Release Date: March 6, 2020

This release includes fixes for the following issues:

Last Updated: March 6, 2020


Description Issue No.
The new Domain Admin users page defaults to All Users filter. This should default to filtering on Current Domain. DEV-299344*
Admins are unable to clear the “Allow selection in configuration” setting on a user group. The error message indicates the group is used in a configuration, but the User Role Setup records that reference the group have been deleted. DEV-291973
When an Admin is creating a cross-domain user either with a security profile with more permissions or with the wrong email domain for the External User license type, Vault displays an error message that does not include enough detail. DEV-298581*
Excluded because we documented this as a behavior change/feature. DEV-298430*
Adding cross-domain users sometimes shows an error. DEV-296423*
System Audit History does not track deletion of a document message or object message if the message is not in use. DEV-298546*
Entry actions that populate a field using a formula add extra spaces to new lines. DEV-270647
Users are able to delete a Checklist Type with a target object lifecycle state containing a reference to a Start Checklist action. DEV-300697*
For a Versioned Aggregate Checklist Design that is a Completed Version, users receive an unexpected error after a sub checklist design moves out of the completed state type. DEV-299407*
Users are unable to create a Checklist Type for a target object with a name longer than 18 characters. DEV-299261
For Versioned Checklists, users are able to change an already-instantiated checklist to Draft. DEV-298526*
The fields for Checklist Design Master, Version, and Aggregate Checklists are visible by default when Admins view the list of Checklist Templates. DEV-297915*
An error message does not display as expected when users with insufficient permissions try to create a new blank version when version control is enabled for the checklist type. DEV-297627*
Users receive an unexpected server error after modifying and saving fields of an already-instantiated checklist. DEV-290436*
Users receive an error when downloading an exported checklist design with a forward slash "/" or backslash "\" in the Checklist Design Name field (checklist_design_sys.name__v). DEV-278054
In some cases, Admins experience an error when entering Microsoft user email credentials in a case-insensitive manner in Admin > Settings > Checkout Settings. DEV-300942
Users with the Power Delete permission cannot delete a document on a Lifted Legal Hold through the UI. DEV-280173*
Under certain circumstances, Vault Compare cannot identify differences in document type groups when comparing document types. DEV-270379
Under certain conditions, long filter criteria may be truncated in the UI for a configuration migration dataset. DEV-299983*
Some users may be unable to edit defaults and export Test Data VPKs containing objects with object reference fields. DEV-298453*
If a referenced external ID contains quotes, Vault Loader may generate a CSV file with additional double-quotes around the value. DEV-290193
Deleting an EDL with nested records may not function properly, resulting in the records appearing in the UI and a server error after deletion. DEV-300279*

Clinical Operations

Description Issue No.
With a specific sequence of steps to upload an unclassified document, Vault incorrectly shows an error indicating that a Study has not been selected. DEV-300432*
When saving a Study Product record without filling out the required Study and Product fields, Vault displays a server error instead of indicating required fields. DEV-299488
If the Product document field uses field-level security for “read-only”, Vault does not auto-populate it based on Study values during the Classify action. DEV-299186
When selecting a user to reassign a workflow task for a Quality Issue record, Vault includes users who are not allowed because of object reference constraints. The user reassigning a task then sees an error message when attempting to save. DEV-298606
In certain situations, when users save a copied Study Country record, Vault displays a server error instead of an error that indicates the problem. DEV-298170*
Users cannot upload source files to placeholder documents without Edit Fields permission. This action should only require Edit Document permission. DEV-298121
Error message uses the wrong label value for an object field where the label has been modified. DEV-294938
In certain situations, Milestone Completeness is not updating to 100% when it should. DEV-292532
In certain situations, CDX has an unexpected error when updating documents. DEV-298840*
Vault is no longer automatically populating Expected Visits and Expected Visits Not Planned fields for CTMS. DEV-302062
While creating arm-specific Metrics Over Time, the system fails to create arm-specific Metrics at the Study Country and Study levels. DEV-297936
Users with the Business Admin security profile sporadically see errors when attempting to create a confirmation letter. DEV-283610*
When navigating from Tasks Requiring Attention to the list of tasks and then back, Vault displays the widget for a second before reloading it so that it appears to load twice. DEV-284226
In some cases, users see an unexpected error when loading Quality Issue records. DEV-301669
(Yuzu) The CTN Administrative File doesn't contain Dosage Form Code, Indication Code, and Administration Code. DEV-298781*
(Yuzu) In some situations, Vault does not generate the Subsequent CTN when using the Create Subsequent CTN user action. DEV-297658*
When a user exports multiple versions of a document and its attachments, Vault exports all attachments into a single folder instead of placing each attachment into a version-specific folder. DEV-300349
Updates to the Timeliness document field value, the CDX ID document field, and Study field updates as a result of the Streamlined Document Reuse feature in the create new document version context are not audited. DEV-297925*
Running the “Clinical Operations/CDMS Refresh Inbound” job for the first time always results in an error message. DEV-297914*
Viewing a Milestone Record that includes an inactive document field in the layout may result in a server error. DEV-300885*
The error message that shows when the Create Binders user action fails is not helpful to users. DEV-303034*
When Vault removes values from the Study, Study Country, or Study Site fields after a user versions a document, these changes do not appear in the audit trail. DEV-300769


