Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, notifications list an inaccurate number of Milestone Item records created from the Create Milestones from Template job.
DEV-321078* |
In cases with missing remote files or directories, the Clinical Network FTP Clear job fails in both SiteVault and Clinical Operations Vaults.
DEV-398145* |
In some cases, Vault provides unhelpful messages for TMF Transfer errors.
DEV-439464* |
In some cases, changing document lifecycle configuration causes TMF Transfer to display errors when attempting to transfer in-scope documents.
DEV-449201 |
Vault displays an unhelpful error when a user with incorrect permissions attempts to drag and drop a document to an EDL.
DEV-450415 |
Vault incorrectly uses "true" and "false" values in some CTN fields.
DEV-450835* |
Using the Make a Copy action to create Study Person records results in those records causing issues with URS Sync.
DEV-451498 |
In some cases with large numbers of resulting binders (300 +), Vault fails to create binders from Study documents.
DEV-451613 |
In cases with very large numbers of Subject Visit records, Vault displays "Server having problems" when running the Proactively Seed Monitored Enrollment action.
DEV-451796 |
In some cases, the document list will not populate in TMF Viewer.
DEV-452073 |
In some cases, when filtering on Study Site States, the Distribute to Sites action may include Study Sites that are not in the desired state.
DEV-452941 |
Vault fails to send email Safety Distributions after adding a supporting document to the distribution.
DEV-452969 |
In some cases, Site Connect fails to transfer documents from SiteVault to Clinical Operations when the Distribution Task action is set to Provide Original.
DEV-453455* |
When a user in a sandbox Vault attempts to archive a Study, Vault will fail to archive the Study if there is an insufficient number of Archived Site Licenses.
DEV-453599 |
In some cases where very large numbers of documents are available for TMF Bot training, Vault fails to complete Trained Model auto-training.
DEV-454072 |
In some cases where duplicate Subject records exist in a CTMS Vault, connected CDMS Vaults do not show all Subject Visits.
DEV-454292 |
Vault incorrectly attributes the Copy Field to Related Object action to "System on behalf of" instead of "System" in Subject Visit audit trails.
DEV-454434 |
In cases where the Steady State Count is not set, Vault displays "Server having issues" when a user attempts to update the Requiredness field.
DEV-455396* |
Site Connect incorrectly sends External IDs from the Clinical Operations Vault when creating or updating Products in SiteVault.
DEV-456904 |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly displays an insufficient license error when attempting to archive sites when there are available licenses.
DEV-457487 |
In cases where multiple Recalculate jobs are run concurrently, Vault creates duplicate Enrollment Status logs.
DEV-457618 |
In cases where Monitored Subject or Monitored Subject Visit records do not have values for Subject or Subject Visit field, respectively, Vault displays an error when attempting the Seed Monitored Enrollment or Proactively Seed Monitoring Enrollment actions.
DEV-457769 |
In cases where Monitored Subject or Monitored Subject Visit records do not have values for Subject or Subject Visit field, respectively, Vault displays an error when attempting the Seed Monitored Enrollment or Proactively Seed Monitoring Enrollment actions.
DEV-458068 |
In cases where a Study only has two (2) types of Enrollment Metrics Over Time, Vault displays an error when attempting to load the Study from the Study Management Homepage.
DEV-461068 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault Loader for documents allows unsupported date formats.
DEV-211940* |
When attempting to reclassify a crosslink to a document type that does not support crosslink renditions, users receive an unhelpful generic error message.
DEV-248248* |
When two users cancel checkout on a document at the same time, Vault adds 2 entries to the audit trail.
DEV-274341* |
In some cases where binders are nested three levels deep, Vault may generate incorrect binder reports.
DEV-361266* |
In some cases, when users attempt to update their color preferences, Vault does not save their reply color for annotations correctly.
DEV-443632* |
In cases where users attempt to change a document name by adding a "#" character, Vault fails to capture the change.
DEV-444498 |
When using the grid view of the Document Inbox, if a user tries to remove the Role filter, Vault fails to remove it.
DEV-447986* |
In some cases where Excel spreadsheets include empty cells, Vault fails to merge fields on those spreadsheets.
