Description |
Issue No. |
Admins can delete a group even if the group is used in a document lifecycle role’s default and override rules.
DEV-295604* |
In some scenarios, jobs stay in “Running” status and do not succeed or fail.
DEV-362366* |
Under certain conditions, some audit data may be missing due to improperly handling null values.
DEV-367335* |
The Maximum Length field on Formula types of object fields are locked and can only be updated via MDL
DEV-369886 |
In some cases, Vault Comparision reports fail if the source vault has several workflow definitions with the same Modified Date and one is missing a public key.
DEV-370134 |
When an inbound configuration migration package contains a new object field with a relationship to a non-custom object field, Vault fails to create the new field and returns a deployment error.
DEV-370623 |
The Vault Comparison tool fails if one vault has Vault Payments and the other vault does not.
DEV-371083 |
When using Vault Loader to update user records, Vault sometimes fails to add users to groups based on security profile.
DEV-371164 |
In some cases, Vault Loader fails to extract object records when the Include Non-Editable Fields checkbox is selected.
DEV-371223 |
The copyright date displayed in the Vault Loader CLI is incorrect.
DEV-372191* |
When using Vault Compare, errors comparing individual components cause the entire comparison to fail.
DEV-372296* |
In some scenarios, cross domain users cannot access sandbox vaults.
DEV-373056 |
Users who are not Vault Owners experience a server error when editing filters on object tabs.
DEV-374261 |
When preparing to deploy an inbound package, Vault does not display the “not allowed” icon when a user hovers over a disabled checkbox on the Review and Select Steps page.
DEV-376356* |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, Digital Publishing for Documents fails and URLs are not generated.
DEV-336334 |
In some cases, the Production CDN URL field remains populated when the document is Retired.
DEV-346153 |
When a user updates an existing cover letter template to the new Medical Inquiry Case Response Cover Letter document type, Vault sometimes incorrectly maps existing custom document fields with similar names to the Related Case Request and Related Case Response fields, and cover letter generation fails.
DEV-367288 |
When generating an eCTD Compliance Package, Vault does not include the promotional document number and version on Form 2253 or the Supplementary Form.
DEV-367291* |
Content Filters based on a previously created Saved View from a different portal do not filter or display results correctly.
DEV-369417 |
Vault fails to generate folders in eCTD Compliance Package binders.
DEV-370028 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault does not log a “SUCCESS” in the api_response_status column of the API Usage Log after making API calls to retrieve audit trails.
DEV-208629* |
The Update Single Document endpoint does not return a response status if the request fails. This fix only affects API v21.1+.
DEV-352915 |
The next_page and previous_page links returned from the Job Histories and Job Monitor API endpoints are missing an “=”, and do not work.
DEV-368881* |
Vault does not prevent the creation of object types on objects that do not have object types enabled. Users encounter server errors when attempting to open these objects in Vault.
DEV-370702 |
The Download Document File API fails with PARAMETER_REQUIRED if called from the browser, even if all required parameters are present.
DEV-371155 |
When extracting documents with the Extract Data Files endpoint, if a user selects the include_source__v or include_renditions__v extract options, and no documents match the VQL criteria, or if all documents in the vault are placeholders without renditions, the extract fails instead of succeeding and returning an empty CSV.
DEV-371163 |
When exporting documents with the Vault API’s Extract Data Files endpoint, if a user selects the include_source__v or include_renditions__v extract options and does not include id in the fields array, Vault returns an error and the job fails.
DEV-371930* |
Description |
Issue No. |
When a user checks in a document via Office Online, Vault does not accurately capture changes in file size.
DEV-277386* |
Inline text attachments are missing as Vault attachments from .MSG files.
DEV-325528 |
In some cases, Vault does not display annotations when sorting by author.
DEV-328882* |
Documents with Read-Only protection fail to render.
DEV-351423 |
Documents do not appear in the Document Change Control “Documents to Be Released” section several days after being added.