Description Issue No.
Some users experience a 404 error when they attempt to view documents from the Portal Library. DEV-300887
When a user performs the Remove Suggested Links action on the Doc Info page, Vault does not remove referenced documents from the Suggested Links panel. DEV-298564*
After a user deletes a Link Annotation created by accepting a Suggested Link, the associated Linked Document relationship cannot be deleted from the Linked Documents panel, even if the relationship is no longer in use by any annotation. DEV-297004*
Vault does not detect duplicate match text variations that include special characters or non-English characters. DEV-285234*
After a user sets the Default Content Creation Currency value, they are unable to unset it to have no value. DEV-300333*
Updates to Standard Metrics fields in the create new document version context or state change context are not audited. DEV-297925*

Developer Features


Description Issue No.
When users retrieve API Usage Logs via the REST API and include the Accept header, Vault returns an API Usage Log with with blank values in the api_response_status column of some lines. DEV-300763*
Users experience an Unexpected Error when sending an authentication request which includes the X-VaultAPI-ClientID header. DEV-299571*
Some VQL queries containing sub-queries may return an unexpected error message. DEV-300782
Rate limiting does not apply to users who use “form-data” Content-Type for Auth API calls. Vault does not return the limit HTTP headers on these responses. DEV-299244*


On objects where the object_class attribute is set to legal hold, using the RECREATE command results in an error message stating that the object_class value is invalid. DEV-299024
The max_length attribute of the link__sys field cannot be set to a value other than 1500 on object creation. DEV-299921*


Changing the state of an object record through the Vault Java SDK sometimes produces a server error rather than an SDK error. DEV-301679
Vault returns an error for field mapping integration rules which require mapping to a document field which is a multi-value object reference field. DEV-296935*
In Vault Java SDK DocumentService, newDocumentVersion has been deprecated and replaced by newVersionWithId. DEV-299939*
Using Vault Java SDK DocumentService to create a rendition with an invalid rendition type does not throw a proper error message. DEV-298977*
Attempting to set picklist values using Vault Java SDK DocumentService may result in an error. DEV-298743*
Attempting to use Vault Java SDK DocumentService to connect to an unreachable Vault does not throw a proper error message. DEV-296875*
Vault Java SDK QueryService may not retrieve referenced documents if the main query target is the related object. DEV-279662*
Some VQL error messages are not propagated to the corresponding SDK error. DEV-301114
Associating a person record with an inactive user may result in a server error when an SDK trigger for duplicate named lifecycle action exists. DEV-297476
The error message displayed when a Spark message fails to enter an inbound queue is too vague. DEV-284138*


