Description |
Issue No. |
Inbound package deployment fails for packages updating existing object lifecycles where multiple lifecycle roles are associated with the same application role.
DEV-428984 |
When creating an email address for Email to Vault, Vault sometimes hangs rather than displaying an error message.
DEV-430290 |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly creates duplicate User Role Setup records.
DEV-433919 |
When creating views from the View Admin page, users are able to create views beyond the normal limit.
DEV-434413 |
When reassigning the owner of a view, users can cause the new owner to have more views than the normal limit.
DEV-435380 |
In rare cases, navigating to a binder directly with a URL immediately creation of that binder may result in blank values for DateTime fields.
DEV-436126 |
Including a period in VPK name results in an error when downloading the deployment CSV log file.
DEV-436806 |
In certain scenarios, changing the label of a standard Number field (such as copy_depth__v) changes the maximum length of that standard field to 1,000.
DEV-437922 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Safety Distributions are not viewable from the links in Vault email to sites.
DEV-384791 |
Vault resets the Study Selector to All Studies after refreshing the Library page.
DEV-397548 |
In some cases when changing the default workflow for a document lifecycle, Vault does not save the change.
DEV-409679 |
Vault fails to automatically create a second checklist triggered, based on workflow configuration, by a non-user completing a checklist.
DEV-414870 |
Vault displays an error when accepting an Agreement after the CDX Scope Variable is deleted in the source Vault.
DEV-418424 |
Users can edit the unique ID of Trained Model records.
DEV-424798 |
In cases where CTN Remarks are linked but included, Vault fails to generate the CTN.
DEV-426741 |
In some cases, after a Study assignment is reactivated, distribution tasks from SiteVault to a Clinical Operations Vault fail.
DEV-426842 |
In some cases, Vault improperly classifies documents associated with Sub-I Study Person records coming from SiteVault.
DEV-434020 |
Subjects marked for deletion in CDMS are created in CTMS Vaults.
DEV-434531 |
Products and Study Products are not being sent to Sites with existing Study Agreements in Site Connect.
DEV-436142 |
In some cases, adding large volumes of data to CDMS will cause the CMDS & Clinical Operations Vault Connection to fail.
DEV-438662 |
In some cases, Vault prevents the reuse of documents across Studies for users without Manage Archive permissions at the time of document creation.
DEV-439663 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, Vault fails to render Microsoft Powerpoint™ documents with the “Speaker Notes” layout setting.
DEV-391379 |
When users attempt to merge anchors from a mini-browser, the Merge Anchors dialog does not appear.
DEV-415053 |
On 1280 x 800 resolutions, the Information panel on the Doc Info page is too large.
DEV-418759 |
Vault improperly renders barcode tokens for rich text fields inside tables, and does not display an error message on the Rendition Status page.
DEV-422749 |
When users reply to deleted comments on documents, Vault creates an orphaned comment or does not save the comment at all and does not generate an error message.
DEV-426440 |
Users cannot delete annotations on videos despite having the correct permissions.
DEV-429539 |
When reclassifying a document to a type with the same lifecycle but a different autonumbering format, Vault fails to update the document number.
DEV-429638 |
When reclassifying a document to a type with a different lifecycle and different autonumbering format, Vault fails to update the document number.
DEV-429681 |
In some cases when users attempt to view the References section of a claim, the entire page goes blank.
DEV-430431 |
In some cases, Vault fails to remove references to deleted minor document versions from claims.
DEV-430433 |
In some cases, Vault fails to render and resolve tokens on Merge Fields documents using the “Document Number” token.
DEV-432719 |
In some cases, Shared Inbox documents are shared with the wrong users after being reclassified.
DEV-432897 |
Users are able to edit the max length of several fields including Document Name when these fields should not be editable.
DEV-433420 |
In some cases, users are able to create permalinks even when they should not be able to do so.
DEV-434002 |
In some cases, users are able to bring forward annotations when the feature is disabled.
DEV-434005 |
With Action UI enabled, Vault allows users to download manually uploaded viewable renditions, but does not display them in the Files pane on the Doc Info page.
DEV-434347 |
Vault does not update the "Generating Viewable Rendition..." status in the document viewer for documents re-rendered in bulk.
DEV-434406 |
In some cases, clicking a link annotation pointing to an anchor takes the user to the wrong place in the document.
DEV-434446 |
In some cases when users attempt to edit the color of an existing text highlight, Vault fails to change the color.
DEV-434493 |
When users select "Link to Content" on video documents, Vault fails to open Annotate mode.
