Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, groups may not correctly display in the Users & Groups tab of the Admin section.
DEV-325263 |
Users sometimes see errors when deploying a valid VPK for object lifecycle components.
DEV-323144 |
In some situations, loading a VPK that generates a placeholder for an object lifecycle removes role permissions assigned by default.
DEV-319977* |
Admins cannot delete a signature page referenced by a deleted lifecycle.
DEV-315009* |
In the TXT job log file (accessed via Download Log), some jobs appeared as AsyncOperation, rather than using the job title.
DEV-325859* |
Users are unable to create a second Checklist Type on the same Target Object for object types.
DEV-324988 |
Users receive a server error when trying to save a Checklist Design record with an empty picklist matching field.
DEV-324304 |
When a Test Data type migration package contains a field that references the User object, and no value is entered for that field, Vault incorrectly populates the field with the value of the Test Data User field.
DEV-327775* |
Users are unable to deploy configuration migration packages containing an object, object lifecycle, and object workflow without manually reordering components due to missing dependencies caused by Vault incorrectly ordering the components.
DEV-326984* |
In some cases, files larger than 4GB are not removed from the FTP staging server inbox after they have been transferred to Vault.
DEV-317443 |
In some cases, updating a security profile label does not update the “Profile Name.”
DEV-324684* |
Creating or editing a field rule on a deleted connection causes a server error.
DEV-324298* |
Users cannot create Integration Rules in the Vault UI if the source Vault is on version 20R1.0.
DEV-324202* |
If a user does not have Read permission on Connections or Integration Points, but does have permission to view their tabs with the Manage Connections permission, navigating to a Connection or Integration Point record causes a 404 error.
DEV-324152* |
Description |
Issue No. |
In certain ca Study field of a document in Draft state is unexpectedly updated upon updating it to a steady state when the related Study Person record is in Proposed state.
DEV-326982* |
Upserting object records sometimes fails with an “unexpected error.”
DEV-324975 |
Document creation causes performance issues.
DEV-322268* |
When creating milestones from a Template Milestone Set, Vault is not creating Clinical User Tasks for all sites.
DEV-321455 |
In some cases, the Product field is not automatically populated when the user does not have View permission for the Product object.
DEV-321059* |
In some cases, the Study field is retained when a controlling field value is cleared.
DEV-315036* |
Unable to set the standard Study Role (study_role_clin) picklist on the Study Person object to inactive.
DEV-302656* |
In some cases, the Principal Investigator field is being cleared in SiteVault Vaults for studies with active Agreements.
DEV-324952* |
Vault does not prevent the creation of duplicate Data Mapping records.
DEV-324927* |
In some cases, Distribution Tasks are not transferred between Vaults via the Veeva Clinical Network.
DEV-322536* |
In some cases, Subject Visit records are not created if the Study Arm is not populated for the Subject.
DEV-327028* |
Vault does not default to English labels for document attributes in TMF Viewer.
DEV-323708 |
Vault does not confirm that user wants to archive a study after selecting the Archive Study action.
DEV-322882* |
Vault does not prevent the Initiate Study Archival action if there are documents related to the study with active workflows.
DEV-321842* |
Automatch with a large number of placeholders causes performance issues.
DEV-314313 |
When creating a Clinical User Task, the Study Country and Study Site fields do not show the full hierarchy of values as they should.
DEV-323914* |
Under certain conditions, classification is not maintained on transferred documents.
DEV-327465 |
Under certain conditions, users are not able to start Archive Study job instances.
DEV-327483 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Documents using non-embedded fonts may not display Chinese Simplified text.
DEV-306003 |
After using the Suggest Links function, Vault may incorrectly indicate that Suggested Links have been added before the job has finished processing.
DEV-286280* |
Vault does not allow users to execute web actions on document versions that are not the latest if the document is checked out. With this fix, Vault no longer prevents this.
DEV-297545 |
Timeline View does not display events in the same order as the Audit Logs.
DEV-324981 |
Users see an error when performing Create Draft on a CrossLink document if there is an event action configured.
DEV-321170 |
When a user selects or deselects any filter under Note Type while viewing a document's annotations in Notes View, all annotations disappear and the user must refresh the page to restore them.