Description Issue No.
The results of the Create Presentation action may incorrectly include speaker notes. DEV-291216
RIM TOC tokens created via API may not correctly merge in the rendered document. DEV-288834*
In rare cases, large documents may appear to correctly render and then display an error message. DEV-301082
Renditions fail intermittently due to server timeout. DEV-299989
In some cases, XFA forms with dynamic content may fail to render. DEV-295291
Documents with merge fields referencing large amounts of object relationships may fail to render. DEV-295056*
In some cases, Chinese characters may not render as expected. DEV-294242
In rare cases, Vault may not correctly render signature pages for very large documents. DEV-294041
In some cases, XFA forms produced with Adobe Experience Designer fail to render. DEV-292135
In certain cases, the modified source file does not correctly retain MS Word “Content Control” settings in documents utilizing Merge Fields in tables. DEV-266641
In some cases, using the Open Source Document action may not display the source document as expected. DEV-300402
For specific PDF files, MD5 checksum values in Vault do not match checksum values for the downloaded files. DEV-302828
Users see an error when attempting to add an attachment to a document. DEV-302228*
Users see browser issues when cancelling a checkout to Collaborative Authoring midway through the checkout process. DEV-297933*
Some users are initially unable to see some annotation replies. DEV-297180
Clicking a link to another document in the document viewer takes users to the bottom of the specified document page instead of the top. DEV-297093
When users try to check in or cancel checkout on a document via Collaborative Authoring, they see a 404 error. DEV-298361
On a record details page, after creating a ‘Document from Template', Vault may not correctly focus on and expand the appropriate record details section. DEV-280635*
The Archive Document label text may be missing when attempting to view an archived document from an Actions menu. DEV-298054*
A document created from a controlled template is displaying the incorrect rendition. DEV-300403

Lifecycle & Workflow

Description Issue No.
Users see a server error when trying to create a System Action step in the Create Metrics Over Time – Study Country workflow of the Study Country lifecycle. DEV-302753
When a lifecycle does not include the “Set previous steady-state to superseded” entry action, state changes are not properly represented in the document timeline view. DEV-297450
When users cancel a workflow, the task cancellation dates sometimes appear to precede the workflow cancellation date. DEV-291917
In Vaults where User Roles as Participants is enabled, using the Add Participants action on a Multi-Document workflow via the Initiate Object Action on a Single Record endpoint allows users who are not in allowed roles to be added to the workflow. DEV-302002*
Users experience slow performance when saving updates to object lifecycle state entry actions, entry criteria, and user actions, as well as when loading the object lifecycle state detail page. DEV-300274
Users experience a server error when attempting to view document lifecycle state entry criteria. DEV-299311
In some configurations, the Delete Minor Versions entry action does not properly delete versions. DEV-295184


Description Issue No.
Some messages are not translated correctly for users who use Vault in a language other than English. DEV-298987*
In some cases, Welcome Emails and Password Reset Emails are not translated to the receiving user's language. DEV-298812*
The Thai translation for “Copy Record” is incorrect. DEV-300513


Description Issue No.
In certain cases, duplicate object fields may appear in an object record creation dialog. DEV-297537
Deletion Rules field option labels for Object Reference and Document Reference fields are unclear. DEV-299419*
Object tabs continue to show picklist values after they are made inactive. DEV-301514*
When copying a record, the Lifecycle Stage fields may be included in the copy. DEV-296870*