DEV-434621 |
Longtext boxes do not fill the entire space they should occupy in edit mode.
DEV-434971 |
When users attempt to cancel relocating a note to a different page of a document, Vault fails to close relocate mode.
DEV-435181 |
In some cases, Vault fails to render videos.
DEV-435707 |
In some cases when a user cancels editing an existing annotation, the annotation no longer appears highlighted.
DEV-435755 |
In some cases, Vault fails to apply users' color preferences to annotation replies.
DEV-435946 |
In some cases, Vault takes longer than expected to render audio and video files.
DEV-436376 |
In some cases, Vault fails to render videos.
DEV-437096 |
In some cases, Vault temporarily displays annotation placemarks incorrectly after users scroll between pages.
DEV-437159 |
Vault displays an error when users change Comment styles in Overlay mode after resizing their browser or scrolling between sections.
DEV-437560 |
The annotation dialog box disappears after resizing the browser window.
DEV-437564 |
When at least two link annotations are present, and a user begins moving one link annotation but does not complete or cancel the process and then initiates Link to Content, the user can link to multiple existing link annotations.
DEV-437786 |
Users are able to add links to external link annotations with the Link to Content option.
DEV-438020 |
Tags for link annotations do not persist after refreshing the page or navigating away.
DEV-438041 |
In some cases, Vault fails to show tooltips when users hover over embedded links in annotate mode.
DEV-438083 |
If a user selects an annotation, scrolls to another page, and then scrolls back, the placemark may no longer appear.
DEV-438481 |
Description |
Issue No. |
When searching for an ampersand (&), Vault displays the ampersand escape code (&) in search results.
DEV-414626 |
No icon is displayed for the Activate/Inactive action on integration rules.
DEV-417049 |
Vault fails to display values for the Classification field in Read and Understood Dashboard prompts.
DEV-418183 |
In cases with slow network connections, Vault allows users to create duplicate records while the initial records are processing.
DEV-423839 |
With Action UI enabled, the action bar flickers while Vault renders documents.
DEV-431297 |
In rare cases, the User Profile page shows a server error.
DEV-431726 |
From list view in Business Admin > Outbound/Inbound Packages, the Actions menu does not execute actions.
DEV-434026 |
Vault displays the incorrect styling in the Workflow History printable view.
DEV-434836 |
With certain User object field configurations, Vault may display a server error when a user attempts to make edits on the Login Message page.
DEV-435007 |
The token ${product__v} does not work in the FavoriteDocumentNotifications message.
DEV-435018 |
In rare cases, other elements of the UI may overlap with the Vault title.
DEV-436402 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In Vaults with External Collaboration automation configured, removing a User from the External Collaborator field on a SCAR record may result in Vault displaying an error instead of starting the collaborator inactivation process.
DEV-422752 |
Vault may display a server error when activating a user via External Collaboration that does not have the appropriate permissions on a SCAR or CAPA record.
DEV-423612 |
When a user attempts to change a document state to Issued, Vault displays a Server Having Problems error.
DEV-425809 |
Creating a Quality Team for an object with a label that starts with number characters results in Vault displaying an error and failing to create the team.
DEV-432209 |
In Vault Training Vaults, the quiz failure banner may include incorrectly styled elements.
DEV-432895 |
In some cases, Vault may display a server error when a user attempts to remove a Change Authorization record after using the section search function.
DEV-434387 |
If a locked Quiz is not set to Auto-Unlock, the Update Training Assignments job fails to complete.
DEV-435301 |
The Fields to Display section of a Visual Hierarchy Configuration page may not display as expected if one of the fields is inactivated.
DEV-435484 |
In some cases, the ${docNameNoLink} token may not resolve correctly in the Controlled Copy Job Completed document message.
DEV-435527 |
In some cases, Vault may fail to send a notification to the Vault Owner for failure of the Cancel Training Assignment job.
DEV-435917 |
Removing a document from a Change Authorization section of an MDCC may cause Vault to add audit entries for that removal to unaffected document versions.
DEV-436687 |
Users without Read permission to the Quality Record Check configuration component may encounter errors when editing verdicts on the Recurrence Check page.
DEV-437289 |
Vault may display an error when a user attempts to delete an objects with Quality Teams configured for multiple object types.
DEV-437291 |
The Update Training Assignments job fails to update document sharing settings if the Trainee document role's public key is "trainee__c".
DEV-437548 |
Users may not be able to complete Recurrence Checks in Vaults without any Quality Relationship Automation configurations defined.