DEV-362683 |
After adding a rendition through bulk API to a document with an existing rendition, the Audit Trail incorrectly states that a viewable rendition was successfully added.
DEV-364633 |
After re-rendering a document with the Automated Image Rendition type, the Rendition Status page displays an incorrect status message.
DEV-366170* |
After creating a placeholder and adding content, the size attribute is missing from the Audit Trail.
DEV-366779 |
In some cases, Vault generates zero byte files when downloading a PDF with annotations
DEV-367323 |
After deleting the specific bound version of CrossLink, the Document field on the CrossLink source object is blank.
DEV-367851* |
Documents fail to render if the source document contains invalid merge field content.
DEV-368345 |
In some cases, Vault incorrectly renders citations as bookmarks.
DEV-370039 |
In some cases, merge fields that are unavailable on the active document type display an error instead of leaving the token blank.
DEV-370235 |
Attempting to upversion a document results in a server error if the document has a target version-specific document relationships with archived documents.
DEV-370249 |
Collaborative Authoring does not work as expected after a prolonged period of disuse.
DEV-371274 |
Vault fails to create and render CrossLinks for large documents.
DEV-371684 |
After updating documents using Vault Loader, Vault does not update the Timeliness document field.
DEV-371926 |
In certain circumstances, more than one version of a document may be returned by Vault search as the latest version.
DEV-374550 |
In some cases, tokens in letter templates are not populated.
DEV-375767 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Initiating workflows has decreased performance.
DEV-361728* |
Vault may display an error when attempting to change a Content Plan object record to a Locked lifecycle state.
DEV-364107 |
Vault users’ ability to use a bulk state change action may incorrectly be blocked by the Start Workflow permission.
DEV-367522 |
After an auto-start workflow is initiated, the task bar loads slowly.
DEV-370986 |
In some cases, users receive a server error when attempting to “Add Participant” on an active object workflow.
DEV-371769 |
The error message displayed upon failing to meet entry criteria for a lifecycle state may incorrectly show the state key value instead of the state label.
DEV-372062 |
In some legacy workflows, when a user executes the Update Workflow Dates action on a workflow task with multiple participants, the workflow task participants continue to receive notifications that the task due date has been updated.
DEV-373480 |
In certain multi-document workflow configurations, after creating an optional workflow task via Add Participants, the optional workflow may be unexpectedly completed upon completion of a parallel required task.
DEV-374039* |
Vault may display a server error when trying to delete a custom object with Atomic Security configured for a field in the object’s lifecycle.
DEV-376007 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Date and DateTime fields do not allow clearing default values. For example, an object record with a defaulted value cannot be edited and saved with a blank value.
DEV-356521* |
An error occurs when users lack Read permission from a join object to one of its parent objects and navigate to the related object section for the parent object on the join object record detail page.
DEV-360208* |
In some cases, when users select Edit from a record’s Actions menu or click the Edit button on an object record detail page, Vault clears the values in fields with dependencies configured.
DEV-370136 |
When users create an index on a high volume object and then refresh the page, the page alignment is incorrect.
DEV-370331* |
In some cases, users cannot save a field value which contains an apostrophe.
DEV-371408 |
In some cases, clicking Show More to display a Long Text field value may cause the field content to overlap and obscure the field label.
DEV-378386* |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some scenarios, the hover tooltip text for Auto Managed Groups appears in the top-left of the page.
DEV-274380* |
Automated Image Rendition Density is defined in pixels per cm, rather than pixels per inch.
DEV-300499 |
In some cases, inline editing a cell on an object record page may freeze the page, making other actions impossible
DEV-360594* |
In some warning messages, the “warning” icon is too small.
DEV-362686* |
In some cases, Vault errors when attempting to display a user group with a very large number of members (3,000+ members).
DEV-362855 |
Custom object notifications sometimes have missing values for tokens for some users
DEV-365458 |
The display name for cross-domain users does not display correctly when changing names.
