Description |
Issue No. |
Vault fails to create a CDX Issue record when a study site cannot be created due to the license limit being reached.
DEV-345476* |
In some cases, users may see Studies listed in TMF Viewer that they no longer have access to.
DEV-382250 |
In some cases, TMF Transfers fail when they contain very large quantities of documents.
DEV-409775* |
When added using the + button, Monitoring Follow Up Item and Issue records are not saved.
DEV-410720* |
In some cases, archiving a Study fails due to a database timeout.
DEV-411001 |
In some cases, after changing a Monitored Event's study lineage, the Update Monitored Metrics job fails.
DEV-412793 |
Vault fails to show an error when attempting to export more than 10,000 records to CSV or Excel from TMF Viewer.
DEV-412845 |
If the Content (blinding__v) document field has a default value, uploading a document using the global Create button does not provide the Content field with a default value.
DEV-412969* |
Vault fails to show tooltips for some Clinical Operations fields.
DEV-413079 |
Vault inserts the incorrect CTN Submission Date in the Administration Information document.
DEV-413086 |
TMF Transfer fails to send documents between Vaults when Study-related lifecycles are not enabled on those Vaults.
DEV-413630 |
When over 500 records are being updated, Vault fails to complete the Generate Study Risk Assessment action.
DEV-414653 |
Vault fails to send surveys to external respondents unless the Vault Owner initiates the process.
DEV-414871* |
In some cases, Vault fails to display the correct user-specified Labels for fields.
DEV-414902 |
In some cases, Vault prevents the reuse of Study documents by users with limited permissions.
DEV-415040 |
Vault fails to complete Document Reconciliation when over 500 records are being checked.
DEV-415042* |
During very large transfers, TMF Transfer may fail to create some documents.
DEV-415425* |
In some cases, the Create Site Budget Records action incorrectly creates Budget Items multiple times.
DEV-415694* |
Vault includes CTN Remarks in a CTN when no deletions are found in the related CTN Change Log, even when "Include in CTN" for Remarks is set to Off.
DEV-415788 |
In some cases, TMF Transfer Agreement records can be modified when in states that shouldn't allow changes.
User accounts that are not a Clinical Network user, System user, or Application Owner account, or that contain an email address that doesn't end in "" cannot modify the following records: cdx_document_lifecycle_state_mapping_v, cdx_rulev, cdx_rule_setv, and cdx_scope_variable_v
DEV-416155 |
In some cases where a document sent from a Clinical Operations Vault to SiteVault is in a non-steady state, Vault incorrectly reports "Site missing latest Steady State" after Document Reconciliation.
DEV-416815 |
In some cases, Vault deletes necessary User Role Setup records.
DEV-417166 |
In some cases, Vault shows the incorrect state of a steady state SiteVault document.
DEV-417304* |
When copying into a Content Plan with an existing Submission Nonclinical Study join, Vault incorrectly creates a duplicate join.
DEV-418289* |
If a user attempts to inactivate a Person record that is linked to a Study Personnel record with "Grant Access to Related Records" set to "Yes", Vault displays a "Server having problems" error.
DEV-418712 |
Vault fails to create related User Role Setup records when creating Study Persons in bulk via API or Vault Loader, even with create_urs__v = TRUE.
DEV-418713* |
When the USN App Control field label is not specified, it does not inherit the existing usn__v field label.
DEV-418832* |
Document Reconciliation includes documents mapped to the Expedited Safety Report artifact.
DEV-418836* |
Users are unable to sort columns in the TMF Viewer by clicking the column headers.
DEV-419019* |
The Notification Target of Development Termination CTN Notifications populates incorrectly, leading to incorrect header text in CTN documents.
DEV-419239 |
When the Milestone Autocomplete field is set to "All Dependencies" or "Any Dependencies," Vault will incorrectly roll up actual finish dates even with Autocomplete enabled.
DEV-419255 |
Vault to Vault connections fail when more than one Clinical Transfer user exists due to a cross-domain user's creation.
DEV-420164 |
When no Countries are found to match the country exclusion filter for a Safety Distribution, Vault performs no filtering and selects all available Sites.
DEV-420272 |
When performing the Complete action in the Document Inbox on a document that the TMF Bot has auto-classified, Vault requires the user to select a Document Type.
DEV-420627 |
There may be performance issues when sharing a large number of inbox documents on Clinical Vaults.