DEV-325650* |
In some cases, when a user exports highlight annotations, only the last character is highlighted.
DEV-324115 |
Vault applies incorrect highlighting when a user views a document in comparison mode.
DEV-323208 |
Vault sometimes places annotations incorrectly when importing offline annotations.
DEV-320292 |
If a document type contains a field that is configured as a controlling field on another field on the base document type, and the controlled field does not appear on that document type, users encounter a “server having problems” error when they attempt to populate the controlling field when creating a document of that type.
DEV-325080 |
Users encounter an error when performing the Create Draft action on a crosslink document if the action has previously failed.
DEV-324380* |
In some cases, when multiple users in a collaborative authoring session check a document in at the same time, Vault fails to display the document thumbnail or allow users to edit the document.
DEV-324042 |
When two users in a collaborative authoring session click the Save to Vault button, the second user to click experiences an error message, and the document is not saved.
DEV-322852* |
In some cases, when a user clicks Save to Vault in a collaborative authoring session on a document that has been checked in by another user, Vault displays an error message but does not navigate the user to the latest version of the document when they click OK.
DEV-320031* |
When a user performs the Re-render Document action on a document, Vault labels the resulting rendition “Manual” in the Doc Info section.
DEV-314767* |
In some scenarios, users cannot delete groups with and receive an error message stating the group is in use in document sharing settings, even though the group does not appear in any document sharing settings.
DEV-316855* |
In some cases, documents with caption bookmarks fail to render.
DEV-326810 |
In some cases, eSignature pages are missing from downloaded viewable renditions.
DEV-317262 |
After applying an advanced overlay, documents are no longer PDF/A compliant.
DEV-317187* |
In some cases, merge field tokens in viewable renditions are not generated.
DEV-315279 |
Uploaded rendition documents display a size of 0.
DEV-279718 |
Under certain conditions, incorrect page size values for rotated pages (90 or 270 degrees) that have a coordinate system with non-zero origins can impact the accuracy of a number of features that depend on page sizes (e.g. BFA, cross-doc navigation, etc.), as well as some bookmark navigation to rotated pages.
DEV-327558 |
Under certain conditions, a deleted document may appear in the EDL Matched Documents section, resulting in a server error.
DEV-327763 |
In some instances, documents with an ampersand (&) in the name display the HTML entity name in the UI.
DEV-327448 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, entering edit mode on an object record then canceling the edit may incorrectly cause the workflow task Complete button to become unavailable.
DEV-320099 |
Configured user actions using Web Action type do not display the correct label.
DEV-325652 |
In some document workflow configurations, users see a server error when attempting to complete a workflow task that will update the workflow due date.
DEV-324586* |
After adding an eSignature to a document within a multi-document workflow, the Verdict label shown as the name (such as verdict_approve__c), rather than the label (such as Approve).
DEV-323955 |
In a document lifecycle configuration where a state change triggers an entry action to update a related object record, users can get into a situation where they are not able to complete a workflow because of object field validation.
DEV-319705* |
When a Multi-Document Workflow encounters an entry criteria error on content documents, the error message does not name the entry criteria or the document that failed.
DEV-317687* |
When a user cancels a Multi-Document Workflow and encounters an entry criteria validation error for the document cancel state, the error message does not provide the details needed to resolve it.
DEV-314883* |
Users see an unexpected error when the Vault uses an entry criteria based on DateTime and the Vault Timezone is different from the User Timezone.
DEV-307363 |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, filter definitions may not appear as expected in audit histories.
DEV-326969* |
In some cases, clicking the Create button takes the user to an unexpected page.
DEV-325693* |
Pressing the Enter key does not change focus as expected after editing a value in the Hierarchy Viewer or related record lists.
DEV-324089* |
In some cases, the “Back to ” navigation link may not correctly appear when navigating from a related record section to a document page.
DEV-323245* |
In certain configurations, the eSignature pop-up dialogue may not correctly appear in the center of the page.
DEV-322926* |
Boolean value selection buttons in related record sections may not display correctly.
DEV-319182* |
Hovercards may flicker when hovering over roles in a document sharing settings section.
DEV-318900* |
When a user updates a value on a parent record from a related object section for a Join object, Vault does not refresh the grid to show the new value for all Join records with the same (edited) parent.
