Release Date: June 9, 2023

The following applications may have different release dates: RegulatoryOne, Safety, and Veeva Claims.

This release includes fixes for the following issues:

Last Updated: March 4, 2025


Description Issue No.
In rare scenarios, sandbox provisioning fails.   DEV-564913
Under certain circumstances, Vault may display conflicting success and error notifications after an admin inadvertently deployed the same configuration migration package.   DEV-572842
DAC refresh activities have poor performance.   DEV-573082
In cases where email delivery to an email address temporarily fails, the email address may be erroneously added to the Vault email suppression list.   DEV-581606
Formulas using the PicklistValue data type with Text functions result in an error.   DEV-586707*
Vault displays an error when users include null values in formulas.   DEV-586722*

Brand & Medical Portal

Description Issue No.
Under certain circumstances, Vault temporarily displays new Portals as legacy Portals.   DEV-570034*
In some cases, users see a "Page not found" error while exiting the new Portal Editor.   DEV-577193*
While creating content filters for a Portal, users with more than 20 Saved Views only see the Views available on the Portal Library page.   DEV-586194*

Clinical Operations

Description Issue No.
When attempting to upload more than 1,000 milestone documents, Vault only creates the first 1,000 and the rest fail.   DEV-536674*
When users update a draft of a milestone document using the Create Draft action, Vault does not update the milestone document version accordingly.   DEV-547992*
In some cases, Vault fails to recalculate the Expected vs Actual field when users upload a new EDL document.   DEV-548346*
In certain cases, Vault does not correctly update the Requiredness, # Expected, or Expected Vs Actual fields when users upload a new EDL document.   DEV-548350*
In certain cases, Vault does not create a new milestone document when users add an additional milestone to an existing expected document.   DEV-548858*
In some cases, Vault does not correctly update the Missing and Overcount fields when expected documents are added or removed.   DEV-552451*
In some cases, CTMS to CDMS Inbound jobs get stuck in a running state and do not complete.   DEV-565653*
Vault fails to display an error message or other notification when the TMF transfer fails due to a corrupted source file.   DEV-566245
Under certain circumstances, Vault incorrectly allows multiple Study Organization records to be set as the primary payee for a Study Site when there are no existing Study Organizations for the site.   DEV-567840*
Vault incorrectly displays the envelope icon in the Notifications section of the Home tab.   DEV-574813*
There is an unnecessary Create button on the Matched Documents object data grid section of the Document Planning and Management display.   DEV-576524*
There is no field indicating whether a Payee is specified in one or more Fee Schedules.   DEV-577283*
Under certain circumstances, site users may experience server errors after selecting a Study from the Tasks widget on the Site User homepage.   DEV-577477*
When creating new Object Types for an Object with Study Migration enabled, the field is provisioned as a Custom field and can therefore be excluded despite being required for Clinical Operations.   DEV-578638
TMF transfer fails if the document being transferred has an attachment with a long file name.   DEV-579170
In some cases in Study Training, users are unable to create Study Site records without licenses even though Study Training is not enabled and licenses should not be required.   DEV-579350
In some cases, the Study Migration field not provisioned on Object Types.   DEV-579371
If a user updates a non-lifecycle field on a CDMS protocol deviation, Vault updates the lifecycle state of the Clinical protocol deviation, triggering any entry actions on the record.   DEV-580603
Users may encounter an error when attempting to create a milestone with an object type of Sponsor Oversight Activity.   DEV-580827
There is an extra space in an error message Vault displays when users attempt to update a Study Organization that is used as a Primary Organization in an approved Fee Schedule.   DEV-581077*
In some cases, the Initiate Study Archival action is unavailable for Studies that are in the Closing lifecycle state.   DEV-582336
At times, users receive an error message when attempting to test a Study Metadata Extraction model.   DEV-583923
At times, the Study Metadata Extraction model fails to populate the Study value on a document.   DEV-584908