DEV-421103* |
In cases where the Study, Study Country, or Study Site for a Monitoring Event is inactive, Vault fails to run the Seed Trip Report Question Responses action and displays a server error.
DEV-423066 |
In some cases, Vault fails to create Subject records for Sites with 500 or more Milestones.
DEV-424129 |
When reclassifying a document from a Document Type that does not contain the Content field to one with the Content field, Vault fails to set a default value in the Content field.
DEV-424561 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, Vault does not properly display images in rendered Microsoft Word™ documents in the document viewer.
DEV-315296 |
Vault incorrectly updates the Effective Date token on documents with merge fields.
DEV-371664 |
In some cases, Vault fails to generate formatted outputs.
DEV-377359 |
Vault fails to generate bookmarks based on captions when the "Caption Bookmarks" rendition option is enabled.
DEV-383902 |
Users are unable to update formatted output templates that include the ORDER BY clause.
DEV-390447 |
When a user attempts to compare versions of an encrypted PDF for which Vault cannot extract text, Vault displays the incorrect error message, "Vault has detected more than 5,000 changes between these versions. Vault does not display any changes when this number is detected."
DEV-393925 |
Vault improperly renders Microsoft Powerpoint™ documents with speaker notes.
DEV-394454 |
In some cases, Merge Field tokens merge with an additional, incorrect blank value.
DEV-402251 |
In some cases, Vault fails to render documents with merge fields.
DEV-404454 |
Increasing the width of a line annotation placemark may cause a section at either end of the placemark to disappear.
DEV-406779* |
Vault fails to render merge fields documents using repeaters in table rows.
DEV-413797 |
When the browser is zoomed to >100%, video annotations appear at the bottom of the document viewer.
DEV-413809* |
In some cases, Vault fails to render merge fields documents with tables and merged rows.
DEV-413820* |
When classifying an Inbox Document, Vault does not carry over certain custom and standard fields to the classified document.
DEV-413954* |
When a Vault's document types consist of only Base Document and one unclassified document type, users are unable to create documents of type Base Document.
DEV-414044* |
When users make changes to document fields via MDL, any default values that are not defined in the changes will become blank, even if they previously had a value.
DEV-414275 |
Documents uploaded into any file path that includes the word "inbox" are considered inbox documents whether they should be or not.
DEV-414281 |
In non-English vaults, the "Too many merged rows" message on the Rendition Status page does not specify the tokens affected.
DEV-414327* |
Workflow actions may not update the Timeline View until a user navigates away and back.
DEV-414339* |
When a document has attachments and a user reclassifies it to a document type with attachments disabled, the attachments do not appear in the document's Information panel.
DEV-414781* |
As a user is moving a video annotation to a different time signature, the annotation's Actions menu appears.
DEV-414844* |
On a document with many annotations, using Infinite Document Scrolling and navigating annotations may cause some annotations to disappear and reappear inconsistently.
DEV-414859* |
When an annotation is in focus and a user repeatedly changes the applied view (Document Information, Relationships, Document Files, Sharing Settings, or none), the document may jump or move to the wrong page.
DEV-415120* |
On the Grid View of the Document Inbox, if a user selects a document and navigates to the next page of documents, the "Clearing selected documents" warning message does not appear.
DEV-415359* |
When a user is creating a new line annotation, the pending annotation card may not appear next to the line placemark.
DEV-415734* |
Users cannot set default document fields to be blank using MDL.
DEV-416063* |
On the Library tab, the Save to Vault item label in the Actions menu contains extra spaces.
DEV-416377 |
The Find in Document search sometimes does not match words that contain capital Cyrillic characters.
DEV-417358 |
When a user creates a new draft of an approved document, deletes it, and then creates another draft, Vault displays the incorrect version number in the confirmation window for the new draft but still creates the draft with the correct version number.
DEV-418282 |
After a user edits fields in the Information Panel and then enters Annotate mode, the annotation Info Cards are no longer visible.
DEV-419234* |
Pressing the Shift key while typing an annotation comment and then saving the annotation changes the mouse cursor to a grab cursor.
DEV-419303* |
Under certain conditions, performing actions on a document cause server errors.
DEV-419989 |
Permalink relationship creation methods are inconsistent and may cause incorrect source page numbers.
DEV-420074* |
If a user starts to type an annotation or reply to an annotation and then scrolls to another page in the document, Vault does not preserve the unsaved annotation data.
