With every release, we update the data model to better support evolving needs and new feature functionality. With this release, we’ve added the following components to the Medical data model. These data model updates are automatically included in all Medical Vaults, but Admins must make configuration changes to make them available. For information on feature functionality, see What’s New in 24R2.


  • Added the following objects to support the Capture Multiple Reactions and Products under Events feature:
    • Event Reaction (event_reaction__v)
    • Event Product (event_product__v)


The following changes were made to MedComms Vaults to support the Scientific Communication Platforms feature: 

  • Added the Communication Platform (communication_platform__v) object
    • Added the Scientific Position (scientific_position__v) field to the Communication Platform (communication_platform__v) object
    • Added the Therapeutic Area (therapeutic_area__v) field to the Communication Platform (communication_platform__v) object
  • Added the Pillar (pillar__v) object
    • Added the Communication Platform (communication_platform__v) to the Pillar (pillar__v) object
    • Added the Description (description__v) to the Pillar (pillar__v) object
    • Added the Category (category__v) to Pillar (pillar__v) object
  • Added the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
    • Added the Medical (medical__v) object type to the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
    • Added the Commercial (commercial__v) object type to the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
    • Added the Communication Platform (communication_platform__v) field to the Medical (medical__v) object type of the Communication Objective object
    • Added the Pillar (pillar__v) field to the Medical (medical__v) object type of the Communication Objective object
    • Added the Category (category__v) field to the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
    • Added the Language (language__v) field to the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
    • Added the Primary Country (primary_country__v) field to the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
    • Added the Primary Product (primary_product__v) field to the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
    • Added the Objective (objective__v) field to the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
    • Added the Source Objective (source_objective__v) field to the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) object
  • Added the Scientific Statement (scientific_statement__v) object type to the Scientific Statement (annotation_keywords__sys) object

  • Added the Aspirational Statement (aspirational_statement__v) object type to the Scientific Statement (annotation_keywords__sys) object

  • Added the Primary Statement (primary_statement__v) object type to the Scientific Statement (annotation_keywords__sys) object

  • Added the Secondary Statement (secondary_statement__v) object type to the Scientific Statement (annotation_keywords__sys) object

  • Added the Communication Objective (communication_objective__v) field to the Primary, Secondary, and Aspirational Statements object types of the Scientific Statement object

  • Added the Communication Platform (communication_platform__v) field to the Primary, Secondary, and Aspirational Statements object types of the Scientific Statement object

  • Added the Pillar (pillar__v) field to to the Primary, Secondary, and Aspirational Statements object types of the Scientific Statement object

  • Added the Primary Statement (primary_statement__v) field to the Secondary Statement object type of the Scientific Statement object

  • Added the Source Statement (source_statement__v) field to the Scientific Statement (annotation_keywords__sys) object

  • Added the Therapeutic Area (therapeutic_area__v) field to the Scientific Statement (annotation_keywords__sys) object

The following changes were made to MedInquiry Vaults to support MedInquiry Keyword Tracking feature:

  • Added the Medical Inquiry Keyword (medical_inquiry_keyword__v) object

  • Added the Case Request Medical Inquiry Keyword (case_request_medical_inquiry_keyword__v) object

  • Added the Request Details Long (request_details_long__v) field to the Case Request (case_request__v) object 

The following changes were made to MedInquiry Vaults to support the Respond to Multiple Request in One Response feature:

  • Added the following states to the Case Response (case_response_lifecycle__v) lifecycle
    • Email Composed (email_composed__v)
    • In Progress (in_progress__v)
    • Ready for Fulfillment (ready_for_fulfillment__v)
  • Added the Response (response__v) object type to the Case Response (case_response__v) object
    • Added the Case Response (case_response__v) field to the Response object type
    • Added the Response List Preview (response_list_preview__v) field to the Response object type  
  • Added the Response List (response_list__v) field to the Email, Phone, Fax, and Standard Mail Responses object types of the Case Response object

The following changes were made to MedInquiry Vaults to support the Telephony Support: Embedded Call Controls feature:

  • Added the OmniConnect Integration (omniconnect_integration__v) object
    • Added the Amazon Connect (amazon_connect__v) object type to the OmniConnect Integration object
    • Added the OmniConnect URL (omniconnect_url__v) field to the OmniConnect Integration object
    • Added the Region (region__v) field to the OmniConnect Integration object
  • Added the Amazon Connect Instance URL (amazon_connect_instance_url__v) field to the Amazon Connect object type of the OmniConnect Integration object

  • Added the OmniConnect Integration (omniconnect_integration__v) field to the User (user__sys) object

The following changes were made to MedInquiry Vaults to support the Follow Up from Medical to Safety feature:

  • Added the Follow Up? (follow_up__v) field to the Event (event__v) object

  • Added the Source Case (source_case__v) field to the Event (event__v) object

  • Added the Source Event (source_event__v) field to the Event (event__v) object