With every release, we update the data model to better support evolving needs and new feature functionality. With this release, we’ve added the following components to the Commercial data model. These data model updates are automatically included in all Commercial Vaults, but Admins must make configuration changes to make them available. For information on feature functionality, see What’s New in 24R2.

The following changes were made to PromoMats Vaults to introduce standardization:

  • Added the following inactive standard document layouts:
    • document_details__v
    • submission_details__v
    • key_dates__v
    • crm_properties__v
  • Added the following inactive shared fields:
    • field_use__v
    • one_off_use__v
    • is_rights_managed__v
    • submission_required__v
  • Added the following inactive standard document types:
    • Material (material__v) with the following subtypes: 
      • App (app__v)
      • Article/Reprint (articlereprint__v)
      • Broadcast (broadcast__v)
      • Brochure (brochure__v)
      • Digital Advertising (digital_advertising__v)
      • Electronic Detail Aid (electronic_detail_aid__v)
      • Email (email__v)
      • Event Resources (event\_resources__v)
      • Mailing/Letter (mailingletter__v)
      • Presentation (presentation__v)
      • Press Release (press_release__v)
      • Print Advertising (print_advertising__v)
      • Promotional Aid (promotional_aid__v)
      • Social Media (social_media__v)
      • Text Communication (text_communication__v)
      • Video (video__v)
      • Website (website__v)
    • Component (component__v) with the following subtypes:
      • Audio (audio__v)
      • Graph (graph__v)
      • Image (image__v)
      • Logo (logo__v)
      • Photo (photo__v)
      • Video (video__v)
    • Reference (reference__v) with the following subtypes:
      • Data on File (data_on_file__v)
      • Government/Authority Report (governmentauthority_report__v)
      • Important Safety Information (important_safety_information__v)
      • Instructions for Use (instructions_for_use__v)
      • Labeling (labeling__v)
      • Monograph (monograph__v)
      • Publication (publication__v)
      • Website (website__v)
    • Template (template__v)

The following changes were made to PromoMats Vaults to support the Modular Content: Create a Local Copy feature:

  • Added the following fields to the Content Module (content_module__v) object:
    • Source Content Module (source_content_module__v)
    • Language (language__v)
    • Reason for Copy (reason_for_copy__v)
  • Added the Reason for Copy (reason_for_copy__v) field to the Text Asset (annotation_keywords__sys) object
  • Added the Reason for Copy (reason_for_copy__v) value to the Controlled Vocabulary Type (controlled_vocabulary_type__v) picklist

The following changes were also made to PromoMats Vaults:

  • Added the Parent Website (parent_website__v) document field
  • Added the CRM Slide Update Method (crm_slide_update_method__v) picklist
  • Added the CRM Slide Update Method (crm_slide_update_method__v) document field