DEV-420168* |
In some cases, after document migration, Vault fails to render Microsoft Excel™ attachments.
DEV-420178 |
When a user creates a new line annotation on the bottom of a document page with many annotations/replies, Vault sometimes places the annotation on the next page instead.
DEV-420189* |
When creating a permalink annotation using the "Select or create permalink in this document" dialog, if a user adds a page as a permalink target and then manually enters that page number in the pagination navigator, the red minus (-) icon for that page changes to a green plus (+) icon.
DEV-420625* |
In some rare cases, when a user attempts to export annotations, the export fails.
DEV-420679 |
In Overlay mode, the annotation traversal component and the number of hidden notes unexpectedly appear, and the displayed number of hidden notes may not be accurate.
DEV-420763* |
User mentions that contain spaces are not correctly inserted into annotation comments.
DEV-420869* |
With Action UI enabled, highlighting text in an unsaved sticky note annotation with the cursor causes the text to disappear.
DEV-420951* |
When a user clicks the "Show more" button on a link annotation with more than four (4) references or an anchor with more than four (4) incoming relationships, only the first four (4) appear.
DEV-421255* |
Resolved note annotations do not appear in a document's Notes view, and when a user resolves an annotation in Notes view, the annotation disappears.
DEV-421305* |
In Overlay mode with a filter for resolved annotations, if a user creates a note and switches to Sidebar mode, the new unresolved note displays on the page.
DEV-421331* |
If a user opens the Filter menu from the DocInfo page and then views annotations in Notes or Thumbnail view, the annotation view shifts to the right.
DEV-421332* |
When using Infinite Document Scrolling in Overlay mode, scrolling down from a page with annotations and then returning and clicking an annotation causes the annotation to move to the top of the page.
DEV-421349* |
If Push to Staging is not enabled for Vault Digital Publishing, the Information Panel does not display the Staging CDN URL, and the CDN Staging actions do not appear in the Actions menu.
DEV-421394 |
In some cases, after a user downloads a PDF with annotations, the Download with Annotations dialog does not appear before the PDF begins downloading.
DEV-421466* |
Users are unable to delete annotation replies in Notes view.
DEV-421517* |
When filtering annotations, if a user both filters for Auto Links and filters out Approved Links, Approved Links are not hidden.
DEV-421716* |
In some cases, documents may fail to render when they contain a large number of Merge Fields errors.
DEV-421974 |
With Infinite Document Scrolling enabled, scrolling down and then back up to a pending annotation may cause the pagemark to disappear until the annotation is saved.
DEV-422334* |
After a user clicks the Complete button from the Actions menu of an unclassified document, the Classify Document dialog does not appear.
DEV-422476* |
In Overlay mode, if a user adds another line to a pending line annotation with a comment and then clicks anywhere on the page, the annotation is cancelled and the comment data is lost.
DEV-422506* |
After exiting fullscreen mode, adjusting the size of the browser does not correctly resize the document and moves annotations to the bottom of the document.
DEV-422557* |
Suggested Links in Pending status are visible in the Notes view of Annotate mode.
DEV-422789* |
In some cases, tokens in documents with merge fields in tables fail to merge.
DEV-422845 |
When users attempt to upload documents using an integration, occasionally some document MD5 checksums remain in the Pending state indefinitely.
DEV-423033 |
In some cases, with Action UI enabled, the document viewer toolbar is missing after disabling Annotate mode.
DEV-423196* |
In Notes view, when a user selects a "Group by" option, Suggested Links are not excluded.
DEV-423690* |
The "PDF with Annotations" download option appears for video documents after a user creates video annotations.
DEV-423785 |
With Infinite Document Scrolling enabled, when a user creates an annotation in Overlay mode, the annotation's infocard may appear far away from the placemark.
DEV-423891* |
In some cases, Vault fails to merge password-protected files.
DEV-424450* |
After creating a Content Module record and running the Generate Approval Document action, users receive failure and success notifications if the action succeeds and duplicate failure notifications if it fails.
DEV-424509* |
After relabelling the Inbox lifecycle and document type, users cannot upload documents via Veeva Snap.
DEV-424743 |
When Auto Invite External Users is enabled for collaborative authoring and a new external user checks out a document, checkout fails with an error and does not automatically retry.
DEV-424821* |
The Notes and Placements filter sections might not update dynamically when annotations are resolved, reopened, or placed.