DEV-450668 |
When dragging and dropping a file in a binder, the Upload New Version dialog does not populate the file automatically.
DEV-451678 |
When users have the Edit Relationship permission on an older version of a document but not the latest, they cannot delete version-specific relationships on the older version of the document.
DEV-451728 |
In some cases, Vault fails to OCR files.
DEV-452690* |
Users are stuck in Grab & Pan or Copy Text mode after entering and exiting an unsupported document viewer state while holding the corresponding keyboard shortcut.
DEV-452774* |
In some cases, the Export Annotations action fails for certain documents.
DEV-452895 |
In some cases, users may encounter a server error when attempting to create a classification under the Reference Document document type.
DEV-452901 |
The "Download Notes" action fails on documents with only resolved annotations.
DEV-453125 |
In cases where a document in the Approved Email viewer has a long name, Vault fail to show the scrollbar after reaching the bottom of the document.
DEV-453386* |
When a document has less than 100 but more than 0 characters, Vault is unable to automatically detect the document language and defaults to English rather than the creating user's language according to their user profile.
DEV-453431 |
Users cannot create page-level permalink links to a single-page target document.
DEV-453958* |
Users of Internet Explorer 11 cannot create text annotations.
DEV-454040 |
In some rare cases, documents fail to resolve the correct matching rules when they are created.
DEV-454200 |
In cases where actions share an icon, the Frequently Used Actions Bar fails to display all actions.
DEV-454375 |
In cases with merge fields using VQL tokens referring to multiple object levels, Vault fails to merge correctly.
DEV-454490 |
In some cases, Vault fails to create renditions for US V3 regional XML files.
DEV-455260 |
In some cases, Vault fails to apply generate a Formatted Output report.
DEV-455439 |
The "Export Annotations" action fails if an annotation contains bad color formatting.
DEV-455692 |
Annotations in Notes view used a different color palette than in Document view.
DEV-456219 |
The "Export Annotations" action fails if an annotation contains invalid formatting.
DEV-458720 |
When a collaborator is removed from Collaborative Authoring while making changes to the document, Vault fails to display the correct error message when they attempt to save their changes.
DEV-458991 |
After Vault fails to save an edited annotation in Notes view, users can see the unsaved edits in Documents view.
DEV-460982* |
When a document version with invalid Linked Document relationship data is copied, Vault preserves the invalid data on the new document.
DEV-461813* |
Description |
Issue No. |
Under certain circumstances, the version of a document in a legacy workflow may become out of sync with the latest document version available.
DEV-450461* |
In some cases, using a browser's zoom function causes the Workflow History section of the Doc Info page to display with formatting errors.
DEV-451568 |
Under certain conditions, the Envelope Details section unexpectedly appears on object workflow configuration pages.
DEV-452503* |
Cancelling a workflow that has Cancellation Actions configured may result in Vault displaying a blank error.
DEV-452784* |
In cases where a multi-document workflow has a large number of attachments, Vault fails to display the attachments scroll bar.
DEV-453750 |
The Check Related Document Access system action fails in multi-document workflows.
DEV-454772 |
Under certain circumstances in a legacy workflow, selecting Take no further action in a Start Next Workflow dialog results in the workflow incorrectly reverting a step.
DEV-456948 |
The Start Document Workflow dialog may incorrectly display the current date in Vault time rather than the user's local time.
DEV-457346 |
In some cases, Vault may display a "Data on page has changed. Refresh page." error when completing a workflow, and fail to resolve the error after refreshing the page.
DEV-458094* |
In some cases, the Actions menu takes longer than expected to appear after clicking on it in the workflow timeline view.
DEV-458275 |
Vault may display a server error and fail to display the Action menu for a workflow in cases where Advanced Workflow Role Configuration is enabled and the workflow definition associated with the workflow has been deleted.
DEV-458419 |
Vault displays a server error when a user attempts to update a date field that controls the Due Date of an object workflow task that is unaccepted or unassigned.
DEV-464131 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some rare cases, Vault fails to save Lookup Field content after saving.
