Description |
Issue No. |
Some non-Vault Owner users may be able to see a Vault in configuration mode on their My Vault page, and are redirected to the Login page when selecting such a Vault.
DEV-235474 |
Configuration Migration packages generated by Vault Compare sometimes order steps in a way that causes deployment to fail.
DEV-371080 |
In rare scenarios when creating a user through the UI, the newly created user may appear with a different First and Last name than specified during user creation.
DEV-381195 |
For sandbox vaults with linked file staging servers, users are unable to refresh the sandbox even after deleting all other vaults sharing the same linked file staging server.
DEV-383778* |
When Vault updates the last_login_date field on a user, Vault also sets the last_modified_by and last_modified_date fields for the user.
DEV-383812 |
Admins cannot update object picklist fields to be multi-select when a picklist field on another object uses a dynamic default expression that references the original picklist field.
DEV-383830 |
Users experience an error and the load fails when using Vault Loader to upsert object records containing blank values for object reference fields.
DEV-385701* |
In some scenarios, Vault updates the Edit Localized Labels field to blank.
DEV-386902 |
In rare cases, certain components are missing from exported VPKs even after refreshing the component directory.
DEV-387978 |
When delegating user accounts through a user detail page (Admin > Users & Groups > Vault Users), users receive different options for start dates than when delegating through Admin > Users & Groups > Active Delegations.
DEV-389084 |
A Vault Owner using Vault Loader to update user account records may be able to inadvertently deactivate their own account.
DEV-397732 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases after switching views in the TMF Viewer, Vault does not display all content in the viewer.
DEV-366557 |
CTN Data Change Logs are created when Study Person records with CRA roles are created and the Include in CTN / 届出書記載 field is set to Yes.
DEV-379168 |
In some cases, the TMF Viewer includes documents that are classified as document types that an Admin has set as Display in TMF Viewer to No.
DEV-382374 |
In some scenarios, Vault displays the ${choose_file} token in the File Upload Task dialog when users hover over the Choose button.
DEV-382621 |
In some cases, changes to the Name field on the CTN IP Name object are not included in the CTN Data Change Logs.
DEV-382717* |
The paragraph alignment in the CTN Microsoft Word™ document attachment is incorrect.
DEV-382724 |
In certain scenarios, the Send Safety Distribution Emails job fails.
DEV-384488* |
In some cases, updating a Study in Candidate state to Planning state causes the creation of erroneous Milestones.
DEV-385776 |
CTN Site IPs are not listed in the correct order number on generated CTN documents.
DEV-387525 |
In some cases, Vault does not create CTN Data / 治験届関連情報 records when an Organization with the CTN Organization for Japan enabled is modified.
DEV-392028 |
In some cases, clicking on the Create Monitoring Follow Up Letter action a second time on a Monitoring Event record results in an error, and the document version is not updated.
DEV-393031* |
If a user filters the documents in the TMF Viewer to display documents in Approved and In QC Review statuses, Vault only displays documents in Approved status.
DEV-393865 |
In some cases, components related to the Veeva Site Connect and Vault Payments remain visible in a vault after they have been disabled.
DEV-395934 |
Description |
Issue No. |
On the Library tab in Tabular View, the Unmodified Source download option appears for users without the correct permissions.
DEV-326823 |
In some cases, the table of contents generated for a document rendition may contain inconsistent ellipses.
DEV-347912* |
Vault fails to re-render previous versions of video files.
DEV-355493 |
Attempts to render files fail with an "unsupported file type" error message when Vault is in Document Migration mode.
DEV-370685* |
In some cases, users experience a server error when executing the Make a Copy action on documents with text annotations.
DEV-380636 |
When the user is a Vault Owner, clicking Download on a document with a Read & Understood task downloads the unmodified source file instead of the viewable rendition.
DEV-380937 |
In some cases, PDF files fail to render when "Allow viewing and annotation of protected PDF files" is enabled.