DEV-424974* |
Vault fails to generate an Approval Document if the Content Module contains a PDF, image, or Microsoft PowerPoint™ document asset.
DEV-425722* |
Description |
Issue No. |
The Domain Users list view and Record Sharing Settings pages contain small UI spacing issues.
DEV-394087* |
In some cases, Vault allows text entry into a read-only field. The user can enter text, but Vault does not save it.
DEV-409752* |
In some cases, when viewing a list of documents, list traversal arrows are missing.
DEV-411857 |
When using Internet Explorer™️ 11, selecting Display Fields using the Shift key causes Vault to highlight other text on the page.
DEV-413255* |
Vault shows two chevron icons in the dropdown lists for Job Definitions.
DEV-413835* |
When attempting to specify the same query object on more than one query object rule, the error message displayed is not accurate.
DEV-414059* |
When attempting to active a query object rule which has the same query object as an existing active query object rule, the error message displayed is blank.
DEV-414060* |
The Notifications page and Notifications panel may have minor UI misalignments.
DEV-414358* |
When editing a filter expression, the text cursor may move unexpectedly.
DEV-414464* |
On the detail page for a Spark Queue, the Sequential Message Processing and Rollback on Error checkboxes appear to be clickable even when not in Edit mode.
DEV-414515* |
In some cases, the first section in the document Relationships panel does not expand as expected if the first document name within the section begins with a letter in the alphabet after 'L'.
DEV-414753* |
After applying filters to a view, the Save View As button may be partially obscured.
DEV-415159* |
In some cases, Vault users are unable to view the What's New page.
DEV-416113 |
Clicking the Favorites star on hovercards for documents in object reference fields does not add the document to Favorites.
DEV-416411* |
In some cases, the Filter button may incorrectly display as selected in document Annotate mode.
DEV-418211* |
In some cases, with Action UI enabled, Vault opens links meant for the mini-browser in both the mini-browser and navigate to the page directly.
DEV-418255* |
In some cases, the Complete button is incorrectly placed on Content Plans with a workflow task.
DEV-419243 |
In some cases, certain Vaults may experience temporary performance issues.
DEV-419523 |
On certain screen resolutions, users may be unable to scroll to the bottom of the Actions menu in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer.
DEV-420945 |
In Tabular View, the Actions menu drop-down is missing a box-shadow and is difficult to distinguish from the background.
DEV-421912* |
When a user sorts more than 25 tasks and switches between Grid view and Detail view, the tasks may not be sorted correctly on the second page.
DEV-423423* |
In some cases, with Action UI enabled, Vault fails to show the right arrow icon on picklist modifiers.
DEV-423497* |
When a user's permissions change to allow or disallow an action while viewing an object record page and opening the All Actions menu multiple times, the Action Bar does not show a Loading animation while it updates the actions.
DEV-426030* |
Description |
Issue No. |
For some e-learning course files, Vault may not correctly record course duration upon completion.
DEV-406924 |
In some cases, Training Link URLs may not be clickable as expected.
DEV-409417 |
In certain cases where changing a Quality Team member will cause a task reassignment, Vault may display a server error.
DEV-410068* |
When using Internet Explorer and viewing a Document Change Control record, clicking into a related document section Action menu may cause the page to turn blank briefly and does not display the available actions as expected.
DEV-414375* |
Users with Learner User license types may see a server error if assigned a non-Training task.
DEV-414772* |
When attempting to create an Effectiveness Check record via an entry action with a configured Quality Team cascade, Vault displays a non-descriptive error message.
DEV-415108* |
On Internet Explorer™️ 11, after clicking the Actions menu on a Document Change Request in the grid view for a Document Change Control record, the menu items do not appear until the user hovers over the area where they should appear.
DEV-416981* |
In some cases, on Quality Event records, the Generate Document from Formatted Output action fails with a "Server having problems" error.
DEV-418637* |
Under certain conditions, when a Substitute Training Rule has the condition that the Person's Status should be Active, the corresponding Substitute Training Requirement is not assigned to active Learners.
DEV-418887* |
The "Show More" link does not appear on the Learner Homepage for Training Assignment descriptions that are more than three (3) lines long.
DEV-420089* |
In some cases, the Update Training Assignments job may fail with an error when processing a Training Assignment which has no related Training Content Set.
