Release Date: December 18, 2024
The following applications may have different release dates: RegulatoryOne, Safety, and Veeva Claims.
This release includes fixes for the following issues:
Note: A * next to the issue number denotes an internally found defect filed during the development of Limited Release features.
Last Updated: February 21, 2025
Clinical Operations
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, an unexpected server error displays when a validation error occurs with a Study Person.
DEV-672324* |
In some cases, the status icons for review comments on Monitoring Events will remain orange even after users have resolved the comments.
DEV-720004 |
An error occurs when running the Study Archive job where newly created snapshot documents no longer exist in Vault after users attempt to add audit entries.
DEV-764950 |
In some cases, a generic unexpected error occurs when transferring documents.
DEV-765917 |
A server error occurs when users create Global Milestone Mappings with empty required fields.
DEV-772997* |
The Primary Site Affiliation and State / Province / Region field labels are misaligned on the Request New Investigator tab.
DEV-773329* |
Users may encounter discrepancies when running the Update Metrics job in cases where their Vault contains duplicate metrics.
DEV-773950 |
Records selected on the OpenData Institution popup search tab are not removed when a user changes the results page or submits a new search.
DEV-774267* |
The Parent, City, and Country columns on the OpenData Sites popup appear sortable when users hover over or click on the columns.
DEV-774309* |
Users may observe incorrect information about question dependencies in Trip Reports.
DEV-775351 |
Users can query a search in the OpenData Institution popup search tab using more than the 128 maximum character limit.
DEV-775688* |
The Study Site Number field does not populate on downloaded Payments Excel files.
DEV-775709* |
Downloading a document from the Authenticated Document viewer does not update the Last Downloaded Date on the related Distribution Task.
DEV-780707* |
Under certain circumstances, Site Connect Safety Distribution jobs may fail.
DEV-782037 |
Vault does not update Fee Schedules to Approved when the Approve Fee Schedule and Update Related system action is used with a Lifecycle State update.
DEV-785313* |
In some cases, DTRs remain in Pending Distribution when they have a related Study Person that has Site Connect User set to inactive.
DEV-785939* |
An unexpected error may occur with no User Exceptions when the Visit Definitions integration is inactive.
DEV-786446* |
An SDK error message occurs when users configure an entry action to lock the Payment Request Details record once a Payment Request moves to the Approved lifecycle state.
DEV-789331 |
Updating the email address on a Study Person record does not remove the Study access in the Site Home for the old email address.
DEV-798709* |
The Milestone Autocompletion feature flag cannot be enabled and will time out when there are too many milestones.
DEV-800460* |
Under certain circumstances, Vault does not correctly enforce Supporting Document requiredness for Safety Distributions with multiple document types.
DEV-802566 |
When users download an individual Safety Distribution document, the API errors download as a JSON file instead of a PDF file.
DEV-805542 |
Description |
Issue No. |
While localizing Content Modules, Vault may incorrectly display the API name of the Product and Country field on image and data Content Module Assets.
DEV-790076* |
Developer Features: API
Description |
Issue No. |
When updating object records via Vault REST API, the order of the records in the response may not match the original order in the request.
DEV-764684 |
Updates to picklist value labels via the Vault REST API may not be visible in the UI.
DEV-765780* |
The job to generate a Direct Data Incremental file may fail due to a typecast error.
DEV-767535 |
Users may encounter an error when creating object records with object types via the Vault REST API and including X-VaultAPI-NoTriggers: true in the input file's header.
DEV-775674* |
Users may encounter an unexpected error message when creating Permalink records with Record Migration Mode using Vault Loader or the Vault REST API.
DEV-775713* |
In some cases, the job to generate a Direct Data Incremental file may take longer than expected to process.
DEV-786791 |
In some cases, the job to generate a Direct Data Incremental file may fail with a conversion error.
DEV-795086* |
Developer Features: MDL
Description |
Issue No. |
When retrieving MDL for Doclifecycle components, Doclifecycleevent subcomponents are ordered inconsistently.
DEV-749980* |
MDL for Reports with where clauses includes label values instead of api names.
DEV-774481 |
Vault returns MDL for Reports with inconsistent field ordering.
DEV-779072* |
Description |
Issue No. |
Date time fields may be formatted incorrectly in E2B reports.