DEV-435967 |
If a user updates a record's document reference field to match criteria and then copies the record, the document reference field value for the record is not copied.
DEV-438252* |
In the Add Related Document Section dialog for an object's page layout, the "Need help with VQL syntax" and "Validate" links are misaligned.
DEV-441602* |
In cases where objects have document reference fields and lifecycle stages, Vault may prevent the creation of new records.
DEV-448267 |
On object record Details pages, the editable fields are misaligned.
DEV-451269* |
In some cases, after starting a workflow on a Content Plan, a user may receive a notification with an error that the hierarchical state change did not complete.
DEV-451519 |
In some cases, after removing a field from an object type, deploying the object's page layout configuration fails because the VPK includes the removed field.
DEV-451799 |
When a user attempts to send a Direct Assignment to more than 1,000 Learners, Vault displays a network error instead of a warning that the number of Learners is more than the allowed number.
DEV-454225 |
The Type and Subtype fields in the object record Advanced Search dialog may display the Base Document type and inactive document types.
DEV-454731 |
When the 251st character in a rich text field is the newline character or has formatting such as font color, the Show More ellipses do not appear upon saving the field.
DEV-455082* |
In some cases, Vault may add a "Record saved with no changes" event after initializing a Lookup field.
DEV-455226 |
When a user's profile Language is not set to English, the object page layout Edit Columns dialog does not open.
DEV-455680 |
The Show More dialog for Rich Text and Long Text field is too small and is not resizable.
DEV-456040 |
After an Admin locks an EDL Item match and a user updates the document to a new major version, the document is no longer locked to the EDL Item.
DEV-456403* |
Description |
Issue No. |
When a user selects documents and then navigates to another page in the Document Inbox by clicking the footer navigation buttons, Vault displays a close (x) button in corner of the resulting warning dialog.
DEV-445685* |
After zooming in on a document, the selected annotation is not in line with its placemark.
DEV-451268 |
When attempting to sort a document's sharing settings on iOS, users may encounter a blank page with a back button followed by a Sort By dialog box that appears off-center and too narrow.
DEV-452275* |
Clicking "Show more" on a Rich Text Field causes text to overlap and be unreadable.
DEV-454042 |
"Show more" links in Rich Text fields display incorrectly on the left side of the field, not the right side as expected.
DEV-454940* |
Record Detail View pages may take longer than expected to load.
DEV-455358 |
After a user changes their language, the search bar becomes inoperable.
DEV-455677 |
When Vault is down is for maintenance, the error message received when attempting to log in is unclear.
DEV-455950* |
In some cases, changing text size in the rich text field editor incorrectly causes other text in Vault to change size.
DEV-456250 |
In some cases, the document count is not visible in the document viewer.
DEV-456867 |
In some cases, Vault fails to apply the Vault ID filter to the Login Audit Trail.
DEV-457294* |
While using a smaller browser window, video annotations move below the document viewer after the Doc Info panels collapse.
DEV-458047 |
Vault does not display the correct help text when hovering over the Actions menu in a binder.
DEV-461493 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In Vault Training, the Issue Training Assignments entry action may incorrectly update a Training Requirement's content set after a "Changes do not affect Training Req." verdict was given during the Training Requirement Impact Assessment workflow.
DEV-444391* |
The Quality Events tab may experience performance issues.
DEV-445265* |
Vault may display an error when a user without View permission on Quality Team Roles performs the Generate Document from Report user action.
DEV-451716* |
Learners viewing an assignment assigned as a part of the Assign Effective feature will get a Document Not Found message if the assignment contains a superseded or non-trainable document.
DEV-454205* |
In some cases after Assignment details are deleted, the Update Training Assignment job completes with errors when no errors are present.
DEV-454629 |
When changing the state of a document in a Document Change Control record, Vault displays "Server having problems" if a deleted document was previously linked to the record.
DEV-455993 |
When removing a document from a Document Change Control record, Vault displays "Server having problems" if deleted versions of that document also reference the record.
DEV-456898* |
If "Display Key Quality Team Roles for Filtering, Reporting" is configured, users cannot adjust Quality Team assignments for themselves if they do not have edit permissions on user fields introduced with that feature.
