the menu.
DEV-426699 |
In some cases, there may be performance issues when running bulk state change actions on Active Dossier Item records.
DEV-427099 |
When viewing Sharing Rules for a document lifecycle, the "Sharing Rules" text is out of place.
DEV-427367 |
When a user sorts more than 25 tasks and switches between Grid view and Detail view, the tasks may not be sorted correctly on the second page.
DEV-428378 |
Some users may experience slower UI performance when creating link annotations.
DEV-428881 |
Headers improperly overlap when printing document information pages.
DEV-429400 |
Vault fails to translate Action UI workflow state change labels into Japanese.
DEV-429735 |
The Start Step Rule definition page may not correctly change colors upon saving the rule.
DEV-430116 |
In some cases, when viewing the document viewer in the mini browser, users may be unable to see the annotate toolbar.
DEV-430210 |
When a checklist has over 100 attached documents in total, some documents may not appear in the Review section.
DEV-433114 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, moving link annotations from page to page may not function as expected.
DEV-341442 |
In some cases, after initial publishing, duplicate links may be included in link counts.
DEV-375927 |
In some cases, when users publish and merge a report level content plan, Vault doesn't publish the merged PDF, and the notification doesn't alert users of the failure.
DEV-394624 |
In some cases in Vaults using the RIM to PromoMats connection feature, initial publishing may incorrectly trigger continuous publishing.
DEV-413138 |
When a user creates a new Active Dossier Item and provides values for the Active Substance and Manufacturer, the resulting record also contains values for other attributes such as Product Variant.
DEV-420673 |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly shows continuous publishing jobs as pending in the publishing progress indicator.
DEV-422825 |
The update content plan job may fail if the XML title field contains a token that is not resolved.
DEV-422881 |
In some cases, after renaming a Country record, Vault fails to create the related Application Country record.
DEV-423862 |
Vault fails to properly apply Dynamic Ordering to MSG (.msg) files in the Submissions Archive Viewer.
DEV-424457 |
Under some circumstances, ZA rules Rule9.BP5, Rule9.BP6, and Rule9.BP7 are incorrectly reported.
DEV-425333 |
When a Correspondence document only has an Application value, expanding the Dossier Review panel results in an unexpected error.
DEV-425729 |
When filters are applied and a user drags a document to the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer, the bottom orange indication line does not appear.
DEV-425768 |
Vault fails to update IDMP Product Data Submission record counts in Impact Assessment reports
DEV-426036 |
The Labeling Concept, Labeling Deviation, and Activity Labeling Deviation objects are incorrectly visible in Regulatory Submission Vaults.
DEV-426078 |
When a user runs a user action for an asynchronous lifecycle state change, the job processing status icon in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer does not automatically turn orange to indicate a job is in progress.
DEV-426441 |
When the RIM to PromoMats connection is enabled, setting Enable Continuous Publishing to Yes incorrectly triggers an outbound job to PromoMats.
DEV-426809 |
After copying a submission content plan, the target content plan may include unexpected modules.
DEV-426838 |
In some cases, the Content Plan Hierarchy State Change action fails to complete.
DEV-427787 |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly shows the status of a completed with errors Submission Import job as still running.
DEV-428079 |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly shows continuous publishing jobs as pending in the publishing progress indicator.
DEV-428364 |
In some cases in Vaults using the RIM to Promomats connection feature, Vault sets the Source for Published Document to a viewable rendition, not the source document.
DEV-428919 |
The Submission Archive viewer displays a "Server Having Problems" error when attempting to view an application with correspondence with no filters available.
DEV-429117 |
In some cases, the Submissions Archive Harmonization job fails to complete.
DEV-430046 |
In some cases, users may unexpectedly not be able to see the dropdown values of "Lifecycle State" in the "Registration" object when using "Edit & Verify" functionality.
DEV-431114 |
Vault fails to allow reimporting of Submissions via Vault File Manager.
DEV-431480 |
When a user runs the Create Related Records wizard on an Event record with an Event Active Substance or Inactive Ingredients join, the wizard fails with an error.
DEV-431962 |
The Manage Registered Details wizard attempts to create Registered Shelf Life and Storage join records before Registered Product or Registered Packaging join records, resulting in an error.
DEV-433888 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some rare cases, when running a report, Vault does not display the filter value for Document Reference Fields.
DEV-396190 |
In some cases, a flash report may run successfully but fail to send its email notification.
DEV-421643 |
In some cases, when creating multi-pass reports, users may receive syntax errors for valid expressions in the formula field.
DEV-424720 |
When creating multi-pass reports, Vault incorrectly includes matched document fields in the formula field dropdown menu, which causes syntax errors if users attempt to use them.
DEV-424936 |
When creating a multi-pass report with joined views based on EDL Item with EDL and Matched Document, users may receive a server error.
DEV-425953 |
In some cases, the Distinct Count aggregate function for Document and Matched Document is missing from multi-pass reports.