DEV-777968 |
Vault displays an error and fails to automatically create Medical Inquiry cases from emails that contain certain unsupported characters.
DEV-793921 |
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault fails to render Image Assets in Email Templates if the Asset was uploaded via Vault Loader.
DEV-724813 |
After a user uploads a new version of a Multichannel Slide, attempting to download the Presentation results in an error.
DEV-789330 |
Platform: Admin
Description |
Issue No. |
Vault Loader jobs in queue for longer than 11-14 hours may encounter a timeout error at runtime.
DEV-535072* |
Vault may display inaccurate results on the Job Status page if a CSV input file is changed or re-uploaded after it is submitted for a Vault Loader job.
DEV-760490 |
When loading object records via Vault Loader, users may encounter an error in the CSV output file if a record contains a field with both inbound and outbound relationships.
DEV-768148 |
After importing a VPK, the Comparison and Dependencies dialog may display an error when the user does not have the Metadata API application permission.
DEV-772476* |
When creating VPK data packages, the Add Related Object action is unavailable even when the user has the Migration Packages - Create permission.
DEV-794877 |
Platform: Documents
Description |
Issue No. |
Users cannot convert an advanced signature page template to a basic signature page template.
DEV-693835* |
Tokens are not updated correctly in Excel files when a user checks out the file, renames a Sheet in the file, and checks it back in.
DEV-717480* |
When uploading unclassified documents to a binder, and the current node count of the binder with the number of documents uploaded do not exceed the binder limit, an error dialog appears.
DEV-726779* |
When a user uploads an image with multiple height and width values in its metadata, Vault may display an incorrect Image Size value for the image in the File Info panel.
DEV-755068 |
When using the single document create endpoint to create a CrossLink, certain object fields are auto-populated based on name matching.
DEV-759753 |
Documents larger than 50 MB uploaded to the Inbox via File Staging or Vault File Manager are not visible after upload.
DEV-761442 |
In certain circumstances, named destination links in files in Submissions Archive do not navigate to the expected location in the target PDF.
DEV-764420 |
In some cases, multi-value dependent picklists fields on documents do not display help text if the controlling field is empty and also a multi-value picklist.
DEV-764590 |
In some cases, users are unable to deploy packages due to unexpected __del dependencies.
DEV-766295 |
Rendering may fail for Excel files that have Merge Fields configured in their headers or footers.
DEV-769640 |
In some cases, when users deploy a Docfielddependency and the dependent value selected in the field is "inactive", the system returns an unknown error.
DEV-769951 |
In some cases, users are able to use Rest/Java SDK Annotation APIs on protected PDFs.
DEV-773607* |
An incorrect File Last Modified By date may be displayed on the Document Info panel for PDFs uploaded to Vault.
DEV-775321 |
In certain rare circumstances, Formatted Outputs generated by Vault may display data from objects other than the one for which the user requested the report.
DEV-776797 |
When a user edits a document field that isn't shown in the doc fields page, the hidden doc field is still displayed.
DEV-778006 |
In some circumstances, an error may be displayed when a user attempts to download a PDF with an overlay.
DEV-780755 |
In some cases, Users are unable to add a new Claim reference to an existing anchor annotation with a leading or trailing space in its anchor title.
DEV-783864 |
Under certain circumstances, Vault cannot render OCR images and PDFs in a binder.
DEV-784678* |
In rare cases, Vault may fail to render documents uploaded during planned infrastructure scaling events.
DEV-786525 |
When using the Export Annotations action, some annotations may be omitted from the exported PDF.
DEV-788758 |
In some cases, when the language setting is set to Korean, user receives an error message during integration.
DEV-789115 |
In rare cases, processing documents with identical names in quick succession may cause file collisions during OCR or PDF/A conversion and bookmark editing.
DEV-789641* |
In rare cases, processing documents with identical names in quick succession may cause file collisions during OCR or PDF/A conversion and bookmark editing.
Issue fixed in the 24R3 release.
DEV-791415* |
Under certain circumstances, Permalink Link Annotations may be orphaned during a re-render with Preserve Annotations.
DEV-804034* |
Platform: Email & Notifications
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, GET NOTIFICATIONS are slow due to forced index hint.
DEV-788407 |
Platform: Expressions
Description |
Issue No. |
Users may encounter a server error when using the RecordbyLabel() function in an object formula field or workflow Start Step rules.