DEV-366471* |
Changing a domain name does not update domain user display names.
DEV-368216* |
When creating SDK integration field rules, some fields exceed the page width.
DEV-368666* |
In some cases, the My Vaults page fails to load.
DEV-368760 |
Editing a reference lookup displays a Save + Create button.
DEV-370413* |
In some cases, Vault does not track the Avg Time Login performance statistic.
DEV-371091 |
Long Text fields don’t appear correctly when an object record detail page is in Edit mode.
DEV-371279* |
Notifications for Vault Loader jobs are missing bullets when viewed in Internet Explorer 11.
DEV-371996* |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, Vault may display an error when attempting to change the state of a Proposed Audit record after adding a user to a Quality Team role.
DEV-366008* |
Some e-learning courses may not play or play intermittently in the IE 11 browser.
DEV-366031* |
Users may experience slow performance when creating and updating EU MIR Reportable Event records.
DEV-366186* |
Document icons may not correctly appear in related document sections on Training Assignment or Training Requirement Impact Assessment object record details pages.
DEV-366755* |
Vault may incorrectly allow Person object records without a User reference to be saved with a Training Eligibility field value of ‘Eligible’.
DEV-366788* |
In certain Substitute Training configurations, a substitute training assignment which should be canceled may not be correctly canceled by the nightly Update Training Assignments job.
DEV-368030 |
Admins can assign the Learner license type to users in vaults where Vault Training is not enabled
DEV-368735 |
In Vaults with a QMS-Regulatory connection, Vault may not correctly display a user-friendly error message when an Impact Assessment record is unable to enter an Impact Assessment Complete lifecycle state.
DEV-368870* |
In some cases, e-learning courses may fail to play in the Safari mobile browser.
DEV-369034* |
In some cases, the Learner Homepage may fail to completely load.
DEV-369388 |
In Vault Training, the entry action for Training Assignment records sometimes does not copy all fields.
DEV-371201* |
Description |
Issue No. |
Users experience slow performance after running the Create Related Records wizard when constraints are configured on join objects.
DEV-345236 |
Vault performance is slow when creating or updating many records from the Manage Registered Details wizard.
DEV-350357* |
Applying column filters for some field types in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer results in a Vault error.
DEV-353561* |
In some cases, the removal of manually matched documents fails and results in an error while the daily automatching job is running.
DEV-358364 |
The duplicate detection warning in the submission import results CSV file is not complete.
DEV-360767* |
In some cases, after continuous publishing runs, Vault updates the binder but reports rules incorrectly.
DEV-365570* |
When users select the Create Sibling action in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer, Vault adds the new record at the bottom of the hierarchy rather than below the record where the action was initiated.
DEV-365758* |
When replicating Content Plan sections, Vault does not propagate blank values on join records.
DEV-366346 |
When retrieving submission import results via the API, errors appear in the incorrect order in the API response.
DEV-366425* |
In some cases, Sequence IDs with hyphens causes continuous publishing to fail.
DEV-367255* |
Users sometimes see a server error when attempting to import a submission ZIP file.
DEV-368111 |
When continuous publishing is enabled, if a user unlocks a matched document and then excludes it or unmatches it, Vault publishes the unlocked document version rather than a placeholder.
DEV-368496* |
When validating the US Form filename as part of US 5029, Vault expects no characters to exist before the form number.
DEV-368618* |
While generating Product Data Messages, Vault fails to load an XML attachment and message number if the Product Report Item’s Language Code field is blank, causing the XEVMPD submission to fail.
DEV-369059 |
The Manage Registered Details wizard does not allow the addition of new Registered Product records that contain a comparator product to an Investigational Product registration that has a different non-comparator product.
DEV-369419 |
Permalinks to Submissions Archive content are not resolved if the published version is deleted.
DEV-370910 |
When Dossier Formats are defined, Vault does not load STF files to the correct folders during submission import, and users see warnings in the import notification.