DEV-321800* |
When users open the Advanced Search dialog through inline editing on an object reference field, they see an older version of the dialog with + and – icons, rather than radio buttons.
DEV-321025* |
In various grids, users see styling issues when the Wrap Cell Text setting is on.
DEV-318477* |
Users see a server error, rather than an informative error message, when trying to perform an action that will result in an entry action on a document to which they don't have access.
DEV-321737* |
When entry actions or entry criteria are configured on the Quality Event Lifecycle, Vault is slow to complete tasks that result in state changes.
DEV-302712 |
Extremely large numbers of Quality Events can cause slow performance when loading the Quality Events tab.
DEV-315236* |
When using the Study Selector in combination with Study/Site filters and document type filters in Tabular view, navigations arrows do not appear.
DEV-261367 |
In some instances, Excel windows fail to launch.
DEV-320640* |
Exporting to an Excel template takes longer than expected.
DEV-325637 |
Vault performance is sometimes slow when loading lists of object records.
DEV-322351 |
Description |
Issue No. |
When creating a content plan item, the dialog does not include the selector for Content Plan.
DEV-324187* |
(Firefox browser) When scrolling horizontally in the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer, the grid overlaps the left navigation pane.
DEV-324023* |
In configurations where the Relate Multiple Records setting is enabled on the Submission Inactive Ingredient object, Vault shows a server error when users add an inactive ingredient to a submission product.
DEV-323151* |
Vault fails to create a Product Report with 500 or more Product Report Item records at the same level in the hierarchy.
DEV-327959* |
The Manage Registered Details wizard does not open when a user's profile language is not English.
DEV-323858* |
In Vaults with the QMS to Registrations Spark Connection configured, Vault incorrectly truncates some Long Text fields when creating object records in the target Vault.
DEV-323527 |
When users run the Create Related Records wizard and create activities with the Activity Scope Level set to Country, Vault relates too many registrations to each activity.
DEV-322379 |
In some cases, the XEVMPD bulk update process fails when multiple Medicinal Products are linked to a Vault document.
DEV-302280* |
Vault incorrectly publishes documents that are matched to Content Plan Items with the XML Operation field set to Delete.
DEV-325703* |
While attempting to set the XML operation to append, delete, or replace and attempt to use the Set Leaf Operation on a Content Plan Item, users receive an error message stating, “Your Vault has experienced a network issue. Please refresh your browser and try again. If this error continues to appear, contact Veeva Support.”
DEV-324083 |
When the Show Correspondence in Viewer setting is enabled, Vault does not append the Submission name to the document name in the Submission Archive Viewer.
DEV-323840* |
In Vaults with the Show Correspondence in Viewer setting enabled, correspondence events are queued but not finished when a document is updated to reference two submissions.
DEV-323835* |
On some browsers, Vault does not display a banner for active workflow tasks at the top of the Content Plan Hierarchy Viewer.
DEV-323765* |
Submission imports succeed even when the Submission record has an empty required field.
DEV-323720 |
When a user clicks Save or Cancel in the Submission Administrative Information viewer, Vault returns them to the Submission object record detail page scrolled to the Submission Countries section and expands the section.
DEV-323161* |
When a user excludes overrides on one submission, Vault does not exclude them when users save overrides on subsequent submissions.
DEV-323159* |
After users set criteria to inactive, running on-demand publishing does not update validation results.
DEV-322939* |
Users experience slow performance when copying large content plans.
DEV-322192* |
After a submission is published, when a user uploads a new document version or unmatches and then rematches a document, the published document's checksum is incorrect after continuous publishing runs.
DEV-320444* |
In some cases, Vault appends extra characters to imported submission files.
DEV-318226 |
After merging PDF documents part of report level content plan publishing, the link in the Vault notification takes the user to a blank page with a Page not Found error instead of the Hierarchy Viewer.
DEV-317486 |
Sometimes, the Actions menu for a record in the Hierarchy Viewer grid doesn't open the first time the user clicks the gear icon.
DEV-291283* |
Users do not see a warning in the Vault notification when they attempt to bulk import the same submission to multiple submissions within the same application.