DEV-457238 |
In cases with a canceled Training Requirement Impact Assessment (TRIA), updating a document does not update associated Training Requirements accordingly.
DEV-460827 |
In some cases, Vault Training Assignments created as a result of the Assign Effective Version option may not be correctly changed to the Assigned state by Vault Training automation.
DEV-461402* |
In some cases, learners viewing a training task page that includes an e-learning course see an Upload Viewable Rendition button instead of a Launch Content button for the course.
DEV-462195 |
Description |
Issue No. |
When the Content Plans tab is unavailable, the Content Plans breadcrumb link navigates the user to the Submissions tab.
DEV-379696* |
When running on-demand publishing and validation jobs, Publishing Status is not updated on some Content Plan Items.
DEV-404508* |
Vault fails to validate Submissions if Content Plan Items or Validation Criteria are made inactive during the publishing process.
DEV-408070* |
After a user sets the Enable Continuous Publishing field to No on the primary Submission record of a grouped submission, Vault sets the non-primary Submission's Dossier Status to Publishing Active.
DEV-411825 |
In some cases, Vault falsely reports outstanding items to publish when selecting a submission to submit via the Gateway.
DEV-414264 |
In some cases when related records are created by another process, Vault creates a duplicate record.
DEV-428331 |
When the Submission Contains Files field is set to "No" in a Submissions Publishing Vault and a user attempts to delete a Submission, Vault displays an unexpected error.
DEV-435554 |
When an EU Submission Type is "Variation" or "Extension", Submission Mode appears as blank on the Update Administrative Information page.
DEV-438227* |
When submitting to the EU EMA Gateway, Submission Publishing fails to add Submission and Application IDs to the delivery XML file, preventing any Dynamic Access Control rules from applying and preventing successful transmission.
DEV-438591 |
Certain fields are unavailable within IDMP output objects:
-IDMP Manufactured Item Ingredient: Quantity Operator, Quantity Operator Code, Quantity Operator Code Text, Quantity Operator Term, Quantity Operator Term Text
-IDMP AP Reference Strength: Reference Code, Reference Substance, Reference Substance Term
DEV-439049* |
XEVMPD business rule validation does not match the EMA's updated controlled vocabularies.
DEV-440237 |
In some cases, documents in section 5.3.6 of an eCTD Submission have blank Product fields after on-demand publishing.
DEV-442052 |
After a user drags and drops a document into the Active Dossier Editor and sets it to Submitted, Vault does not update the Country status in the parent Active Dossier Item.
DEV-443561* |
When submitting to the EMA Gateway, the Submission may fail if the generated ZIP filename contains more than 60 characters.
DEV-446491 |
When a user imports a file with no Submission folder, Vault displays the wrong warning.
DEV-447452* |
In cases where the same document is matched multiple times within a Content Plan for a large submission, Vault incorrectly publishes reference leafs, resulting in Vault using an incorrect checksum.
DEV-448259 |
Single export of an EAEU Submission does not include unreferenced files from outside of the Submission folder.
DEV-450246* |
The Content Plan Hierarchy viewer displays the incorrect number of matched documents when a filter related to a matched document is applied.
DEV-451047* |
In the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer, there is not enough spacing between the Job Status icon and the Lifecycle State icon.
DEV-451385* |
In some cases, Vault may not correctly up-version an imported Japanese Submission document.
DEV-451581* |
In cases when updating or creating applications using Common (GCC) or Common (EU) as the lead market, Vault incorrectly reports that all records were not created.
DEV-451982 |
In some cases when using record triggers, Vault fails to complete xEVMPD Submission transmission.
DEV-454058 |
After a user imports a Submission to Vault via FTP, Vault may not import certain documents if they do not already exist in the Vault.
DEV-454363* |
Vault Report-Level Content Plan Publishing jobs can become stuck when the Report-Level Content Plan is not referenced on the Report-Level Content Plan object.
DEV-454494 |
In some cases, Submissions with very large numbers of links may fail to publish.