Description Issue No.
After enabling the new Portal interface, widget order in legacy Portals appear to shift.   DEV-559520*

Developer Features: API

Description Issue No.
In rare cases, API users may encounter an unexpected error when using the bulk reclassify endpoint.   DEV-573733*
The API may incorrectly allow users to bulk reclassify documents to inactive document types, subtype, classifications, lifecycles, and lifecycle states.   DEV-574491*
When adding a cross-domain user to another Vault in the domain with the legacy /users API, user licenses not specified in the request payload are defaulted to full__v in all application license fields.   DEV-575608*
When attempting to manage Quality Team assignments via the API, Vault may incorrectly return an internal Server Error when trying to manage assignments with a limited-permissioned user.   DEV-578160*
When the filename of an uploaded file with a custom rendition type contains an underscore, the Retrieve Document Renditions and Retrieve Document Version Renditions endpoints return a truncated filename.   DEV-578854

Developer Features: VQL

Description Issue No.
Users with apostrophes in their email addresses do not receive email notifications from Vault jobs.   DEV-579663


Description Issue No.
In some cases, Vault reports validation error 5057 (the document contains no text) for documents that do contain text.   DEV-496415
Vault fails to identify text in documents using Enhanced Suggest Links.   DEV-540940*
In some cases, user may see false validation results regarding FDA provided forms.   DEV-543097
In some cases, after applying a basic overlay to a viewable rendition, several pages are missing from the document and users see an error while attempting to open the document in a PDF viewer.   DEV-544754
Vault Loader may fail to extract the document relationships for archived documents.   DEV-555766
In some cases, pdf renditions may appear stretched after downloading.   DEV-558470*
When adding a reference to a claim, the plus icon in the Select Anchors Dialog may not change to a minus icon after creating a relationship.   DEV-560733*
In some cases, MP3 audio files cause the page to reload continuously, which prevents users from listening to them fully.   DEV-566182
In some cases, Vault may fail to display all annotations after a user re-renders a document.   DEV-572356*
When a user creates a new version of a document, Vault does not properly index source file text extracted with Optical Character Recognition.   DEV-572551
Under certain circumstances, Vault fails to render large Adobe InDesign Packages.   DEV-572878
When a document is reclassified, Vault sends an automatic rendition request that replaces the viewable rendition of the document with a version that removes electronic signatures through Adobe Sign integration.   DEV-574319
After users sign a document and it moves into the Steady State in which they do not have the View Document permission, Vault intermittently generates the eSignature page while updating the audit trail with the message "Signature page failed to generate." Vault will generate the eSignature Page the next time a user with the appropriate access views it.   DEV-576222
After users sign a document via workflow and it moves into the Steady State, Vault may not automatically generate the eSignature page. Vault will generate the eSignature Page upon the next request.   DEV-576718
In some cases, as a user attempts to fill out a form in a downloaded PDF viewable rendition, the rendition automatically populates certain table fields and may overwrite user input.   DEV-577722
When selecting text that is an embedded link to an external URL for annotation, glossary search, or copying, the user is navigated to a new tab which may cause issues.   DEV-577973*
If a user creates a pending annotation in-between two other annotations, the Annotation Traversal Count will show 0 of [total] instead of the total number of annotations.   DEV-577989*
Viewable renditions downloaded from Vault may duplicate table values when fields are populated by a user.   DEV-578180
Infocards disappear in Overlay mode if moved after the user draws a line annotation.   DEV-578245*
In some cases, users are unable to download renditions with signature pages.   DEV-578772
Users may encounter errors when attempting to run a job to override checkout to perform a state change on a document.   DEV-579191*
In some cases, spaces in table names may appear as "&nbsp" in bookmarks.   DEV-579293
In previously archived studies, Sharing Settings may not have updated on all documents.   DEV-579366
In some cases, users receive a server error when attempting to delete documents and versions.   DEV-579473
In some cases, after universally applying a legal hold, Vault creates a duplicate Legal Hold record with the same name but a different record ID.   DEV-579487
Scrolling back and forth in Overlay view may cause infocards to overlap in Sidebar view.   DEV-579495*
In some cases, when a user reclassifies a document from a type with the Supporting Documents relationship to a type without the Supporting Documents relationship, Vault displays a "Server having problems" error.   DEV-579980*
After a user modifies the object field value referenced by a lookup field on a document, some documents display outdated values.   DEV-580994
If certain characters are present in a document, the Suggest Links functionality is unable to find it.   DEV-581274
Users are unable to upload a file to a placeholder using Vault's Upload File dialog on Chrome 80.0.   DEV-581429*
Viewable rendition of image files contain unexpected metadata in the PDF’s Title field (File > Properties > Description > Title).   DEV-581561*
When attempting to edit labels for system lookup document fields, users may receive a Server having problems error.   DEV-581821
In cases where any documents exist without roles in their sharing settings, documents appear to be missing from users' Libraries after failed reindexing.   DEV-582041
If a bookmark label in a document's table of contents (TOC) contains whitespace before the label name, the bookmark disappears from the TOC.   DEV-582612
In some cases, after sending a PDF for standardization, it may be falsely reported as PDF/A compliant.   DEV-582793*
In some cases, when a source document moves to a new steady state, Vault updates the CrossLink document even if the document is bound to a specific version.   DEV-583396
In some cases, Vault does not update controlled document templates to the document's new steady state version.   DEV-583411
In some cases, after sending a PDF for standardization, users may receive a Failed to parse metadata error due to a missing <?xpacket wrapper that should be optional.   DEV-584794*
The Title value in the Doc Info pane does not update with changes if a merged document is used as the source.   DEV-586820*