DEV-283943* |
Vault does not set all Publishing Validation Result records to Inactive when an Inactive Content Plan Item within a report level content plan has an existing Publishing Validation Result record and the Inline Validation Results feature is enabled.
DEV-256336* |
When there are several validation errors for a Content Plan Item with a matched PDF document, Vault erroneously populates the “Source (Matched) document URL” and the “Published Source (Matched) document URL” with the link to the PDF for non-PDF validation rules.
DEV-251996* |
Vault does not trigger continuous publishing and update the EU Regional XML when a user deletes a Submission Drug Product record and the Dossier Status field on the related Submission is set to Publishing Active.
DEV-233061* |
In some cases, the Manage Registered Details wizard doesn't create the correct registration join records for medical devices when the “Send manage registered details data for verification” checkbox is enabled.
DEV-323887* |
In the Set Leaf Operation Target dialog, sections with long names display incorrectly.
DEV-326717* |
For GCC submissions, the 1.3.1 section of Module 1 does not display correctly in Submissions Archive after publishing.
DEV-324060* |
When a submission includes more than 1,000 documents, Vault only publishes the first 1,000 documents.
DEV-323222* |
For South Africa submissions, if no related submission was defined, Vault did not set the related sequence to “None”.
DEV-323012* |
When a user sets or clears the Continuous Publishing field to enable or disable continuous publishing, Vault takes more than 30 minutes to process the change.
DEV-328041* |
Vault failed to pick up pending continuous publishing requests if a user disabled continuous publishing before Vault processed the requests.
DEV-315966* |
Vault fails to create and publish a merged PDF as part of report level content plan publishing when a user only has the Editor role on one of the merged documents.
DEV-314423* |
In the Submissions Archive Viewer, users can duplicate files when viewing All Submissions.
DEV-310879 |
In some cases, after publishing a submission, Vault doesn't populate submission metadata on STF leaf nodes.
DEV-302100* |
In some cases, the checksums for published documents are incorrect after continuous publishing runs.
DEV-328075 |
In some instances, Content Plans may not display correctly in the Content Plan Viewer.
DEV-324019 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault may display a server error when generating a preview of certain Dashboard chart configurations.
DEV-307722* |
Dashboards may be slow or fail to display in cases where multiple Dashboard charts reference the same report.
DEV-249100* |
Users experience an error on the Dashboard when attempting to view reports with a large number of groupings.
DEV-230263* |
Reports fail to mark as favorites.
DEV-326557 |
In some cases. executing a report with advanced logic results in a validation error.
DEV-324185* |
In some cases, the Save button is disabled and an incorrect error message displays after editing a report.
DEV-322513* |
In some cases, reports with filters display a blank filter section.
DEV-321401* |
After downloading a sample Excel template, binder reports result in a server error.
DEV-320538* |
In some cases, reports with fields on the Down-Up object fail to execute.
DEV-307134* |
In some cases, modifying a ladder report type via MDL does not function as expected.
DEV-303670* |
Executing a multi-pass report with filters on conditional fields results in a server error.
DEV-302220* |
In some cases, filters on Workflow Duration remove active workflows.
DEV-287169* |
If colors are defined on conditional fields in report views, a server error occurs when viewing Dashboard components.
DEV-325064 |
An error may occur when attempting to run a report including a lookup on the related object lifecycle state.
DEV-326705 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Fixed an issue where, when a user tabs out of the Dose and Indication selection in Case Product, the fields are cleared.
SAF-4702 |
Fixed an issue where, when a Dosage is marked for deletion, the delete overlay of Dosages is misplaced on the screen after expanding or collapsing the above subsection.
SAF-5759* |
Fixed an issue where, when trying to change the MedDRA Query Level, the record did not update and an incorrect success message appeared instead of displaying a valid error message.
SAF-5929 |
Fixed an issue where the system was automatically generating Submission records for non-SUSAR and non-SAE Follow-Up Cases.
SAF-5988 |
Fixed an issue where users could select invalid Reason Omitted (nullflavor) values from combined control fields during data entry.
SAF-6043 |
Fixed an issue where generated CIOMS I forms showed both the two-letter country code and the country name in the address fields. Now, the system populates the country name only without the country code.