DEV-371068 |
Matched documents do not appear in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer after the documents are approved.
DEV-371531* |
In some cases, when a submission import is not successful, Vault doesn’t attach the import results to the Submission record, and the notification email doesn’t include the complete details about the failure.
DEV-371632* |
An error occurs when users export the Excel Tree with All Descendants from a content plan that contains placeholder documents after adding the Matched Document Size column in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer.
DEV-372121 |
When users add a related submission to a published submission, continuous publishing does not run and Vault does not update the Publishing Status field.
DEV-372309* |
Users cannot add a Unit of Presentation into a denominator when working with XEVMPD data.
DEV-374164 |
Some submissions imported through Vault File Manager get stuck in the TRANSFER_INITIATED status.
DEV-374543 |
Users can proceed in and complete the Create Related Records wizard without populating required fields, even though Vault cannot create the new records.
DEV-376644 |
When users open and save a configurable impact assessment report, Vault includes tags from the report template on the copied report.
DEV-376785 |
Description |
Issue No. |
For dashboards that include multiple reports with run-time inputs, Vault does not combine run-time inputs for Created By and Last Modified By fields in the dashboard inputs.
DEV-338920* |
In some cases, sorting a report column may result in an unexpected sorting pattern.
DEV-360934* |
In some cases, report results grouped on text field values may show incorrect counts.
DEV-365379* |
In some cases, Multi-Pass reports with filters on date aggregate formula fields fail to execute and result in a server error.
DEV-366627* |
All date fields are blocked when joining a report view to another view in a Multi-Pass report after adding a date field to the report view with grouping and aggregating on the same date field.
DEV-368126* |
When viewing the Document Audit History through the Vault UI, some descriptions are incomplete.
DEV-368702* |
Grouping by period on datetime formula fields with up and down up objects results in a server error.
DEV-369174* |
In some cases, Vault displays a server error when a user without permission to edit tags attempts to save a report.
DEV-369370* |
Exported reports with the “Fit PDF export columns to one page” option enabled are longer than one page.
DEV-369993 |
In certain cases, Vault may display a server error when sorting a report by a formula field column.
DEV-370508 |
Document field values may not display correctly when performing a bulk document action from a report.
DEV-376524 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Fixed an issue where a decrease in system performance would occur during Assign Due Date on the Case lifecycle.
SAF-11086 |
Fixed an issue where the MedDRA browser and coding feature would not function if the profile language was not set to English.
SAF-12211 |
Fixed an issue where an error prevented automatic generation of Health Canada Submissions through the rules engine.
SAF-13075 |
Fixed an issue where attachments in .rtf format were considered invalid during E2B validation.
SAF-13234 |
Fixed an issue where an exception would occur when creating an Inbox Item with an attached form.
SAF-13259 |
Fixed an issue where multiple Drug History records were created for a single Combination Product once an Inbox Item was promoted to a Case.
SAF-13294 |
Fixed an issue where the Case Watchlist tag was updated with a constituent product’s watchlist tag when the constituent product had an associated Watchlist, but the Combination Product did not.
SAF-13295 |
Fixed an issue with Combination Products comprising of multiple vaccines and a single device product, where the Device Case Product record was being nested under each Vaccine Case Product record instead of only the primary (PMOA) record.
SAF-13302 |
Fixed an issue where certain patient-related ICH.D E2B validation rules failed for device malfunction-only Cases with no patient.
SAF-13378 |
Fixed an issue with E2B validation where the Validation Result Summary did not list vault fields evaluated with the ICH.D.10.3-3 and ICH.D.10.8.r.5-3 validation rules.
SAF-13421 |
Fixed an issue with E2B validation where the Validation Result Summary did not list IDs for records evaluated with the ICH.G.k.4.r.1a validation rule.
SAF-13424 |
Fixed an issue where the ICH.D.4 E2B validation rule did not show warnings if the Height was a decimal number.