DEV-381040 |
In some scenarios, users cannot change document owners in bulk and receive the email "An unexpected error occurred while processing the action."
DEV-383553 |
When using Vault in Internet Explorer 11, when a user removes a linked document relationship from a document in Mixed View, then goes to Field View and returns to Mixed View, the linked document relationship persists and the user experiences a server error when attempting to remove is a second time.
DEV-383833* |
When a user adds a link annotation to a document, Vault does not display the relationship in the Linked Documents section when the user first returns to Mixed View.
DEV-384226* |
In some cases, eSignatures are missing from documents after a user completes an eSignature approval.
DEV-388009 |
When a user downloads a PDF with annotations, if a single page fails to generate, the entire download fails.
DEV-389162 |
In some vaults, users can see the Import Document Links option in the document Actions menu and the Linked Documents section in the fields panel of the Doc Info page when the Allow creation of link annotations setting is not enabled.
DEV-389775 |
When one link annotation is active and a user selects Link to Content on another link annotation, Vault makes both link annotations active.
DEV-389965* |
Users experience an error when editing anchors with titles that contain the "%" character.
DEV-392499 |
In vaults where the standard Library tab is inactive, when a user uploads multiple documents, Vault redirects users who are Vault Owners to the inactivated Library tab, while users who are not Vault Owners are stuck on the upload screen.
DEV-392838 |
When users render a Microsoft Excel™ file with merge fields, Vault generates a text file with different formatting than the source file.
DEV-395079* |
In some cases, creating a document from an Adobe® InDesign® package ZIP file may result in a "Missing fonts" error even if the font is present in the package.
DEV-395650 |
Description |
Issue No. |
When a user attempts to perform an inline update of an object reference field that already contains a value and the object has over 100 records, only the first 100 records are available for selection.
DEV-356948* |
After changing an object's Data Store to High Volume, removing a field's uniqueness requirement may not affect its search indexing as expected.
DEV-373906* |
If an existing standard volume object is edited to become a high volume object, users experience a server error when viewing records for other objects containing fields which reference text fields on the high volume object.
DEV-381428* |
Vault may fail to export a content plan hierarchy view with the Export tree and All descendants action if there is a matched document field in the export.
DEV-384111* |
Vault may display duplicate error messages when attempting to delete an object with multiple layouts using Related Document filters.
DEV-384624* |
Vault map displas a server error instead of a useful error message when trying to populate the VAT Number field with an invalid value.
DEV-386083 |
In some cases, long field labels in create related record dialogs may incorrectly be truncated.
DEV-386230 |
Vault may display an error when attempting to use a Formula field in a Layout Rule expression.
DEV-386259 |
When migrating a standard Vault object to a High Volume object, Vault may incorrectly restrict objects with Long Text fields from being migrated.
DEV-391072* |
Queries with like conditions including wildcards in any place other than the end may return unexpected results or no results at all for High Volume Objects.
DEV-394340* |
When using IE11 and editing User records, the User Name field domain label may be displayed on two lines rather than one.
DEV-396219* |
Description |
Issue No. |
In rare cases, Vault fails to load the Create menu when a user clicks the Create button from their Home tab.
DEV-382473* |
Vault experienced performance degradation for creating documents, document versions, and renditions.
DEV-382961* |
When users select multiple values while responding to a multiple-choice checklist question, all selected values do not appear on the checklist's Review page.
DEV-391118 |
When adding a reference lookup to an existing integration rule, the "Source Key" field is misaligned.
DEV-395906 |
The Action menu does not function as expected after viewing a record from a report and returning to the report viewer.
DEV-398622* |
In some cases, the domain logo does not appear on a user's My Vaults page.
DEV-399384* |
Description |
Issue No. |
The Create Content Plan action fails when a constraint is configured on the Country (section_country__rim) field.
DEV-302042* |
When users run on-demand publishing on a Content Plan Item record, Vault doesn't include the correct attributes in the leaf metadata.