SAF-6138 |
Fixed an issue where a Submission record was not automatically generated for Follow-Up Cases when the initial imported Case did not have a Submission.
SAF-6672 |
Fixed an issue where a failure notification did not appear when a user tried to generate an FDA 3500A form from a Case where a Device-type Product is the only and primary Case Product.
SAF-6794 |
Fixed an issue where a Read-only Value field was left blank in Case Product when its Unit field was blank. Now, the system will issue an “Invalid” icon when a Unit field is left blank.
SAF-6804 |
Fixed an issue where you could not use the pagination input box in the MedDRA browser to navigate to a different result page.
SAF-7041* |
Fixed an issue where, when a non-primary Adverse Event or Product was updated to primary, Case level Expectedness was not updated.
SAF-7042* |
Fixed an issue where a system error appeared when trying to create a Distribution from Combination Products with a registration and reporting Organization set.
SAF-7098* |
Fixed an issue where the Product Code in Combination Products with Device Constituents was not getting exported in the FDA E2B (R2) file.
SAF-7125* |
Fixed an issue where the Combination Products’ Device Constituent fields were getting exported in the Health Canada E2B (R2) file.
SAF-7132* |
Fixed an issue where, when using MedDRA Auto-code to search for a term, the term is coded as “Non-Primary”.
SAF-7142* |
Fixed an issue where the acknowledgment failed to generate when importing E2B files through Vault API or AS2 Gateway.
SAF-7169* |
Fixed an issue where, when a user navigated to the next page in the MedDRA browser and then changed the filter level (i.e. from SOC-level to LLT-level), no results were shown.
SAF-7182* |
Fixed an issue where the Manufacturer tag was missing in E2B (R2) files generated for Cases regarding a combination Product with Device Constituent.
SAF-7231* |
Fixed an issue where a user could successfully edit the Name (Reported) field when their Edit Object Field permission was disabled.
SAF-7232 |
Fixed an issue where a user could successfully delete an Object when their Delete permission was disabled.
SAF-7236 |
Fixed an issue where a server error appeared when navigating to the Case page after Read permission was removed from the Name (MedDRA) field in the Indications subsection.
SAF-7242 |
Fixed an issue where an error appeared when uploading an EMA E2B (R3) XML file to EVWEB and submitting the same file through EMA Gateway.
SAF-7279 |
Fixed an issue where a console error appeared when a user entered a numeric value in a Unit Picker field.
SAF-7319 |
Fixed an issue where the Frequency text and drop-down fields remained visible on screen after deleting the Dosage overlay.
SAF-7320* |
Fixed an issue where, when a Case contained more than one Case Assessment with the same outboundRelationship fields populated (i.e. Start and End Date, Recurrence), the outboundRelationship fields were exported in an incorrect order in the generated E2B (R3) file.
SAF-7322 |
Fixed an issue where, when a user navigated to the next page in the MedDRA browser and then searched for a new term, no results were shown.
SAF-7336* |
Fixed an issue where, when Malfunction was selected for Device Report Type, both Adverse Event and Product Problem were selected in the FDA 3500A form instead of Product Problem only.
SAF-7356* |
Fixed an intermittent issue where Transmission documents were not automatically generated from FDA and EMA Submissions.
SAF-7357* |
Fixed an issue where an E2B import failed when importing an E2B file with an invalid Date of Birth value.
SAF-7360 |
Fixed an issue where the Medical Review Timeline did not display the Case Product and its respective Product Dosage.
SAF-7389* |
Fixed an issue where the text was not fully displayed in the Remedial Action-Other field on the FDA 3500A form generated from a Transmission.
SAF-7404 |
Fixed an issue where reporting rules were generating additional Submissions and Distributions on Follow-Up Study Cases when the Study was not associated with those reporting rules.
SAF-7445 |
Fixed an issue where users were unable to save Case Product when they entered a custom Dosage unit.
SAF-7500 |
Fixed an issue where, when generating an ICH or EMA E2B (R3) file, the Start and End date fields in the Case Adverse Event record were exported as invalid E2B values in section E when these fields had nullflavors. Also, when the Case Adverse Event record contained only the End date and Duration values, the corresponding Section E data elements were exported in an incorrect order.
SAF-7502 |