DEV-438216 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault is unable to create a Team definition for objects when the object name starts with a digit.
DEV-431128 |
Vault is unable to create a Comment Type from target objects when the object name starts with a digit.
DEV-432124 |
The Occurence field, from the Ingredient Known Hazard object, displays an inbound relationship name as "ingredient_known_hazards_vr__vr".
DEV-432826 |
When a Related Record is deleted, the Create Related Record object action cannot be updated.
DEV-433820 |
Vault generates an empty Control Chart when the Test Result value, USL value, and standard deviation value equals 0.
DEV-434031 |
Vault displays a non-descriptive error message when attempting to create a related record via an entry action with a Team cascade.
DEV-434135 |
When Proof Required is set to "No" in External Training Assignment, users cannot click on the Complete Training button.
DEV-434370 |
Users experience slow performance when filtering a Characteristic from the Control Chart.
DEV-434458 |
When creating a Related Record, Vault displays a server error when deleting text inputs.
DEV-435159 |
When an object and its object types has multiple Team definitions configured, Vault displays a server error when the object is deleted.
DEV-437245 |
Vault displays a server error when an object lifecycle does not have an associated object.
DEV-437364 |
While attempting to create related records via an entry action in a workflow, Vault does not display an error notification and will fail the job.
DEV-438512 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases in Vaults using the RIM to PromoMats connection feature, after continuous publishing starts, a file may not be published when the Source for Published Document field value is Source Document.
DEV-413144 |
RDI, DI, UDI Submission, and UDI Submission DI records can be created even when the organization record's EUDAMED code field value is invalid.
DEV-414599 |
When a user creates a Submission Content Plan, Vault does not build the Clinical Study node for template sections with a blank type and subtype.
DEV-431438 |
When publishing, if a UTIL file exists with a document type other than Submissions Archive, Vault Publishing may fail.
DEV-431519 |
Under certain circumstances, Vault includes embedded files in bulk exports of EAEU Submissions.
DEV-432660 |
When there are more than 50 correspondence documents in one bulk action, the Submissions Archive Harmonization job fails.
DEV-432807 |
In some cases, the publishing progress indicator for certain Submissions jobs remains in the In Progress state for longer than expected.
DEV-433045 |
In some cases, validation of Publishing tasks fails to complete.
DEV-433410 |
The submission import notification email does not display a message in the Informational section when the submission folder has already been used for a previous import.
DEV-434010 |
When a submission with the EAEU dossier format does not contain the R.022 XML, Vault fails to import the submission.
DEV-434149 |
In some cases, Vault displays "server having problems" when viewing the Historical Lifecycle on a Submission.
DEV-434228 |
Vault fails to complete workflow verification after a user clears the date fields on the Edit and Verify dialog.
DEV-434464 |
In some cases, Vault generates IDMP Pack Size records without values for the Pack Size Unit Code Text or Pack Size Unit Term Text fields.
DEV-434490 |
In some cases, Vault generates IDMP Container Reference Item records without values for the Device Identifier or Device Identifier Text fields.
DEV-434797 |
When a submission with the EAEU dossier format contains more than one sub-folder with R.022 XML, Vault fails to import the submission and displays an error.
DEV-434846 |
When a user imports a Submission ZIP file without an application folder, Vault imports the wrong folder or displays a "Server having problems" error.
DEV-434919 |
Certain tokens may be inconsistently resolved or unresolved after updating or copying a content plan.
DEV-435195 |
When a Mac user imports a Submission, the ZIP file may include the "__MACOSX" folder as the submission.
DEV-435426 |
In some cases, the View action may be available on the Product Family Application object but has no effect.
DEV-435650 |
Under certain circumstances, when a user drags a Microsoft Word document from the Library to any section in the Active Dossier Viewer, the Microsoft Word icon does not appear.
DEV-435950 |
In some cases, updating Product details fails to also update the related Packaging records when creating bulk Registrations.
DEV-436747 |
On the Edit & Verify page, users are unable to filter on picklist fields.
DEV-437709 |
Description |
Issue No. |
When users trigger the Generate Requirements action and the relational token is linked to an object field mapping that references an inactive Source Field, Vault does not provide the expected error log.
OLS-6902 |
When an Admin tries to save a new relational token but only has Read permission for Admin: Configuration: Objects, Vault displays a server error rather than an error message.
OLS-7031 |
Deleting a Registration Item Requirement with more than 500 child records fails.
OLS-7077 |
Vault displays server errors when saving new object field mappings, on the Relational Tokens tab after creating a new relational token with object field mappings in MDL, and when users trigger the Generate Requirements action.