DEV-331002* |
Vault does not include a placeholder AdPromo leaf in the regional XML when a document is not matched to the AdPromo Content Plan Item.
DEV-331469* |
When the next version of a matched document contains a permalink pointing to the original version, Vault doesn’t resolve links properly during publishing or update the Published Document field to reflect the latest published version.
DEV-364466* |
In some cases, Vault unmatches documents in a copied content plan after the content plan copy moves to a new lifecycle state or when a user unlocks matched documents.
DEV-372087 |
In some cases, imported documents don't appear in the Submissions Archive Viewer.
DEV-374424 |
After importing a submission and the Dossier Status is Import Successful, Vault displays an orange icon in the Publishing Status field rather than a green icon.
DEV-376713* |
Vault Historical Lifecycle logic marks the Replace > New leaf operation as invalid.
DEV-377047* |
When users import a submission dossier via the FTP root folder, the drop-down to select the folder in the Submissions Archive Import dialog sometimes includes ZIP files or other incorrect files.
DEV-380958* |
After users first publish a non-eCTD submission, the Validation Result Status on Submission Validation Results is Not Executed rather than Pass or Fail.
DEV-381524* |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly reports Rules 2002 and 2012 as Fail.
DEV-384248* |
Users cannot see correspondence documents in the Submissions Archive Viewer when the documents are associated with a published submission.
DEV-391953* |
When users update an XML field value in a published submission, Vault creates incomplete Submission Metadata records.
DEV-392092* |
An error occurs when users click Hide Inactive in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer if an inactive parent Content Plan record is expanded and child records are active.
DEV-393083* |
When a user selects Run On-Demand Publishing from a Content Plan Item with a matched document that has the Ready for Publishing field set to No, Vault does not publish the document.
DEV-394029* |
After users unmatch a document and match a new one in a published submission and continuous publishing runs, Vault does not display the latest XML in the viewer and the Publishing Status icon doesn't update correctly.
DEV-395678* |
In some cases, Vault does not publish links when the link's target document is in a newly-imported submission.
DEV-396054* |
When a document is not matched to the AdPromo Content Plan Item, Vault doesn't populate Submission Metadata correctly for the AdPromo leaf or the parent Content Plan record.
DEV-397347* |
In vaults with eCTD metadata mapping enabled, the Metadata Mapping page is sometimes blank when users import submissions in bulk.
DEV-398183* |
Description |
Issue No. |
Fixed an issue where an error appeared when setting the Case-level Study field that did not match the Study Product.
SAF-11704 |
Fixed an issue where the G.4 field on the FDA 3500A and CIOMS I form was populated with Receipt Date instead of New Info Date.
SAF-13197 |
Fixed an issue where you could select a Product (Study) on a Case Product that was not associated with the Case-level Study, causing a mismatch between the Case Product and Study.
SAF-15176 |
Fixed an issue where the correspondence records were not generated when a combination product is selected on a template questionnaire.
SAF-15991 |
Fixed an issue where the Case Assessment Results were not created after importing the E2B file and promoting it to Case.
SAF-16018 |
Fixed an issue with logging during CIOMS I and FDA 3500A form generation where, when forms failed to generate due to issues with the case narrative document, the error logs did not provide sufficient troubleshooting information. The system now logs the Document ID of the case narrative.
SAF-16181 |
Fixed an issue where a "NullPointerException" error appeared when evaluating reporting obligations for a Case.
SAF-16309 |
Fixed an issue where Substance TermID and TermID Version always passed the FDA.G.k.2.3.r.2a validation rule.
SAF-16407 |
Fixed an issue where a console error appeared if a user without 'Read' permission for Gender Controlled Variables tried to view the Patient section on an Inbox Item.
SAF-16544 |
Fixed an issue where a user could successfully edit the Age Group field on an Inbox Item when their permissions for Age Group Controlled Variables was disabled.