DEV-423473 |
In certain cases where a Quality Team member has started a workflow and has an active task assigned to them from that workflow as part of the Workflow Initiator participant group, Vault displays "Server having problems" when attempting to remove that user from the Quality Team.
DEV-423884 |
Under certain circumstances, using the Manage Team button to remove a user from a Quality Team role may not remove the users or cancel workflows as expected.
DEV-424390* |
In some cases, when attempting to remove a lifecycle from an object after deleting the Quality Team from the same object, Vault may incorrectly state that the lifecycle is still in use.
DEV-426229* |
Description |
Issue No. |
Certain Submission Administrative Information fields display the health authority code instead of the more readable Controlled Vocabulary name.
DEV-293681* |
The Publishing Status indicator may not reflect the current status of continuous or on-demand publishing or validation activities.
DEV-395368, DEV-412528, DEV-399964* |
Creating related records for Impact Assessment Reports results in an error.
DEV-405961 |
Copying a Content Plan section into a Content Plan succeeds even if the Submission join copy fails.
DEV-412967* |
In some cases, hovercards may not display as expected in the Active Dossier Viewer.
DEV-413603* |
In the Manage Registered Details wizard, when a user clicks a date in the Marketing Start Date column, the date displayed in the calendar may be incorrect.
DEV-413851 |
Vault displays the incorrect status icon while the Content Plan Hierarchy State Change asynchronous action is in progress.
DEV-413975* |
In some cases in Vaults using the RIM to PromoMats connection feature, instead of creating two User Exception Item records for two different EDLs, Vault may create two User Exception Item records for the same EDL.
DEV-414002* |
If a user copies one Submission Content Plan into another and changes the first Content Plan's state from Draft to Inactive while the copy is in progress, Vault displays a success message and error message at the same time.
DEV-414013* |
If the target is a Content Plan Item, running the Copy into Content Plan action and then performing a hierarchy state change from Draft to Inactive causes the copy to fail.
DEV-414114* |
When a user has added all columns to the Active Dossier Editor and exports the records to Excel™️, Vault exports only the root folder.
DEV-414504* |
Vault does not truncate the Name column in the Active Dossier Editor.
DEV-414636* |
The Add to Active Dossier pop-up dialog may have misaligned UI elements.
DEV-414800* |
After running the RMS Integration and Synchronization job, the CSV results file cannot be downloaded.
DEV-415160* |
Document Reconciliation is not activated automatically when Site Connected is added.
DEV-415253* |
In some cases, on-demand publishing of crosslinks, where the source for published output is set to source document, may not complete as expected.
DEV-415481* |
In some cases, importing a Submission may fail when duplicate detection is enabled.
DEV-415585* |
In some cases, Vault does not display the Submissions Archive Viewer button consistently between Application records.
DEV-416924 |
When an Admin makes an API request that includes a Submission file path with a user folder that does not match the user's ID, no error is displayed, and Vault stores an invalid path in the database.
DEV-419499 |
Submission join validation prevents the Create Related Records action from creating records when not all prerequisites are registered.
DEV-419576 |
When a user adds columns to the Active Dossier Editor for document metadata fields and then exports the grid, the resulting CSV file may be missing certain values.
DEV-419747* |
Correspondence documents do not appear in the Submissions Archive Viewer if they were imported while Vault was in Document Migration Mode.
DEV-419912 |
In some cases, certain inactive custom fields appear in the Manage Registered Details wizard.
DEV-420159 |
Under the Report Prompts section of the Impact Assessment Report Options dialog, there is no space between the field name and the word "in".
DEV-420160 |
In Vaults with Action UI enabled, the leaf icon hovercard may not behave as expected in the Submissions Archive Viewer.
DEV-420902* |
Vault displays an unexpected "Insufficient permissions" error message when a user copies a Content Plan or Content Plan Item section into a deleted Content Plan section.
DEV-421468* |
In some cases, using the Create Related Record wizard on a Impact Assessment Report results in inconsistent record names.
DEV-422069 |
In the email notification sent when a Submission import completes, the list of omitted files includes files located outside of the Submission folder, and their file paths and names are incomplete.
DEV-422944* |
Correspondence documents do not appear in the Submissions Archive Viewer when the Submission record's Dossier Status has no value.
DEV-423944* |
In some cases, Vault will create a placeholder in a binder when attempting to create a reference leaf.
DEV-426196 |