Note: Beginning with 25R1, release information for Safety will be included on the new unified About the Release page. Preview the new page format here.
Use this page to learn about the following items for the upcoming release:
- The release schedule for Safety
- Release information, including what’s new in this release and the Safety Release Impact Assessment
- Safety communities on Veeva Connect
For the release schedule and release details about other Vault applications, including Vault Platform, see About the 24R3 Release.
Important Dates
- November 8, 2024: Validation package available on VeevaDocs (System Release Memo, Compliance Documents, Executed OQs)
- November 11, 2024: Pre-release Vaults available
- November 27, 2024: Release to limited release and pre-release Vaults
- December 13, 2024: Validation Summary Report available on Veeva Docs
- December 13, 2024: Release to general release Vaults
Release Information
For 24R1 and later releases, Safety features are included in the Vault RIA.
See Vault Release Management Best Practices for an explanation of Vault release timing, and recommendations to prepare for a release.
Central Dictionary Updates
Veeva Connect Communities
Release-related updates will be posted to Veeva Connect, a central hub for product information and a place to ask questions and share knowledge. Product information includes general release communications, release highlights, and key feature demos. The list of Vault product communities below will take you to the community and automatically add you to it. If you are not already a member of Veeva Connect, you can register using your company email address. Once registered, in addition to browsing the communities relevant to your role, you can click the Releases icon at the top-right of Veeva Connect to view all release-related content.
General Information
Note: Do not use a pre-release Vault to process or submit Cases. If you must enter information for testing purposes, only use fake data. Records and data entered in pre-release Vaults are not transferred to your production Vault.