SAF-16547 |
Fixed an issue where a user could successfully view Dose form and RoA Object IDs on an Inbox Item when their Object permissions for these forms was disabled.
SAF-16552 |
Fixed an issue where the FDA.FDA.D.12-1 and FDA.FDA.D.11-1 validation rules failed for Ethnicity and Race with valid nullFlavors.
SAF-16554 |
Fixed an issue where a second Case Contact Record for an Inbox Item was created after Case Promotion.
SAF-16653 |
Fixed an issue where, if a case with Registration in U.S. had invalid nullFlavors, it passed the FDA.D.1*-3 validation rule.
SAF-16663 |
Fixed an issue where a warning was not appearing for FDA VAERS validation rule FDA.FDA.D.8.r.8a when the Patient Age at Vaccination value exceeded three digits.
SAF-16672 |
Fixed an issue where the user was unable to save the Case page after editing if the Gestation value was 0.
SAF-16738 |
Fixed an issue where the Last Dose Latency value was not populated on the Case from the imported E2B(R2) file.
SAF-16741 |
Fixed an issue where, when an E2B file containing multiple ICSRs was imported, if one of the cases resulted in an error, an Inbound Transmission for that single case was not generated.
SAF-16856 |
Fixed an issue where, when a user selected "Re-evaluate Submission/Distribution" and completed the transmission error task on the generated submission record, the system skipped the current workflow and moved the Case to the next workflow.
SAF-16857 |
Fixed an issue where the vault object case_version_v was being used instead of case_drug_history_v for validation criterias FDA.FDA.D.8.r.8b-1 and FDA.FDA.D.8.r.8b-2.
SAF-16952 |
Fixed an issue where some sections in ACK were missing when a single E2B file was not imported with errors.
SAF-16971 |
Fixed an issue where the system generated duplicate MedDRA records when a user uploaded the same MedDRA version zip file locally more than once.
SAF-16997 |
Fixed an issue where the blind protected case narrative was generated in the E2B(R2) submission instead of the updated case narrative.
SAF-17047 |
Fixed an issue where a warning notification did not appear for conflicting registration number when importing E2B(R2) merged products.
SAF-17135 |
Fixed an issue where a server error appeared when a user with Business Admin permissions tried to navigate to the Dictionary page.
SAF-17265 |
Fixed an issue where you could not promote AERs to Cases if there was an inactive custom Drug Role Controlled Vocabulary with an E2B code of 1 (suspect) in the Vault.
SAF-17288 |
Fixed an issue where an incorrect failure notification appeared for manual E2B imports.
SAF-17310 |
Fixed an issue where the E2B R3 top-level acknowledgment message was not generated for inbound multi-case E2B R3 transmissions.
SAF-17389 |
Fixed an issue where, when an E2B file containing a single ICSR was imported successfully, two Message Acknowledgments (ACKs) appeared, one of which incorrectly stated that the message could not be parsed (transmissionacknowledgementcode = 03).
SAF-17428 |
Fixed an issue where the Inbound Transmission Origin field was not being set by the source document's Origin field.
SAF-17467 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, when a user exports Advanced Search results, the exported file contains duplicate records.
DEV-379802 |
When a user removes an object from a search collection, Vault does not fully remove the object from saved views of search results on the collection.
DEV-383460* |
Attempting to add a simple join relational object as a filter to a custom object tab results in a "Server having problems" error.
DEV-383467 |
In Align vaults, the search bar appears when an Admin views a high volume object in Business Admin.
DEV-384179* |
In some cases, when a user creates a custom object type tab, the object type filter does not appear in the tab's list of filters.
DEV-386550 |
Under certain circumstances, users are unable to sort a list of object records by name.
DEV-386702* |
When a user opens a document from a search results page in Tabular View, clicking the Back to Library link on the Doc Info page results in a "Server having problems" error.
DEV-393834 |