Lifecycle & Workflow

Description Issue No.
Users experience errors when deploying inbound packages containing workflow participant rules that include rule criteria on document type groups that are missing in the target Vault.   DEV-572839
An error may appear upon starting a workflow with a state change into a state with a cancel workflow entry action.   DEV-575492*
Vault may not show large groups as an option when selecting participants for a workflow with "Display users and groups allowed in role" enabled.   DEV-581220*
Users experience an error when deploying inbound packages containing object workflow components with Action steps configured on related picklist object fields.   DEV-581600
In Legacy Workflows, Vault may fail to cancel tasks when the timer expires.   DEV-581754
Vault fails to display a multi-select field for the "includes" condition on related records for entry criteria that validates the state type or state of a related record.   DEV-583862*
In rare cases, limited release Vaults may fail to display the object type drop down field for field atomic security.   DEV-585879


Description Issue No.
Some labels in the Quality Risk Builder tool may lack translations.   DEV-560781*


Description Issue No.
Under certain circumstances, Vault fails to generate E2B(R3) reports.   DEV-564882
Vault may fail to update widget statuses in the new Portal UI when updating Document widgets.   DEV-576633*
While using the dedicated Medical Inquiry user interface, Vault may fail to save changes to the Case Contact section.   DEV-580074*
While using the Vault Medical OpenData connection, Vault may display an invalid query error when users search for Case Contacts.   DEV-584742
After enabling the new Portal interface, widget order in legacy Portals appear to shift.   DEV-584918*


Description Issue No.
When a user does not have Read permission on an object, Vault still enables the View and Execute permissions on object actions for the object.   DEV-490433
Users experience an error when deploying inbound packages containing high volume objects with document reference fields.   DEV-543359*
When viewing search results in the Related Documents section of an object record detail page, Vault does not sort documents when a user clicks a column header.   DEV-573317
Vault does not automatically populate values for DateTime type reference fields on object record creation.   DEV-575755*
In some cases, Vault incorrectly displays an empty tab and a No Records Found message when a user clicks Show in Tab on an object record's related documents section.   DEV-578441
Vault does not insert commas in the range for number type fields on the Fields tab of the object configuration page.   DEV-579456*
In rare cases, Vault may navigate users to the Business Admin menu upon attempting to open a related object record.   DEV-579673
When editing multi-select object reference fields on object records or documents, clicking Select All in the Advanced Search dialog clears any previously selected values.   DEV-581252