OLS-7094 |
Creating recursive relation tokens in MDL with the object of the parent token object that does not match the token object or object of the parent token does not result in an error message.
OLS-7140 |
The Generate Requirements action generates records when the recursion_reference_field and recursion_child_field recursive relational token fields reference inactive fields.
OLS-7176 |
When Admins try to save a relational token with a Token Label that contains two (2) or more consecutive underscores (_) , Vault displays a server error rather than an error message stating the label cannot include consecutive underscores.
OLS-7192 |
When saving a New Field Mapping for Source Object of product__v and Target Object of request__v, Admins can select unsupported fields from the Source Field and Target Field drop-downs, resulting in a server error.
OLS-7199 |
When users apply a Product filter that includes special characters to the Registration Items section on an Event record, Vault may not filter the search results as expected.
OLS-7290 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some PromoMats Vaults, users may see a 403 access denied status when navigating to distribution report documents from the Doc Info page.
DEV-397868 |
The "Milestone Type is not equal to" filter returns incorrect results.
DEV-400501 |
While scheduling a flash report, Vault displays a "Success" message before users save the configuration.
DEV-422966 |
In some cases, workflow history reports include data for excluded documents.
DEV-423001 |
In some cases, Vault shows old cached data after a user refreshes a flash report.
DEV-427353 |
In some scenarios, users cannot save reports when using a rendition formula field as a secondary grouping.
DEV-430726 |
In some cases, add a formula field to a multi-pass report causes Vault to display "Server having problems" when the report is run.
DEV-432047 |
In some cases, adding a formula field referring to a picklist in a high volume object report causes Vault to display "Server having problems" when the report is run.
DEV-433754 |
In some cases, adding a power formula that returns a large value to a multi-pass report causes Vault to display "Server having problems" when the report is run.
DEV-434274 |
Vault incorrectly allows users to apply the "Show as % of Grand Total" option to dashboard charts other than Number charts.
DEV-434948 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Fixed an issue where, when the Evaluate Submission Obligations action was run on a Case where the non-primary assessment was a SUSAR, no FDA submissions were generated.
SAF-19863 |
Fixed an issue where G.k.2.2 was not populated due to the Product (Reported) field being blank on E2B export. Now, if Product (Reported) is blank for Open-Label studies, the system populates it using Product (Coded). For Blinded studies, the system populates Product (Reported) with Blinded Name (Placeholder), when creating a Case Product. When unblinding a Study Product, if the Product (Reported) field is blank or populated with the Blinded Name (Placeholder) value, the system populates the field using Product (Coded).
SAF-20710* |
Fixed an issue where an inactivated narrative template was being used instead of the base template when creating a narrative from a Case.
SAF-20898 |
Fixed an issue where auto-coding in Japanese MedDRA was returning the incorrect English term and code.
SAF-21110 |
Fixed an issue where the Product Registration information on an Open-Label or Single-Blinded Study was not carried over to the Case after promoting an Inbox Item.
SAF-21367 |
Fixed an issue with PADER Interval Line Listings where, if the Case Transmission Date was the same as the Data Period End, the Transmission Date was displayed as "-" in the date column on the aggregate report.
SAF-21393 |
Fixed an issue where the Local Report Number and Local Message Number fields were not populated on the generated E2B(R2) acknowledgment file.
SAF-21535* |
Fixed an issue where Case Product Dosages could not be masked during report generation for blinded report previews and masked distributions, including CIOMS I, FDA 3500A, E2B R2, and E2B R3 report formats. You can now request, by support enablement, to mask dosage information for blinded report previews and masked distributions. Unless this behavior is requested and enabled, report generation continues to populate dosage information by default.
SAF-21618 |
Fixed an issue where the Study field was not set on an imported Case from E2B if the Product did not match any Study Products in the system.
SAF-21777 |
Fixed an issue where a "NullPointerException" error appeared when trying to promote an AER to Case if the Controlled Vocabulary Patient record was deprecated.
SAF-21778 |
Fixed an issue where an error appeared upon E2B(R3) import for the Test Result field (F.r.3.2) due to the value exceeding the maximum value limit. This resulted in the ICSR entering Error state.
SAF-21892 |
Fixed an issue where the Age field was not populated on the FDA 3500A form after report generation if only Age (normalized) was present. Now, if the Age value is blank on the Case, the Age (normalized) field (if present) will be exported and set as the Age on the FDA 3500A form.
SAF-22017 |