DEV-775592* |
Platform: Lifecycle & Workflow
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases, text in a workflow start step may be truncated despite being within the character limit.
DEV-745815 |
In some cases, users may receive an error when attempting to resolve Clinical user tasks.
DEV-749156 |
In some cases, workflows may complete with outstanding tasks.
DEV-751966 |
Under certain circumstance, users may encounter a situation where they are incorrectly unable to delete a link/web action.
DEV-758953* |
Under certain circumstances, workflows may become become stuck and users will receive a server error when attempting to cancel them.
DEV-761444 |
Under certain circumstances, users are unable to update User Action Labels.
DEV-763073 |
For user actions that trigger asynchronous jobs, if two different users click the same user action at almost the same time, the two user action jobs are incorrectly attributed to a single user, causing Vault to send notifications for both jobs to user 1 and the audit trail shows "on behalf of user 1" instead of properly mentioning user 2 who was the initiating user for one of the user action jobs.
DEV-766409* |
When starting a workflow with a user from a different locale, the workflow start dialog appears blank.
DEV-767905* |
In some cases, when filtering on a time field in the record advanced search dialog, the equals filter only matches on the time field value with a seconds value of `00`.
DEV-769692* |
The ${taskInstructionsByInitiator} token fails to resolve correctly in reminder notifications.
DEV-774480 |
In cases where a VPK includes setting a workflow's starting state type to a new state and also deactivates the previous Active state, the VPK deployment may fail unexpectedly.
DEV-782138 |
In cases involving a record with multiple periods in the label, Vault Component Relationships may incorrectly generate an invalid component relationship.
DEV-782571 |
In some cases, users may be unable to delete a Document Action after the reference Document Lifecycle is deleted.
DEV-785551* |
Users may receive a server error when attempting to change the Published Content Owner or XML Submission Description of a submission.
DEV-788273 |
If an entry criteria is configured to use the Formula is True condition and contains a user-defined error message, the error message displays in the UI but not the API response.
DEV-788313* |
Users may encounter a server error when attempting to add a lifecycle state to a lifecycle stage group in a Japanese language Vault.
DEV-800137* |
In some cases, users are incorrectly able to delete document fields referenced in document workflow condition formulas.
DEV-802315* |
Platform: Objects
Description |
Issue No. |
Users may encounter an error when attempting to save a new object record that was copied from an existing object record.
DEV-652075* |
When an Admin does not have Create permission on an object or object type but loads the URL to create a record, the page loads with disabled fields instead of showing a "Page Not Found" error.
DEV-734758* |
In some cases, Vault inconsistently prevents users from setting join object records as Active if one of its parent object records is Inactive.
DEV-767180 |
Users can click Save when creating a picklist object field dependency without first selecting a controlling field, which causes performance issues.
DEV-775343* |
Users may encounter an error when adding a layout to an object with Allow Attachments enabled.
DEV-777041* |
In some cases, if a layout rule references a Lookup field value that is present on the object but not the object type, Vault validates and executes the layout rule.
DEV-777675* |
Users may encounter a server error when creating a record with a text field that contains a Validation rule with an invalid expression.
DEV-784648 |
When changing a record’s object type, Vault cannot save the record if the target object type includes an object reference field with constraints.
DEV-785930* |
Users without the View User Information permission can view User object records.
DEV-791724* |
In some cases, object type labels are not translated to the current Vault's language.
DEV-795396* |
Platform: Performance & UI
Description |
Issue No. |
In inline copy mode, users are able to edit cells during a save, but the changes are ignored.
DEV-769542* |
Under certain circumstances, user profiles are changed from inactive to pending when the domain user is inactive.
DEV-774455 |
In some cases, there is a leading space in a user's last name in the display name
DEV-774861 |
In some cases, users are unable to change the document owner for unclassified documents, until the document is classified.
DEV-781272 |
In some cases where Vaults use the Hungarian language, users are unable to start workflows that use the alphanumeric format on Workflow Due Dates.
DEV-802019* |
Platform: Reporting
Description |
Issue No. |
An incorrect attachment count may be displayed on Document with Attachment reports.
DEV-761250 |
Excessive component event messages are displayed during sandbox refresh which may block the event queue and delay the refresh completion.