Performance & UI

Description Issue No.
Under certain conditions, Query Field on an Integration Rule do not display properly.   DEV-535988*
Vault does not display the lock icon next to the names of locked tabs on the tab collection detail page.   DEV-559887*
In some cases, users receive a network issue message when attempting to inline edit a field in the grid view.   DEV-573166
When resetting your password for Veeva ID, the password reset email displays the message token instead of the correct message text.   DEV-576067*
Vault may fail to warn a user of session expiry due to inactivity.   DEV-576191*
When viewing a document in Overlay mode, if a user navigates away from a page with infocards and then returns to that page, the infocards disappear.   DEV-577383*
Infocards disappear when a line annotation or area-based anchor is created in Overlay mode.   DEV-578247*
In rare cases, Vault does not display the Business Admin tab collection to users with the External IIs User permission set or some custom permission sets.   DEV-580131*
After a user uploads a file with a long filename and hovers over the thumbnail, the "Ready to save" tooltip overlaps the tooltip showing the full filename.   DEV-582682
In rare cases, Vault Owners may receive an "Unknown Client ID" error upon exporting VPK packages.   DEV-583903


Description Issue No.
In certain circumstances in Validation Management, Vault may not display an error message when a user attempts to save a step in the Test Authoring interface without all required fields populated.   DEV-534696*
Users are unable to manually unenroll from a self-enrolled Classroom Training Requirement due to a missing Unenroll button on the Explore tab.   DEV-557175*
Choosing certain items from the Risk Response dropdown in the Risk Builder may result in Vault displaying an error.   DEV-559790*
The Risk Builder may display an incorrect Process Step under certain circumstances.   DEV-560217*
When errors occur while attempting to save an Assessment Risk in the Risk Builder, the user may incorrectly be navigated out of editing mode.   DEV-560244*
In the Risk Builder, an input box may incorrectly remain after switching to View mode.   DEV-560698*
When using the QRM Risk Builder, Vault may incorrectly display an error when a user without Admin permissions attempts to copy or save a Risk.   DEV-561968*
New Assessment Risks cannot be saved in the Risk Builder if "System manages field value (read-only)" has been deselected for the Name field.   DEV-563370*
In certain cases, up-versioning a document in a Training Requirement with configured Training Rules may not result Vault creating a Training Requirement Impact Assessment.   DEV-564104*
Vault may incorrectly display errors when a user without permissions to update the Risk Matrix field attempts to make changes in the RIsk Builder.   DEV-564662*
The Initial Risk Level field on the Assessment Risk object may not have the "Do not copy this field in Copy Record" attribute selected.   DEV-566236*
Certain special characters used when searching the Risk Builder may result in Vault displaying an error.   DEV-566844*
In Vaults using the QMS to RIM connection, transactions may be marked with an incorrect status when certain combinations of failures and successes are processed together.   DEV-570715*
The "Do not copy this field in Copy Record" attribute may incorrectly be editable on the Assessment Risk Order field of the Assessment Risk object.   DEV-572542*
Some actions in the Risk Builder may incorrectly be visible to users that lack the appropriate permissions.   DEV-572974*
In Validation Management, Vault may display an error when a user attempts to create a new version of a document which is associated with a closed Validation Deliverable record.   DEV-573958*
In some cases, Vault may display an error when a user attempts to access the Root Cause Analysis tool.   DEV-574750*
In some cases, lab tests are completed without corresponding Result Evaluations, which causes the Specification Criteria Evaluation Section to display a label of "0-NaN of undefined" and become stuck in a loading loop.   DEV-575811
In some cases, Vault may display an error when attempting to change a Root Cause Analysis record's state to Approved when there is not a "Yes" item.   DEV-576800*
In some cases, curricula on the Learner Role Details page may have an incorrectly-applied overdue alert icon.   DEV-578190*
In Surveillance, Vault may fail to generate XML eMDR when a Contact Information field is blank.   DEV-578747*
In Surveillance, selecting multiple values on certain fields in EU MIR or eMDR forms may incorrectly result in a data validation error.   DEV-579094*
In some cases, a Class page may incorrectly display the 'Submit Result' button after the Class has been completed.   DEV-580413
When using the QRM Risk Builder, Vault may incorrectly display an error when a user without Admin permissions attempts to copy or save a Risk.   DEV-580691*
In Surveillance, if multiple values are selected for classification of incident or gender, the resulting eMDR or EU MIR may not correctly resolve to the correct values.   DEV-581851*
In some cases in Validation Management, performing Create Validation Requirement Version action may result in an error.   DEV-584595*