Performance & UI

Description Issue No.
Some field labels and buttons on record detail pages may not display as expected for users using Internet Explorer 11. DEV-302036
Text and Long Text field values that wrap over multiple lines may be cut off without an indication that there is cut-off text. DEV-299869
In some cases, field values that are too long for the field display area may be cut off with part of the field value hidden. DEV-297461
Vault does not show a custom document field named comment__v in the UI because it matches the naming convention used to display icons. DEV-299719
External Viewer is not working with the Mac OS Safari 13.0.5 browser. DEV-300507
In some cases where documents contain password-protected files and renditions, when a user deletes a viewable rendition of a document and replaces it with an updated version, Vault is unable to generate the viewable rendition until the user refreshes their browser. DEV-290917
For some users, the selector window may not render properly during scrolling. DEV-292971
Deleting an EDL with a large number of records can result in degraded performance. DEV-287535*
Deleting a document may take longer than expected. DEV-298568*
After removing a user's create access for a base type record, the record may persist in the Recents section. DEV-298523*
On the Library tab, the Use Task option may appear out of order for the Create button. DEV-298220*
The date picker on the Record Details page may not reflect the current locale settings. DEV-297040
Navigation links may appear in the wrong place on the Sharing Settings page. DEV-296900*
Scrolling animation on the Record Details page may lag. DEV-282547
Enterprise Home / My Vaults page is not showing the localized labels for “My Tasks”. DEV-302476*
The Lifecycle Stages Chevron does not highlight the correct stage. DEV-299094


Description Issue No.
Some customers are experiencing performance issues when adding, deleting, or updating entry criteria and entry actions on an object lifecycle. DEV-300575
In some cases, when a user clicks into a training document, the document may display with an incorrect zoom level. DEV-298844
The error message displayed upon attempting to associate a Training Assignment with an inactive Person via Vault Loader does not state a reason for the failure. DEV-297906
Some orders of actions may result in a Class Schedule record details page appearing as blank. DEV-297775
Some users are experiencing slow loading times when they change states on document change control records. DEV-296159
In some cases, Controlled Copy Trace tokens do not appear as expected in overlay templates. DEV-286232*
In some cases, the record details page for imported Training Assignments is not displayed as expected. DEV-298445*
Users see a server error when clicking the controlled_copy_in_recall__v object state type in a Vault with Extensible Controlled Copy enabled. DEV-298335*
Creating a new Quality Team creates multiple blank audit log entries from System. DEV-299084*
Users cannot add filters in the Add to Class Roster dialog. DEV-303510*


Description Issue No.
Selecting a Library Question does not auto-fill and display the library value for Checklist Answer Type. DEV-274080
Users see a server error when clicking the controlled_copy_in_recall__v object state type in a Vault with Extensible Controlled Copy enabled. DEV-298335*