SAF-13431 |
Fixed an issue where gateway transmissions with validation errors became stuck in the Sending ICSR state.
SAF-13432 |
Fixed an issue where the ICH.F.r.4/5 E2B validation rule did not allow decimal numbers.
SAF-13435 |
Fixed an issue where an AER could not be created with data from certain picklist fields when migration flags were enabled.
SAF-13451 |
Fixed an issue where the MedDRA browser version was using the active version in Business Admin instead of using the Case MedDRA Version for Case Drug History and Case Diagnoses records.
SAF-13462 |
Fixed an issue where the ICH.D.2.1-2 E2B validation rule failed for Date of Birth referring to a future date when the Case Date of Birth field was not set to a future date.
SAF-13463 |
Fixed an issue where the ICH.E.i.5-2 E2B validation rule failed for a valid Case Adverse Event Cessation Date.
SAF-13478 |
Fixed an issue where date validation errors appeared on different sections after removing the Date of Death.
SAF-13482 |
Fixed an issue where the medical review timeline was not loading.
SAF-13507 |
Fixed an issue where some UI elements of the MedDRA browser appeared misaligned and distorted.
SAF-13595 |
Fixed an issue where duplicate dosages were created when a follow-up is created from a Case with Blinded Study Arms.
SAF-13600 |
Fixed an issue where users were unable to create a follow-up from a Case when blinded study arms were enabled and the Download Dosage to Case option was turned on.
SAF-13601 |
Fixed an issue where a system error appeared when attempting to create an External Case Product.
SAF-13675 |
Fixed an issue where the DSUR Death List would not generate for a case when the Date of Death field was left blank.
SAF-13727 |
Fixed an issue where an error would prevent a FDA VAERS R3 file from being generated.
SAF-13855 |
Fixed an issue where transmission-level ICH Validations were not being executed and the record would remain in the Pending state.
SAF-13898 |
Fixed an issue where transmissions with the Auto-submit feature enabled would transition to the Ready state when validation errors were present.
SAF-13925 |
Fixed an issue where the FDA VAERS validation rules were not executing at the Transmission-level.
SAF-14068 |
Fixed an issue where EMA validation rules were not executing at the Transmission-level.
SAF-14144 |
Fixed an issue with E2B validation where the Validation Result Summary did not list vault fields evaluated with the EMA.D.10.8.r.1 validation rule.
SAF-14230 |
Fixed an issue with E2B (R3) exports where a blank autopsy section (D.9.3) was included when there was no death, causing submissions to the EMA Gateway to be rejected.
SAF-14235 |
Fixed an issue during automated intake where an Inbox Item was not created if Case Contact information was extracted from unstructured data.
SAF-14365 |
Fixed an issue where an error appeared when evaluating reporting obligations for a Case with registrations to an inactive agency without submission rules configured.
SAF-14396 |
Fixed an issue where Case Contact subheadlines were not updated to Reporter after selecting the "Contact is also Reporter" checkbox.
SAF-14402 |
Description |
Issue No. |
When a document type in the Product Profile document type group includes an apostrophe in the label, Sitevault cannot move the state of the study product record from Proposed to Active.
DEV-307127 |
In some cases, Vault creates duplicate Distribution Tasks when the Send Document via Clinical Network action is taken.
DEV-353537 |
The Research Organization field on SiteConnect tasks does not default to the organization.
DEV-368640* |
When an Adverse Event, IP Accountability, or Protocol Deviation document already exists for a study and participant and you attempt to upload the same document type for the study and participant, SiteVault does not notify you to consider uploading them as new versions of the existing documents.
DEV-369241* |
When a Study Person or Study Organization moves into the Active state, Vault does not correctly filter documents for which it creates distribution tasks.
DEV-371225 |
A question mark (?) instead of the file type is displayed in the thumbnail of documents that are included in connected study tasks to provide original documents.
DEV-372317* |
Users cannot accept Agreements with Site Connect Rule Sets.
DEV-378519* |