Description Issue No.
When attempting to configure field mapping integration rules in the Vault Training environment for Formula fields, Vault returns an unexpected error message and is unable to run the SDK job that impacts both Vault Training and QualityOne Vaults.   DEV-567817*
In some cases, the filter on custom date fields in the document grid of the Visual Hierarchy process details page displays inaccurate results.   DEV-570573*
In some cases, the Create HACCP Plan Design from Design action fails and an error displays in the job log.   DEV-576051*
When users attempt to save a HACCP Plan record with a duplicate Title field value, no error message displays to inform them of why Vault cannot save the record.   DEV-576724*
In some cases, there may be two (2) text values for the "Supplier Manufacturing Lot Code" COA Header Field in the Analyze COA job log.   DEV-576825*
When a Training Requirement record's state is changed to an Available state type, Vault does not create the Training Requirement Impact Assessment record based on the entry action configured.   DEV-581364*


Description Issue No.
In some cases, the notifications for the Update Content Plan and Update Global Content Plan actions do not specify the constraints excluded during the update.   DEV-538745*
Permalinks are not published if the link target’s Published Output Location is shared by other Content Plan Items with a DELETE operation.   DEV-549868*
When transferring a document from a RIM Vault to a Clinical Vault, the User Exception Message does not show all document transfer errors when the RIM to Clinops Connection: Transfer steady and superseded state document versions Application Setting is enabled.   DEV-555305*
Vault does not revalidate the STF XML when the index XML is published after continuous publishing is enabled.   DEV-559866*
The Global Version ID is inconsistent between the document field and the value populated on the Viewable Rendition of merged documents with overlays.   DEV-563241
When the Published Output Location is updated on a linked target document, continuous publishing fails to properly update inbound permalinks to named destinations when locking the target document.   DEV-567588*
In some cases, Submissions loaded via Vault File Manager cannot move past the Transmission Initiated lifecycle state.   DEV-570171
In some cases, duplicate Submission Contact Records can be created with the RIM-PromoMats Connector.   DEV-570323
Users are able to unmatch documents from inactive Content Plan Items in the Content Plan viewer, resulting in inaccurate document counts.   DEV-572503*
Users without Submission Metadata object permissions are not able to export the Excel Tree with all Descendants.   DEV-572504*
When managing registered details, Vault does not include all updated fields in the CSV results file.   DEV-572969*
In some cases, Vault does not provide details in the User Exception Message and the job log when a RIM to PromoMats Vault Connection remote query fails.   DEV-573109*
For AU submissions with a blank ARTG Number, Vault generates the ARTG Number in the XML.   DEV-573588*
If a user sets a Global Content Plan to an unrelated event, the Global Content Plan becomes invalid and the user will need to re-create the Global Content Plan.   DEV-573768*
The Submission Wizard is unable to load the Application Relationship page when there is at least one relationship with a populated number field.   DEV-574489*
In some cases, Vault cannot execute the Content Plan Hierarchy State Change job when other non-conflicting jobs are in progress.   DEV-574705
In some cases, the RIM to PromoMats Vault Connection job errors when attempting to update the Related Submission record's object_type__v field.   DEV-575954
When dragging and dropping a document with a Source Reference to the Active Dossier Editor, Vault does not populate it as the Submissions Archive Document in the resulting Active Dossier Item and Active Dossier Item Detail records.   DEV-575993*
The Submissions Archive Viewer incorrectly displays the XML Element Name as the folder name.   DEV-576216
Vault incorrectly reports Rule 14.BP3 as failed if the file name begins with “specifications-”.   DEV-576693
New users created without the old Submission Archive Viewer tab permission cannot view or export submissions even if the new Submission Archive Viewer is enabled.   DEV-576710
