POD stands for “point of delivery”. In simple terms, it is the application server that hosts your Vault. PODs are located in data centers on the East Coast and West Coast of the US, in Japan, and in Germany. Admin users can confirm which POD their Vaults are on from Admin > Settings > General Settings.

AWS PODs have an ID with two numbers. The first number indicates the region: 1 for the US, 2 for Europe, 3 for Asia-Pacific.


POD Type Location
VV1-1 Limited Release US - Oregon
VV1-2 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-3 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-4 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-5 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-6 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-7 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-8 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-9 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-11 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-12 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-13 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-14 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-15 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-16 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-17 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-18 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-19 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-20 Limited Release US - Oregon
VV1-21 Limited Release US - Oregon
VV1-22 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-23 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-24 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-25 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-26 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-37 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-38 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-39 Limited Release US - Oregon
VV1-40 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-42 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-43 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1045 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1046 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1049 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1051 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1052 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1053 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1054 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1055 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1058 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1061 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1062 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1065 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1066 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1067 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1068 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1069 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1071 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1073 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1074 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1076 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1077 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1078 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1079 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1081 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1082 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1084 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1088 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1089 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1090 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1093 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1094 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1110 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1111 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1120 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1121 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1122 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1124 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1126 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1127 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1128 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1129 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1130 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1131 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1132 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1133 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1134 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1135 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1136 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1137 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1138 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1139 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1140 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1142 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1144 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1145 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1146 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1148 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1149 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1150 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1151 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1152 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1153 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1154 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1155 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1156 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1157 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1158 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1159 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1160 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1161 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1162 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1163 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1164 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1165 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1166 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1167 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1168 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1169 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1170 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1171 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1172 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1173 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1174 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1175 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1176 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1178 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1179 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1180 General Release US - Oregon
VV1-1181 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1182 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1183 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1184 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1185 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1186 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1188 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1189 Limited Release US - Ohio
VV1-1190 Limited Release US - Virginia
VV1-1191 Limited Release US - Ohio
VV1-1192 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1193 General Release US - Virginia
VV1-1194 General Release US - Ohio
VV1-4000 Limited Release US - Ohio
VV1-4001 Limited Release US - Ohio

Europe PODs

POD Type Location
VV2-10 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-27 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-28 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-29 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-30 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-31 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-32 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-35 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-41 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-44 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2047 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2050 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2056 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2060 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2063 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2070 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2072 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2075 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2080 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2083 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2085 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2087 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2091 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2092 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2095 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2097 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2098 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2100 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2120 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2121 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2122 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2124 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2125 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2126 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2127 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2128 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2129 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2130 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2131 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2132 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2133 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2134 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2135 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2136 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2137 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2138 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2140 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2141 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2142 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2143 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2144 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2145 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-2146 General Release Europe - Germany
VV2-5000 Limited Release Europe - Germany
VV2-5001 Limited Release Europe - Germany

Asia-Pacific PODs

POD Type Location
VV3-33 Limited Release APAC - Japan
VV3-34 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3048 Limited Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3057 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3064 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3086 Limited Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3096 Limited Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3099 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3120 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3121 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3122 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3123 Limited Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3124 Limited Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3125 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3127 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3128 General Release APAC - Japan
VV3-3129 General Release APAC - Japan