DEV-766968 |
Users may encounter an error when creating dashboards when the Is Shared - Edit permission is not granted for the Dashboard object.
DEV-771691 |
An error is displayed while generating a multi-pass report with a conditional field that references a field with a key that has changed.
DEV-779434 |
When exporting a matrix report with aggregates to a formatted Excel file, a server error may occur.
DEV-779979* |
Platform: Search & Filter
Description |
Issue No. |
Users without permission to raw objects may encounter a server error when searching the Library if document fields reference raw objects.
DEV-710498* |
Search terms that include a "~" return documents with "!@" in the file name displayed in the suggested documents drop-down.
DEV-751575 |
In some cases, saved views may exclude workflow tasks and truncate any applied filters.
DEV-778937 |
Tasks related to multi-document workflows in the My Tasks view may display object IDs in place of object record names in object reference fields.
DEV-792788 |
Description |
Issue No. |
A server error can occur when users attempt to add a document with an active legacy workflow to a Document Change Control record.
DEV-647461* |
The Show Associated Process Documents checkbox can cause an unexpected error to occur if the Parent field is hidden from users.
DEV-660132* |
A server error can occur when users do not have object-level permissions assigned and attempt to create a new Change Authorization record.
DEV-681538* |
The Replace With option is missing from the Manage Invalid Team Members dialog in Quality Teams.
DEV-742402 |
A server error can occur when users execute Add Disposition on a batch with no material.
DEV-767317* |
In some cases, the Facilitated Training job fails with insufficient error information when attempting to cancel an Evaluation Training Assignment and related Evaluation Checklist.
DEV-771402 |
An error message is displayed when users attempt to approve a Document Change Control.
DEV-771976 |
The Quality-LIMS Reference Object Integration is missing from some Quality Vaults.
DEV-772440* |
A difference occurs in the logs when you test the Quality Teams Public API endpoint.
DEV-773522* |
Due to an issue with the Update Document Change Control State entry action, an error message is displayed when users attempt to update the Release Change Control for a Document Change Control record.
DEV-773558 |
When users create a Change Control record with an improperly imported Quality Team, a server error can occur when they attempt to assign the Quality Team.
DEV-774833* |
When custom sharing or custom matching rules are not enabled on the Audit object, a server error can occur when users attempt to add or remove a person from an Inspection or update an Inspect Request.
DEV-775255* |
When rich text is marked as required on the Root Cause object, updated values in the Rich Text field are not saved.
DEV-776552* |
In some cases, the Update Training Assignments job does not cancel open Classroom Training Assignments when the related Classroom Training Requirement is no longer included in a Learner’s training matrix.
DEV-784611 |
In some cases, users receive an internal error when attempting to launch E-Learning content.
DEV-787181* |
An unexpected error can occur when users attempt to open any Quality Event record.
DEV-787946 |
The E-Learning player does not play courses packaged with a Windows-style directory separator instead of a forward slash.
DEV-790695 |
Learners and Admins receive an internal error when attempting to view an Evaluation Training Assignment created before the Training Material section was configured on the related object page layout.
DEV-795332* |
Description |
Issue No. |
In some cases when users launch or refresh a HACCP Flow Diagram, the diagram does not adjust to display within the canvas.
DEV-686525* |
When selecting CCP Library records to create PRPs or Control Measures for a Process Step on the HACCP Flow Diagram, users see an unexpected error message upon clicking Save in the selection dialog if any of the selected CCP Library records were subsequently deleted after selection.
DEV-720089* |
In some cases, there are color and color contrast inconsistencies between icons and their backgrounds in the section headers of the Information panel on the HACCP Flow Diagram.
DEV-723219* |
When the Inherit From Events field on a Team Role record references multiple objects, clicking on the object labels in the field directs users to the incorrect object.
DEV-760292* |
When a user sends an API request to update Team assignments, Vault does not translate the resulting email notification if the user's language is not English.
DEV-772540* |
If users attempt to expand a deleted Process Hazard Analysis record in the Information panel of the HACCP Flow Diagram while the Hazard Analysis Completeness Check icon is enabled, Vault displays an unexpected error message.
DEV-777676* |
In some cases, newly created Process Hazard Analysis records do not display in the Information panel of the HACCP Flow Diagram; if the user then attempts to refresh the Process Hazard Analyses section, the new records do not display and Vault displays a dialog prompting the user to refresh.