In the Active Dossier Editor, Applications, Submissions, and Regulatory Objectives previously selected in a view are displayed as the default selection when users drag and drop records.   DEV-576833*
When users search the Name column in the Set Leaf Operation dialog, then close and reopen the dialog, Vault does not refresh the binder and filters the binder based on the search.   DEV-576921*
In some cases, the Submissions Archive Viewer displays the empty section icon for sections with leaves within published Submissions.   DEV-577464*
Vault does not populate the country within the “specific” tag when publishing Ukraine regional XML.   DEV-577736*
Vault fails to show more than 100 users or groups when sharing a view in the Submissions Archive Viewer.   DEV-577877
Users without Read permission on the Product Family and Application Product Family objects receive a server error (instead of “No data found”) in the Active Dossier Viewer when applying a view including these objects.   DEV-577887*
In the cases of some large Applications, the Submissions Archive Viewer may fail to load Correspondence Documents.   DEV-578241
Vault creates duplicate Registered Packaged Product (registered_packaged_medicinal_product__v) records when generating combined UDI submissions.   DEV-578258*
In some cases, users may incorrectly see 'No Items Found' when attempting to view Applications with orphaned Correspondence sections or documents.   DEV-578271
Users may experience performance issues with Crosslink Postmatch jobs.   DEV-578353*
Users experience slow performance in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer when document reference columns are included.   DEV-578396*
Users cannot click Save in the Set Leaf Operation dialog without selecting a document when the XML Operation is New.   DEV-578743*
When bundling Regulatory Objectives using the Safari browser, the bundling wizard skips the Define Regulatory Objectives page.   DEV-578867*
When the href is updated after initial publishing, Vault does not update the Published Output Location during continuous publishing.   DEV-578909
In some cases, users may receive a server error when attempting to load a checklist.   DEV-579074
The Submissions Archive Viewer intermittently flickers when loading.   DEV-580171*
If a user does not have permissions to certain fields, Vault prevents navigation to some steps in the UDI viewer.   DEV-580221*
The Submissions Archive Viewer displays Correspondence documents tagged with only an Application at the top of the Correspondence section instead of the bottom.   DEV-580835*
Permalinks on approved documents are not properly embedded on PDFs in archives.   DEV-581388
In some cases, Vault erroneously creates Active Dossier Item records if there is no Submission Country join record.   DEV-583077*
In some cases, users may see a max row limit warning in the new Submissions Archive Viewer when it does not apply.   DEV-585283*


The RegulatoryOne release, including all Platform fixed issues, is targeted for tentative availability on June 20, 2023.

Description Issue No.
The Deep Delete Split Registration Item action runs successfully when triggered by a user without Read permission on the record's object type.   OLS-19086*
When Admins update the Name of an Object Mapping or Relational Token to a unique value, Vault displays an error that the Label must be unique and does not save the change.   OLS-19357*
The Generates Requirements action fails when triggered by a user without Read permission on the record's Generate Requirements Job Status field.   OLS-19586*
The Local Impact Assessment action completes wtih errors when users run it on an inactive parent Registration.   OLS-19628


Description Issue No.
When a user attempts to run a report with a local currency filter, Vault incorrectly displays an error message indicating the user should add a local currency filter.   DEV-572552*
 Internal issue published in error. DEV-577480*
In rare cases, reports may take longer than expected to run.   DEV-582421
Attempting to export a report with a distinct count results in an error.   DEV-586551*


The Safety release, including all Platform fixed issues, is targeted for tentative availability on June 15, 2023.