Description Issue No.
In some cases, the regulatory bulk record creation wizards experience slow performance when creating records, which, in turn, slows down processing for all other jobs using the same queue. This affects Create Registrations and Create Related Records wizards. DEV-299167
Users see an Errors Encountered notification after using the Create Related Records wizard to create Submissions and Regulatory Objectives on Vaults without object types enabled on the Submission object. DEV-298932*
When users submit the XEVPRM, Vault sometimes doesn't receive the MDN correctly. DEV-298160*
When an Admin configures a custom Regulatory Objective object type with a required custom field and sets it as the Default Object Type, Vault doesn't display the custom field as required in the Regulatory Objective bundling wizard. DEV-299154*
In the Regulatory Objective bundling wizard, pages had both a Select All button and a checkbox next to the name column header to select all records on the current page. We removed the checkbox next to the Name column header. DEV-296365
Vault does not update results correctly for Rule 11.12 after continuous publishing. DEV-294518*
In Swissmedic submissions, Vault fails to publish the m1-galenic-form section if Submission Pharmaceutical Form does not have a value on the Content Plan record. DEV-293099*
Vault fails to copy a content plan from a CH application to a US application if a Pharmaceutical Form join record exists on only the CH application. DEV-292851*
When a published CH submission has a Submission Country join record, the Agency and Article 13 TPA fields appear blank in the XML and in the Submission Administrative Information viewer. DEV-289194*
When a user sends matched documents on a multi-document workflow from the Hierarchy Viewer, documents don't appear in the correct order in the multi-document viewer. DEV-296716*
The Total Number of Hyperlinks and Total Number of Bookmarks fields on the Dossier Details fields should not be editable. DEV-287496*
In the Submissions Archive Viewer, when a user selects the Historical Lifecycle for the document and clicks the document link, Vault should open the Doc Info page with the Dossier Review Panel displayed. DEV-276513*
Vault includes inactive Content Plan sections when users create the Submissions Ready binder from a report level content plan. DEV-299741
When content plan creation is automated, such as through a workflow, Vault does not notify the person who triggered the action and instead notifies the user who created the Submission record. DEV-298717*
Users cannot see Dossier Review Mode from the Submissions Archive Viewer for Index or Regional XML files. DEV-298169*
Some content plan items are not included when creating a submission ready binder. DEV-297500
In some cases, users see an error when attempting to split a content plan item. DEV-291514
From the Submissions Archive Viewer, some users are unable to expand in outline view or display in list view when they are viewing an application with a large number of non-eCTD submissions. DEV-290283
Vault reports fewer Submission Validation Results after the continuous validation job runs if there are no failures on the Content Plan Item. DEV-290256*
On the Common Administrative Information page, Procedure Tracking Number and Invented Name have empty rows even when default values exist. DEV-289451*
Users experience slow performance when deleting a large Content Plan and its entire hierarchy. DEV-287801*
Vault fails to apply a defined dossier format to eCTDs imported via the FTP. DEV-277662*
Vault doesn't populate some columns in validation result CSV files for links or bookmarks that are internal. DEV-261585*
Vault displays values in the wrong columns for Rule 5200 in the Detailed Publishing Results section on the Submission Validation Result record, and the continuous validation job clears the values in the table and leaves the columns blank. DEV-261140*
When the Set Bookmarks & Hyperlinks to Page & Coordinates setting is not enabled, Vault sets Named Destinations to the incorrect page number after users publish a document. DEV-298915*
Vault incorrectly publishes excluded override values in the Regional XML for CH submissions. DEV-298088*
When the Published Output Location is changed, Vault does not report PDF rules correctly and previous failures are reported as Pass or Not Executed. DEV-296678*
In some cases, when users export a Submission to the FTP, the export contains duplicate files that are not listed in the Manifest log file or the Export Summary file. DEV-294254
Users experience slow performance when copying a content plan. DEV-292524*
Users may be unable to delete Content Plan Items when the Delete permission is enabled in Sharing Settings. DEV-294374
When removing submissions, users sometimes wait for a long time (over an hour) for processing and then the operation fails. DEV-303435


Description Issue No.
When a user creates a Multi-Pass Report with conditional fields and assigns colors to those fields, Vault does not honor the assigned colors when creating a Dashboard from the report. DEV-299334*
When creating Pareto charts, Vault orders values on the X axis incorrectly. DEV-298089
In some cases, when a user creates a copy of a report and changes a filter alias on the copy, Vault overwrites the alias on the original report. DEV-300178*
When a Workflow with Document Report View with an aggregate Workflow Start Date column is included in a Multi-Pass report that contains a conditional field configured on the aggregate Workflow Start Date, adding the conditional field as a column causes a server error. DEV-298577*
In some Vaults with large amounts of data, role fields in reports take longer than expected to load DEV-297814*
Users experience a server error when running an Object with Document report where the Document is the up object and contains a hidden field. DEV-297005*
In certain cases, users experience server errors when running reports configured with summary calculations on document formula fields that return dates. DEV-277367*
When running a Multi-Pass report on a workflow view after removing the Workflow Name column, users experience an error. DEV-271975*
Users are unable to remove certain reports and dashboards from favorites. DEV-301810