DEV-455155 |
Vault fails to show the "Create separate Registrations for any selected Complex Products and their selected component" checkbox in the Create Bulk Registrations wizard.
DEV-455460* |
In some cases, Vault displays "Server having problems" when a user attempts to view an Application.
DEV-456678 |
During publishing, Vault reports validation Rule 1636 as failed when referencing a previous Submission with a Dossier Status of 'Publishing Inactive'.
DEV-457231 |
If a Product or Product Variant is not associated with a Registration, the Manage Registered Details wizard fails to create Registered Product Characteristic or Registered Product Classification records.
DEV-457470* |
In some cases, Vault fails to display a selected relationship within the Define Relationships step of creating related records.
DEV-457525* |
Vault fails to update the Most Recent Submitted indicator on Product Data Submission records after reaching the XEVMPD Submitted lifecycle state.
DEV-457529 |
In some cases, when creating related records, Vault fails to apply validation rules to fields in the Submission/Regulatory Objective Organization and Submission/Regulatory Objective Site Role objects.
DEV-457771* |
Content plan sections containing a token for the Submission Pharmaceutical Form object fail to copy.
DEV-457834* |
In some cases where Vault Renditions jobs are taking longer than expected to complete, links do not appear on published documents.
DEV-458083* |
In cases where Submission Archives contain both links and Content Plan items linked to the same document, Vault displays an error when attempting to import the Submission Archive.
DEV-458356 |
In some cases, initial, on-demand, and continuous publishing tasks may sometimes fail unexpectedly.
DEV-462331* |
Description |
Issue No. |
Fixed an issue with ICH E2B(R2) reports where the DOCTYPE DTD (document type definition) could not be modified.
SAF-19096 |
Fixed an issue where, when a Study with a name that exceeds 1500 characters but is less than 2000 characters was selected on a Case, the Case could not be saved.
SAF-22283 |
Fixed an issue where Case Product Substances were not snapshotted upon promoting an Inbox Item.
SAF-22484 |
Fixed an issue where, upon importing an Inbox Item from an Intake API or E2B file, the record ID for multiple fields were displayed in the Inbox Item audit log.
SAF-22865 |
Fixed an issue where, when a Vault Owner tried to update the Distribution Rules field on the EMA ICSR Reporting Rule Set, an error appeared stating the field can not be updated.
SAF-23053 |
Fixed an issue where the Study-type Case Product Registration and Product fields were not populated on the Case upon promoting an E2B imported Inbox Item.
SAF-23974 |
Fixed an issue where each time the Inbox Item Details section was saved with no changes, the audit trail logged "Record saved with no changes". In addition, if the Study field was populated when saving the Details section, the audit trail logged changes from the Product section when there were none.
SAF-24327 |
Fixed an issue with E2B imported Inbox Items where, after promoting to an Initial Case and, subsequently, to a Follow-Up Case, Case Assessment records were created for all concomitant medications.
SAF-24430 |
Fixed an issue where, when some Inbox Item sections were verified and saved, certain fields were logged in the Old Value and New Value columns on the audit trail.
SAF-24452 |
Fixed an issue where, when a user tried to verify the Awareness Details, a server error appeared due to duplicate entries existing for one field. This is a previous fixed issue (SAF-24406) from 21R3.0.3 with a newly implemented solution. Now, if a field is updated more than once, the value reflects the most recently entered data.
SAF-24535 |
Fixed an issue with FDA MedWatch 3500A form generation where if Patient Initials was blank, Section A.1 on the form (Patient Identifier) was not populated with Investigation MRN.
SAF-24549 |
Fixed an issue where, when loading a MedDRA .zip file into different vaults, an inconsistent number of records between vaults were displayed. The MedDRA Hierarchy for CMQ and Vault Reporting feature addresses this issue with a new user action to download the full active MedDRA version from the central dictionary to a vault.
SAF-24576 |
Fixed an issue with a Localized Case translated from a Global Case where, when an ICH E2B(R3) report was generated, Event (Reported) used data from the Localized Case instead of the Global Case.
SAF-24588 |
Fixed an issue where the Age (normalized) field was rounded up instead of being truncated.