Description Issue No.
Fixed an issue with E2B export where nullFlavors for Case Product Dosage Batch/Lot Number Reason Omitted field values were incorrectly populated in the G.k.4.r.7 - Batch / Lot Number data element.

Now, Reason Omitted field nullFlavors are exported as follows:
  • EMA E2B(R3): Blank or Unknown = UNK, Masked = MSK, Asked But Unknown = ASKU
  • ICH E2B(R3), FDA VAERS E2B(R3), and PMDA E2B(R3): Blank, Masked, Asked But Unknown = no nullFlavor exported
Validation Criteria updates are as follows:
  • FDA.G.k.4.r.7 Batch/Lot Number is no longer mandatory.
  • PMDA.G.k.4.r.7 Batch/Lot Number is now mandatory only if PMDA Reporting Category (J2.1a) is 'AA' or 'DA'.
Fixed an issue where, when Inbox Items were promoted to Follow-up Cases or merged to In-flight Cases, Case-level Seriousness was not updated.   SAF-39584
Fixed an issue where, after upgrading to the latest MedDRA version, auto-coding was prevented for terms that were not active in the latest dictionary.   SAF-39837
Fixed an issue where, when Inbox Items were created from ZIP or E2B files with multiple cases, values entered in the Origin field of the Case Information section was not imported.   SAF-40033
Fixed an issue where on Cases for Double-Blinded Studies manually created Expectedness records did not roll up to the Case Assessment level.   SAF-40114
Fixed an issue with switching between view and edit mode on Inbox Items where the Study and Study Arm fields loaded slowly.   SAF-40167
Fixed an issue with setting a Product or Study Registration to Inactive where, when the registration included a MAH/Reporting Organization, the registration was not removed from the corresponding Reporting Family.   SAF-40229
Fixed an issue with deep duplicate detection where, on the Potential Matches page, some cases with matching Gender and Country fields were ranked higher than expected, while some with matching Patient Initials were ranked lower than expected.   SAF-40847
Fixed an issue where, when a suspected and unexpected assessment was added to a Case created from a Clinical Trial study, the Assessment Tag did not change from SAE to SUSAR.   SAF-41079
Fixed an issue where, when voiding a Case and submitting one last time, the Previously Submitted Reporting Rule Parameter specified that Transmissions in only the "E2B ACK Accepted" or "Completed" states were evaluated. Now, a new option, All Transmission States, supports evaluating Transmissions in any lifecycle state, unless the Transmission is inactive or deleted.   SAF-41082
Fixed an issue where, when users did not have Read permission for Product Dose Form, a system error occurred and Inbox Items would not load.   SAF-41292
Fixed an issue where, during deep duplicate detection, Study and Study Number matching was completed within Reporter matching and was also assigned the same priority as Reporter matching.   SAF-41329
Fixed an issue with E2B import through the AS2 Gateway where, when import failed, the file was saved in the Audit Log. This created the potential for personally identifiable information (PII) to appear in the log.   SAF-41346
Fixed an issue with creating Follow-Up Cases from the Case Compare page for Japan Localized Cases where, when Primary Case Product Registration records and Local Reporting Details were included, a system error occurred.   SAF-41372
Fixed an issue with multilingual MedDRA where English translations for Japanese Localized Cases were not updated when Indications, Adverse Events, or Medical History information was updated, and translations and codes were missing when new Indications were added.   SAF-41603
Fixed an issue where, when cloning a Vault, Translation Settings, Translation Connection Language, and Translation Localization were not cloned by default.   SAF-41606
Fixed an issue with coding Japanese MedDRA terms where terms with English characters were not auto-coded.   SAF-41665
Fixed an issue where the Translation Connection Languages and Translation Settings records were not included in the Vault Safety template.   SAF-41671
Fixed an issue where, when the Enable Smart MedDRA Autocoding and Enable Smart MedDRA Coding Predictions settings were not turned on, the Coding Method fields for Indication and Event were populated on Inbox Items.   SAF-41674