Description Issue No.
Fixed an issue where the Receipt Date field was not appearing highlighted to indicate that it is a required field on AER, Case, and Imported Case. SAF-4525
Fixed an issue where Frequency was not being displayed correctly and expected notifications were not being sent if the value in the Dose Text field exceeded 3 digits. SAF-4326*
Fixed an issue with the Case Product Dosage subsection where the Reason Omitted fields were not being replaced by disabled Time/Time Zone fields unless the user entered a complete date for the First or Last Admin Date. SAF-4058*
Fixed an issue where you could not create a Follow-Up Case from a potential match if the Worldwide UIDs were capitalized differently. SAF-4352*
Fixed an issue where blinded E2B (R2) files were not being imported successfully. SAF-4359*
Fixed an issue with E2B imports where the most recent New Info Date was not being mapped onto the Date Received by Manufacturer field on CIOMS I and FDA 3500A forms. SAF-4106
Fixed an issue with DSUR table generation where all cases were included in line listings, regardless of relatedness. Only cases with Adverse Events related to the suspect product will now be included. SAF-4532
Fixed an issue where Aggregate Report line listings did not include follow-up cases that had New Info Dates within the Reporting Period. SAF-4239*
Fixed an issue where codes were being populated instead of simplified descriptors when users selected Reason Omitted values for Start and End dates on FDA 3500A and CIOMS I forms. SAF-4005
Fixed an issue where test result ranges were not appearing in Section B6 of FDA 3500A forms and Section 7+13 of CIOMS I forms if data was entered in the Result (text) field. SAF-3964 & SAF-3959
Fixed an issue where the Case name was being cut off when it exceeded 20 characters in Section G9 of FDA 3500A forms. SAF-4061*
Fixed an issue where the name of the Manufacturer/Compounder was being cut off in Section G1 of FDA 3500A forms. SAF-3722
Fixed an issue where the Initial Reporter's address was being cut off in Section E1 of FDA 3500A forms. SAF-3721
Fixed an issue where the Dosage Text field was not being mapped onto Section 15 of CIOMS I forms. SAF-4406
Fixed an issue where Additional Company Remarks were not being populated onto Section 26 of CIOMS I forms. SAF-4336
Fixed an issue where Sender's Comments were not appearing in the overflow field of Section 7+13 on CIOMS I forms. SAF-4405
Fixed an issue where Section 25b detailing Reporter Information was missing from CIOMS I forms. SAF-3774
Fixed an issue where the outcome of the primary adverse event was not being displayed as a Case-Level outcome in Section 7+13 of CIOMS I forms. SAF-3742
Fixed an issue where the full name and address of the manufacturer was not appearing in Section 24a of CIOMS I forms. SAF-3735
Fixed an issue where only primary suspect drugs, doses, indications, and RoAs were appearing in Section II of CIOMS I forms. SAF-3723
Fixed an issue where an inactive Head of Safety user was being selected as the Sender User for a Transmission record instead of the current Head of Safety. SAF-4435
Fixed an issue where Study Submissions were being created for all serious cases. Submission generation will now be limited to Study Cases and follow-ups that are classified as SUSAR, and follow-ups that meet downgrade SUSAR criteria. SAF-3503

Search & Filter

Description Issue No.
Filtering documents by Owner in the document picker dialog may return fewer results than expected. DEV-299675*
In the document picker dialog, filtering on Status > In does not return the expected results. DEV-298232*
Selecting a lifecycle and state filter in the document picker dialog may not return the expected results. DEV-298226*
When searching for object records, search results do not return on a single letter search. DEV-296670*
Full-text search fails to find matching text when it is at the end of a document and is not followed by punctuation. DEV-191364
In Library filters on hierarchical fields which contain 15 or more values, Vault shows a duplicate filter facet below the search bar when a user enters a value in the filter search bar. DEV-300435*
In the Home tab, when a user navigates to a saved view from page two or higher of a standard view or another saved view, Vault opens the new view on the same page number as the previous view instead of page one. DEV-300397
When a search synonym contains multiple words, Vault returns objects or documents containing each word individually instead of only those containing the exact synonym phrase. DEV-300368
On custom document tabs with a defined tab filter, search results ignore the filter criteria. DEV-298690
In rare cases, documents are visible in both the Library and Archive tabs after being archived via the REST API. DEV-296581*
Exact match searches for email addresses in objects return incorrect results. DEV-294382
Performing an advanced search for a Study loaded with the Study Selector may not work as expected. DEV-302213*
If a document has hidden attributes not returned in a search, an incorrect error message may appear to the user when attempting to select the document in the results. DEV-299878*


Description Issue No.
Vault allows a non-Domain Admin user to edit the email address, security policy, and federated ID for a Domain Admin user. DEV-296659*
The browser window sometimes freezes when updating Atomic Security settings. DEV-297730