SAF-24609 |
Fixed an issue where, when the ISO character "Z" was included in the date field value, this resulted in an incorrect field value.
SAF-24625 |
Fixed an issue for FDA E2B(R2) combination product reports by supporting partial dates for the Case Product Expiration Date field.
SAF-24626 |
Fixed an issue where, an additional blank Product record was created for a Localized Case upon Case promotion.
SAF-24628 |
Fixed an issue where the Race Reason Omitted field value on the Inbox Item was not copied over to the Case upon Case promotion.
SAF-24660 |
Fixed an issue where the CIOMS I file failed to generate due to a missing delimiter in the Case Assessment name.
SAF-24669 |
Fixed an issue where duplicate detection did not return any potential matches if Matching Contents contained special characters and operators, such as " ' ( ) *. Now, special characters and operators are treated as normal characters and do not impact duplicate detection.
SAF-24737 |
Fixed an issue with ICH Case-level validations where multiple records were created for the validation criteria (one record for each agency it was run for) in the summary file.
SAF-24742 |
Fixed an issue for Inbox Items created from an imported document where, when only the "Other medically important condition (specify)" checkbox was selected and extracted, an incorrect P3 Priority was suggested and a "Seriousness was not found" rationale was provided.
SAF-24862 |
Fixed an issue where the Inbox Item audit trail logged the unverified Product section as "Verified" instead of "Edited" when the Study was changed in the Details section.
SAF-24913 |
Fixed an issue where, when promoting an Inbox Item to Follow-Up from the Case Compare page, the Source MedDRA Version was not set on the Follow-Up Case.
SAF-24917* |
Fixed an issue where Suspect = Yes was configured at the rule set level and could not be overridden for a Case with a Drug Role that was updated to "Drug Not Administered". As part of this fix, the Suspect = Yes rule set-level parameter was removed from the EMA, FDA, and PMDA rule sets.
SAF-24953 |
Fixed an issue with PSUR reports where, when multiple Core Datasheets contained the same MedDRA term, the Expectedness was set using an incorrect or unrelated Core Datasheet.
SAF-24991 |
Fixed an issue with E2B(R2) and E2B(R3) imported Inbox Items and AERs where, after promoting to Case, the unknown Case Assessment records from the E2B file were not created on the Case.
SAF-25006 |
Fixed an issue where an error appeared when a Vault Owner tried to update the Default Seriousness field on the system-provided DME watchlist (dme__v). Now, fields such as Default Seriousness and Watchlist Exclusions can be configured for the DME watchlist.
SAF-25022* |
Fixed an issue where an Index Out of Bounds error appeared and the CIOMS I report failed to generate for a distribution.
SAF-25024 |
Fixed an issue where the EMA validation rule for G.k.9.i.2.r.1.EU.1 (EU Source of Assessment) was missing.
SAF-25066* |
Fixed an issue with the Cumulative Tabulation of Serious Adverse Reactions from Clinical Trials report generation where the Expectedness calculation was not consistent.
SAF-25071 |
Fixed an issue where Localized Cases were moved to Closed state upon promoting them to a Follow-Up Case.
SAF-25154 |
Fixed an issue with E2B imported Inbox Items with Parent Information. When the Study field was set on the Inbox tab in list view, this resulted in only the Parent Case Study being updated upon Case promotion and not the Patient Case Study.
SAF-25180 |
Fixed an issue where Reason Omitted (nullFlavor) values were incorrectly displayed for some FDA VAERS Regional fields.
SAF-25237 |
Fixed an issue where, when the Upgrade rule was configured for custom rule sets, the rule did not pass for an upgraded Case.
SAF-25243* |
Fixed an issue where the Meddra Version was not populated with "-" when importing an E2B file to AER with a blank MedDRA Version. This resulted in the E2B Import field being set to No.
SAF-25245 |
Fixed an issue with E2B(R2) export where, when a distribution with Study Content Protection set to Mask Unblinded Content was created, the masked file contained susbtance information.
SAF-25502 |
Fixed an issue where the FDA MedWatch 3500A form failed to generate when a narrative document was uploaded to the Case.
SAF-25832 |