Fixed an issue with local language intake for Russian (Russia) where, when a local language value was entered in the Inbox Item Product Indication field, after saving the local value appeared in the English Indication field.   SAF-41726
Fixed an issue with calculating Age Groups for Infants and Children where the definition was out of date. Now, to align with the latest EMA and FDA definitions, Infant is defined as "1 month to less than 24 months" and Child is defined as "2 years to less than 12 years".   SAF-41781
Fixed an issue where, in some instances, Case Adverse Events were not displayed and a system error occurred when the event included a MedDRA term that had undergone a hierarchy change and was in a Closed state.   SAF-41825
Fixed an issue with promoting manually created Inbox Items to Follow-Up Study Cases where, when the Study Product was open-label, an additional blinded instance of the same Study Product appeared on the Follow-Up Case and had to be manually deleted.   SAF-41860
Fixed an issue with promoting AERs to Cases where, if the AER included special characters, during duplicate detection the system displayed error messages and prevented promotion.   SAF-41888
Fixed an issue where PSMF Logbook comments did not upgrade to the latest document version, making the comment unavailable on the latest PSMF Logbook.   SAF-41942
Fixed an issue with manual Inbox Item creation where, when Enable Auto-Set Inbox Item Localization by Reporter Country was turned on, the system allowed selecting inactive Localizations, which caused Inbox Item creation to fail.   SAF-41949
Fixed a caching issue that, in some instances, prevented users with the Case Processing security profile from viewing the Drug page on Study Cases.   SAF-42003
Fixed an issue where, in some cases, users may have experienced performance issues when processing Cases.   SAF-42023
Fixed an issue with limits on the number of users allowed in a single role within a Case Access Group. This fix affects only POD VV1-1150.   SAF-42068
Fixed an issue where, when you switched from the PSMF Document panel to the Document Information panel, the Document Information Panel icons did not appear until the page was refreshed.   SAF-42319
Fixed an issue where, when Case Processors did not have Read permission for the Dose Unit of the Case Product Dosage field, a server error occurred when trying to view the Medical Review Timeline.   SAF-42415
Fixed an issue where, when some E2B XML files encoded as UTF-16 were received through an AS2 gateway, the Transmissions were not imported as Inbox Items.   SAF-42519
Fixed an issue where, when the MedDRA dictionary language was set to two languages and the Update to Latest Version action was run, an error appeared. This was due to duplicate Localized MedDRA records being created.   SAF-42520
Fixed an issue with Pregnancy Cases where, when the Linked Cases section included a Non-Child information Case, Follow-up Case creation was prevented.   SAF-42579

Search & Filter

Description Issue No.
In cases where placeholder tasks are present, Task Type filters on the Home page may display incorrect counts.   DEV-576110*
Vault may incorrectly show and hide the advanced search icon in the search bar.   DEV-579087
In some cases, users are able to save tabs before loading the filters which may result in bad data.   DEV-582666*


Description Issue No.
In certain scenarios, there is a conflict between configured DAC security and application security (security implimented by certain applications).   DEV-584413
For customers with many users, selection of users for delegation is slow.   DEV-549785

Site Vault

Description Issue No.
In certain cases, Vault fails to transfer documents from Site Vault to a Clinical Operations Vault.   DEV-582183

Vault File Manager

Description Issue No.
In some cases, users cannot cancel file uploads in Vault File Manager.   DEV-576748*
In some cases, users may see a Vault File Manager error when Vault File Manager is not enabled.   DEV-577862

Veeva Claims

The Veeva Claims release, including all Platform fixed issues, is targeted for tentative availability on June 20, 2023.

Description Issue No.
The Translator Viewer on Pack Copy records may take longer than expected to load when there are a large number of related local Elements.   OLS-19431*