DEV-425974 |
In some cases, while creating a multi-pass report, the Distinct Count aggregate function is missing.
DEV-425993 |
In some rare cases, Vault may duplicate newly created reports.
DEV-426781 |
In some cases, Vault displays an "Empty Cache" error when running a flash report even if the report has been updated or run recently.
DEV-428326 |
When creating or editing a report with filter aliases, the edit icons may appear on a new line rather than inline with the column titles.
DEV-432990 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Fixed an issue where MHRA E2B R2 Dose Forms (B.4.k.7) were imported as dose form term ID codes instead of descriptive dose form names.
SAF-16105 |
Fixed an issue where, when promoting an Inbox Item to Case, the Age at Onset and Age Group fields were not calculated and were left blank on the initial Case.
SAF-20113 |
Fixed an issue with custom E2B+ SDK xml formats, where the system did not send a notification when it could not generate a custom Transmission file successfully and instead generated a blank file.
SAF-20139 |
Fixed an issue where, when generating a PADER without a local datasheet set up, only the expectedness of the primary Case Adverse Event was considered in the PADER Summary of ADR from Postmarketing Sources report. Now, the report evaluates the expectedness on the Case Assessment for each Case Adverse Event.
SAF-20439 |
Fixed an issue with the unmasked and masked DSUR Interval Line Listings of Serious Adverse Reactions where the generated report did not include the latest version for a downgraded (serious to non-serious) Case.
SAF-20464 |
Fixed an issue where the Receipt Date calendar displayed a different date than the value entered in the field.
SAF-20475 |
Fixed a data compatibility issue with custom dose units entered on Inbox Items.
SAF-20478 |
Fixed an issue where, when an AER was created from an E2B(R2) file, two additional Case Assessment Results were generated on the AER if the adverse event was populated with text but the MedDRA Code was missing.
SAF-20530 |
Fixed an issue where duplicates of the MRN field in the Patient section were not detected by duplicate detection and were not displayed on the Potential Matches page upon promoting an Inbox Item.
SAF-20781 |
Fixed an issue with manual and AS2 import where, when an E2B(R2) file with Origin ID set to MHRAUK was imported, the Origin field was not populated on the Inbound Transmission if the Destination ID fields from the E2B file and transmission profile did not match.
SAF-20843 |
Fixed an issue where a server error appeared when an Inbox Item was imported from E2B or from the Intake API with the Localization field set to Japanese.
SAF-20864 |
Fixed an issue where, when FDA CBER VAERS and FDA ESG were configured with the same Sponsor ID and Health Authority ID, an error appeared when trying to save the Gateway Profiles.
SAF-20881 |
Fixed an issue with the DSUR and PBRER Cumulative Tabulation of Serious Adverse Events and the DSUR Cumulative Tabulation of Serious Adverse Reactions, where the aggregate reports failed to generate when the dataset contained one or more Cases with no primary Case Product.
SAF-20947 |
Fixed an issue where a server error appeared when a user tried to view a Case Test Result in Vault Management Console (VMC) > View Configuration.
SAF-21039 |
Fixed an issue where the "Date Received by Manufacturer" field was always being mapped from the Case New Info Date. Now, Vault Safety has logic to populate this field from the Case Receipt Date for initial cases, and from the New Info Date for follow-up cases.
SAF-21064 |
Fixed an issue where the Cumulative Dose field was not auto-calculated after Case promotion from an Inbox Item, AER, or from the Case Compare Followup page.
SAF-21083 |
Fixed an issue where, when two custom gateway profiles with the same Sponsor and Health Authority ID combination were saved, an error notification stated "Error updating profile" instead of stating the required details.
SAF-21093 |
Fixed an issue where, when a Japanese MedDRA term containing more than one character was searched for, the search did not return any results.
SAF-21109 |
Fixed an issue by modifying the MFDS and NMPA Controlled Vocabulary Record API Names to match their corresponding picklist value names.
SAF-21195 |
Fixed an issue where system performance was slow during the Promote to Case action.
SAF-21262 |
Fixed an issue where, when promoting cases in bulk, duplicate Cases were sometimes created from an AER if multiple operations tried to promote the same AER.
SAF-21288 |
Fixed an issue where the Case field was not populated on a promoted Inbox Item when the Inbox Item was promoted to a follow-up Case version.
SAF-21435* |
Fixed an issue with multi-Case E2B import where one of the Receipt Date fields was not populated upon import, which led to the Initial Receipt Date field being left blank on Follow-Up Cases.
SAF-21436 |
Fixed an issue where a NullPointerException error appeared when promoting an AER (from E2B import) with a null receiptdate_date__v field to a Follow-Up Case.
SAF-21444 |
Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the Merge to PDF document action could not complete successfully.
SAF-21486* |
Fixed an issue where the normalized Height and Weight fields were not auto-calculated and were left blank upon promoting an Inbox Item to an Initial Case.
SAF-21604 |