DEV-783947* |
In some cases, an inaccurate number displays in the Information panel of the HACCP Flow Diagram indicating the total Process Hazard Analysis records associated with a Process Step or Process Step Group.
DEV-786896* |
In some cases when using MDL RECREATE with HACCP Translated Field Criteria components, Admins can enter invalid attribute values.
DEV-787635* |
When users are missing required field permissions and enable the Hazard Analysis Completeness Check icon on the HACCP Flow Diagram, Vault displays an incorrect error message.
DEV-787749* |
In some cases, when users are editing the HACCP Flow Diagram and attempt to deselect more than 500 records in the Search: Hazard dialog, Vault displays an unexpected error message.
DEV-790322* |
When users first expand a recently deleted PRP/CM - Hazard Analysis record in the Information panel of the HACCP Flow Diagram, Vault displays a server error.
DEV-793440* |
If users attempt to launch the HACCP Flow Diagram while Matching Sharing Rules are enabled on the User (user__sys) object, Vault displays a server error and does not launch the diagram.
DEV-776301 |
Description |
Issue No. |
The results of Active Dossier calculation can be inconsistent depending on what order Active Dossier Item Details are processed in.
DEV-697522* |
When the Sequence ID is missing from the Submission record and a user attempts to enable Continuous Publishing, the RIM-PromoMats Vault Connection generates a User Exception Message: "The Sequence ID field cannot be cleared while Dossier Status is Publishing Active".
DEV-733933* |
When a user tries to reorder match documents, an error banner displays a message: "Unable to reorder."
DEV-750268* |
The published file name does not update if the published output location is changed when there is already a published output file.
DEV-767823 |
Some regions do not trigger validation rules when the index.xml is inactive.
DEV-768088* |
Source and Target Content Plan links are not present on the Comparison Viewer page when the user does not have view access to the Content Plan object.
DEV-768177* |
In some case, util files are placed in an incorrect location due to application folder name updates.
DEV-768319* |
In some cases, there are two instances of the same document in Submissions Archive Viewer.
DEV-772489 |
Users may receive a false positive on US Rule 1374.
DEV-773230 |
The Active Dossier Details File Count does not match the Submission File Count if documents are matched on EDLItems as part of continuous publishing.
DEV-774490 |
The empty sections indicator displays incorrectly in the Viewer for all existing EAEU imports.
DEV-776039* |
When attempting to access a custom Impact Assessment Report from an Event, users receive a server error when the report is configured with a prompt.
DEV-777468 |
An internal system error occurs when importing submission out of order.
DEV-777590* |
In some cases, Vault fails to report a validation error.
DEV-777877 |
When running Create Related Records, if Application Relationships have been enabled, the Related Change Type value populated on the Event Relationships are only copied to resulting Activity, Regulatory Objective, and Submission relationships when the "Enable dynamic validation for Create Related Records" Application Setting is enabled.
DEV-779069 |
Reordering match document is successful even though there is no orange line visible on the drop zone.
DEV-781767* |
In some cases, running On-Demand Publishing from an M5 Content Plan Item has delayed processing.
DEV-785802 |
Users may receive a F09 error when sequence descriptions have lower case letters.
DEV-787349 |
Users receive a pre-validation error If the Given name (GIV) tag with qualifier is missing for the contact party.
DEV-790098* |
When users split Activity Labeling Concepts and/or Activity Change Items and apply filters in the wizard, filter options include every value populated in this field across all records instead of just those in the records included in the table.
DEV-791902* |
Users may receive a false positive on ZA Rule 6.3.7.
DEV-792463 |
When displaying existing Application records in a Create Related Records preview (e.g., Application Product), Vault does not display the record’s object type field (Application Product Type).
DEV-792488* |
When Vault fails to create Application Country or Submission Country records when creating or updating Global Content Plans, the CSV file indicates a warning instead of an error.
DEV-792684* |
Users may receive a false positive F09 validation result.
DEV-793341 |
When running the Dispatch Global Content Plan action, the Application Extended eCTD join record is not activated and the Application Source field is Blank.
DEV-794123* |
In some cases, Vault fails to report EU 11.02.
DEV-794308 |
The RegulatoryOne release, including all Platform fixed issues, is targeted for tentative availability on January 7, 2025.
Description |
Issue No. |
In Vaults with Spanish as the Base Language, when users click the binoculars icon next to the Matching Registrations field to select a Registration, the text in the Search Registration dialog is not fully translated.
OLS-33265* |
In some cases after running the Run Global Impact Assessment action, the Registration filter dropdown in the Search: Select Registration Item Records dialog does not display any records.
OLS-34815* |
The Safety release, including all Platform fixed issues, is targeted for tentative availability on January 2, 2025.
Description |
Issue No. |
After merging to an in-flight Case or promoting to a follow-up Case, Vault does not recalculate Last Dose Latency values on Case Assessments.
SAF-47056 |
Users with the Case Processing security profile are able to edit Cases in the Approved state and they receive an incorrect error message when trying to edit Cases in the Closed state.
SAF-56890* |
Frequency values entered in decimals on Inbox Items are rounded off to the nearest whole number upon Case promotion.
SAF-59830* |
The Age of Vaccination field does not populate when promoting an Inbox Item to a Case.
SAF-62167* |
When searching for a code with any letters in the JDrug Browser, no results appear.
SAF-63669* |
When a user enters zero (0) in the Age field with any Age Unit value, Vault populates "Fetus" for the patient's Age Group, instead of Neonate.
SAF-65137* |
When the Submission and Distribution Settings setting is enabled, Vault does not populate all applicable fields with the Product (Reported) value on CIOMS I and FDA MedWatch 3500A reports.
SAF-65664 |
In Vaults with an active MedDRA dictionary version that was not configured using the Upgrade to Latest action, Vault populates the Superseded By field on superseded MedDRA terms with the previous MedDRA dictionary version instead of the latest version.
SAF-65834 |
After receiving Message Delivery Notifications (MDNs) or Acknowledgments (ACKs) through AS2 Connections, Vault does not populate Correlation IDs on Transmission Messages.
SAF-65868 |
When an error occurs while generating Health Canada E2B(R2) files that use custom SDK, Vault does not generate the file and provides an unclear description of the issue in the error message.
SAF-65912 |
When a user without the required permissions to create PSMF PDFs approves a PSMF binder using delegated access, Vault displays a successful PDF generation notification but does not generate the PDF.
SAF-65918 |
Vault does not map Study Names from global Cases to related foreign Localized Cases.
SAF-66986 |
In some cases when users run the Run Bulk Unblind action on a blinded Case with an unblinded Product and at least one (1) blinded Product, Vault generates another unblinded Product record.
SAF-67497* |
If a user enters extra spaces before or after a MedDRA Term, Vault cannot autocode from the System Organ Class (SOC), High-Level Group Terms (HLGT), or High-Level Terms (HLT) level of the MedDRA hierarchy.
SAF-67536* |
For Inbox Items generated from the Safety-EDC Vault Connection, subject information for patient height history, weight history, last menstruations, and pregnancy information does not reflect the onset date of the primary adverse event.
SAF-67549* |
When generating PMDA E2B(R3) reports, Vault populates the J2.14 Expectedness data element based on the Localized Case Assessment with the earliest creation date instead of from the Localized Case Assessment related to the primary PMDA product.
SAF-68284 |
For users in the All Access Case Access Group, Vault does not limit access to Localized Cases based on the Localization value in the User Access Group Assignment record.
SAF-68285 |
The Generate E2B Readable Rendition action does not appear on Transmission documents in Vaults where the generated__v document subtype is not labeled "Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSR)".
SAF-68576* |
When a user runs the Re-evaluate Submission/Distribution action on a Case that causes a Rule Engine error, Vault displays an unexpected error message.
SAF-68731* |
In some instances, Vault codes Localized MedDRA terms in English instead of the local language.
SAF-68781 |
Vault Connections
Description |
Issue No. |
The PromoMats - Medical Vault connection may incorrectly create steady state CrossLinks for superseded documents.
DEV-789634* |
Veeva Claims
The Veeva Claims release, including all Platform fixed issues, is targeted for tentative availability on January 7, 2025.
Description |
Issue No. |
When a user expands the All Elements section on a Pack Copy record and does not have Read permission on the Pack Copy field on the Packaging Level object, Vault displays a server error.
OLS-33258* |